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The Minecraft Youtuber(s) You Utterly Despise

Discussion in 'Minecraft' started by mouldy, Oct 3, 2018.

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  1. Carrie

    Carrie Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I feel like I used to like most mc youtubers at one point... Though I've cut down on who I've watched drastically.

    Right now my top youtubers are
    CaptainSparklez, Grian, and a very small handfull of the hermitcraft guys who I havent watched much of and can't recall their name (I dont hate them though so)

    The most annoying right now?
    PrestonPlayz- I used to like his videos a bit but he got SUPER annoying with his clickbait, and his hide and seek games. (it got annoying hearing dame tu cosita over and over)
    AntVenom- I also really enjoyed his videos. Now he just seems to kind of make review videos of updates rather than actual series like he used to.
    SkydoesMC- Hit and miss. His content was great a couple of years ago. It started to get a little dry.... and then when Youtube started filtering youtubers, his content felt really fake and i just didnt like it as much. The only series I kept up with was his do not laugh... his non-minecraft videos were fine though... and his music isn't bad either so im kind of glad that he stopped
    CoolVictor2002 likes this.
  2. Plasmatic

    Plasmatic Play wynncraft? No, I'm just here for the memes CHAMPION Builder

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    Ugh jeez I used to watch LogDotZip a while back. Like when he still actually focused on commands and the odd Minecraft map, not 'living in a pig' or the content he puts out for 10 year olds these days.

    Getting popular as a Minecraft youtuber really ruins the channel Imo as you start focusing on the younger audience and then start getting into click-bate ect. Currently my Youtube subscriptions in terms of Minecrafters is mainly Hermitcraft members (including Grian), and I also watch some of the modded community (Direwolf, Yogscast) and the odd commandblock wizard (PhoenixSC, Jragon014). People like CaptainSparklez, AntVenom and IbxToycat are really the only other popular Youtubers which haven't fallen too far into the pit, everyone else like Ssundee, PrestonPlayz, LogDotZip ect. I've just ignored to the best of my ability :/
  3. Reminiscently

    Reminiscently The Clownfish Prince

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    My Minecraft youtube life is pretty dead. I watch, mainly 3 channels: Grian, Mumbo and HC recap. I sometimes watch Minecraft things that seem appealing to me like MagmaMuesen or PrestonPlayz (but I watch him when I'm depressed and need some horrible cringe to remind me that there are worse things in the world than losing a donut).
  4. coolname2034

    coolname2034 Formerly known as NPCGrian HERO

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    Tbh I’d like to talk about the you tubers I liked when I was younger
    Stampy and squid
    Too bad I’ve kind of outgrown them; they have a lot of nostalgia for me tho
  5. dargonlrod

    dargonlrod yea... VIP+

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    clickbait kid-oriented content really does it for me, or maybe because i'm not the target demographic hmmmmm

    i steer weeellllllll away from minecraft nowadays and i mostly watch jordan for the cars and the reddit vids. cool chill dude, consistent quality content.
    but mark my words, mianite s3 (big f) will bring me back instantly
    100% binging the entire series

    too bad its never happening ;-;
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