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This Is Just A Game, My Opinion

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Pepo, Mar 23, 2018.

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  1. Drew1011

    Drew1011 Former Viceroy of the Foxes / Reviver of Kingdoms HERO

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    ^ This is a valid point.

    It is a game, but it’s a game many of us care a lot about and so it’s understandable to be angry about it sometimes.
    There’s no problem with being mad about the game, as long as it doesn’t devolve in to toxicity.
    Theeef, Dr Zed, Aya and 3 others like this.
  2. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    this is the problem
    they force us to beat each other when it comes to tests
    now, they tell us to team together in some works, which most of the time ends up being annoying and usually ends with fights
    you know, its not fun wanting to do a nice group work and then everyone is like "lets make a work that will completely destroy everyone" and then they let someone in the group do absolutely everything

    group works are a complete failure in my case, specially when half your class just wants to beat everyone in grades for the sake of being the best
    i have no problem with competition, the problem comes when that competition starts becoming a fight that might end up hurting someone
    i mean, in my primary school they literally asked us for 10/10 grades all the goddamn time for the sake of making the school "the best of all schools", and i wouldnt say it was the best, considering they treated us like slaves, if we didnt get 10/10, we would get yelled, if we got 10/10, they would look to us like normal people
    good lord that school had some top notch organizing at least, i cant imagine what primary would have been if they werent soo organized and did a pretty nice amount of events per year
    oh and btw im from spain not america, america isnt the only one that encourages competition
    Thega likes this.
  3. PatrickIsAdopted

    PatrickIsAdopted My name is jeff HERO

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    But like if u have done everything on wynn (getting all mythics, be rich, do all dungeons etc..) tell me what 2 do?
    Since idk what 2 do there anymore
    Avidify likes this.
  4. Avidify

    Avidify 10 > 50 stacks of LE in 1 month || Pricechecker CHAMPION

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  5. Theeef

    Theeef Owner of The Crossroads CHAMPION

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    To be honest probably. I’m American and I can definitely say that we have no sort of teamwork and communication focus anywhere in our system.
    Tbh there’s very little competition. I’m my school we have a thing called national honors society that you can join if you get good grades but it’s optional. Really, most kids are content with getting 70s or even nearly failing the class
    Mhm, for me personally I just wanted a challenge. My first challenge is getting to 100 by doing quests. Then for me getting rich is seen as unattainable, doing LI is something I’m working on, being able to solo Qira has been a goal for a long time and I finally beat that. But once you have all the fancy items and the money, there’s nothing to do imo. No matter how many content updates come, people will eventually finish all the quests, find all the discoveries, and get bored and leave like people (myself included) always have
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2018
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  6. PatrickIsAdopted

    PatrickIsAdopted My name is jeff HERO

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    Well thing is that only ''challenge'' what I can do is get 1010 but it is boring for me running cssts 24/7.
    Getting all mythics + get rich is not really a thing now since you can just resell mythics and get rich.
    Another thing is like do some builds but that isnt really hard if u know what u need for the specific mythic / legendary weapon.
    Wut I would love 2 is fighting in the nether but sadly you can see there only tank/reflect aka cactus mages or poison shit or ppl who are grinding with there alts 2 get a better kda.
    I wish that they would update the nether. Also what maybe could cool be is like get a 10 mann party and u are all gonna use some fancy builds not like tank / poison and have fun there.
  7. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    yeah but thats because they are too lazy to put effort on something they dont like
    yknow, you average school person
  8. Derpy_Watermelon

    Derpy_Watermelon Professional at Getting Lost VIP+

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    Alright, I read small bits of the previous conversations, and here's what I think.

    As communities get larger, there's going to be more drama and complaints. Wynn was complete crap 3-4 years ago: the quests were all subpar compared to today, and grinding was a pain, not to mention the old x2 XP for VIP. Yet I didn't feel that there was a feeling of unhappiness/unsatisfaction from the community (granted the game was relatively linear and there wasn't much to balance).

    Now, one thing that indirectly fosters toxic behavior is competition, and guild wars provide that (even tho guilds don't do anything.....). People are going to get too into it and start being toxic. So, if you've noticed, almost all other competitive games, League of Legends, Overwatch, Fortnite, all have player reports for player behavior, and they give punishments accordingly. Right now, on Wynn, yes there are in-game rules, but I don't feel that its as harshly enforced or that there are specific punishments for it. Since it's guild wars that seems to have the largest problem with this, maybe implement a ban system, where a guild (or a person from that guild) can be banned from warring for a certain ammount of time because of behavoir problems. If it gets really bad then maybe a punishment can be created where an offending guild is disbanded after repeated offenses from repeated people.

