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Timeverse - Roleplay [7/999]

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Aquila, Mar 31, 2020.

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  1. Yethatain'tright

    Yethatain'tright Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    The weapon is... The Cluster Cluster missile!
    On inpact it releases 4 more cluster missiles.

    Midas now has 3
  2. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    You observe the man a little further and notice that his breathing is heavy, and take over a long duration of time. So either something is clogging the windpipe or something has damaged the windpipe or lungs. Considering it's a lung virus, the lungs are probably damaged. Since the lungs are damaged, that means the virus has been in the father for at least a day. That also means there's a lot of dead cells but you have to make sure not to burn those away or else you may tear the lungs.

    The kid nods his head realizing his mistake of rushing to the house. Before you go, he says "How long do you think he has?" Probably at best a week, at worst 1-2 more days. Maybe a lie would be better.

    What now?

    The 4 requested items should come in 20 minutes.

    Midas calls on the amulet for help and the amulet instantly thinks in his head: What the f***! It seems that the inanimate object sleeps and Midas woke it up. Midas clearly having zero control over the amulet creates a barrier... but the barrier protects the Panami-Detinu army. Midas wills the barrier to disappear and it flickers a bit before disappearing. The amulet really hates Midas... but maybe if Midas can get control over the eye amulet, he would truely be unstoppable. That's a thing to worry about later. Midas seems to have 60-70% control over the amulet's powers. What hides behind that remaining 30%? ...

    Midas's soldiers begin firing rockets at the Panami-Detinu army (gernades are too short ranged to cross the river). The rockets are actually doing a pretty good job at taking out the heavy duty tanks in front but Midas's tank forces are reduced to about 1/2 now. The Panami-Detinu's tank forces are reduced to about 1/3. At this rate, Midas's ground support will die first. Suddenly, a submarine surfaces from the lake right in front of the infantry firing rockets. The infantry begin to drop dead like flies and the rest of the infantry steps away from the lake. Goddamn radiator subs. Another submarine surfaces and a huge ballistic missile is fires from an opening in the top of the sub. The missile flies at a group of juggernauts and explodes dealing massive area damage. About 7 more juggernauts crash down into the lake as well as some of Beplep's drones. Bomber planes begin to rain over Midas's tanks as less and less resistance is put against air. Midas asks the amulet for help once again and this time, the amulet obliges. A transparent green barrier is formed over Midas's tanks shielding them from attacks from above and Midas's anti-air support begins bringing down bomber planes again. The infantry begin firing rockets at the radiator submarine but it plunges back into the lake before any rockets hit it.

    The soldier who told Midas earlier about the weird radioactive signature coming from the lake talks to Midas again. Apparently, there are 5 radiator submarines and 3 ballistic missile submarines. One of those 3 submarines just used its ballistic missile so only two more of those deadly missiles to worry about. Also, the Panami-Detinu's air support seems to have dwindled down to 1/2 while Midas's flying juggernauts have dwindled down to 1/3.

    Midas's requested items arrive.

    Beplep finds himself in a 1v3 helicopter fight in the air. One helicopter's machine gun fire grazes Beplep's chopper and destroys his metal shard blaster. Beplep has about 8 drones left.

    What now?
    @Princess Abigail

    Normally I wouldn't tell people to reply to the rp but since you have missed a response of mine before and since you haven't died in activity, I'm just letting you know I responded a bit ago. These are some of the posts prior to that.

    (Maybe your alerts broke or something?)

