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Time to determine the WORST NPC, OST, QUEST, and AREA

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by ~ Hyacinth ~, Mar 27, 2022.

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  1. shtnck eyh ckhhe

    shtnck eyh ckhhe Jesus of Nether-eth

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    NPC: Ragni King; down with the monarchy, should be replaced by Ragni Parliament (multiple npcs)
    OST: Luxury of the Ceasefire; down with the monarchy, should be replaced by the Ragni Workers' March
    Quest: King's Recruit; down with the monarchy, should be replaced by Nation's Recruit
    Area: Ragni; down with the monarchy, should be replaced by the Republic of Ragni
  2. ~ Hyacinth ~

    ~ Hyacinth ~ patiently waiting for fruma :)

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    ...no offense, though. We all have our opinions, and I couldn't help but express mine. hehe
    starx280 likes this.
  3. Bwitty03

    Bwitty03 Famous Adventurer HERO

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    NPC: Aledar. As it stands he doesn't really have enough development for his 'heroic sacrifice' at the EO gates to have an impact

    OST: I never pay enough attention to the music to have strong opinions about it

    Quest: I don't actively hate any quests, but Hollow Sirene was the only quest that I have ever completely forgotten about

    Area: the ocean, most of it is just a completely flat plane of gravel and sand with a bit of water on top. it would be vastly improved with even a bit of elevation changes and a few coral reefs and rocks scattered about. second place goes to maro peaks, because not only is it a quest helmet area, the quest helmet for it is a level 42 item while the peaks are a level 60ish area that you need to go back to as late as level 74.
    heart6008 and Enderae like this.
  4. DogeTennant

    DogeTennant Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    NPC: Can't really choose, there isn't an NPC that just stands out as bad, many people hate Lari, but they hate her for the actions she does in the story, and if that makes you hate her, I think that only maker her character well written and thus definitely not the worst NPC.

    OST: Kill me but I don't listen to Wynn Music when playing

    Quest: Tribal Aggression

    Area: Ocean or Canyon of the Lost
  5. Greedus

    Greedus Knight of Wynn VIP+

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    NPC: Can't really pick one.

    OST: Stirring the Sands for the reasons someone mentioned above - it's alright but Travelling at Dusk is far superior IMO

    Quest: Gonna tie this into area.

    Quest/Area: Corkus. I don't like Corkus. Why? Now I actually really like Corkus, it's a great island with a decent story to it and I really like exploring there BUT I doesn't fit into the world if you ask me. I'm not a fan of technology in a medieval-inspired world because it doesn't fit properly - why don't other areas benefit from the technology? Corkus wants to be internationally recognised and yet in the wynn province there are sprinkler systems and a messed-up house in Nemract, why doesn't Corkus send Mechs there? And before you say that all the mechs went haywire - the guards in Corkus City are basic Mechs as shown in AHC. They could have expanded upon this as well, maybe Corkus Electromagic doesn't work near corruption, maybe Gavel stops Corkus sending Mechs there becuase they send Golems instead? Doesn't even have to be mechs there are loads of machines and what not that the people of wynn would massively benefit from and yet there's nothing there.

    Another region I don't like is Llevigar for the same reason and also Levtus Airbase and anywhere that has airships for again the same reason. Why are there no airship bombers or anything just permenantly sitting above the roots of corruption? That's just my opinion, but I just don't understand why technology doesn't spread.
  6. MineMasterRC

    MineMasterRC Skilled Adventurer VIP+

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    Worst ost - idk but almost every song not made by salted kinda mid
    NPC- Lari
    Quest -the ROL's that mainly focus on lari's character
    Area - ROL (emptier than Lari's brain)
  7. Daktota

    Daktota Daktota The Rock Enthusiast HERO

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    Tbh I dont think people dislike ava at all. Just lari.
  8. Daktota

