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The Battle Cats

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by ActualAnthonino, May 3, 2018.

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  1. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast HERO

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    Least Baby Cat's Tf makes it quite a good uber for situations imo
    if it was a dupe tho rip

    That's the one with the big feet with super long range but puny dmg and slows units right?
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  2. ActualAnthonino

    ActualAnthonino SkyBlock Prisoner

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    yep. but I ALREADY HAD HIM
    im just gonna watch a shit-ton of ads until I can roll again
    god... at least I got two super rares I didn't have...
    ExertKarma likes this.
  3. ExertKarma

    ExertKarma Waiting for mythics to drop CHAMPION

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    lol u actually do that? what a meme
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  4. ActualAnthonino

    ActualAnthonino SkyBlock Prisoner

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    I don't like doing it, you CAN do it, but its takes forever, watching 10 ads takes like 7 minutes, not accounting that some ads runtime & if it sends you to the game's page after the add is done...
    im going to ahev to watch 750 ADS before I can roll again, the best way I see to speed up trying to get CF is to finish sub-chapter stars without losing, and even at that, it'll still take awhile
    by strat is to watch ads while looking at whats in a level on youtube. (like in guides and such)
    I really hope I don't fail that many...
    ExertKarma likes this.
  5. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast HERO

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    I actually do that as well if I'm watching yt because it's literally just me watching yt and spam clicking my phone about every 30-60 seconds lol.

    Also I'm tempted to do an 11 draw because I have 1520 cat food but I've learned my lesson of doing that on uberfest and only getting one new rare lol.
    ActualAnthonino likes this.
  6. ExertKarma

    ExertKarma Waiting for mythics to drop CHAMPION

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    You guys actually convinced me to do that so now I'm doing it :/ lol but I'm also doing every other way I can think k of to get cat food (collecting some cat food rewards I missed in ITF, first clear rewards on SOL, daily logins, cat food missions)

    Hey guys, also don't forget that arena of honor is ending soon and you could get a nice cat food bonus from that. Currently I'm at the 10% mark but it doesn't seem to be changing so I should be good for the 100 cat food grandmaster reward.

    EDIT:also forgot to mention that I'm just wynn loot running when I'm watching ads lel
    ActualAnthonino likes this.
  7. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    >rolls 2 capsules on epicfest
    >gets uber
    >its drednot which i already have
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  8. ActualAnthonino

    ActualAnthonino SkyBlock Prisoner

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    Damn, that unlucky? well, trying again cant be so bad, I remember getting 3 Ubers for a 11 draw (one of which being Aphrodite) and thinking I spent it well, no failure in trying!


    already done em all, good luck with em!

    I've tried doing arena before and not getting cat food... do I have to get it the day it closes or am I just not getting it?

    making money in BC and makin money in WC.

    welcome to the +1 club buddy, you got kicked in the balls and now you join.

    ExertKarma likes this.
  9. ActualAnthonino

    ActualAnthonino SkyBlock Prisoner

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    just tired the AoH, got 7% after some mixing and matching, along with a combo.
    Score: 113368
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  10. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast HERO

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    (Should I gamble my 1500 catfood on epicfest or not to be honest there's no real uber rares that I really want except Shadow Gao anyways)
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  11. ActualAnthonino

    ActualAnthonino SkyBlock Prisoner

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    yes, its a rise willing to take.
    ExertKarma likes this.
  12. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast HERO

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    Ok just did it and I did actually get an uber rare
    it was the one
    the only
    archer cat
    Jk the uber I actually got was Aer which I already have fml yay another uber with +1 besides Eva-02
    Actually scratch that ima just sell Aer because 1 million xp is more worth than +1 on an uber I like never ever use so yay 1 million xp and +10 UR lol

    Oh well at least I got a new uber from this epicfest being one of the best anti floating in the game in it's TF (Megidora)
    ExertKarma and ActualAnthonino like this.
  13. ActualAnthonino

    ActualAnthonino SkyBlock Prisoner

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    just beat Blizzard Boulevard, timing in the hackey level was hard, but I was able to do it.
    and seeing as a lot has changed for my ubers from the last time I told ya'll, may as well list them all again! (along with some notes)
    Here Goes again:

    Ice Crystal Cat Lv35: Haven't need to level her up seeing as she's mainly for the freeze, makes apple cat kinda useless in a lot of levels, but if she keeps getting hit because of long range enemys, I use iCat
    Wargod Nobunaga Lv27: Got replaced by Bomber so I almost never use him anymore, his range is okay, and damage ain the best, but his freeze is MUCH LONGER then bomber's, enough for him to attack again!
    Divine Windy Lv40: THICC BITCH! the bun-bin killer, amazing for floating and overall great unit!
    Santa Kuu, Type y Lv28: My first anti-alien uber, that's why the level is so high, but now I have Megaphrodite, soooooo… her attack takes forever to reload.
    Coppermine, type k Lv18+1: That +1 haunts me... only good in the TF as far as I've heard... she's also THICC.
    Divine Kalisa Lv40: Makes "No Plan A" a joke, just rush the level with her and you win like that! (sorta) great for killing Angels in an instant, but can outrange the horse fucker, but can hit it with some luck.
    King Gamereon Lv40+1: Used him on "DNA & DHA" a few days ago, was amazing on it! Highest health in the game and Assassin bear becomes a joke (not really but still)
    Super Galaxy Cosmo Lv15: Had him when I beat Manic Lizard, but still under level 10, most likely wouldn't have helped much anyway. haven't used him yet... most likely never will...
    Rock Revengers Lv37: A GREAT anti-zombie uber, one of 3 I have. helped greatly with beating Daboo, not sure which form is better though...
    Catman Lv18: Havent had to use him all the much, just been using Windy & Megaphrodite because they're just great, sorry @ExertKarma . I'll most likely need to use him in CotC Ch2 when is comes out.
    Hayabusa Lv19: Helped me cheese Gestalt, Decay in his 2rd form, so both a good anti-metal & anti-alien unit, but I mainly use him for metals, so yeah.

    The Majestic Zeus Lv25: CatShea's first uber, and I don't use him at all, King Gamereon is what I use for angels, but Zeus does have some range to him so... take that what you will.
    Megaphrodite Lv35: 3RD BEST UNIT in the game! so no DOUBT im hypermaxing her! AMAZING range! Great attack! And an AMAZING anti-Alien unit! soooooo happy I got her!
    Glorious Amaterasu Lv15: shes shit, so fucking bad, like my god, is she bad. never, EVER used her before, shes just the fucking worst uber I have.
    Valiant Poseidon Lv19: FLOOR 38 BOY! just gotta beat floors 30 - 37 to get to it... Pretty damn great not only for zombies for metal too! freeze doesn't last long but its still good!
    Orbital Platform Armageddon Lv19: Haven't had to use him all that much but he is SO FUCKING AWESOME. can't attack whites so... im gonna need to level him up a lot more to be great.
    HUGE HERMIT CC Lv19: Don't use him all that much now that I have Megaphrodite, but he is the best uber from the collab, so yay me.
    Subaru Hoshi CC Lv15: Only got him to above level 10 because if I didn't I would be annoyed, haven't used him yet, not gonna use him.
    Unknown Cat Lv15: Barely use him, but one of the few good Nekolugas, but only in his TF really...
    Asilan Pasalan Lv27+1: Goddamn that +1. my first nekoluga, and longest range in the game in his TF, but I don't use him that much now-a days.
    Lufalan Pasalan Lv29+1: BROCCY BOI! great range, HIGHEST DAMGE IN GAME BOI (sorta) makes "Forest Beasts" a joke.

    balalan Pasalan Lv15: Banana Pasalan, freeze's everything, other than that, terrible.
    Assault Unit R.E.I. Lv38: only good for queen B and that's it, never using it again.

    that's it, sorry for making you read all that crap.
    ExertKarma likes this.
  14. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast HERO

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    Imo Sarukani is better unevolved because of it's spammability, which essentially makes it a less strong Jizo except fighting zombies over blacks. However, when fighting Daboo, the evolved is probably better due to the immune to slow. Keep in mind no zombie enemy as of right now can outrange Sarukani except for Zamelle, Daboo, and Inumusha, all of which outrange the evolved form as well. When fighting angels the unevolved is probably always better as well except when fighting Slepnir, Winged Pigge, and Chickful A. because all of them outrange Sarukani Sunfish Jones does as well but it's more likely you'll hit Jones with a spammable unit rather than a long recharging one.

