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Serious The Debate Thread: Current Topic, Choosing Topics

Discussion in 'Nemract's Bar' started by aayl, Jul 18, 2017.


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  1. hmm

    hmm girl who fucked ur mom last night

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    nah just do what you want
    if there's no purpose to anything what's the purpose of being a debby downer when you can do things that you like
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2017
    SpadenadeZ1 likes this.
  2. Toasted Asian

    Toasted Asian Toasty VIP+

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    How about stopping North Koreas nuclear program? Or just north Korea or their nuclear program.
    TherapueticLiz likes this.
  3. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    Not much of a debate
    Toasted Asian likes this.
  4. sdkgjnio

    sdkgjnio hod-SOH-nee-uhs

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    There's a debate to be had on how it can realistically be done.
    We really don't want to bring religion into this. Hard to avoid with these.
  5. SUPER M


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    How is what I said has to do with religion?
    I wanted hard cold facts, not some fantasy book.
  6. hmm

    hmm girl who fucked ur mom last night

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    Aaaaaand that's a flame war.
  7. SUPER M


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    Do you even know what a flame war is?
    It's not people disagreeing like most mods think.
    It's people using insults as a form of degreating others. Not to actualy talk with them about the subject.
  8. hmm

    hmm girl who fucked ur mom last night

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    you love to act like you're some intellectual athiest who's so much more intelligent than your god-fearing peers huh. how about you shove that fedora up your ass.
    calling religious texts "fantasy books" is an inflammatory statement. insulting someone's personal identity (as religion is very important to many people) is a lot farther from a simple "debate" than I think you'd like to believe, Ilya Ivanovich Ivanov's failed experiment.
    Let me ask you, what's wrong with people believing in a religion? I personally am not religious, but I don't feel like it's necessary to insult people because of their religious affiliation. I'd rather insult a Humanzee troglodytes like you who feels it's necessary to offend people to get your fucking point across.
    Also, I love how you feel that it's wrong for a Minecraft server forum's moderators to try and stop volatile "debates" before they erupt into flames.
    *Stalin*, IceBear and Zahr like this.
  9. SUPER M


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    I never said that I'm more intelligent that religious people, nor have I said I'm an atheist (I am though). also you have to admit god-fearing isn't really something to be proud of. It basically proves that you mostly belive in God not becouse you love him, but becouse you fear his punishment.
    I know it's a meme, but you accuse me of starting flame wars and yet you are first to insult me.
    Also stating facts is not insulting. You might be insulted but that's just becouse as you previously said you're god-fearing, as in you fear gods punishment (I'm not direscting this at you personally but anyone who does belive in god).
    It's true though. How can a book that's been apperently written by GOD this doivinie being have wrong information? And a lot of holy texts have wrong information.
    Well, if actual fatcs are insulting to you then I don't really care. Some people's opinions are insulting to my inteligence but I don't go out and call everybody a bigot.
    I'm not exactly sure what are you trying to say. Are you saying that since I'm atheist who only belives in sience that I would be for inhuman experiments?
    • Crusades
    • Torrorist attacks
    • Mass murder
    • Spanish Inquisition
    • Denial of sience
    • Hate of homosexuality
    • Genocide
    • Brainwashing by threat of eternal punishment
    • Cults
    • Mass suicide
    • Body mutilation
    • Wars
    • Scamming
    • Fake healing
    • Death from avoiding medical help
    • Taking women's rights
    • Canibalism (in some religions)
    • Self torture
    • Self hate
    • Self punishment
    To name a few.
    I'm not trying to insult you. I'm just stating the facts. It's your choice to get insulted.
    You accuse me of insults to get my point across, yet you do the exact thing. Are you being ironic on porpuse?
    I don't know why you needed to specify "A Minecraft server forums mods" I get a slight feeling of "You're just a straight white male". Like it really matters that we're talking on a minecraft server forums, when it doesn't. We could be talking in a storm drain, and I would still take our conversation seriously. Also I just said that religious texts are fantasy books, you compared me to a human-chimpanzee hybrid. You're the one that starts flaming. If you wanna stay on high ground then "Don't lower to my level" as they say.
    Also if you're a mod of this "minecraft server forums" then please don't delete this becouse you think it's off topic or insulting. I'm trying to get my point across, if you delete this then It'll look like I'm a coward that's too terified to stand his own ground. And I'm really not trying to insult anyone. And if you consider deleting mine and GOOD MORNING!!!'s commet to not have this so called "flame war" then please don't. This thread is about discussion, so I think it's okay to have a our little disscusion stay.
    TherapueticLiz likes this.
  10. Pretzule

