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The Issue With 1.20 Guild Wars

Discussion in 'Guild Discussions' started by _Eragon_, Feb 20, 2021.


Do you think that the new war system is to difficult and mythic reliant?

Poll closed Feb 21, 2021.
  1. yes

  2. no

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  1. DeathLucifer

    DeathLucifer Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Honestly I find all theses threads about 1.20 interesting. For the sheer amount of laughter I get out of them. Sure you might have a point but I don't remember everyone complaining about how the opposition struggled because of the sub abuse in 1.19?? if you plan to make more threads remove alliance names and bias and speak facts. Its also very funny that most people are complaining about how its unfair when its not you owning the map. Funny huh that when all the small guilds used to struggle you never cared for them, What is happening as of now is most of the guilds off map want to play the hero role and act like they care for other guilds when we all know everyone is out for themselves

    Edit: Stop using small guilds as a political tool we all know if Artemis gains the map you guys won't give anything to random new small Guilds.
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2021
    tomjerry92, AjSimp_ and 99loulou999 like this.
  2. Rothboy

    Rothboy Well-Known Adventurer

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    untrue im sure ern and avo ahs more wars then us. Maybe shy aswell. We only have like a couple thousand
    IzzSt, DeathLucifer and 99loulou999 like this.
  3. _Eragon_

    _Eragon_ Nemract Cathedral War God CHAMPION

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    that is not how I meant It in anyway all but I meant what I said I do believe there is a difference between the defenses vs what the attack card label says. I say I think that goose guilds might be going against something easier is because inherently if A guild has owned a territory for a long time or they have the resources to feed the territory it can be stronger using the bonuses and the tower upgrades. If a guild just grabs a territory and puts defenses on the tower and the bonuses. It might show that the tower has those upgrades and bonuses but if you dont have the resources to feed those upgrades they do nothing
  4. Sheepn

    Sheepn life CHAMPION

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    Most of us have fought medium to very high defenses but they were from guilds that did a better job of defending them, like ANO on light peninsula or ERN in molten heights properly using resources.
  5. _Eragon_

    _Eragon_ Nemract Cathedral War God CHAMPION

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    your right I never thought about this stuff when artemis was in control of the map because I didn't need to. Now I think about this stuff more because we are not in control and there are issues that need to be addressed and solved. and even if I didn't care about smaller guilds which I do until recently I was always in smaller guilds. Also I do remember plenty of complaints from other guilds when artemis was in control of the map the most recent one that comes to mind is the macro argument where people said there was mod favoritism.
  6. Rothboy

    Rothboy Well-Known Adventurer

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    Time for goose propaganda: I would like to point out that under goose management we have ICo and PROF in the map, effectively giving chance for small guilds and for all proferrs to enjoy guild benefits.

    I had gl in artemis twice back in 2020 and i was active on the discord. I never ever saw artemis complaining about how unfair for smaller guilds, or how unfair for the attacker, or how unfair subs were. What i saw was artemis supporting the cration of a command named /gu cede, a command that is now on the game and helps defenders. Interestingly enough, now artemis decided to care for small guilds, to be against subbing, to be against /gu cede. On the beggining of 1.20 the attackers indeed had an advantage. Goose understood it and got the map asap while artemis failed to understand it and adopted the strategy to wait. Tho there is no more sense behind the defender advantage since hotfix #6 that imo balanced things out for defender and attacker.

    Edit: 1.20 successfully made it easier for smaller guilds to get on the map, that was the objective all along. From the 10min cd, to giant timers to taxing on choke points and finally to awfully complicated resource management, 1.20 guilds open space for more strategy, more competition, more rewards and more fun.
  7. Lev98bug

    Lev98bug Eden Chief HERO

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    Mans fr thinks he should be able to take out an entire guild's infrastructure with one war. Seek to improve upon yourself, not blame the system because you can't right+left click well.
    99loulou999 and DeathLucifer like this.
  8. _Eragon_

    _Eragon_ Nemract Cathedral War God CHAMPION

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    I dont think that I just used that as an example of the change in difficulty ._.
  9. tomjerry92

    tomjerry92 Warrior Sympathizer

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    It's a new system, so discussion like this is important
    ...but also i think it's pretty safe to say that your team is currently pretty inexperienced with wars right now (which is fine, it's a learning curve we're all still going through), but the entire system shouldn't be judged through a single inexperienced perspective of that sort
    the new system isn't perfect, no, but change is based off of everyone's experiences, not one group's experiences.

    Regardless, i think it's really important to emphasize yet again that getting on the map really isn't about brute force. Actually, that's just about the worst thing you can do to try to get on the map. Intelligent diplomacy is a huge must (something that i think goose has actually done pretty well with) to keep mindless /gu attack spam at bay. Not all attacks are faced with hostility, but attackers who make no effort to have a meaningful discussion with the guild they're taking from are never going to really succeed. And when the time comes to use force, it's expected that you would work together with allies. In a sense that is portrayed by the pity system by encouraging you to not just blindly charge at a single guild. While the pity system may not be a good solution, i think it exists to highlight the importance of teamwork in gaining terrs.
  10. _Eragon_

