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The Battle Cats

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by ActualAnthonino, May 3, 2018.

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  1. ActualAnthonino

    ActualAnthonino SkyBlock Prisoner

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    fuck it, just use Actress Cat then
    ExertKarma likes this.
  2. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast Media HERO

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    The reason that actress is pretty much non existent in most no-gacha guides (least from the ones I've seen) is because actress is pretty sucky until TF, only doing 1.7k max at level 30. Her TF makes her better and more usable because double the hp and less attack time, essentially doing 2/3s of the dps Cyborg can, but there are typically more practical options for them to use over her, such as literally Macho/Dragon stacking with the peon killer C. Gross (typically you'd most likely at least have a few of the crazed cats by the time you actually beat Actress TF unless you have specific cats to help you tremendously threw it).
    ActualAnthonino likes this.
  3. ExertKarma

    ExertKarma Waiting for mythics to drop CHAMPION

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    damn I just got my 3rd and 4th manics today, (I'm really wiping through these faster and sooner than I thought I would) thicc

    Got manic cat which was surprisingly more challenging than I thought it would be and manic macho which was UBER easy, especially with octopus cat, and miko mitama (unharmed by waves=victory)

    For manic cat:

    For pretty much all levels I play, I like to make my own strategies first, however if they don't work out very well (like I've failed on the level 5 or 6 times now, BUT i know I have the cats to beat it, and that I'm just not using the right strats) Then I'll look up a good common strategy to beat it, and that's what I did with manic cat. I failed a bit with my own strats, gave up and looked online and just did that strat by Elichi and it worked like a charm.

    Honestly, I don't mind looking up guides on how to beat certain levels because I don't do it often. Usually I'm able to beat a level by doing what I do (*ahem* not cause I have jizo, W & P, and miko mitama >_>) and it feels good beating a level with my own methods, but it doesn't feel all that bad completing a level with other player's strats.

    I think the good feelings really comes from the reward you get at the end, and in this case no matter if I made my own strat or followed a guide, I'd feel pretty much the same in the end because it the process of completion wouldn't have an effect on the reward.

    For manic macho:

    Well? What's to say? It's EASY. Octopus cat + awakened bahamut + a few meatshields is more than enough to get through this level, but I threw in miko mitama for fun because she's unharmed by waves and it gave me an excuse to use her unevolved form for a change. I'm always using the evolved form. (Which I think is better cause of that 100% slow on ALL TRAITS + high health with really high amount of knockbacks)

    ayy manics :D
    ActualAnthonino likes this.
  4. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast Media HERO

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    Yeah I always try the level at least 3 times before looking up a guide, and usually when I look up a guide, I change it to be what I can use anyways, so I'm not copying the exact guide. The sense of accomplishment to me is the same either way.
    ActualAnthonino likes this.
  5. ExertKarma

    ExertKarma Waiting for mythics to drop CHAMPION

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    @AcutalAnthonino @Shotsfiredbois @The Shroobs


    you probably know what they are cause its the 3 that were available today, but they were...
    -manic eraser
    -manic cow
    -manic dragon

    Manic cow/dragon I was able to cheese with warlock & pierre, THANK YOU W&P :D i luv u

    Manic eraser. o god. I think I spent over an hour doing this one. It was wayyy harder than it should have been for me cause I kept on messing around and making stupid mistakes. like sending out bahamut with no MS's infront.. or using too many jizo's when the black gorys aren't out. Man it was painful.

    I really only had 2 good runs for this stage, 1 being my victory.
    The other one however I died at 5% on the eraser like BOI why does this happen? I have a screenshot of it but I trust that you guys trust me in saying this... lol

    And other than that, I tried two of my own ubers, ehmmm... jizo was a big help with gory's and catman was good for some nice damage as well as taking care of the owlbrows cause catman has decent range which he can sometimes hit the owlbrows when they're behind the eraser.

    But yea this was painful. mainly for the reason that I actually had to spend 30 catfood to fully restore my energy which (idk about you guys but) I HATE DOING cause usually i have some SOL stages I can complete but I litterally had nothing to get energy back.