    Pretzule eats pretzels HERO

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    Alright guys, take a step back.

    This is a thread for civil discussion on a single topic so don't start insulting people for who they are.

    Before debating you have to understand that different people believe different things and it is okay to disagree with what someone says, that's the whole point of this thread.
    Just don't turn it into something where you are directly insulting each other because of what they believe in.
    If there are any more insults thrown around that are directed towards a person then the one that is insulting the person will be thread banned for a few days to cool off.
    SpadenadeZ1 and sdkgjnio like this.
  11. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    And also maybe avoid religion, it seems to be a reeeeeeaaaally touchy subject
  12. SUPER M


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    Allright pretz. But maybe next time tag the people you adress becouse I don't have this thread set up on watch and might have never seen your reply.
    Also was I too insulting?
    Also thank you for not deleting my comment.
    So if we don't insult eachother can we have conversation then?
  13. Pretzule

    Pretzule eats pretzels HERO

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    I didn't want to call people out specifically.



    I'd rather steer away from the topic of religion because it's something that can be taken very personally most of the time.
    SpadenadeZ1 likes this.
  14. hmm

    hmm girl who fucked ur mom last night

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    You didn't need to make a quote for each character of what i wrote jesus fuck
    "I never said that I'm more intelligent that religious people, nor have I said I'm an atheist (I am though). also you have to admit god-fearing isn't really something to be proud of. It basically proves that you mostly belive in God not becouse you love him, but becouse you fear his punishment."
    lol, i feel like calling a religious text a "fantasy book" leaves some heavy insinuation that you think you're superior.

    "I know it's a meme, but you accuse me of starting flame wars and yet you are first to insult me.
    Also stating facts is not insulting. You might be insulted but that's just becouse as you previously said you're god-fearing, as in you fear gods punishment (I'm not direscting this at you personally but anyone who does belive in god)."

    alright first off, go to a fuckin typing class. these red squiggly lines are making me absolutely furious. second of all, of course it's a fuckin meme it's funny. third transition, I was satirizing the edgy athiest stereotype when I said "god-fearing" (which you misdefined hilariously, god-fearing means that you're afraid of God's power in general, not that you just worship them out of fear).

    "It's true though. How can a book that's been apperently written by GOD this doivinie being have wrong information? And a lot of holy texts have wrong information."
    I don't know how "doivinie" God is, but in many religions God themself didn't write their associated religious texts, rather they were written by human observers. Hence why there's contradictions that could only exist if either A. Multiple people with multiple moral beliefs wrote it or B. It's a written adaptation of previous myths (Jesus-Dionysus parallels)

    "Well, if actual fatcs are insulting to you then I don't really care. Some people's opinions are insulting to my inteligence but I don't go out and call everybody a bigot."
    when the red squiggly line appears you can right click that ass and find the word you were trying to type you know
    The point I was making is that calling someone's religious text a fucking fantasy book isn't a very good way to convince them that they're wrong. It just convinces them that you're a prick without you even giving a HINT of evidence to your beliefs.

