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This Is Just A Game, My Opinion

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Pepo, Mar 23, 2018.

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  1. McDerp123

    McDerp123 I ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) people VIP

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    thank god someone talked about this issue, goddamn, i admit i suddenly turned toxic because of how toxic the community is aswell, from telling me that i am "Poor" for finding a warchief in a chest, to litterally bullying me in discord, so i decided to act like them aswell to try and taste their own medicine but in reality im turning like them
    motoki1 and T-Flex like this.
  2. Thega

    Thega ```Interesting flavour text``` CHAMPION

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    Maybe the community is turning toxic because the only entertainment around is creating rivalries.
    Maybe it's because people are naturally defensive of what they have worked on achieving for years.
    Maybe it's because it's so easy to forget that other people on the internet are real people, with real lives.
    - I am a real person. I am a 16YO student who enjoys programming, riding a bike, and playing video games in his spare time. I also find American politics entertaining, if slightly worrying.

    At the end of it all, I think we do just have to remember it's only a game, and we are but men.
    motoki1, Faded the weeb and Stag2001 like this.
  3. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    That's what a ROBOT would say.

    But seriously, I never got why people get into guild drama. It doesn't even really affect the main game in a way that's meaningful; pretty much all of the things guild wars do only affect guild wars.
    As much as I want to agree with you on this, wasn't there a thread like this before hand? And didn't we do this EXACT SAME song and dance about agreeing to reduce toxicity, even though there was no lasting impact at the end? I dunno, maybe I'm just being pessimistic.
  4. Stag2001

    Stag2001 360 mlg hipster cat CHAMPION

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    Maybe that's true, maybe you're right. But that doesn't mean this thread shouldn't be made, I think everyone needs to see this and consider their own behaviour. It's important not to forget it's just a game.
    Dr Zed and Trixomaniac like this.
  5. NeonRider

    NeonRider Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I soundly dislike you and this opinion of yours, this is neon's own opinion and only me, nobody else was involved in this.
  6. Moukassi

    Moukassi I Gues i'll get hyped for fruma #2085

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    tru tru
    Hail pepo ? ( rip jp )
  7. T-Flex

    T-Flex At the gym HERO

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    What a fantastic thread Pepo.

    I understand what you mean, but to me, it's not just a game. It's much more. Wynncraft community has helped me trough some hard times and helped me to improve upon myself. I legit became a better person and I'm enjoying myself a lot more than I used to. I have too much respect towards Wynncraft as a whole, which is the reason I generally despise bad behaviour. There is simply no need for it.

    As an item team member, I have experienced a bit of toxicity. Not that I care too much, but that approach doesn't help anyone. I just roll my eyes and switch servers or ignore the message. I love feedback, I have high respects towards x amount of people due to their approach of leaving the feedback, but when you leave a message that's generally rude, aggressive or arrogant, what do you think it's going to happen? I understand people want to vent after certain changes, but they legit can take it too far. People just can't seem to be objective. Either something totally sucks or is overpowered to them, there is no line in between. And what are we supposed to do with that? Nothing, and then we get called out saying we don't care or listen.

    The whole point of IM was to improve the game so others can enjoy it more and to communicate with you guys. We are a new team, we are still learning, we do listen and appreciate feedback, but when you are giving one, try to put yourself in our shoes. If your "feedback" is generally arrogant, exaggerated without proper examples or arguments, don't expect us to take it seriously and expect a reply. We have better things to do then help you rant.

    Regarding shoutbox, discord and guilds, toxicity is #1 reason I avoid them. I just don't want take kind of behaviour around me. I really wanted to connect with more people and talk to them, ask them how their day was, whatever, but then someone would jump on and ruin it for everyone. I don't need that kind of stuff in my life, and I'll rather avoid it all together than be exposed to it.

    ^^ This is a definite problem. And I can't blame Derp, I have been there too. There is so much you can take before it gets to you, and you turn
    into a toxic person in order to create this shield around you so others can't hurt you. Words hurt, whatever others may say.

    With all due respect to mod team, you guys are too liniment on punishments. Countless times people have displayed bad behaviour and nothing was done about it. It's almost my 4th year here, I should know. I seen people spamming and harassing mods, people being toxic in shoutbox or/and discord and they are either still there, or left, but not because they were banned, they just go bored. What kind of impression you think you leave when you allow something like that? And then others see it and think it's okay too.

