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Guide The History Of The Wynncraft Server - Discontinued

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by WithTheFish, Jan 1, 2019.

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  1. SkellySniper

    SkellySniper In a permanent state of necro

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    Holy *hell*, I feel old now.
    Came back to the forums at a whim at 3:00 in the morning and I found this. It's been a real trip down memory lane, considering that the last time I played Wynncraft seriously, I was level 45ish in Nesaak, working towards all of the Bob stuff. I think what really stopped me playing was the big gameplay update... at that point, it lost its old Minecraft charm for me, and became just another MMO. And that's how I stopped.

    I was active on the forums until... a couple years ago now, I guess? Every now and then I come back, but it never lasts.
    The great Forum Wipe is what killed me here. Some friends and I had an fun roleplay going, called Lost, and we had plans for another iteration called First of the Storm once Gavel released. After the forum wipe, we lost somewhere around half of the story of Lost, from its start. We played and wrote the rest of the story, but it's never all been posted. I think I have a few threads with it.

    It's good to know Wynncraft is still thriving, but I don't think I'll ever really come back for good, unless something changes drastically.
    WithTheFish likes this.
  2. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    I'm currently in the process of revising the entire thread to some degree (again). This is gonna take a while, so for now, have a teaser about an addition I'm making:

    What's CM? I thought this was about Wynncraft?

    CM is an abbreviation for CraftedMovie, a former minecraft server and inactive youtube channel. We owe a lot to CM, because without it, there would be no Wynncraft.

    The first CraftedMovie video was posted in 2011, and you can recognize Salted, a founder and administrator in Wynncraft, as one of the actors in it.

    The CraftedMovie would go on to create many skits and videos, with a very notable one being the Misadventure on the Sea trilogy, which included a villainous mooshroom man named Peppered. You may also see a guy with a Link skin in several of CM's video thumbnails: that is actually Grian, before he switched over to a plain red shirt.

    Craftedmovie also had a survival server by the name of... CraftedMovie, and as far as I remember, you had to be whitelisted to join. This led to a smaller, but more familial, community. I was never on CraftedMovie myself, but there is a thread with screenshots of the server here. From what I can tell, the place had a rather vibrant community, worthy of its own history thread written by someone far more knowledgable than me.

    - ~ - ~ - ~ -

    The Creation of Wynncraft
    One day, Salted got the idea to make a full-on MMORPG in Wynncraft. This was an incredibly ambitious idea, and one that he managed to rope Grian, and the developers Jumla and Crunkle, into doing. He also got two web developers by the names of Tama63 and HiMyNameIsAJ to help him. They're both currently retired from Wynncraft work, and they also both had pig-themed skins, which is kinda odd.

    The people I've listed so far weren't enough to make an entire MMORPG on their own, however. They needed help. So they enlisted the people of CraftedMovie to a map and dungeons for them. Some builders even got towns named after them: Nemract for instance is named after a guy named Cartmenezzz. Salted himself has actually compiled the birth of Wynncraft in this now-archived thread, and I highly recommend you give it a look. I was shocked to find some very familiar faces in the chat.

    While the builders work, Crunkle and Jumla coded, and gradually, Wynn's basic features were created. From very early on, the same trade system used today was made, which goes to show that some things never really do change.

    Wynn's old map was very simple, both in terms of what you could explore, and the builds themselves. There were only 3 dungeons, named after the Skeleton, Spider, and Animal (think cows and pigs) mobs. One thing that's never really discussed is how much Minecraft itself influenced Wynncraft at first. Most mobs were based on the creatures found in vanilla Minecraft, with an entire area named after the blocky game's fearsome pigmen. Villagers were merchants, enderchests were banks, and a massive portal leads to another world known as the nether. Given that the first lore post that I have record of was created in November 2013, I'm unsure when Wynncraft's lore was first made.

    Beta testing began on March, hence why some players have March 2013 as their join date in the stats page. The official release happened on April 30th, 2013. Unless you were active in CM's community, you probably didn't even know Wynncraft was a thing. A video about the server wasn't even posted on CM's youtube channel. The number of players on the server at first had to have been low, but that didn't matter. Wynncraft was one of the most ambitious experiments in Minecraft, and it was about to be tested.
    (If any of this is inaccurate please tell me, I was never a part of the CM community)

    Trying to experiment a "storytelling" writing style rather than laying all the facts out to you like a dull college professor, but I'm not sure if you all will like this change. I also hope to make the thread more "segmented", so that it's a bit easier to read and navigate.
    Last edited: May 22, 2020
  3. Nepeta Leijon

    Nepeta Leijon Rogue of Heart ♌ Leittarius CHAMPION

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    I'm surprised I haven't seen this until now, but:
    It's a great honour to be marked as part of Wynncraft's history (as the original forum cult).

    (We actually moved over to Discord, leaving the thread behind but maintaining the community. It's still running!)
    WithTheFish likes this.
  4. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    Alright, so I have an update on my update with the thread.

    I'm currently revising the first half of the post, and I'm about a 1/3 of the way done with doing so. Lots of new stuff has been added. However, I have encountered a severe problem: the now-updated first post in the thread is OVER 80000 CHARACTERS. You see, there is actually an 80K character limit for your posts, and I have reached it. I am not making this up. And chances are, the same thing will occur with the second post. And if my second post isn't at the 80K limit, it will reach it eventually (probably whenever the next update it).

    This leaves me with a dilemma. I need a 3rd post for my thread. I do have a few other posts of mine on the first page of the thread, but saying "hey, click here to read the last third of this thread!" feels kinda clunky. And then there is the option of making a new thread entirely, much like with what the item team has done every now and then with their stickied threads. On a potential History Thread 2.0, I would make sure that 3 of my posts are succession. This is easy to do, but shutting down this thread and making a new one feels... eh. It kinda would feel like I'm looking for attention. So that brings me to my main idea: The Wynncraft Archives.

    The archives would be a brand-new thread where in addition to telling the history of Wynncraft on a basic level, I'd go into more detail about stuff like the item system and community. Creating a new thread would be the opportunity for a do-over, and I can go all-out on this project and use as many posts as I would like. Don't have many ideas for this yet though since I just came up with it 10 minutes ago.

    So community, I'm asking you: what would you like to see happen?
    Option 1: I revise this thread, and split it into 3 posts, with the 3rd post being somewhere in the comments.
    Option 2: I create a new thread that is larger and drastically different.

    Last edited: May 27, 2020
  5. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    Just delete every comment on this thread

    (But seriously I think a new thread would be better; if your redone post is actually that large I think it would deserve its own thread, especially as we get more updates)
    Or you could ask @Bluescreen to let you borrow his comment
    Crokee and WithTheFish like this.
  6. btdmaster

    btdmaster Famous Adventurer VIP Item Team

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    mod abuse anyway i think a new post is fine, but imo keep this one not deleted- just let it fall to necro point/lock
    Crokee, WithTheFish, H0Y and 2 others like this.
  7. H0Y

    H0Y H0Y HERO

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    Yeah just new thread, and put a bunch of extra empty comments on said thread to make sure you dont run out of space again
    WithTheFish likes this.
  8. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    Yeah, if I make a new thread I'll definitely end up doing that.
    btdmaster likes this.
  9. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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