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The New Rank Is Absolute Pay To Win

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Spyhy, Nov 7, 2020.


Is it Pay to win?

  1. Yes

    80 vote(s)
  2. No

    73 vote(s)
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  1. Skidooskei

    Skidooskei King of the Lollipops CHAMPION

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    Even if it is as bad as we think, I'm sure by this point the devs will have picked up that people have issues with it. Either way this update looks amazing and this rank won't change that.
    fishcute, Abberdine, J_Lo777 and 5 others like this.
  2. MntRunner

    MntRunner Confectionary Merchant Number 5 Fangirl CHAMPION

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    So if bomb bell is an issue let wynntills implement it in their mod. That way you can still claim it as a feature but it prevents it from being as pay to win because there is another option for everyone. But aside from that if wynntills can't have it because its an unfair advantage then its also an unfair advantage for Champion rank to have it.
    ZockerCam, Uniimog and Sg_Voltage like this.
  3. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    The new reason for why Wynntills can't have it is because it's a paid feature
  4. wader_

    wader_ Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Yeah its hard to find a balance between p2w and worth the money
  5. btdmaster

    btdmaster Famous Adventurer VIP Item Team

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    Haven't we literally only been told about the pets issue, which was way more obviously p2w if it actually worked how people thought? Also, they said they would be releasing more details about champion later. Telling us about pets leveling was pretty damn harmless, and leaking what "bomb bell" does is leaking a feature completely, like leaking exactly what and how these pet "abilities" work. I just don't think you can say that "oh if we were wrong they would have corrected us already".
    Iboju, MlecznyHuxel99 and nuuurd like this.
  6. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    You're basically arguing my point by saying that since there was only one other P2W point of concern which was pet levels/balance and they explained why it wasn't P2W almost imediately after somebody said it was a problem, without leaking what the feature was by only telling us why it isn't in terms of what we know. If bomb bell wasn't what we think it is they could have done the exact same thing by simply saying that it isn't what we all think it is. By not saying anything when we know they're clearly capable of correcting us is a bad sign that we're right.
    The only reasonable alternative is that somebody of that rank can basically do a shout when they use a bomb to let everyone know they're using a bomb, but that's still a stretch, and would still be kind of scuffed, just not as bad.
    MntRunner likes this.
  7. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    Yeah... Thats kinda the issue...
  8. btdmaster

    btdmaster Famous Adventurer VIP Item Team

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    What I was really getting at is that a single case doesn't prove the rule. We brought up one issue, they answered. One case doesn't have to set a precedent, unless you interpret it as such.
  9. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    They've said so much more than just that though? They explained why the server changing and class deletion isn't for everybody (in quite some detail too) and Jpib confirmed that somebody else made a quest. They're clearly communicating about other stuff, just not this.

    Edit: This single thread has 3 separate posts on it clarifying how the features work and why they are the way they are https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/this-worries-me-new-rank.276730/page-2
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2020
  10. Corcustos

    Corcustos It's what it's. CHAMPION

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    I think people are jumping too fast on this. Assuming that the reserved slots are separate and do not interact with the normal 50 player slots, I don't think there is much issue to be had. If there are enough, then the problem of champions preventing other players from being able to join would be mostly eliminated, thus making issues 1 and 6 nonexistent. 4 is also negated in this situation due to champions not stopping discord-alerted people from joining. Admittedly it is a bit sus if they did tell Wynntills not to add the Bomb Bell-esque feature in the name of fairness and then added it to their new highest paid rank. Not too many comments for that. I would argue that issue 2 already somewhat exists with every current rank already getting more and more class slots totaling more than double the amount a base player has. Honestly, if the deletion limit is reasonable, I doubt this will really matter too much.
    Iboju likes this.
  11. Violet Knight

    Violet Knight Aspiring front-end developer HERO

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    I too am not entirely 100% keen on the new rank, but I would like to point out a few things.

    1: During the Hero Beta, they'll probably test the ranks, and get immediate and direct feedback. The planned changes are likely not set in stone.
    2: Most of the perks are technically legal. According to the Mojang Economic Guidelines or whatever, it's only illegal if it (directly?) negatively affects other players or provides an advantage over other players in the competitive parts of the game. Wynncraft isn't competitive, it's PvE, so technically it's legal. Technically. I think.
    3: Existing ranks are getting new perks. You might only have to pay the price of a Hero rank to get some of the features Champion has. It does say at the end of the list of perks that Champion has "...and more!" so I don't know how much that counts for anything.
    4: Reserved slots might take up regular player slots. There might be the pool of 50 players that once full, non-Champions can't enter, and then separate from that a much larger pool of players reserved for Champions. It would mean the possibility of 50+ players on one server. I don't think it matters that much, not to people who don't lootrun anyway (i.e. most casual players).
    5: Wynncraft needs money, they got 2 new admins and the price of servers tripled. With dungeon bombs becoming less needed due to better keys, Wynncraft will make less money, so maybe they needed a new rank. I'd prefer Wybel plushies though

