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Timeverse - Roleplay [7/999]

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Aquila, Mar 31, 2020.

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  1. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    mm not yet, you forgot about magic

    Midas's forces create more holes and openings in the dome and tanks begin to flood in from the various opening. However, this still means the tanks are divided onto the various streets. Like before, the Shardaic Mages and Elementalists are able to hold Notingburg and cause Midas's forces to have medium losses. Helicopters and drones are doing most of the work again but this time, they're being shot down as well instead of being left alone. Lightning, fireballs, storms, and mini-tornadoes fill the sky to defend Notingburg.

    Midas needs to do something about magic.

    What now?

    this might sound like bs but i made this up beforehand. any1 who remembers the "tutorial" of my last rp might be able to tell you what crimson arrows and their shades mean.


    The crimson arrow hits the undead soldier but then it does something unexpected. It bounces off the undead soldier and flies at Will as he nocks the four arrows. The arrow hits Will in the leg and digs in deep. Will yelps in pain. Both of them are confused as to why it didn't bounce off of Will when it bounced off the undead soldier. The archer nocks another arrow, this time a darker shade of crimson and aims at Will. He is still holding the green arrow in icepick grip (reverse grip) in his draw hand. He fires the arrow.

    What now?
  2. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    "What's your plan if they decide not to listen?"
  3. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    "Uh..." Hikof's face drops slightly. "I didn't think about that..."

    The kid looks at Hikof with worry and skepticism at the same time.

    "Maybe we could like, make an announcement with a loudspeaker at the city square and tell everyone about The House and Stacked Deck. Then maybe the government will listen?"

    Still a far fetched plan.

    What now?
  4. Nikolai Mael

    Nikolai Mael A mess of clockwork, a loss of time CHAMPION

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    Alright then. Here we go.

    Upon hearing Fireza joking with Aliruja about losing his memory, Mikos stops writing.

    Loss of memory? That would explain... Yes... that must be it! But what am I missing? Just think of all that information, lost, potentially forever!

    Mikos is muttering to himself, trying to piece together whatever loose threads he has. The state of the town, the time barriers, and people who play an archaic game to some level of proficiency, what could it all mean? This'll cause him to internally panic for a while as he struggles to
    regain what has been lost
    . But upon hearing the term "uncharted territory", Mikos has a sudden thought.

    Uncharted territory? This is as far north as I think it could be, with the weather and all... Unless...

    Mikos immediately stops his rambling and very abruptly scribble down his thoughts in his tome before they slip away.

    "Do you have a map of the area? I believe I have a lead as to who I was."
  5. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    I will be giving chess commentary (CC) in italics. This is not Miko's thoughts but it's just to help understand what's going on.


    "Well I don't have a map... but I can search one up online," Aliruja says. Then the father smiles as if he's uncovered some massive secret himself.

    Chess 0418.JPG


    The father then pulls out a plastic block with some black screen on it. The screen lights up and depicts little visuals on it. It shows the time, the day, the year, and has a little passcode lock. The background picture is a picture of Aliruja smiling next to a pretty lady, presumably his wife. Mikos doesn't look as the father enters the passcode so he doesn't intrude on anything. Moments later, Aliruja pulls up a map of the world and hands Mikos the phone.


    More moves are played.

    Chess 0419.JPG

    Then the father does a move that not even Mikos was expecting.

    Chess 0420.JPG

    CC: This is actually a blunder but Aliruja is playing a kid so he's gonna risk it lol. A queen for a knight and a short attack.

    Mikos sees that this is an important piece sacrifice.

    "Why would you give a queen for a knight?" Fireza asks confused.

    "We're in uncharted territory so I decided to give a little surprise," Aliruja smiles.

    Chess 0421.JPG

    The kid captures the queen, skeptical.

    Chess 0422.JPG

    CC: This bishop move pins the rook on f2 to the king on g1. It threatens to win material. Bishops are worth lesser than rooks. However, this move is completely worthless as Aliruja is already down a whole queen for a knight but he's playing a kid so the kid is going to blunder.

    Chess 0423.JPG

    CC: Pawn to d4 isn't actually a super blunder but it's not the best move. The best move would have been to move the white queen to a square to defend the e4 pawn.

    Chess 0424.JPG

    CC: The reason why the pawn on d4 cannot capture the bishop on c5 is because the white pawn on d4 is pinned to the white queen on d1 by the black rook on d8. Aliruja plays knight captures e4 and this attacks the rook on f2 and the pawn on c3. Once again, Fireza doesn't actually have to move the rook, a queen move would be best. But he's a kid so blunders to "save material" will happen.

    "Oh! I can't capture your bishop!!!" the kid realizes.

    "Sometimes, people get stuck in pins. Bad situations," Aliruja says.

    Chess 0425.JPG

    CC: Rook to f3 is played to defend the pawn on c3 but this is actually a blunder.

    Chess 0426.JPG

    "What??? Another piece sacrifice?" Fireza looks confused.

    Aliruja just smiles.

