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The Player (you) Isn't Such A Hero

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by DarkDemonDragon, Dec 7, 2015.


Could this theory be possible?

  1. Wow... you actually might be onto something :o

    152 vote(s)
  2. Nope.

    10 vote(s)
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  1. ProbablyN0t

    ProbablyN0t Gelibord's Tactician

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    I'm kind of confused (srry), are we trying to commit genocide (or would it be xenocide, because its not human/normal?) or is the corrupted trying to commit genocide?

    Also, to add to the discussion, I'm pretty sure that we aren't part of Ragni's or Trom's armies, because if we were, we would've gotten a rank by now (We did kill CoW and got Bob's approval, right?) . While the King of Ragni did say something like "go fight for me", I don't think he actually meant "go enlist and gtfo", I think he meant "go and help the people of Wynn, and kill some corruption in my name".

    The first part (go and help the people of Wynn) kind of relates to what we do in quests. We help people, and we get rewarded for it. We also get to kill corruption, meaning that we help the Province of Wynn as well. I think that "the player" is a mercenary/bounty hunter. "the player" doesn't care if he assassinates a potential traitor or not, as long as he/she is getting reward for their effort. (sorry if I offended you in that last sentence)

    just my other two cents
  2. Paradoxical

    Paradoxical Machina Infinitum VIP

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    Basically I'm saying the corrupted seem determined to kill all humans because a few greedy human miners disturbed them.
    I'd say this is probably the most plausible theory I've heard. The player isn't a bad person (refer to what Amadel says about the crystal shards), but they're no a hero just for the sake of being a hero.
    ProbablyN0t likes this.
  3. DarkDemonDragon

    DarkDemonDragon Sorta Veteran

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    The "Prison Story" quest is interesting to think about since you free a man that was imprisoned for 20 years without any logical reasoning, but there's not a lot of information to be covered. I may add another section for minor things like this. For the rest of those quest, it's a bit of a stretch since creepers are evil, the brother was already dead, and same with Twain. Actually with Twain you may be putting his soul to rest which is a good thing.

    Exactly, this is way many players assume that the character they are playing as must be a good and noble adventurer.

    Wow did not think about that and I had to relook and analyze the timelines that occur to understand what actually happened. (wow gogebby so smart ^-^) Still, while giving Santa the corruption shard causes a bleak future for Selchar, Santa does insist on taking the shard and properly disposing of it so the blame isn't entirely on the player.

    Thanks for your support and contribution! While this doesn't primarily give insight into "the player", it does give more insight into the corrupt world around him. A couple other people also mentioned other not-so innocent details about the Wynn Province and I may make a separate theory going into the politics of the Wynn Province.

    While it does seem to fit in that "the player" is really just a mercenary, actual mercenaries are seen in the "Lost Royalty" quest and they aren't depicted in a good light. Also, a mercenary/bounty hunter would already have some gear and money beforehand. Additionally, you're referred to as "recruit" by Ragni's King and Enzan (the NPC at Ragni's exit) says:
    • Enzan: I see you want to venture into the wilderness!
    • Enzan: My name is Enzan, and I am now a retired knight. I've spent most of my life fighting for Ragni's army, just like you.
    • Enzan: I know how hard it must be to be recruit at this time, so I got something that could help you! Well, I don't have it, but my brother does!
    This means that officially you are a member of Ragni's army.
    (sorry about sort of shutting down your theory, but thanks for your input! It made me think and I dug up some information that may help add onto my theory :D)

    Thanks for all the support and comments! I will try to get as much information derived from quests and lore in the Wynn Province into the thread before Gavel is released. Remember that I haven't 100% the game yet so if there's anything related that hasn't been brought up or mentioned yet please comment about it and I will look into it as much as I can.
    blankman likes this.
  4. Craic

    Craic Yeet

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    Also, is there a timeline to when you're doing these quests, like if I was very dedicated I could beat wynn exc. and kill CoW in a month, but is there a set timeline for the major events?
  5. Gogeta

    Gogeta Super Saiyan HERO

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    The NPC from thieving rodent also calls you a soldier ;)

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    I thought about this before. You defenetly are on to something... Fun fact, you can spend the emerelds in Confused Farmer and then talk to the cow guy, and it will have the same result. Unlike in Jungle Fever where you can not spend the LE.