    Last edited: May 13, 2020
  3. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm HERO

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    Nico asks, "What exactly are these 'totems'?"
  4. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    "Mm the 'Totems of Power'... In my world, there are seven 'Totems of Power' and they basically shaped the world to be how it is," Jay elaborates. So basically his variant of the gods. "There is the Totem of Forces, the Totem of Probability, the Totem of Elements, the Totem of Combat, the Totem of Death, the Totem of Time, and the Eye Totem... it's now called the Totem of Knowledge but that isn't entirely accurate. That is also the order of their strengths. Whoever did that portal attack was trying to capture the wielder of the two most powerful totems of my world... and they did. I'm not sure where the wielder of the Totem of Time and Eye Totem got teleported to but I know she's not dead," Jay pauses before elaborating on his last statement. "As a healer, I also have the ability to feel life forces, and it gives me a little idea as to where specific people are as well. The wielder of those totems is far... extremely far from here, but facing similar cold temperatures. They're in this world but across continents and oceans..." Jay then thinks a little bit. "I think that's where we have to go if we want to go back to our own worlds."

    The apartment employee tells Jay something in the foreign language and Jay forms four white circles, one around each person in the room.

    "Can you repeat that ma'am, I didn't hear you the first time," Jay says.

    "You need to either get those two out of here or make them pay rent for a room," the lady says speaking English. Jay's spell seems to get rid of the language barrier and make everyone hear sentences in their native tongue.

    What now?
  5. Yethatain'tright

    Yethatain'tright Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Midas Dumps the liquid Into the lake it rapidly Spreads and the metal of the subs are Peeling off fast!

    More air support Comes in to blow up the 3 helicopters.

    One of the flying Juggetnauts also known as T.O.M use rockets to shoot across the river.

    We mkve back as we launch the cluster cluster
  6. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    The soldier reports that the submarines have submerged deep into the lake to avoid the liquid and are leaving the area. The submarines have been shooed off but not before the other two ballistic missile subs surface a safe distance away and fire their missiles at the juggernauts. A couple rockets are shot to intercept the ballistic missiles before they hit the juggernauts. A flying juggernaut comes over and aids Beplep against the three helicopters. The three helicopters quickly disperse and circle the flying juggernaut shooting machine gun streams at it. The bullets only seem to dent the juggernaut and the juggernaut makes quick work of the the helicopters. T.O.M. fires rockets across the river eliminating 2 tanks before retreating with the rest of Midas's army. Then the three cluster cluster missiles come in and rain on the Panami-Detinu army. The Panami-Detinu tanks are now reduced to about 1/6 of what they were before. Midas's forces then go back to the front of their side of the river and begin firing again. The Panami-Detinu tanks and air support begin to retreat realizing they no longer have the power to face down Midas's forces. The barrier over Midas's tanks disappears as the amulet goes to sleep again. Midas could attempt to chase the remainder of the Panami-Detinu army with his flying juggernauts but there's no way for his ground support to cross the river and give chase.

    What now?
  7. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Well honesty is always best "if he doesn't get cured then at most a week. But if i get my stuff over here it should be fine"
  8. Yethatain'tright

    Yethatain'tright Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Midas launches as many Missiles as they can at the fleeing army and flee also.

    Midas in his office trys to make a truse with the amulet.
  9. Nikolai Mael

    Nikolai Mael A mess of clockwork, a loss of time CHAMPION

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    Ah, my bad. Webeca it is then.
    Yep. White's screwed, barring a massive screwup on Black's part.

    Ah, true to the posts, the connection here isn't the best... You'd think they'd develop a town this close to the site in question to serve as a closer area of operations... I'm suspecting that Konyu was never a high priority to begin with...

    "Do you know of a place by the name of Tawato? It seems that the expedition I'm looking into started from there."
  10. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    The kid looks worried but knowing he has a week seems to comfort him a little. You then rush back to the hospital and it's an exasperating run. You find a portable x-ray scanner and rush back to the house. After running basically two miles, you come back and enter the house again. The kid has brought a chair into the bedroom and was waiting for your return. He sweats nervously.

    What now?

    Midas retreats and asks the amulet what it wants.

    Not to be with you.



    I'd like you to bring your army past the northern Panami border. If you do, you can have 90% control.

    Midas knows that every single person who has traveled past the northern Panami border has died. The amulet wants Midas to kill himself.

    What now?

