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Poll Results: [Event End Timer] Does everything seem fair?
Members who voted for 'Yeah, this seems reasonable!'
- Aeon Soralen
- JohnDSi
- Selvut283
- Twin Lotus
- Nyam
- captainganon
- President Trump
- DeathWatchBeetle
- TheRedWither
- 3DSMate
- Victrix Securis
- ClaymoreHouston
- Shilo
- Elite744
- Sinom
- Alexdacube
- GaudyGMoney
- SageBuilds
- MinezGamez
- XavierEXE
- Kusu~
- HaloNoobs_com
- griffinlovato
- Rujala
- Pokextreme
- NickMC96
- Xykeal
- Killerbug191
- Hyprosis
- Twernk
- UltimateMemeLord
- toucan idiot
- Rawb
- Dohdo
- Glitch496
- AFKWithUrMom
- Kyler_
- Emmie
- Bubbles
- Tubular Toasts
- Corneille
- icecream27
- Pixlem
- marcossegon
- Madsi6
- 9UP
- FishWaffle
- Gushy48
- Rem-Rin
- MajesticMaj
- Nepeta Leijon
- Crispbreadfish
- InZeDarkNess
- Caliborn
- Glitchedslayer
- caiomalta02
- Plasma~
- GTX 1080
- LadyCheshire
- mizzkissy
- TheGreatPiggy
- SignatureFail
- Potateau
- Yuno F Gasai
- Triggered Aura™
- KettleKorn
- FlamingPinecone
- Oryx
- motoki1
- Hi I'm Flubby
- Thunder
- Cloudavia
- LordMuttonChops
- SmileyAlec
- Pearhair
- DJKreeper
- Darakadon
- Nuggets
- JaydonTheWarrior
- cjakeb5
- creature
- Crowler
- ShadowMage1
- Witcher
- Wozab
- ProfSilver
- Thegamerplus1
- Shanaro
- Super_m
- Malm_
- Porcotron
- BobCaboose
- Nitronicraft
- senpao
- ThePyromaniac
- PresidentSlime
- AntiRodusFin
- sonickid3003
- The Arbiter
- Cosomos
- Vietnam!
- TheJayBill
- DireFire
- Pickle
- <>Flip<>
- enoq
- Stag2001
- ElectroMantis
- Blizzardgale
- Nerd_Phantom
- r4g4
- Appenzell
- RyanTheAwesome
- Pikachu118811
- AskWhatImDoing
- Ziv44
- SoloSnuggles
- Mathias Drevur
- Knightly_Glade
- DeliciousCakez
- King Kaelan
- LostTheLights
- Spoopy Spring
- firedragonoid
- Brutakah
- Mitran12
- Skyreach
- jerome43926
- EchoHatesLag
- DanDYolo
- Enduh
- Czg
- SushieDonuts
- KapturniczekPL
- Odnod
- Thaum_
- Jamieverse
- Korosensei
- EPdog
- lagerbooost
- KissofaShotgun
- Emeraldruler
- JulianV
- oneredbill64
- BloodSword
- Endertricity
- Sohso
- CosmicThunder
- Blocktopia9
- yuuenchi2
- epicsplosion
- MLG Super Sanik
- Bam
- NightcorePhantom
- depressed_snail
- Trvalv
- DragonEngineer
- IndecisiveMax
- Zani_
- Excaliburhuman
- 73chn0
- Ethan_Washington
- Discharge_
- halfday
- Cloud
- Agent York
- YuuuuSama
- Jane
- spb1234
- Pineapple285
- D Strider
- DCM627
- Magma
- EpicZ501
- Battleslay1000
- Waggles
- Gebis8
- TyTy0427
- Jedi_Ad
- Jared2183
- tobocoolman2000
- Tisaun
- Mattyboy84
- summitwei
- Exoine
- summitsun
- Poiu429
- Bunbun924
- AuthorKawaii
- PadfootNBlack
- AlanKus
- Private_plums
- Redcowboycraft
- Dafoxey
- The Humbler
- GameStreak
- dragonjjp
- PineappleEcho
- Keps
- rdog21183
- joshaftel of UXs
- PerfectlyColored
- QuitT
- Decim
- Pyromanic
- FunnyMonkeyBoy
- Moose Altrune
- Mario_Playz
- pokemasteralex2
- Gigavern
- JuicedBananas
- Darkrai5923
- not_a_bot
- Frogal
- NinjaWizard
- Nukewarmachine
- GiraffeMemeLord
- Mychon
- Rexception
- FifaJacob5
- pekkapost
- Charliebird2
- Assassin4Lyfe
- ThanThan1234
- Nurfs
- steves_01
- DJB_Awesome
- Smile
- Hellraided
- TinkeringMachine
- XonXendren[Eon]
- shockedgames
- HolyMage
- GPS03
- SnowyZ
- RipJaws1
- Omega_Kitty
- butt1jacob2
- kazumeep
- MeowSenpai
- Jagram
- Jaggi_King
- Narnia x
- BeUseful
- hileria
- dreamer101
- SPN_Gabriel
- GimpyButterCups
252 total votes.