    "I'm not exactly sure what are you trying to say. Are you saying that since I'm atheist who only belives in sience that I would be for inhuman experiments?"
    nah i was just calling you a fucked up human-chimpanzee hybrid lol

    This one's a long one:
    • Crusades - Didn't have much to do with religion actually, the Pope was in a really unstable spot and wanted to take Jerusalem back as a PR stunt so he wouldn't get fucked over by the fake pope, people wanted to loot shit (the even looted jews and fellow christians as well! and Byzantinium wanted their land back
    • Torrorist attacks - Terrorist* and those are based on human interpretation, as evidenced by people who practice islam who aren't dickbags
    • Mass murder - not supported by any major modern religion
    • Spanish Inquisition - humans being dumb and believing that they're better than other people, religious discrimination
    • Denial of sience - Most Christians (not sure about other religions) accept Evolution. you're looking at oddball creationists
    • Hate of homosexuality - based on human interpretation by their primary source and the reader
    • Genocide - not supported by any modern religion
    • Brainwashing by threat of eternal punishment - most religious (and I say "most" with some caution) don't worship out of fear, rather out of tradition (i didn't though lol)
    • Cults - not a major religion
    • Mass suicide - cults
    • Body mutilation - not supported by any major religion
    • Wars - humans cause wars themselves
    • Scamming - scamming would happen anyways?
    • Fake healing - that would happen with or without religion (see: "I'm Spiritual but Not Religious Lol")
    • Death from avoiding medical help - happens anyways
    • Taking women's rights - happens anyways
    • Canibalism (in some religions) - not supported by any major religion
    • Self torture - that's pretty hot not supported by any major religion
    • Self hate - religion does the opposite in many cases, providing people a sense of purpose and community
    • Self punishment - self discipline isn't bad? if you're talking about punishment for only religious-based things, provide examples

    "I'm not trying to insult you. I'm just stating the facts. It's your choice to get insulted."
    "i'm not being a racist, i'm just stating the facts" said the racist who didn't state the facts but rather the thing their sister-cousin-wife told them back at the farm about how their family used to own slaves
    i'm not the one who's getting insulted. you're just being a dickweed to people for having a belief instead of at least trying to explain to them the infinitesimally smaller chance of a god existing than a universe existing without divine intervention

    "You accuse me of insults to get my point across, yet you do the exact thing. Are you being ironic on porpuse?"
    No, I'm not on a dolphin. Did you mean "purpose"?
    Oh, and I'm not tryna convince you. This is pretty fun on it's own, and I'm hoping other people get the point too. Tbh I'd rather focus on convincing the people reading this rather than just you, because I'm not sure how moral of a person you are in general anyways.

    "I don't know why you needed to specify "A Minecraft server forums mods" I get a slight feeling of "You're just a straight white male". Like it really matters that we're talking on a minecraft server forums, when it doesn't. We could be talking in a storm drain, and I would still take our conversation seriously. Also I just said that religious texts are fantasy books, you compared me to a human-chimpanzee hybrid. You're the one that starts flaming. If you wanna stay on high ground then "Don't lower to my level" as they say."

    "I don't know why you needed to specify "A Minecraft server forums mods" I get a slight feeling of "You're just a straight white male"."

    "A Minecraft server forums mods"

    "You're just a straight white male"

    alright so my hypothesis is that lord troglodyte here thinks that me saying that this being a minecraft server community is attacking the credit of things posted on the forums, in the same way that an "sjw" would try to strip away someone's credit by telling them that they're a part of a privileged class. keep in mind that this is just a hypothesis, and further study into this is required to develop a real theory on what's going on. i think i might need to hire a cryptologist? not sure if it's worth the money decoding something that came from someone with the intellectual equivalent of an adult sea squirt

    is your first course of action when you're told that you're a dickbag is to accuse someone of being an SJW?
    Oh, and it does matter, because there's children who play on these servers. It's minecraft you dumb shit. Of course the mods aren't going to allow flame wars to happen.
    All I said was that you're a humanzee, which would be a breakthrough in human genomic research and other genetic and biological scientific fields. You said that people's religions, something they feel very strongly about, are just dumb fairy tails. You know how completely unconvincing that is? That's just going to make it harder for them to even consider the idea that religions might just be an organic result of human psychology, because from their perspective, you've just proven that people who are athiests are dicks. You're not helping at all when you try to attack someone's very faith, you are, in fact, doing the OPPOSITE of what your goal is.
    Also, who the fuck gives a shit about higher ground? I don't.