    I used to be aggressive. I had too many problems with gf, college and I played a toxic game to earn a bit of money. It all got to me, so I would lash out on here. Terrible thing is, no one other than JJ told me to stop, not even mods, and that's not okay. It's almost as no one cared to mention how what I was doing wasn't okay. You can't allow something like that and expect people to know better.

    If spamming and harassing is against the rules, why is toxicity left alone? Not saying start punishing on every single thing, but there were times when people legit took it way too far. WAY too far.

    Community could improve a lot, but so could a mod team, and unless you care enough to start from yourself, nothing is going to be changed.
    Spinel, Goden, roboblock93 and 7 others like this.
  8. ShadowMage1

    ShadowMage1 Seraph of Twilight CHAMPION

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    The way you say "It's my opinion" in both title and post makes you look pretentious. Turns me off the moment I see it. You think this is gonna go away in just a snap of your fingers? You think that this is some fairy tale that's supposed to have a happy ending? No. We all know what kind of story we're living in. The kind of story that will continue to plague us time after time again in history. The same song and dance that will continue in endless circles. I have come to accept this. Why can't you?
    Goden and Trash like this.
  9. Stag2001

    Stag2001 360 mlg hipster cat CHAMPION

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  10. ShadowMage1

    ShadowMage1 Seraph of Twilight CHAMPION

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    That response is irrelevant since I know which post you originally responded to with that. It made no sense. You're missing the point.
  11. Khaps

    Khaps Ex-moderator and leader of the Mythic Emporium HERO

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    That is so true...
    I joined a friend's guild, and started having fun warring, but after so few of time, the toxicity was so awful that I just stopped and it ruined all the fun...
    ploo likes this.
  12. Stag2001

    Stag2001 360 mlg hipster cat CHAMPION

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    What I'm trying to say is that even if it might not do anything, that doesn't mean we shouldn't do anything about it. Don't just give up and let the toxicity ruin the game for everyone. If you're gonna give up without trying then really you're part of the problem.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2018
    Snipy likes this.
  13. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    thats because some of us dont have life
    and wynn is ours
    that isnt only wynn
    its not like every single dvz player that comes back from very long time ends up saying that
    after all:
    we are trained in schools not to teamwork and beat our goals
    instead they tell us to destroy others and become the best no matter what
    when that happens + a system that can create giant amounts of competition, you get stuff like this
    yes, blaming school, how new right? but its true after all, in my school nobody can team, yet they dont mind shitting on others if that means they surpass them, therefore i assume it does happen to in other places
    if we start people's education in a bad way, and then give them something that can create toxic levels of competition, u get this
    we can work in teams, but that doesnt quit it just makes it team vs team, which is the same except there is more people in both sides

    but oh well

    And this kids, is why you stay away from competitive games, they turn you into demons
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2018
    Trash likes this.
  14. Casparof

    Casparof mythic counter: 2 HERO

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    you drunk?
  15. bobotje

    bobotje Snt best cult! HERO

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    PREACH! (10char)
  16. Tekenen

    Tekenen Professional Loser VIP+

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    I'm miss the swarms, it's like the fun of warring, but then you are playing ith eachother against the evil mobs, so you don't have the competive part of war
  17. Theeef

    Theeef Owner of The Crossroads CHAMPION

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    I agree with this entirely although I’d like to put out there that I hate mythics. Like someone said previously rng items aren’t good achievements. Although yes, you could lootrun for months and months to get one, but that isn’t a true challenge. It’s just long, tedious grind..
    Trash and T-Flex like this.
  18. Pepo

    Pepo Snt best cult! QA GM CHAMPION

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    Soo I won't quote people here but the entire discussion but as I already said I just want to make people think about their own mistakes and how they could improve. I'm also going to use this as a way of finding certain points of what the community is upset about. So I'm not expecting an impromevent from everyone because of this. I want people to look at themselves online and think if that's how they want to act!

    That is also my opinion because for me it is just a game and you shouldn't be SO SERIOUS and put having fun before everything.
  19. Entaurix

    Entaurix This Space Available HERO

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    First of all, to me this IS just a game however, I think it is unfair to tell others its just a game (I'm not pinpointing that at you Pepinho, others said it too and I agree but not everyone sees it this way). A lot of people use gaming as a way to escape from their problems and take it more seriously than just being a 'game', its where there safe place is, their friends and such and I do not think we should label that under 'having fun' as it has a deeper meaning to some.