    _Eragon_ Nemract Cathedral War God CHAMPION

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    Id say that my war team has a pretty good scope on war difficulty and trying to best it. We are not super experienced on the defense aspect of it. This post was meant to bring to mind some of my complaints and others not to just bash the whole system entirely. I voice the concern of brute force because if it is all diplomacy a different alliance would never be seen holding the map. ally's of course help but hard to make a plan to challenge a mega alliance with such little information about the system or if you are doing an attack and you get stuck because you cant afford the next attack. which then allows the opposition to slowly pick of your territories which you need to gain the emeralds to attack the next territory and at that point you are back to square one
  11. 99loulou999

    99loulou999 ArchangeList VIP+

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    sounds comparable to a raid that made an alliance lose the entirety of their claims because war ceased to work entirely, which made another alliance own the entirety of the map for atleast a year. Ofc raids shouldn't be lost because of bugs in the best of worlds, but it happens to everyone and best we can do is report bugs :/
    DeathLucifer likes this.
  12. Lev98bug

    Lev98bug Eden Chief HERO

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    Your guild has 100 wars top, fym “pretty good scope on war difficulty.”
    DeathLucifer and 99loulou999 like this.
  13. _Eragon_

    _Eragon_ Nemract Cathedral War God CHAMPION

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    the "pity price" is not a bug to my understanding but a game feature
  14. 99loulou999

    99loulou999 ArchangeList VIP+

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    my bad I thought it was referencing the bug where you don't get tped into a war
    DeathLucifer likes this.
  15. _Eragon_

    _Eragon_ Nemract Cathedral War God CHAMPION

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    Fyi I have according to the tomes slot over 100 wars on the war class I switched to recently and I spent more time warring on my other class more than this one so do you have any proof to back that up or are you just saying things
    note and thats just me other war without me
    dont get me on that that is an entirely different issue
  16. tomjerry92

    tomjerry92 Warrior Sympathizer

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    I do understand the concern that a mega alliance can just deny people out of existence, that's part of the reason for the attacks against previous mega alliances. Seeing the new system, I try to fight for giving smaller guilds a chance to talk and to discuss what they need vs. what we can get. But most of Goose's attackers don't want to talk and would rather settle with either absurd demands such as unconditionally giving up entire claims or just blind use of /gu attack. Goose seems to be willing to cooperate, but as the "co" in cooperate implies, it requires both sides to meaningfully discuss the situation, which has happened, namely with iCo and PROF.

    Also, i would like to say that i'm not totally disagreeing with your problem with the pity system, but rather i used it as an example on how new wars are intended to be thoughtful instead of just mindless warring
    99loulou999 and DeathLucifer like this.
  17. Lev98bug

    Lev98bug Eden Chief HERO

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    Ah yes, as if a 10min cd wasn’t already extremely cancer. Sitting at a banner for 10mins just to start a 10min timer doesn’t exactly flood you with dopamine like you may think it does. I admit this was a needed feature, but increasing it would only succeed in furthering the attackers already considerable advantage.
    99loulou999 and DeathLucifer like this.
  18. blazekien

    blazekien Well-Known Adventurer

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    Hey guys umm I'm here to say that I am very pog champ and that your should join my guild (Fuzzy Spiders). Also how are you complaining. I legit play on 15-20fps on flipping 2render distance with 0 animations on lowest graphics settings and I still can solo mediums (every now and then :( ). I also lose to undefended HQ's so u know I am very good at game. Another point, do u not remember when Artemis was holding the map for ages before 1.20. Like did we ever complain about wars being too hard. We still wiped you but never were able to hold the map. You claim that the wars were easy in 1.19 but like when u had allies helping you, they were also attacking these easy terrs. Anyway this thread is about 1.20. For guilds like Fuzzy Spiders (cxz) we are still small/medium. For us by the time we can get a war team on (like 30min to 1hour) you can wipe us easily. Carrying on from this by the time the 10 min war CD is over and we start attacking it is very easy for the same guild to take another 2-3 terrs. Like we might as well hand over half our terrs as soon as u take one terr. Anyway I probs won't revisiting this page cos I cba so don't bother replying. Also don't flame me for any grammatical errors it is 5:30 am and I haven't slept. Also join cxz. Dm me on discord uwu. (this is a poor person recruitment shout bomb. I'm taking donations of shout bombs BTW if u wanna help out these small guilds if u catch my drift).
  19. IzzSt

    IzzSt Nephilim CHAMPION

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    Hello it's me I have 2500 wars (haha) and I think that the territory defenses are currently fine but lean towards more of a higher side. The only problem I see is that the defense labels are not really what you would expect since a "Low" defense requires either 1-2 people with really good builds or just a lot of people/consumables.

    Some people say that mythics are a must have for wars but I find this to be untrue because good builds can have a similar or even better effect on wars than mythics. But mythics are a good help regardless. Might I add that I have 2500 wars on almost every defense combination using morph cascade since it's the best all around. Your disadvantage from not owning a guardian/not having as tanky builds can be removed by using a fiery aura scroll which cost around 1-2 eb per war

    Tower aura and volley in themselves are not really that overpowered as you would think since defence does indeed affect how much damage you take and they are both dodgeable.

    Not the main attack you can't.
    cries in archer warring
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2021
    Shoefarts, Plymouth, Rothboy and 3 others like this.
  20. blazekien

    blazekien Well-Known Adventurer

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    99loulou999 and DeathLucifer like this.
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