    You are on to something. I like it.
  7. Choo

    Choo Well-Known Adventurer

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    Oh guess what? There is an easter egg that shows that Worid has TONS of emeralds, you can visit even BEFORE you complete the quest! He was lying! (ask me if u want coords)
    And you presume the darkest secrets come from the next few provinces?
  8. DarkDemonDragon

    DarkDemonDragon Sorta Veteran

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    Yep and since that was added in the newest update this pretty much confirms what sort of role "the player" has in the Wynn Province.

    Well by timeline what do you mean? If you mean if there's any order to which things should be done, I think the quests were intended to be done in Level order especially major ones with requirements like doing Wynnexcavation A->D and having to do Underwater before Underice. However, if you mean actual in-game time... it's hard to judge. However, assuming that holidays like Halloween and Christmas happen once a year in Wynn Province "the player's" journey takes at least 2 years of Wynn time.
    Thanks for the support and yea no matter what "the player" will never compensate Drale. With Jungle Fever it's very confusing why you can't use the LE from a plot standpoint. If it's because the bottles have a special label or something indicates they were stolen, you're still given a LE from Worid that is directly from the 64 LE you gave him. These 2 quests contradict each other on that aspect as "the player" refuses to give Drale 44 emeralds, yet at the same time refuses to spend a single emerald from the 64 LE until he returns to Worid. Just like in "A Confused Farmer", "the player" could have easily turned the situation in his favor. You've already told Worid that you couldn't get anything from Detlas, so why attempt you've actually successfully taken 64 LE from Almuj? "The player" would rather cheat out an innocent victim than an actual cheat.
    While that confirms he was lying, the quest developers were trying their best to make Worid's lies seem as obvious as possible without looking stupid and the Deltas Banker points it out during and after the quest too.
    Gogeta likes this.
  9. Ziel

    Ziel Drifting far away HERO

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    Even though I already knew it, nice thread. It will help explain the quests to a lot of people.
    HOWEVER, this thread is NOT dark theme friendly. I had a hard time trying to read. Try making the text the colour 'Auto'.
    If this is edited, then I'll approve of this.
  10. Zoingo

    Zoingo The robotic Warrior VIP+

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    For myself, I've never seen my character as a "hero" but an adventurer. Sometimes he does things that are morally good, sometimes not so much. If anything, he's in it for the money, the challenge, and a good story to tell at Nemract bar.
    Bebinson and NickMC96 like this.
  11. blankman

    blankman Wynncraft Boomer VIP+

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  12. Popify

    Popify On days like these...

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    craftmas chaos (quoted from the wiki):

    • Old Tom: Oh no, please! Don't kill me! Wait a minute, it's you! I can't believe it, it's you!
    • Old Tom: Don't you remember me? It's me, Tom! We met when I was 10! That was 60 years ago! Why, you haven't aged a day!
    • Old Tom: You might have already noticed, but Selchar is basically nothing but ashes now. You might not believe me, but the culprit is my old idol, Santa!
    • Old Tom: He just appeared with red eyes and turned the whole island into what you see now.
    • Old Tom: He destroyed building after building, and his elves started to appear from the sky and killed every single citizen in sight.
    • Old Tom: Their bodies were full of crimson crystals and their eyes were empty, as if they were possessed by something.
    • Old Tom: I refuse to leave because Selchar is my home. It always has been!
    • Old Tom: Despite what Santa has done, I know he is not like this. The Santa that I know is kind and always tries to bring a smile to everybody's face.
    • Old Tom: That crystal, the one we talked about 40 years ago, I think it did this. But I don't know how Santa got hold of it, I saw you remove it all those years ago!
    • Old Tom: Santa would never want any of this to happen. This is why, I want you to do something for me, for him.
    • Old Tom: Please, end Santa's misery from the corruption that cursed him. He must be suffering inside his twisted body right now.
    • Old Tom: Santa made a hideout in the heart of Selchar, I'm sure you can find it by looking for the one with the most crystals.
    • Old Tom: Good luck, hero! I know it's hard to do this, but please stop Santa and bring me back Ragged Santa Cloth as proof!
    the end of the quest:

    • Santa: Ho ho ho! Well if it isn't my friend who just took a journey through time!
    • Santa: But of course, I already know you were successful, Selchar has had presents for the last 30 years thanks to you!
    • Santa: Although, I would have expected you sooner, I saw something strange and dark in the fire when I expected you to return.
    • Santa: Of course, no one in Selchar will know you saved christmas, because for them, no one has missed one! Of course I remember what you did, power of christmas and all, ho.
    • Santa: So, what took you? Oh, 60 years you say? I wonder how that happened. Well, not even I can claim to know the future, my guess is having that dark crystal with you while travelling in time caused you to over shoot.
    • Santa: Don' tell anyone what you saw though, knowing the future can be dangerous, Ho ho! If this journey has taught us anything, its that time is a confusing thing, and nothing is set in stone. I don't like to mess around with it too much.
    • Santa: Anyway, I wouldn't want you to keep the crystal with you forever if its truly as powerful as it seems, give it to me, and I'll store it safely.
    • Santa: That is some seriously dark magic we've encountered on this journey, and I'm sure it won't be the last encounter in your adventure.
    • Santa: Here, take this early christmas present from me. It's one of my very own magically infused hats.
    • Santa: Ho ho ho! Now take care in your journey and Merry Christmas! Say hi to Tom for me if you can!

    what is your deal here, you're literally told that the crystal corrupted santa then you let him have it

    sorry to be rude, either the player has terrible listening skills, or he may just be mental
  13. MarkedForDeath

    MarkedForDeath Finder of Kronos' Lair

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    The player is most of all an idiot. He isn't evil per say, but he fulfills anyone's request, no matter how shady.
    Bebinson and Bank like this.
  14. DarkDemonDragon

    DarkDemonDragon Sorta Veteran

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    I apologize. I don't post a lot on the forums so I wasn't aware of things like this. I'll fix it ASAP, so please say whether it was fixed for you. Thanks for your support!

    Exactly, but I think most people that don't look into the player's actions too much think that he's a righteous hero. He's the character you're playing as so we tend to be a bit biased and simply excuse some of his actions and focus on his heroic ones.

    Thanks I'll look into it!

    This is the only reason why this can't be fully used against the player:
    Santa: Anyway, I wouldn't want you to keep the crystal with you forever if its truly as powerful as it seems, give it to me, and I'll store it safely.

    Santa insists on taking the crystal making this not entirely the player's fault. This quest is slightly confusing and most players only realize much later after the quest is finished how the timeline of that quest went. I myself didn't fully realize what happened til I started researching for this theory. So yes while the dialogues indicate that Santa's corruption is due to obtaining the Shard "the player" steals from The Summoner, it's not that far off to assume that "the player" just had difficulty following the timeline and felt that the best thing to do was to listen to Santa and give him the shard.
    I'm not saying he's evil at all. I'm just providing some evidence to show that the player is not wholly good and done some morally incorrect actions. While you could say "the player" is simply an idiot, this could be true for the beginning quests, but for later quests that occur after the player has done many quests and dungeons that involve problem solving, the player had become very experienced with the world and should have the knowledge to perceive and understand things.
    Ziel and blankman like this.

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    Blacksmiths apprentice you literally help someone make in illegal potion
  16. DarkDemonDragon

    DarkDemonDragon Sorta Veteran

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    Someone has already mentioned this, but thanks.

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    Oops, I must have skipped that in the comments
  18. Gogeta

    Gogeta Super Saiyan HERO

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    The king of Ragni clearly remembers recruiting you, at the end of WynnEx D, so there go everyone's mercenary theories :p
  19. KikiTheKiko

    KikiTheKiko Local Wizard HERO

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    Tbh, I felt awful after completing, "A Confused Farmer" for that exact reason. I kept clicking on Drail drying to give him the emeralds. IT HURT SO MUCH
  20. eeveelution

    eeveelution Wynn Veteran/OG VIP+

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