    Chess 0427.JPG

    "When we go into uncharted territory, we can sometimes fall into traps," the father smiles. The kid then realizes why he can't capture the knight.

    Chess 0428.JPG

    CC: Bishop captures pawn on d4 with check. This check also attacks the rooks on c3 and a1.

    The kid looks surprised but also happy. "I didn't know you could play like that, Dad!"

    Aliruja says, "Me neither. This newfound skill is a mystery."

    Mikos almost feels like a message is being written out to him through the conversation between the kid and the son. Cryptic and... unsettling.

    What now?
    Tsukiji likes this.
  6. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    "There are 2 problrms with that. Firstly most people won't care so nothing would change. Secondly you'd make fast enemies of the stacked deck and they'd know where you are"
  7. Yethatain'tright

    Yethatain'tright Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    He realizes he forgot the the Anti Magic trophy system at home base during the rush he quickly commands back up to bring more helicopters and anti trophy systems.
  8. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm HERO

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    Will quickly scrambles away while firing more arrows as Nico attacks the archer by cutting the string of his bow
  9. Nikolai Mael

    Nikolai Mael A mess of clockwork, a loss of time CHAMPION

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    Small Note: Konyu isn't on the map (unless Konyu's a renamed "Forest Town"), but I have a general idea as to where it is from PMs.

    "Say, what's this area further north of here Aliruja?"
    Mikos directs his attention to the area marked "???"

    Mikos begins thinking out loud, in an attempt to decipher this... message.

    "Sacrifice, Uncharted Territory, Surprise, Skeptical, Capture, Bad Situations, Another Sacrifice, Uncharted Territory, Traps, Mystery..."
    " 'Sacrifice' and 'Uncharted Territory' seem important, due to those popping up more often... "
    " Something... unwanted... must have happened if 'Capture', 'Traps', and 'Bad Situation' caught my attention..."
    " 'Surprise', 'Skeptical'... perhaps an ambush of some kind? Considering 'Skeptical' and 'Bad Situation', was I forced there against my will? "
    " And 'Mystery'... I'd say this certainly is a mystery... perhaps it may have something to do with this 'Uncharted Territory'? "
  10. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    "Why wouldn't people care? It's Stacked Deck and The House!" Hikof says. Boi this dude has a lot to learn about the world.

    You know that the Creak people won't care unless they are made to care. Perhaps, telling them about the murders and using an old style pathos argument would work but it's still far fetched.

    Besides, what could the government even do if they cared?

    What now?

    Midas's forces stop charging into the city to prevent more losses. The magicae are even able to force Midas's forces to retreat a little. Notingburg gains 3 miles before backup comes. Anti-magic trophies are activated and the storm in the sky, the lightning strikes, the fireballs, and the dome all disappear. Notingburg is defenseless.

    Midas's forces rush in killing off any groupings of magicae and destroying random buildings. His forces make a way for Midas to reach the Main (White House). Midas's soldiers rush into the Main which is only defended by powerless magicae. Once the Main is cleared of any threats, Midas enters the building. The Main is a gorgeous building, with lots of halls, and lots of painting and artifacts depicting the history of the Detinu Provinces starting from the independence war from the Keplish Empire.

    Midas goes to the president's office where the president and his family (wife, 3 kids under age 10) are being held at gunpoint. For reference since this was not established before:

    President: Johnson Fiddleston
    Wife: Maigret Fiddleston
    Son 1: Derick Fiddleston
    Son 2: Peter Fiddleston
    Son 3: Eddy Fiddleston

    A green glow comes from about 5 feet behind where the family is on their knees.

    What will Midas do?

    Will barely manages to get out of the arrow's path but it bounces off a nearby wall and flies towards Nico. However, Nico charges at the archer and slashes towards the archer's bow only for his sword strike to be blocked by the green arrow. The glowing green arrow is tough despite only being made of wood, feathers, and some metal. Nico's sword met the arrow on its wood shaft but the arrow still manages to scratch Nico's sword. Something's seriously powerful about green glowing stuff in this place. The archer desummons his bow and summons another arrow coated in a green glow. Will can't get a good angle on the archer with Nico in melee range of the archer. The archer thrusts his second arrow at Nico.

    Nico is basically fighting a dude with two extremely sharp daggers.

    What now?

    Konyu isn't Forest Town. I can put it on the map if you'd like. I've just been lazy to do it because of how layering works in Google Draw.


    "Oh yeah that area is unexplorable. All travelers end up missing," Aliruja says, avoiding the term "dead". "No one knows what exists there in that uncharted territory and there's no clues as to what lies there so people don't bother with that area of the globe." Aliruja then blinks his eyes for a bit as if seeming to realize something unsettling.

    He whispers in Mikos's ear, "I need to explain something after this."

    More moves are played.

    Chess 0429.JPG

    CC: Bishop to e3 is played to block the check from the last move while also developing a piece.

    Chess 0430.JPG

    CC: Bishop captures the rook on c3. This comes with an attack on the a1 rook and a discovered attack from the black rook on d8 to the white queen on d1.

    Chess 0431.JPG

    CC: Knight blocks the attack from the rook on the queen.