    Daktota Daktota The Rock Enthusiast HERO

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    Imo lari's character has been a little exaggerated. So I'll just say this. First few appearances, she's managing the area, helping out some people here and there trying to improve and create life again in the area(this is shown too in Rol 2's start). In the secrets it shows she has done notable things like stopping the decay from spreading into gylia plains and current Light forest. Ok first quest, you tell her that people have died and she instantly goes to try to help, shes shown to be kinda panicky as she rushes to the situation, helps you down and you walk around til you find the wyrm, you follow it and she tries to tell you to not kill off the creatures, it's reasonable, she states the creatures are just living their lives and you shouldn't kill them. It's reasonable. That's their home and you shouldn't murder them for existing, like she states. You two split and you continue through the tunnels. When the wyrm pops up she protects you multiple times and tries her best to keep you safe while trying to fix the situation. She doesn't want to kill the wyrm probably because 1. The reasons stated before 2. Her beliefs(Will go into them further on) 3. The wyrms seem to be pretty rare. Powerful beings but few in numbers, so killing them wouldnt be a good option. Unfortunately you both get eaten and are in grave danger. She panicks and kills the creature. This obviously causes her a lot of shock. She feels responsible and extremely guilty. You two get to the front of the raid and here is the first time you encounter her refusing to do something. But it makes sense as she's just done something she feels extremely regretful about, so she doesn't want to do it again. (Also doesn't help that they can't make her go kill it because they need a reason for you to do the raid) Ok first quest done.
    In RoL part two she starts off as I said before trying to scrub the decay. This fails and you two follow the trail, meeting at the taproot door. Here you can see her frustration. She want's assistance and is obviously confused on what to do. Here I'll use to explore how she thinks more. She was probably been a pacifist for a long time, and elves being immortal meaning she has followed this principle for a long time. Then orphion chooses her as his chosen as he senses a threat. The elves probably see the light as some sort of god, one that watches over all sorta thing. She assume's the light is about bringing peace, so when basically god says "hey you there. I see you like not killing things, and I am about that, I will give you my approval". her beliefs get reinforced even further. She repeats many times that she KNOWS she was chosen for a reason. And believes she has to bring peace. Shown through her struggles she believes that her status as chosen has huge responsibility so she doesn't want to mess up, killing is the easy option and most of the time violence doesn't solve everything, she says things like "I know theres another way" She doesn't want to "fail" (killing) and thinks she was chosen to do this "other way". So she struggles finding this "other way". She's confused, she doesn't know what shes suppose to do. And that persistence to "do what is right" stops her from taking any massive action. Her first fight with the parasite she hasn't seen any reason to kill it. Just to try to trap it and get it to be peaceful(which she believes was the reason she was chosen) This fails and the parasite escapes. Instead as seeing this as a failure of her belief she believs that she simply wasn't powerful enough or didn't do the "right" thing.
    Now lets move onto dullahan.
    Basically he helps out at first, They presubly try to find the parasite after the fight. Looking for 800 years or such, lari's beliefs are still strong, they can't find it until around 800 ap. They go fight it and realise they were outmatched. Lari in the fight is still persistent that she can do it. She knows she has to do the "right" thing. She doesn't try to kill it, this is her second fight against it, without much in between to challenge her beliefes at all. Dullahan gets infected and the parasite escapes again. Now this is probably the main problem. A love one of her's dies because of her failure and she doesn't recognise the threat. This is the main thing that make people think lari is stubborn. She instead tries to fix what happens but fails. Her beliefs break down a little. But are still strong. Dullahan gets revived and does his evil thing and lari is shocked. She locks him away and leaves. She believes once again she has failed to do the "right" thing and she needs to keep trying. She blames the failure due to her lack of ability to create peace not her lack of ablity to kill which in turn does the opposite affect and makes her beliefs stronger. That's only two failures with not much in between. She leaves and keeps searching. Attempting to find help from orphion or the forest gaurdian. Neither answer. She still believes orphion wants her to create peace. Here the thing, she needs to not be peaceful to end the war. It's not very obvious that you need to go against what you are trying to do to reach that goal. So she never see's that. Until the present where she see's someone kill and murder and get's orphions approval and gets into the realm of light and finally realises her mistakes. And thats the present. Also about her attacking you that's just frustration building up over time and confusion and all that culminating into the final straw for her and she breaks out into a fit of rage I guess. Anyway that's about it.
    BisexualDog, Selvut283 and Greedus like this.
  9. ocel0tgirl

    ocel0tgirl It was ocel0t to meet you HERO

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    unpopular opinion: I can't remember a single quest I absolutely despised, or character, and definitely not OST. Even quests which most people don't like, like canyon guides, are still memorable because i had friends with me and it was funny (@ditsario)

    And a reminder that all of these things took time and care for the ct to make :)
  10. ~ Hyacinth ~

    ~ Hyacinth ~ patiently waiting for fruma :)

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    This isn't really an attempt to name the specific worst of anything anymore- more just list-you-least-favorites discussion. I'm regretting naming this thread what I did (there isn't a way to fix that is there)?

