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Guide The Pros And Cons Of All The Classes!

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Kaelan~, Jan 23, 2017.

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  1. Artifax

    Artifax Eltom Rainbow Archer | Build Maker VIP+

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    I would agree with this, although you should take into consideration items as well. For example, Archer has the highest damage weapons, and warrior will deal more damage than mage, and also account survivability.
    Kaelan~ likes this.
  2. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    Em no. You aren't accounting for the spells on either assassin and warrior. Remember that assassins can blind and stun enemies, turn invisible, and throw enemies off of cliffs. Warriors can knock enemies back, have a higher natural defense, and gains the best crowd control overall.
    No. Assassin is hard to start with. Due to it's low mobility with vanish, and lack of a ranged spell, it can't deal with ranged mobs, which show up everywhere, even at the beginning of a game. It doesn't really get a way to move befire level 46, and it doesn't get a ranged spell until 31.
    you also die very quickly and are bad in close quarters, which there is a lot of early game. It's by far the hardest class to start with

    this is the best class to start with, as you barely take damage at the beginning of the game, and gain simple, easy to use spells to start with.
    Ehhh, mage is annoying to level, but it really isn't that hard, it's mostly just... slow..
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2017
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  3. DCM627

    DCM627 Recluse of a Blue Slime HERO

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    I only have one thing to comment on... when using assassin, vanish does not make you completely invisible, in fact, it leaves smoke particles... it doesn't affect PvE, but it does affect PvP greatly, if you add the rankings for it...
  4. DragonEngineer

    DragonEngineer Famous Adventurer HERO

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    I wouldn't say there's the "Best class" or the "Worst class".

    Let me give you an example.

    4 classes all go into Qira Boss Fight alone. These are the pros and cons they will face
    Able to use teleport to escape, or use ice snake to stop the drones from reaching you. But Qira does ranged damage so you might get hit pretty hard.
    Archer: Very good mobility, and can camp at one point to dish out lots of damage, but very vulnerable to attacks, since it has the lowest natural defence
    Warrior: Takes little damage from Qira and the drones, but warrior does not have very good mobility, especially when the webs hit you or Qira teleports around.
    Assassin: Deals decent damage to Qira and decent mobility, but has to be very close to Qira, making the fights risky.

    So there's no best class when comes to boss fight, its how you use your advantages.
    Kaelan~ likes this.
  5. That_Chudley

    That_Chudley Wynncraft Addict HERO

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    Nice! But Archer is definetely the worst in survivabililty, not 2nd place xD
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