    Yeah Coppermine's TF makes her actually quite good against floating. If RNG is on your side, she can nearly perma freeze floating enemies in her TF. The reason she doesn't have an 100% chance to freeze is because it would essentially become Ice Queen Cat except fighting floating.

    To be honest if you didn't have Windy you'd probably use this one a lot more since Assault Unit R.E.I is literally Windy except with slightly less dps and less range in exchange for more than 3* the hp Windy has when fighting floating
    ActualAnthonino likes this.
  15. ActualAnthonino

    ActualAnthonino SkyBlock Prisoner

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    good to know!

    Still gonna use windy over R.E.I.
    more ranges makes her better for everything.
    ExertKarma likes this.
  16. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast HERO

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    Ik I was saying if you didn't have Windy you would obviously use R.E.I way more instead of never using them again XD
    Either that or you would've used Catman to because Catman can do near the same dps to floating as Windy and R.E.I but since you have Windy she's superior against floating over both of them.
    ActualAnthonino likes this.
  17. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast HERO

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    Oh wait I just remembered I was going to ask this question like a week ago but I forgot to XD
    I'm assuming all of you have at least tried each crazed stage if not manic so what would you rate the easiest to hardest crazed and manic stages?
    Imo here's what I would rate them easiest to hardest.
    Crazed Stages:
    1. Crazed Cat obviously
    2. Crazed Cow: The reason I put it as this easy is because when you think about it all you really need to do is stack a lot of aoe attackers you only need about 4 meatshields max and I didn't even use crazed eraser to beat it (My four were cat, wall, samba, and crazed cat).
    3. Crazed Tank: 4 meatshield spamming while stalling for a really long fight, although you can cheese the base.
    4. Crazed Fish: If you have no critical hitters then this level's more or less impossible. However, usually a person will have Space Cat by now in order to dispatch the super metal hippoe. It's only rated higher than Crazed Tank because of the rng aspect of killing the smh.
    5. Crazed Titan: To be honest it's pretty much just dragon stacking and rng, but higher than Crazed Fish because of the shockwaves.
    6. Crazed Lizard: If you have Jamiera by the point where you might attempt Crazed Lizard, it isn't so bad because then you can cheese the base. Otherwise, it's a really long, tense drawn out fight.
    7. Crazed Bird: Obviously if you have certain ubers or kotatsu/swimmer this level can be much easier, but assuming you don't have those, it is extremely annoying to beat and near impossible without dual titans if you don't have any ubers/swimmer/kotatsu.
    8. Crazed Gross: Like Crazed Bird, if you don't have shockwave immune ubers to do this or octopus cat then oh boy are you in for a treat, especially without C. Titan, Jamiera, C. Fish, etc.
    Extremely difficult with no anti-floating or red units to deal with the Shy Boys, often resulting in defeat as soon as 2 of them are on stage for a cocky player. You will be constantly fighting at your base pretty much with the Shy Boys and C. Axe constantly munching through your meatshields.