    Chess 0432.JPG
    Chess 0433.JPG

    "I'm still up material..." the kid mutters.

    CC: The material is actually equal. White: Queen(+9), Knight(+3), Bishop(+3), 5 Pawns(+5) = 20. Black: 2 Rooks(+10), Bishop(+3), 7 Pawns(+7) = 20. However, pawns don't really matter in this late midgame. Not considering the pawns, White is up a queen and knight for two rooks. Thus, white will still be attacking and looking for checkmates. So the statement "I'm still up material" is technically incorrect but it's correct.

    "Well your pawn structure is bad," Aliruja says.

    CC: Fireza has three pawn islands, two of which are weak isolated pawns. Alireza has two pawn islands but 1 doubled pawn.

    "Pawns don't matter right now," Fireza says.

    "True, I need to consolidate," the father says.

    Chess 0434.JPG
    Chess 0435.JPG

    "Loose material," Aliruja says capturing the a2 pawn.

    Chess 0436.JPG
    Chess 0437.JPG

    What now?
  11. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm HERO

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    Nico will back away out of range to allow Will to fire an arrow at the archer. Nico will also silently command one of his undead soldiers to sneak up behind the archer with their bayonet.
  12. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    Will nocks an arrow and fires it at the archer. The archer deflects the arrow with his "daggers." However, he does not hear the undead soldier charge from behind and gets stabbed through by a bayonet. The archer collapses to the ground.

    Now is a good time to escape before anyone else notices. Will is heavily injured in the leg though.

    Pick a number between 1-10.

    What now?
  13. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm HERO

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    Uhh.. 7
    Nico will find the nearest alleyway and help Will towards it to be hidden from any more potential attackers.
  14. Yethatain'tright

    Yethatain'tright Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Midas Kills them and creates a TV, and Radio Message heard around the modern zone.

    "Sup skidmarks this city, Notingburg is now the city Of Midas, ya doinks"
    You lost...Big time here is the list of changes Im going to make

    1. Banned Canlopes
    2. Banned Some majik
    3. Created a gulag to "Rehabilitate" prisoners
    This is bad yall, good luck also pine town.

    If you step outta line imma come for you next.

    Long live Midas!
  15. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    Ok that was actually very close lel.

    1-6 More people will come fight Nico and Will if the decided way of escape is by running or something similar.
    7-10 Nico and Will will escape if it's by running or something similar.


    Nico is able to help Will by supporting him to the nearest alleyway. There is a lot of blood gushing from the place where the crimson arrow struck Will's leg. Nico needs to treat the leg fast or Will might die from too much bleeding.

    What now?

    Almost immediately after the broadcast, Midas is alerted of several missles shot from Panami Nation headed towards Notingburg. Midas cannot get his eyes off of the green glow that's coming from the back of the room. Midas investigates it, and finds the source of the green light. It's a small eye pendant. It's exactly the same eye that appeared in the sky several times and also appeared around the unordinary fire magicae. Midas is tempted to pick it up, but is unsure if he should.

    First, he needs to deal with the missiles coming inbound. Exactly 7 missles from Panami are coming.

    What now?
  16. Yethatain'tright

    Yethatain'tright Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    He orders the remaining 5 flare missiles to be fired at those missiles and hopefully distract them, and destroy them mid air
  17. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm HERO

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    Will eats part of a square of ambrosia, while Nico does his best to treat the wound. He isn't used to this, as Will is usually the one healing him!
  18. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    It's another unsettling wait of minutes. The bad news is that each of the seven missiles are coming from different places. Midas gets news that five of the seven missiles have been intercepted but there's two left coming in about 2 minutes.

    Perhaps that powerful eye amulet might have something that can protect Notingburg and Midas's forces from the remaining missiles.

    What now?

    I forgot to mention the arrow is still stuck in Will's leg.

    Will eats the ambrosia and it calms him a little. Nico and Will only have 3 square ambrosia pieces left. Nico needs to figure out a way to get the arrow out without letting even more blood come out. Or Nico can try pulling the arrow out and then covering the wound as fast as possible. But neither really have anything to cover / clog / bandage the wound. Perhaps they could rip off the sleeves of their clothing but it's extremely cold in this city.

    This is a pretty dire situation.

    Advice would be to find a hospital despite the language barrier but I'd do another "Pick a number" for that.

    What now?
  19. Nikolai Mael

    Nikolai Mael A mess of clockwork, a loss of time CHAMPION

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    It's not crucial, but feel free to add it whenever.
    "Take however much time you need... I need to take a moment to gather my thoughts..."

    Uncharted territory again... That must be the area to the north he mentioned... But missing? Surely I'd have seen anyone in the area... Unless I've forgotten them... Consolidate... loose material? I'm trying, I really am, but nothing's coming to mind. Why?

    About how much of his memory, if any, is restored at this point? Or to word it better, does he remember anything?
  20. Yethatain'tright

    Yethatain'tright Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I order a full retreat while also ordering the army to shoot down the missiles. Midas uses the eye penedent to hopfully destroy the missiles
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