    On top of that 30 catfood spent for energy, I had to even BUY ITEMS like WUUT i don't think I've EVER bought items before. I had to buy rich cats and sniper cats cause I wouldn't get any from gamatoto even tho I sent him out, used catamins and did gamatoto like 20 times... rip rng luck

    So in the end, I spent a shit ton of catfood for an eraser, but I think it was worth it. I'm honestly just glad that I completed it cause the way it seemed was that I wasn't gonna be able to do it this time.

    yeah. i was told manic eraser was supposed to be one of the easiest manic stages... not for me. so far it's been the hardest but i'm sure the that way people talk about axe manic is accurate. It sounds real painful. maybe i'm just noob and cant do ez stages. eh nah

    so... yay 3 new manics... Even tho i cheesed 2 :^)
    Left to do: flying manic and axe manic ;-; plz help.
    ActualAnthonino likes this.
  6. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast Media HERO

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    Yeah I wouldn't consider Manic Eraser one of the easiest I'd probably rate it somewhere in the middle like the 4th or 5th spot of easiest to hardest manics. It would be harder if it essentially wasn't just a 5 meatshield stall war but congrats!

    Now I have to try and remember what I did for floor 30 and replicate it brb
    ActualAnthonino likes this.
  7. ActualAnthonino

    ActualAnthonino SkyBlock Prisoner

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    Manic Eraser is one of the best MS in my opinion, I can take a few hits in the beginning so you can stall for money.

    Manic Cow is mostly used for time score stages and just rushing things quickly to cheeseing stages such as ones without a bosswave or ones with a bosstimer, also helps with slowing down LD enemies.

    Manic K.Dragon is mainly a better version on the normal one, longer range, more damage, but don't use it all that much, so maybe you'll find a better use for it!

    nice job bro, manic flying and manic axe are some of the hardest manics out all the others, good luck.
    ExertKarma likes this.
  8. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast Media HERO

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    I just restarted battle cats again I finally got to the point where I got bored AGAIN
    Trust me I've reset like 7 times in the past although I will say this has been the farthest I've ever gotten I just really like the beginning of battle cats where it's the most fun to me so I always reset and do it over. I did enjoy having Kasa Jizo for a while though XD
    ActualAnthonino likes this.
  9. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    Gdi for once someone gets good uber and they throw it away fkin...
    ActualAnthonino likes this.
  10. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast Media HERO

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    Don't be surprised by me "throwing away" good ubers I've already "thrown away" Aphrodite/Togeluga/Keiji
    but anyways
    Battle Cats is a lot more fun to me early game than late game. Sure there's more enemies to fight late game and more challenging fights but Idk why early game just feels more fun to actually do. I've reset at least 5 out of the now 8 times, and this is the only time I actually got A. Bahamut before resetting, before I even got all the crazeds because I got bored and wanted to go back to the early game phases. The only thing that probably kept me going so long this time was the fact that I got ubers that I had never gotten in the past (the only repeat I had of the past this time was Balrog if I remember correctly), and I took a break from battle cats for a while after thinking I had quit for good before coming back to play again without even knowing CotC or Heavenly Tower existed, a.k.a this time around. I'm honestly partially hoping for Ganesha even though I don't think he's super good looking at his stats because it's the only Almighty I've never gotten :P but we'll see what my rng gives me this time
    ActualAnthonino likes this.
  11. ActualAnthonino

    ActualAnthonino SkyBlock Prisoner

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    YOU WHAT?!
    dude, if you have reset the game 7 TIMES before because you've gotten bored, I hate to say it, but maybe battle cats isn't the game for you...
    reseting is the worst thing you have to do in a game, I've lost 2 months of cookie clicker progress a few days ago and that was only 2 MONTHS,
    I've been playing battle cats for 2 YEARS. reseting on BC is not a good idea, you cant get collab units now, AND you have the rare capsule and its RNG to hope for good ubers now.
    well... if you are reseting, heres a tip: once you beat EoC Ch3, save up catfood for GUARANTEED 11 DRAWS so you can get ubers easier.
    but yeah, if you've had to reset 7 TIMES NOW, maybe BC isn't for you... its sadly just what I think.
    also, GOLDEN WEEKEN IS ON! woo!
    time to level up the l'ils!
    (along with some free items and XP)
    ExertKarma likes this.
  12. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast Media HERO

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    You do realize the only reason I've reset that many times is because it's literally the only way for me to go back to the beginning?