    "Also if you're a mod of this "minecraft server forums" then please don't delete this becouse you think it's off topic or insulting. I'm trying to get my point across, if you delete this then It'll look like I'm a coward that's too terified to stand his own ground. And I'm really not trying to insult anyone. And if you consider deleting mine and GOOD MORNING!!!'s commet to not have this so called "flame war" then please don't. This thread is about discussion, so I think it's okay to have a our little disscusion stay."
    Oh shit, I have a comet named after me now?
    And the reason this started is because you insulted religious people on purpose, on the basis that they believe in fantasies (rather than an organic traditionic adaptation of multiple myths), with no indication of satire or sarcasm. So don't act like you're this white lol night standing up for your ideas when you just said that you're more concerned about how you look to other people on the forums than convincing anyone that you're right.
    oh sorry, didn't read this pretz, i was writing

    that's enough of that anyways
    Zahr likes this.
  15. SUPER M


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    that still doesn't take it out of the fact that you're mostly beliveing in god becouse you fear him
    Okay but they're still the word of god. Theese prophets of god just wrote what their god told them.
    I actually didn't know that, thank you for telling me in deameaning way.
    Actually wait It seems I can't do that.
    it's easier to read it that way though
  16. hmm

    hmm girl who fucked ur mom last night

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    we were supposed to stop ya dig
    Zahr likes this.
  17. SUPER M


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    well yes, but it's still problem of religion
    stop the insults, yes. the debate was more of a gray area
    but I was supposed to give examples of religion. NOT modern religion
    but there wouldn't be a problem of interpretation if there was no holy text
    I was supposed to give examples of religion, not modern religion
    Evidence suggests that circumcision was practiced in the Arabian Peninsula by the 4th millennium BCE, when the Sumerians and the Semites moved into the area that is modern-day Iraq.[77] The earliest historical record of circumcision comes from Egypt, in the form of an image of the circumcision of an adult carved into the tomb of Ankh-Mahor at Saqqara, dating to about 2400–2300 BCE. Circumcision was done by the Egyptians possibly for hygienic reasons, but also was part of their obsession with purity and was associated with spiritual and intellectual development. Praticed in Ancient Egypt.

    In 1855, motivated in part by an interest in promoting circumcision to reduce masturbation, English physician Jonathan Hutchinson published his findings that Jews had a lower prevalence of certain venereal diseases. Judaism.
    religious cults
    still a religion
    but religion is one of reasons for it
    "other people do it, so it's okay for me to do it" also if you don't wanna talk about religion let's talk about taking away womens rights
    yet again, you wanted me to give you examples of religion, not MAJOR religion
    "I'm gay muslim" By that person's religious belifies he should hate himself.
    my previous reply
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2017
  18. Pretzule

    Pretzule eats pretzels HERO

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    Please stop debating religious things.
    SpadenadeZ1 likes this.
  19. SUPER M


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    I'm sorry, what?
    ok, are women's right ok of a topic?
    Yeah sure just insult my moral compass.
    I just compared religious texts to fantasy books.
    you on the other hand insult me directly.
    Also pretzule I'm pretty sure after your reply I stopped talking about relgion.
    Correct me if i'm wrong though.
    not becouse I was called a dickbag, but becouse you seemed to have to point out that this is minecraft server forums
    well this is forums though, and Wynncraft is like 13+
    Which would be a hybrid between a human and a chimp.
    I didn't say that. I said fantasy books, not dump fairy tales.
    Well by that logic. If one religious person is a terrorist then in eyes of non religious people all religious people are terrorists. Which isn't the case.
    Well what I actually meant to say don't delete MY ommeNt becouse I'm sure the mods would go in your favor, since I'm "attacking you". Also I'm not more concerned of my image, I'm more conerned of being silenced.
    dumb, I'm sorry.
    Are you gonna insult me for my bad spelling again?
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2017
  20. hmm

    hmm girl who fucked ur mom last night

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    my notifications are hell
    SpadenadeZ1 and Zahr like this.
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