    Say what you want about your ages, but Minecraft, and Wynncraft, is generally directed towards younger audiences. However, a good amount of the player base also consists of high school/college-aged teenagers, like me. Now, with people our age, while we're not gonna go raging and crying about stuff, people do get annoyed and frustrated, and its a lot easier to take things too far over chat/in-game than in person while saying stuff to their face. However, the age of the playerbase shouldn't be the sole reason for player behavior problems, as other games also deal with this.

    As for the community complaints about item buffs/nerfs, its to be expected, since nobody likes having their build nerfed. However, someone (i forget) mentioned that the community just complains about certain nerfs/features, and don't give genuine solutions, and yes this is true to an extent. Anyhow, there shouldn't be hate on the staff team just because they nerfed your favorite build. Just think about how they're also the ones who made your favorite build possible in the first place.

    Someone also brought up a lack of communication between the staff/content team and the community. I disagree on this. There is a thorough forum post on every single patch, and Selvut's item changelog post was posted a few weeks in advance of the patch on the forums. However, I can see why perhaps someone who is less active on the forums could feel like this. There's a simple solution of just integrating patch notes in-game. Idk code, but I'd imagine you could either work it into a command to display the patch notes in chat or integrate it into a clickable menu in the quest book/stats compass. Promoting the forums more could also help. Maybe add a more detailed description to the forums advertisement in-game, mentioning stuff about how upcoming changes are announced there, or feedback can be given.

    Simply telling the community to "mature up" isn't going to get things done. There's always going to be toxic people. What will help if it is known exactly what toxic behavior looks like, and of condemn this behavior in the playerbase. If everyone knows what "toxic behavior" is like, then people are less likely to be rude and harass others if other players (not just mods) look down on him/her for it.

    And also, I just want to say that I think this is just a very concentrated issue among guild warring. I've never experienced any sort of toxicity or harassment in game, and the closest I've come to this is players scamming. From what I see in-game, its mostly people just wantint to have a good time.
    Trash, Salted, StoopidDog and 6 others like this.
  9. Theeef

    Theeef Owner of The Crossroads CHAMPION

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    They put effort in. Most kids I know stay after school to get help studying, they do their homework, they get tutoring. They just don’t get it lol
  10. Stratiformis

    Stratiformis Banned 5 years ago. Hoping to come back...

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    What are you talking about? Wynncraft is LIFE!

  11. Lexwomy

    Lexwomy Lexwomy HERO

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    go play sum other game
    Dr Zed likes this.
  12. PatrickIsAdopted

    PatrickIsAdopted My name is jeff HERO

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    League of legends, osu :)
  13. MrKrawly

    MrKrawly Travelled Adventurer

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    I've already noticed it ever since I started on wynncraft 2 - 3 years ago. I've encountered tons of people who are acting toxic or moving towards it, especially people from certain guilds (I'm not gonna name those guilds now)
    I think some players played a little bit too much and forgot what positivity and fun is and that they can do whatever they want to. It just feels like that there's practically almost no respect.
    It's ok tho if they do it for fun and if others understand it, but there's also a line in the sand you shouldn't step over.

    For example: I was afk in Corkus when a few players from a guild came and told me and others to "f*** off you i********", or when we tried to do hive as a duo until we got told the same thing. I just don't really understand the high-nosed behavior of some people just because they're in a big guild, have a high rank or just feeling like they're boss. (I could understand it when it comes from kids since they're still learning, but I would expect another form of behavior from older ones)

    I would go that far and say that some people have some psychological problems, like some players in LoL have. It's hard for them to accept that a game is a game and think that the game has higher priority than their RL, like their life depends on it. And tbh, this isn't really competitive if you don't get anything out of it.

    I'm asking myself sometimes "where are the rules/punishments against this kind of behavior?" since I encountered that problem and almost everyone went through that. Maybe it's just too much to handle? I'm not up to date, so sorry for asking that
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2018
  14. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    Every guild that's active in wars, and all of the highest ranking ones.
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  15. MrKrawly

    MrKrawly Travelled Adventurer

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    That's true, but there's one in which players are pretty chill and don't do stuff like that when I saw them in chat. Maybe it's a mirroreffect and they're just like the other ones, I don't know... It's hard to tell.
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