    Admittedly, i've almost never played alone. The game is much more- and I'm not saying it's terrible by yourself- enjoyable with with a friend, as most things in life are.
    The only thing I've ever truly hated in this game is Rolling Overture, and not because I don't like the way it sounds, but because it was an completely unnecessary attempt to spice up Gylia Shanty, which was already a beautiful perfect melody, enhancing the peaceful decay-less landscape and wonder of the Gylia Plains tremendously. Adding the beats to it admittedly made it sound more adventurous and generally quick-paced, which fits in many places in the Wynncraft world, but not the plains.

    Whoops, i’m ramblin’ again. That was completely off topic here
  11. ocel0tgirl

    ocel0tgirl It was ocel0t to meet you HERO

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    It should be in thread settings somewhere
    luckeyLuuk and ~ Hyacinth ~ like this.
  12. ~ Hyacinth ~

    ~ Hyacinth ~ patiently waiting for fruma :)

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    oh yeah, found it thanks ;)
    now I just gotta think of a better name...
  13. MeltedMagma

    MeltedMagma Well-Known Adventurer

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    NPC: Seluc. Its not him that I hate, but the fact that I have to escort him over half a kilometer for a quest
    Quest: I would say ???, but any quest that has the possibility to softlock. Considering I maxed everything on 3 profiles except for professions, the thought of needing to restart a profile terrifies me
    OST: I love all the music
    Area: I like all the areas
  14. Gort

    Gort His Royal Pimpness CHAMPION

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    doesnt matter i put passion into being a hater
    luckeyLuuk and ~ Hyacinth ~ like this.
  15. shtnck eyh ckhhe

    shtnck eyh ckhhe Jesus of Nether-eth

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    Wall of text
    Also its a Groostlang not a Wyrm

    I don't see how this refutes their argument; its just a synopsis of the questline.

    Lari inflicts suffering upon those around her for the sake of her own self-image. Her pacifism doesn't make sense. It's not like she's killing fellow elves, humans, or villagers (well, not directly, although indirectly). At first, she refused to kill the parasite. That's understandable; but her insistence on a failed method that only accomplishes the goal of maintaining a meaningless self-image is not. Lari cannot be sane and at the same time blind to the fact that she is causing the deaths of many, a damage much greater than that resulting from one parasite's death. Perhaps she is mad. But her sudden revelation in RoL IV does not mesh well with this possibility; how is her mindset supposed to change in moments when the symbolic death of her friend and over a century of suffering does naught but make her utter a few seemingly sorrowful yet effectively meaningless lines as any character might be expected to in a story? This "revelation" is driven out of jealousy and hatred. No, the suffering of hundreds cannot make her change; but a threat to her own self-esteem can. She despises the idea that someone else might be the chosen, might be "better" than her. When her violent nature broke out, it revealed that her past "pacifism" was but fake acts only serving to make her feel that she was better, that she was doing the right thing, that she is on the moral high ground. For centuries, she has lied to herself. She thinks herself to be God almighty. She is a benevolent dictator, bringing fake glory, fake peace! to the nation that is her selfish mind.
  16. Daktota