    "Oh... I lived there when I was a kid," Aliruja says. "Panami decided to look into nuclear plants and since Tawato was a really poorly built city with barely anything, the nuclear plants were built there. There was a nuclear leak and... well no one's living there anymore."

    More moves are played.

    Chess 04100.JPG
    CC: The black king wants to get close to the white king and deliver checkmate with the help of the rook while the knight is too far away. However, the knight on f5 covers the e3 square so the king moves towards the knight attacking it. However, this was a bait set up by Fireza.
    Chess 04101.JPG
    "Check!" Fireza exclaims again.

    "I'm getting complacent," Aliruja says exasperatedly.
    CC: The knight attacks the king on e4 and the pawn on h5 at the same time. Another fork.
    Chess 04102.JPG
    CC: The black king is now in the optimal spot against the white king. The black king takes away the c2, d2, and e2 squares away from the white king. All black has to do is take away the c1, d1, and e1 squares from the king while delivering check, resulting in checkmate. The easiest way to do that is by bringing the rook to the same rank (rank 1 or 1st rank) as the white king. This also means that the white knight can't capture the h5 pawn yet.

    CC: When two kings are in front of each other like this, this is called opposition. When checkmating a king with a rook, you need opposition.
    Chess 04103.JPG
    CC: Now if black tries to move the rook to a1 to deliver checkmate, the white king can escape to b2.
    Chess 04104.JPG
    CC: Opposition is achieved.
    Chess 04105.JPG
    CC: Opposition is broken and there's an attack on the rook.
    Chess 04106.JPG
    CC: Rook attacks knight but should've protected the h5 pawn instead. Blunder. Now it is a rook and pawn against a knight. Still completely winning (Another Reference: Chess Engine 'Stockfish 11' evaluation has constantly said +53.7 for white ever since the endgame, even with only one pawn left for black)

    CC: Note that if it's a king and rook vs a king and knight, it's a draw in most positions (there are always exceptions). If it's a king, rook and pawn vs a king and knight, it is completely winning in most positions
    Chess 04107.JPG

    "Arghh, I keep messing up!" Aliruja says.
    Chess 04108.JPG
    CC: Opposition is achieved. If white king moves to a1 to break opposition, note that a1 is a corner so rook to g1 would still be checkmate.
    Chess 04109.JPG
    CC: Opposition is broken.
    Chess 04110.JPG
    CC: Aliruja realizes that going for checkmate won't work so he tries attacking the knight instead. Note that this game is being blitzed out meaning that moves are being played instantly and so blunders are more likely to happen (it's 1 of my excuses for the dumb game, the 2nd excuse is that it's being influenced solely by fortune teller magic)
    Chess 04111.JPG
    Chess 04112.JPG
    CC: Opposition is achieved.

    The servers still aren't up. It seems that all Mikos can do for now is watch and wait for this game to end while asking more questions.

    What now?
  11. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I'll scan the man and try to burn away the virus and dead cells
  12. Yethatain'tright

    Yethatain'tright Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Midas says well Im stuck with you would you like to be with beplep Instead
  13. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    You scan the man and find that the virus is actually located in the windpipe. Hm, makes sense since his breaths wouldn't be large and long if his lungs were damaged. This also means this virus is different from the man who was attacked by Stacked Deck. You burn away the virus cells and dead cells. The father's breathing won't go back to normal straight away but at least the virus is gone.

    Then the tall kid tells you, "Thank you, sir!..." He looks like he's about to say something else but then remembers something more important. "I'll... I'll get the payment, I promise." You realize the family is poor and has no money to actually pay for services. You effectively got scammed unintentionally. This wouldn't be so bad if you didn't have a debt in two days. The kid then remembers something else. "A strange man came by while you went to get the... machine..." he doesn't know what the x-ray scanner is called. "They told me to give you this."

    The kid hands you an... ace of diamonds and king of hearts... Goddamn Stacked Deck.