    Here's the Manics:
    1. Manic Macho: This one may seem surprising, but typically you are supposed to have A. Bahamut by this point. All you need to do is use cool japan and send out Bahamut and a few other things and ggwp.
    2. Manic Lion: It's literally the exact same as C. Cow except on steroids. Just stack up the aoe like before except more of it and tankier meatshields.
    3. Manic Mohawk: A long range enemy, a mid range enemy, and a short range enemy constantly plowing at your defenses. Lovely. It's a lot easier though if you have something to dispatch the Teacher Bear and Master A.
    4. Manic Eraser: Replaced the Douche with Capy, the Gories with Gory Blacks, and buffed the Owlbrows and the boss. Typically you'll need at least 5 meatshields and some ranged to prepare for this extremely long fight as the base is very hard to cheese with it's hp.
    5. Manic Island: The hardest part is the islands at the start. The Berserkory is actually not much of an issue typically, because the manic islands cause him to miss so he doesn't do his shockwave. However, I'd rate it higher than Manic Mohawk and Eraser just because it's a more faster paced fight rather than a stall war.
    6. Manic Jamiera: Extremely RNG Heavy. The boss has about a 25% chance to make a shockwave meaning about every 1 of 4 attacks he'll hit one. Luckily, due to the enemies in this stage, you can make him miss his attack causing no shockwave. Also, due to the shockwaves, shockwave immune ubers can usually shine here.
    7. Manic King Dragon OR Manic Flying: The reason they are both ranked the same is because I found both equally as hard as the other. Manic Flying can be easier with certain units, while Manic King Dragon can as well. They both are extremely heavy stall wars, however, while one has more things to fight while the other has less but stronger things to fight.
    Do I even need to explain? Nearly impossible with no gacha to complete. Anti-Red cats or Anti-floating are practically a must if you ever plan on beating this level unless you're going to try and use very high level maniacs and normals.
    ActualAnthonino likes this.
  18. ActualAnthonino

    ActualAnthonino SkyBlock Prisoner

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    all I got left is Manic Jamiera and that's it, wanna hypermax my M.King Dragon first before I try.
    Also wanna add in the Li'l Cats seeing as they are NO-BACAH based levels.

    #1 - Crazed Cat: Intro to what the other C.Cats are like, just stack Bahamuts in the beginning (mostly likely 2-3) bring 4-5 MS, bring some extra attack power (Dragon Cat &/or Paris) and you should be good!
    #2 - Crazed Cow: Hard if you don't know what you're doing, by at this point you should have all the rare cats (at least most of them) lure and MS while sending fire power. saving money is KEY to winning.
    #3 - Crazed Fish: Like C.Cow, you just need to know what you're doing to win. earn money in the beginning with the starting peons and attack on the first fish before the next few get to the base. TF-ing Jurassic Cat Sitter before doing the level would be a good idea (and using Major Space Cat if you have it)
    #4 - Crazed Tank: One of the HIGHEST health enemys in the DAMN GAME. a, long, long Loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong, battle and that's why its so hard, you'll around 30 minutes to an HOUR! keeping the boss at base is best thing you should do, one hit and its over, 5 MS is a MUST. as for the peons? just there for money really.
    #5 - Crazed Titan: Didn't dragon stack at all when doing this (because im stupid) so I didn't get 30 cat food after wasting 30 just to try again, but enough of that. better hope RNG is on your side, because C.Titan's wave gets rid of ALL your MS so... best of luck when fighting the big man.
    #6 - Crazed Bird: If you have double titan, you can do this stage pretty okay, maybe even cheese it like I did! (I think I used up 30 CF, but im not 100% sure) just make sure you have the right units and you should hopefully be good... but you will want to use Super Rares in this stage for sure.
    #7 - Crazed Lizard: LONG RANGE BE LONG RANGE BOY. hacker cat is SUPER HELPFUL here, but if you don't have him, may titan beef be your only attack on the lizards, and you cant do that, you're fucked.
    #8 - Crazed Gross: Easy with A.Bahamut, not so easy if you don't have him. Octopus Cat helps GREATLY here, but seeing as this is early mid-game, you either don't have him, or cant TF him. soooooo… the peon killer is gonna have to wait until you get A.Bahamut, alright?
    #9 - Crazed Axe: One of the most fucking useless cats in the game has one of the hardest stages in the game... Its killer cat before killer cat... Anti-red/Anti-floating Cat are your only hope to beat this, even the guild I found on how to beat it made me have to use 30 CF just to try again, I won, but still used 30 CF, so yeah...

    Li'l Cats are next!