    Daktota Daktota The Rock Enthusiast HERO

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    My text wall wasn't meant to say that she's a likeable character. Just analyse her actions and thoughts. She didn't see herself as a god. She knew she had something important and a huge responsibility. Her seeing all the suffering makes her not want to kill. As she sees what violence has brought upon these people and that makes her not want to do it more. As I said, she didn't realise you sometimes must kill to bring peace. Also as I said. She isn't ignoring everything around her. She's doing all the peaceful options she's doing to help. She cannot stop the decay until the parasite is gone. She had 2 chances. And failed due to her beliefs. Two small moments. During the 800 year gap she was trying to find the parasite and after dullahan was infected the parasite disappeared into the root of the decay. And it is probably way too powerful for her to stop at this point. And then it got into rol so she basically can't do anything to kill it once it got in. She still attempts to help out as shown in her actions before the first quest and the start of the first quest. You seem to have misinterpreted what I was stating. Also she sees herself as a failure. She knows she had done something wrong. She just doesn't know what.
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2022
    Greedus likes this.
  17. ditsario

    ditsario it's always christmas somewhere in the world VIP+

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    WHY do you still remember this i didnt even do anything once i got there

    anyways since im here i will say that the only quest ive actively disliked was rerunning the old realm of light finale so i vote that
  18. shtnck eyh ckhhe

    shtnck eyh ckhhe Jesus of Nether-eth

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    What are you defending then? What are you trying to say?
    How so?
    The suffering was caused by her refusal to kill. Also: this most definitely is not a case of cause-and-effect as you make it seem. She was a "pacifist" before the arrival of the parasite, before all the suffering happened. Chronologically speaking, it was simply impossible for her pacifism to derive itself from the death that surrounds her.
    I addressed and refuted this claim; if she cannot realize that her so-called pacifism was the cause of her failure to protect the people, then she must be insane or a psychopath.
    Exactly my point. She is aware that there is suffering around her, and yet she cannot bring herself to finally end it once and for all. Her peaceful options only draw out and prolong the decay's spread, and cannot completely stop it. If that were true, then how could it have spread to the Sage when it started as but a small affected region? It'd be impossible for her not to realize this. Her inaction is not helpful to anyone, and it is painfully obvious that it is.
    (and guess what, she didn't deal with the parasite)
    "Fool me once, shame on you.; fool me twice, shame on me." Or, in this case: hesitate to prevent the suffering of countless once, shame on the parasite; hesitate to prevent the suffering of countless twice, shame on Lari. You could argue that the first event was understandable. But not this same lack of will twice, especially when it was not a split-second choice, but a battle that lasted minutes (or more; an hour long cutscene isn't very fun to watch or create). And yes! It was her beliefs. Her flawed, visibly flawed beliefs. Meaningless beliefs when it all boils down.
    She never tried. All her opportunities were lost because of her own inaction. Also, canonically, Lari is more powerful than the player. The player can kill the parasite, so why can't she?
    They're just meaningless acts that in reality do nothing to help, and she knows this. She only does them to give herself some fake feeling of righteousness.
    What are you saying, then?
    She knows she's a failure, but she doesn't want to think so, and thus continually lies to herself. From RoL II: "I've tried everything I can think of!!I've tried everything I can think of!!" This is a complete and utter lie. It's nonsense. Dullahan repeatedly told her, "KILL IT! KILL IT!" and she never realized that she should try killing it? Seriously?

    Aside from the second to last sentence (which isn't even an argument; it's my claim), you have addressed a grand total of...

    Zero of my arguments.
    scootingscooter likes this.
  19. Daktota

    Daktota Daktota The Rock Enthusiast HERO

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    This seems to have turned into a arguement. I do not wish to go into one so I'll attempt to leave it here. I attempted to analyse her actions and find reasons behind them without considering outside forces such as bad writing. And I attempted to justify some of those thoughts and actions. You may take that information and look at it with your own lenses and that's that. You may to right you may be wrong but for now I'll leave this and say you made a good point. Bye I guess.
  20. TigerYaisou

    TigerYaisou Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    least fav npc: any of the ones from quests with like, no impact whatsoever. its not that the're bad, just very forgettable

    least fav OST: this is very, very, hard, but i would probably say swamp, but i really dont know for that.

    most overrated OST is MUCH easier; Ocean 2. I know a lotta people like it but its just too repetitive for me

    i was gonna say the mine one in thesead, but this one works too
    area: idk, probably ocean or desert because they both feel very bland (on the other hand its literally a desert, idk how much blander it gets irl lmao)
    ~ Hyacinth ~ likes this.
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