    Anyway I'm gonna sleep now
    TrapinchO and MlecznyHuxel99 like this.
  12. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    I am not really sure if this justifies it. Until 1.20 ranks were mostly cosmetic (yes, totems (gameplay advantage), extra slots (non-gameplay advantage), market slots (faster trading))

    (now I don't know the price, but I assume its $100+)
    I am quite sure players would buy it even if it had less perks
    Iboju likes this.
  13. Salted

    Salted Game Design & Wynncraft Founder Staff Member Admin GM CHAMPION

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    Ye you guys got it right. My personal belief is that the rank won't be popular enough to cause as much trouble as it might seem and that it'll compete with other bomb trackers people are using
    HalfCat_, Gogeta, btdmaster and 6 others like this.
  14. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Or it will attract much more people because of the advantages.

    Tell me, did you implement the bomb bell for champion just to give Wynntils proper reason for why not implement bomb tracker into the mod?
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2020
  15. Salted

    Salted Game Design & Wynncraft Founder Staff Member Admin GM CHAMPION

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    that'd be silly
  16. Casparof

    Casparof mythic counter: 2 HERO

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    The bomb tracker discord prob won’t die and can even grow cuz of the bomb bell. Maby you could make a bot that just tell bomb tracker diecord when a bomb hits or somthing like that it wil really help and if the poeple with champion are nice it wil work out
    PikaLegend likes this.
  17. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    Yeah, I agree. It's pretty pay to win and before the update releases they should probably work on nerfing it down.
    Just because I'm bored, I'll say my thoughts on all of the stuff it has.

    1: Instant server switch
    H U N T E D M O D E P L U S P L A Y E R G H O S T S A N D / S W I T C H = T E R M I N A L D I S E A S E S
    Also, it's not needed. All you have to do is say /lobby and then select the server you want. In my opinion this should just not be a feature of the rank.

    2: Instant class deletion
    Technically this is actually a bad thing for the owner of the rank! Firstly, they might accidentally delete their favourite class instantly and have no way to get it back. Secondly, if somebody hacks their account to delete their classes then it will be easier than ever. They should remove this one completely.

    3: Merchant booths on-map
    Not gonna lie I kinda like this one. After Crokee's image though it's a little less than I had hoped it would be. I was hoping you could place a lemonade stand in every major city and hold auctions. This feels like it should be changed though because it's literally an ability to advertise your trade market items.

    4: This one is actually terrible. Wynntils will probably be coded to have a special bomb bell for people with champion rank but this could have dire effects on the Bomb Tracker Discord. Since Bomb Tracker is a bomb bell for everyone, everyone who is found to be a member after 1.20 may be banned. I also think the bomb bell should be given to VIP+ and HERO as well. This one is clearly to be used in conjunction with /switch. People will see on their bomb bell that there are a ton of prof bombs in wc2 and use /switch to get there before anyone else.

    5: Nicknames
    I actually really like this one. Like the last one, it feels like a VIP+ and HERO thing as well. Now, as Crokee said, this would have to be disabled in hunted mode. Alternatively, your username shows under your nickname.

    6: Reserved slots
    You see, the reason 2b2t has priority queue for people is because the server is always full and they can't afford to increase the size of the server to accommodate. It's not needed in Wynncraft. The only time I can think of where this would be useful is in huge downtimes where the servers are all full and the rest are broken. I will not use this feature during downtimes because I enjoy talking to fellow players in the lobby.

    I'm still going to buy the rank, but I want to see it get more balanced. I'm guessing this isn't going to be the only class experiencing changes because there are many new features that they could give rank stuff to (housing)
  18. Arkade

    Arkade Who am I? CHAMPION

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    I highly doubt it.
  19. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    last 5 deleted classes can be restored

    Salted said it
  20. Lego_DW

    Lego_DW yeppers HERO

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    man it really does look like what you said is the case, however in defense of the rank, there was a mod a few years back that basically functions the same as the bomb bell will, was shut down and made bannable to use because it provided too much of an advantage for those using the mod, compared to those not using the mod, which im willing to assume is the same reason wynntils was turned down this time. wynn is meant to be played without mods after all

    the timing of these things looks insanely shitty on the dev side but its not actually shitty at all really

    i mean adding a super OP feature locked behind what is most likely a monthly subscription rank is shitty but thats besides the point
    TrapinchO likes this.
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