    "He exited out our back door..." the kid says. You turn towards the backdoor which you now just noticed has been opened. You remember it closed when you first got here. You go to the door and find that it leads into a maze of alleyways. There's a path of casino cards on the floor leading into the left alleyway. Someone from Stacked Deck wants to talk to you.

    What now?

    Yes, he's less crazy than you. And if you really think I'm trying to kill you by telling you to go north, I'm not.

    The amulet gives Midas the vision of the futuristic city in the snow again.

    That's what lies past the north border. I want to go there.

    Midas asks the amulet why.

    The amulet does not say why. Instead, it says, I'll give you 90% control over me.

    The amulet then accidentally shares its thoughts with Midas. Midas sees the vision of a young teenage girl as well as two totems hovering over her. One totem has the symbol of an eye... the same eye symbol as the amulet Midas has. The second totem has the symbol of an hourglass. The view behind her is the futuristic city and a lot of snow. It seems that the eye amulet wants Midas to encounter the wielder of the eye totem and hourglass totem. The amulet stops sharing its thoughts.

    mm What now?
  14. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    "Kid I'll be rigth back. Whatever you do don't follow me and probably lock the door just in case" i then follow the cards but stay on guard as i walk
  15. Yethatain'tright

    Yethatain'tright Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Midas says

    "What was your last user like?"
  16. Yethatain'tright

    Yethatain'tright Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Midas also retorts
    "Crazy?, gilbert how am I crazy?"
  17. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    You follow the path of cards outside and into the left alleyway. The left alleyway leads to a four-way intersection and the cards lead you down the right path. You find a young adult smoking a pipe and leaning against the wall on the end of the alleyway. He sees you and pulls out something... an ace of diamonds and a king of hearts... and a black joker. What does that mean?

    You approach the man and he says, "You're doomed to die in two days but I have a plan. But in order to save your life, you have to lose and leave everything you have." The man begins to smoke again waiting for a response. He's probably waiting for you to ask what he means. So you ask what he is suggesting.

    "I can get you out of the country without Stacked Deck knowing. The time borders fall tomorrow and I can get you to one of the Pre-Modern countries." So he's a double agent or a mole inside Stacked Deck.

    What now?

    My name is not Gilbert -_-


    My last user was dumb but morally right and strong. He went through horrible prejudices early in his life because he came from a poor family. To add to that, he lost his family at the age of six. He grew up on the streets. During his teenage years, he caught wind of a mafia scheming to kill the president. It was a full 4 year process before he stopped them and during that process, he killed the previous owner of me, the mafia boss, a good guy turned mad.


    That teenage girl you just saw is the wielder of the eye totem. I am a small fragment of that totem. She comes from a different world, and was teleported to this world against her will due to her possession of the time totem, the one with the hourglass. Someone wants to weaponize the time barriers since they have the capability to turn anyone they touch into dust. They can do that with the time totem obviously. And considering you don't want to be forgotten when you die, maybe you should bring your forces north past Panami and stop these people. No one will remember you if everyone is dead.


    What now?
  18. Nikolai Mael

    Nikolai Mael A mess of clockwork, a loss of time CHAMPION

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    "And this town... why does it remain this, and do pardon me if this offends you, broken? Surely this town would be more developed, being as close to the northern border as it is. Given it's location and a bit of development, Konyu would have been an ideal location to start off any expeditions towards the north, if they felt like continuing after the... disappearances."

    Keep watch over the game, possibly try to think how it would possibly apply to my fate. And the subtle messages...

    "Keep messing up"? So far, all information gathered leads to the possibility that I had something to do with the expeditions to the north. But that specific phrase implies there was more than one...

    "Other than Journey, have there been any other expeditions to the north?"
  19. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Confused i ask him "Why would you help me?"
  20. Yethatain'tright

    Yethatain'tright Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Midas sees on a news report something great

    "People are waiting at the time border to leave pine town"

    Midas Laughs

    Midas tells the amulet he named Gary

    "How old am I, I know but do you"
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