    Secondly, thank you for making the thread whether people agree or not, something had to be said and regardless of whether you did it out of your own accord or as a moderator, being from a staff member will probably be seen in a better light by most as it looks like you are trying to sort the issues as staff and for once not keeping people out of the loop.

    In regards to the above also, as a new player, I feel the huge lack of communication across the community from a lot of the staff members needs to be fixed. It is as if half of you could not give a shit and just like the fact you have a staff rank. The item changes had a thread, people knew it was coming but this was not communicated in the best way I felt either, it suddenly hit and caused a massive outbreak, people did not really know what was happening, all a lot of players saw was nerfs, you ruined their builds (not on about double hive either), the new healing mechanics in my opinion are poor, some mythics were nerfed (warp is a pain to use, good luck) and a lot of people feel you made the Mage a pointless class to play as the heal does sod all but when people give feedback, the item team just throw it in their face telling us we are wrong (not all of them). We played the class for a reason, you took away this reason and made things hard for casual players, the good players will probably find it easy with LI for example but I know a ton of good mages struggling with the new changes now and die in LI and are worried about voicing their concerns because the item team who keeps replying to them will just ignore them and tell them its fine when its not.

    Note: To the above, I'm not blaming the item team, you did a good job in most cases I feel, just pointing out the communication was not great but then, your feedback was also toxic from some so players need to stop that too.

    I joined at the end of December, my friend told me to play, he then quit the next day and gave me all his stuff which gave me a HUGE boost as I was only about level 20 and had a huge advantage over new and older players struggling with the economy which is why I decided to give items away, horses, LE and such but this turned back against me as very toxic people kept spamming me every time I logged in, on discord, tagging me and inboxing me for stuff and pretty much killed any enjoyment I have with this game and now I barely play. I still hold competitions just to help the server in anyway I can as I enjoy it and met nice people here but when people do this and someone does not win, the lash back I get from sucks and makes me wonder why I bother. I even stopped hosting CSST due to this.

    Whilst I do not WAR, I am good friends with some people in the top WAR guilds during all this drama and heard the issues from both sides and find it pathetic. Friendships were ruined, players felt bad about having friends in other guilds as Cheeseries mentioned and that needs to stop and people need to grow up in regards to this.

    Anyway, I'm bad at spelling, punctuation and such and writing pointless crap now, but there you go. I'll go back to sleep as someone kept me up all night :cry:.
    Faded the weeb, Trash and Jordien like this.
  20. T-Flex

    T-Flex At the gym HERO

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    First and foremost, staff team != content team. The fact that people don't differentiate between the 2 makes your post harder to figure out.
    But, yes, the communication between CT/staff and community has always been poor. Some mods don't even post on forums anymore and I have no idea why.

    As a veteran to a new player, the way Wynncraft community acts is downright unfair and annoying.

    There is no way to please wynn members, it's either "OMG this shit is too OP!!!1!" or "That's garbage and not worth using".
    So many of them are used to overpowered mechanics that any change to it automatically makes is terrible.
    Reason people went with mage is because it gave you easy access to hard content while putting minimal effort into the game.
    Mage's heal was bullshit, pardon my French, and needed a massive nerf.

    I'm 24 mate. I have been playing RPG games for over 10 years, and Wynncraft's mage was one of the, if not the most, overpowered thing I have witnessed regarding a class. That class was beyond broken.

    Regarding the new heal mechanic and why we kept quiet. We are not allowed to discuss about upcoming changes nor hint them, and that's not our decision.

    Furthermore, let's ignore the last part, but, why shouldn't the item team ignore what people say? For example, look at your post. Is it a feedback, a rant or just straight up voicing what you believe?

    Because in all those mentioned nerfs and changes, you never provided a reason as to why those changes were unfair. That has become a norm too. Complaining about changes, ignoring certain facts and whatnot to push your agenda, twisting up the facts, jumping to conclusions and using whatever is necessary to just vent, and completely ignoring how you provide feedback and what is the purpose of it. And then people are surprised we ignore things at items?
    While I don't like it, you guys aren't actually giving us the reason to communicate with you either. Such a little amount of members has actually provided a well put, detailed, civilized feedback it's shocking. Most of the times people are either greedy, biased or self-centered, we know, we read the feedback submitted by them, and we are supposed to take them seriously?
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