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Media The Future Of Wynncraft Content On Youtube | Coppa

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Olinus10, Nov 24, 2019.

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  1. Turbostratus

    Turbostratus Newbie Adventurer Media CHAMPION

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    Wynntuber review december 2019?
  2. Turbostratus

    Turbostratus Newbie Adventurer Media CHAMPION

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    @Olinus10 awww yeaaaaaaaa

    Now this is a step in the right direction
  3. zeldahuman

    zeldahuman Graphic Designer, WynnPack Artist ✎ Artist

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    Hey all.

    As with all things YouTube, communication has been particularly crappy around the COPPA situation!

    It's worth noting that the story around this COPPA stuff is 100% on *YouTube*, and the FTC is in fact doing it's job correctly to protect children. YouTube, however, is benefiting from all of this brazen misinformation because the more people that blame the FTC, the more likely it is they'll roll back their lawsuit against YouTube so YouTube can keep selling advertisements to underage children (which is how this whole thing started).

    Please try to find actual sources for these kinds of things, instead of just relying on popular YouTube personalities who clearly either only read YouTube's side of things or didn't read anything at all, let alone the FTC's *actual guidelines* that don't say anything about channels getting fined or being in jeopardy.

    Here's a succinct (15 minute, lol) video that covers the issue in its totality and, I think, most honestly.

  4. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    I'd personally place the lion's share of the blame on the FTC, but whatever. The effects are what matters.
  5. Olinus10

    Olinus10 Wynntuber, Quest Guider & Let's Player Media CHAMPION

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    Well as i rrules clearly state that people witead in my video, the h a general public aren't at fault made a system and youtube have with only two options whereas there should be 3. The FTC however isn't not to be blamed as well due to them being threatening in their interviews (about going after creators and being able to fine up to 42k.).

    Now since you have commented this on my thread I guess your mildly passive aggressive accusation about "youtubers" not knowing facts is partly directed towards me. Now, I would like to say as stated in my video, both said and shown through quotes my infomation was from the FTC's article on how Youtubers can determine if they follow coppa or not. The video you linked talks about large coorperations and your comment seems to suggest that youtube is at risk and not single creators. Funnily enough youtube are changing their terms of service making ALL creators legally responsible for what they upload. Which means all channel owners are put under COPPA. So yes, the creators are in some kind of risk. The FTC also said very aggressively that they would and could fine creators. I do not however believe that creators will actually be fined because the goal of COPPA, to my mind, has always been to protect children from those using kids for gain and collecting data on them, putting only large companies who shower the kids with ads upon ads and merchandise upon merchandise. However I could of course be wrong.

    I do want to add that you are making a very valid point saying that Youtube is using this attention for their own gain, because they were a large part in making COPPA more scary than it necessarily is.
    Have a nice day :D
    Stag2001 and Bart (MC) like this.
  6. zeldahuman

    zeldahuman Graphic Designer, WynnPack Artist ✎ Artist

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    Hey, man.

    My comment wasn't directed right at you, haha. There is just in general a lot of sour information going around about this issue that I'm hoping to clear up.

    I can't find anywhere the FTC specifically stated they would fine YouTube creators, which is why I'm advising against just listening to popular YouTubers on this matter: YouTube is telling people that's what the FTC will do because *YouTube* is conflating "creator" and "operator" in their legal language, whereas it's clear if you read the COPPA agreement that YouTube channels/creators definitely don't fall into the "operator" legal description.

    But what's scarier? YouTube having to pay a bunch of money to a federal entity to stop collecting data (and therefore making money) on underage children? Or YouTube telling creators they'll be fined thousands of dollars because of a federal entity that they are intentionally being obscure about? YouTube is taking their responsibilities in this lawsuit and trying to pass them onto creators, and everyone who is making panicked videos about 'the end of YouTube' have taken the bait wholeheartedly.

    What's really going on here is that YouTube wants to do whatever they can to keep harvesting data and making money by selling advertisements to kids under 12. They have the technology to know, despite YouTube's age requirements etc., when children use their site, and instead of putting that information to good use they want to use it to make money. And they can keep making that money as long as they convince their users that it's the FTC who is screwing people over, and not their endless pursuit of profit that's screwing creators over. That petition going around to get the FTC to lighten up on YouTube is proof that YouTube is benefiting from all the misinformation about this subject.

    tl;dr: YouTube is intentionally telling creators that the FTC will fine them under COPPA, which is a lie, so they can keep selling advertisements to minors without punishment.
    HV_Metal, Stag2001 and __Excel like this.
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