    #1 - Li'l Macho: Just A.bahamut and Paris along with Cool Japan, and this level is beat! (and with Capsule Cat if you have it)
    #2 - Li'l Mohawk: You need Prisoner Cat for Prof.A, but you can do this level really easily with! (maybe even cheese it)
    #3 - Li'l Eraser: Long battle, very long, just MS and use milestone units, and you should be able to beat it!
    #4 - Li'l Dark: IT ISNT HARD ANYMORE! YAY! Ramen, li'l tank as MS, Bahamut and Nyandam as attackers, and Delivery Cat as a bonus attacker, research UP combo sm x2, defense up combo sm, easy level.
    #5 - Li'l Island: Like Crazed and manic at the same time. Li'l Island is like M.Island with a slower attack, and the boss is like C.Fish. Just know what to do and it should go great!
    #6 - Li'l Lion: Hard without Ubers and Super Rares, but you still use A.bahamut and Holy Valkyrie! along with Camera and Paris! MSing will be hard, but just spawn A.Bahamut before the big wave comes out and you should be good to go!
    #7 - Li'l Jamiera: You'll need musashi, but other than that, this level is pretty eazy! just MS with ramen and Li'l lion and you should be good! (with some combos and A.Bahamut double hit sending)
    #8 - Li'l Bird: Takes a LONG time, Rain.D is very annoying here, but you have One Horn to give you your money. Just have TF rares and you'll be good.
    #9 - Li'l Prince Dragon: HOT DAMN I CANT BEAT THIS SHIT. You'll need perfect A.bahamut timing to kill the Li'l Dragons, that spawn quickly and in a stack, they become impossible to beat. never stack above 2/4 dragons and you might be able to beat it.

    I've been typing for so long, i'll do the manics later. See ya'll!
    ExertKarma likes this.
  19. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast HERO

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    Oh yeah I forgot about the lil cats but I can't really say the order of easiest to hardest because I haven't tried doing like 6 of them since I don't even have any lil cats XD I have beaten lil lion and lil macho and attempted lil Jamiera without musashi and got whooped but lil macho I did in a single attempt while lil lion took 2 because I didn't stack enough aoe so both weren't really that hard to me.
    ActualAnthonino likes this.
  20. ActualAnthonino

    ActualAnthonino SkyBlock Prisoner

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    Well, here is the manics like I said:

    #1 - Manic Macho: A.Bahamut + Cool Japan + Paris + Rushing Enemy (Capsule Cats, C.Cow, Maglev, Lion Cat) = Level 4 peon killer
    #2 - Manic Lion: 4 MS, Heavy attack power, Any ubers with fast attack can be very helpful, make sure you find the sweat spot where your MS don't take over your attackers.
    #3 - Manic Mohawk: Master.A makes this level so bloody hard... weaken Mohawk with Thaumaturge, use C.Sexy Legs to try and chip off Master.A, and any ubers should be helpful here.
    #4 - Manic Island: iCat & Octopus Cat make the boss of the level seem like its not even there. kill the first Island before the next 3 come and MS for your bloody life.
    #5 - Manic Eraser: Looooooooooooooooooooooooong battle. maske sure to not let the boss move too much or he will kill EVERY attacker you have. MS and you should be good.
    #6 - Manic K.Dragon: INSANE range and attack, but hacker helps greatly here, getting it to the highest level you can would be a good idea. Double titan and A.bahamut timing and you'll kill the first three dragons in no time! (also don't get cocky when you kill them, there's still 5 more in the base)
    #7 - Manic Jamiera: 25% to do a shockwave, great. May the power of RNG be on your side! The gorys can help Jamiera miss, lowering the wave chance, other then that? dragon stack for your life.
    #8 - Manic Flying: Super slow battle, killing the boss will take you 30 minutes, slowly chip away at it, if you have The White Rabbit or Lufalan Pasalan, this level can become muuuuuuch easier, other than that, you'll be in for a long battle...
    #9 - Manic Dark: Fucker can go to hell for all I care, its just a sick joke. Queen Ice Cat makes this level ALOT easier easy, but does win it overall, J.K. Bun Bun, Dark Emperor Nyandam, and the little fucker himself makes this level one to be reckoned with. Anti-Red & Anti-Floating Cats are your ONLY hope with this. without any ubers, this level is just as hard if not harder than floor 30.

    that's all I have to say.
    also, @ExertKarma , I didn't a cat dojo reward, is it just a glitch?
    ExertKarma likes this.
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