    Believe me if I had another device I would just download battle cats on that one if I ever wanted to go back to the start. It's boring to only have one thing to do and never be able to go back, so if I had at minimum like 3 devices compatible with battle cats we wouldn't exactly be having this conversation right now and I'd probably have only reset once or twice on the lowest level of the 3. That's why I love Wynn so much, because even if I get 10/10 characters to 100, I can keep the majority of my progress while only deleting ONE of those characters and starting over from where it all began (and it's fun to just play in general like battle cats). Since you can only have one save slot on battle cats however, that is where the issue of keeping progress while making new progress arises, to me anyways.

    I played it for 1.5 years before resetting once so we were pretty close XD (That was my second run because on my first run I didn't understand what "saving catfood" was and blew away like all of it and reset in a few weeks after realizing my mistake and I had basically screwed myself early on lol)
    ActualAnthonino likes this.
  13. ActualAnthonino

    ActualAnthonino SkyBlock Prisoner

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    yeah, I do, I hate that BC doesn't have some kind of save slot thing, but I think theres a good reason that there isn't a save
    slot thing, and I don't need to say it, do I?
    I'll just start a new save and keep doing it until I get an uber!

    try BCJP, its BC before BCEN. it has a bunch of things that aren't in the EN version, a bunch of new levels, units, all that!
    look, I don't wanna sound like im r/gatekeeping, but BC really needs to be a one-time run, or else you'll just end up in an endless cycle.
    like I said maybe BC isn't for you... sure you like the early game, but if you don't like late game, you'll never get to the new stuff...
    and the new stuff is really damn awesome, if not HAIRPULLING-LING HARD.

    101. also, never understood why WC doesn't have 5 classes, the unevenness is driving me MAD with these save slots.
    ExertKarma likes this.
  14. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast Media HERO

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    It's called low storage space :P
    Let me ask you this:
    What's the point in stopping in playing a game that I may never finish but I still absolutely adore and enjoy? Sure, the game doesn't reflect how it should be played when I play it, I'm quite aware of that, but my question is why do people try to make me stop because of that? Just because I don't play a game like it's meant to be played (unless not playing it how it's meant to be played is cheating then you should probs stop) doesn't mean I immediately need to stop and go find something else to play if I still have fun playing said game.
    It's not even worth it tbh I only got 101 dark wizard because of dxp weekend with csst and I got my archer to 101 without even trying to ever get it to 101.
    Talking about wynn in a battle cats thread also makes perfect sense sorry for bringing that up lol I was just using it to reinforce my reasoning.
    ActualAnthonino likes this.
  15. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    yeah i do agree in that
    midgame is pretty boring, the battle cats is only entertaining on early and endgame
    ActualAnthonino likes this.
  16. ActualAnthonino

    ActualAnthonino SkyBlock Prisoner

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    so guys, hows the lucky ticket farming going?
    ExertKarma likes this.
  17. ExertKarma

    ExertKarma Waiting for mythics to drop CHAMPION

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    well i have all the lil cats so i dont really need lucky tickets, nor do i care about them much :P

    but for the missions i've only finished the 5 one cause im being slow and lazy about it. also because im working more on heavenly tower
    ActualAnthonino likes this.
  18. ActualAnthonino

    ActualAnthonino SkyBlock Prisoner

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    you need to get the plus levels BOI, helps ALOT for making lils more useful, also, if you're doing heavenly tower, try getting lil lion, its unharmed by waves and if you get it to high plus levels, it takes a hit from hermit.
    anyway, how are you doing on HT so far? im on floor 30, stuck because I don't have helpful ubers for it.
    ExertKarma likes this.
  19. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    yee i just got all of em now
    i just did it because i knew there was a cat combo with them
    if there was one with normal and crazed, there was going to be one for the lils
    ActualAnthonino likes this.
  20. ExertKarma

    ExertKarma Waiting for mythics to drop CHAMPION

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    im on floor 27.(Havent attempted yet) I'm suspecting i can get to 30, but not past it so rip

    also i got a new uber from just a ticket draw... i got akira... absolutely not useful but i've heard hes good in evolved form. but rn i have too many ubers/other things to evolve so hes low on my priority list.
    ActualAnthonino likes this.
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