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Guild The Aquarium [TAq] Highest Lvl Guild #1 Lvl 120. Active warring/community Guild! Recruiting lvl 80+

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by WeaponMerchant_, Jun 6, 2020.

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  1. noexpwaste

    noexpwaste Skilled Adventurer

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    In game name: ShamanOnly / 0x26e

    Highest level class, including level: Shaman, 106

    How much time could you devote to playing Wynn and in the guild? I usually log on every day at the very least. It's mainly bursts where I'll play 8-10 hours a day for a few days and then play far less for a bit.

    Time zone: EST

    What made you want to join us? Looks like a very solid guild that is only moving up.

    Have you had any previous guild affiliations? And if so, what was the reason you left? Opus Maximus, the guild disbanded. Achte Shadow, just doesn't really seem like the guild for me.

    Why do you think we should accept you? It's ok to brag, bring it on: I play shaman a lot. (Going for full completionist 14x shaman)

    What's your opinion on guild wars? I have yet to touch them, but they seem very interesting to do later on.

    What will you be willing to contribute to TAq? I can show up and talk. Not really sure what else is expected.

    What would you like to get out of TAq? I just want to be in a good solid guild.

    Would you be interested in crossing our oceans/climbing the ranks? Potentially in the future but it's not really something that I think about.
  2. RisenEzura

    RisenEzura The Sire CHAMPION

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    TAq Application

    In game name: > RisenEzura

    Highest level class, including level: > Assassin (467) but this is just my prof main which i kinda let to gather dust, maining a Shaman now and my offclass is a Mage (both 105/6)

    How much time could you devote to playing Wynn and in the guild? > At least a couple of hours most days

    Time zone: > CET (austria)

    What made you want to join us? > Mostly due to my time spent in frozen fort with you guys and i also spent a ton of time with dino which made me checkout what you guys are up to whiich lead to this application

    Have you had any previous guild affiliations? And if so, what was the reason you left? > RedLotus, it was my first guild i got into, before that i always preferred to just stay solo - The reason why i cut ties is because it grew a bit to casual for me and i wanted to pursue something a but more serious (i'm chill with them and we still are in touch :))
    And also, what i found is that instead of the guild most stuff i did was with R3CE which also lead to me searching for something else

    Why do you think we should accept you? it's ok to brag, bring it on > Cuz i have already 3 (and intend to get the other 2 up) classes at lvl cap and have a decent understanding of the game, as stated below i can contribute bombs and other stuff and am totally down to supporting and helping players :)

    What's your opinion on guild wars? > Never really was in the current wars besides getting 2 shot for tomes but i'm totally down to be in them (if my gear allows for that)

    What will you be willing to contribute to TAq? > My time, knowledge, bombs, totems and anything i can do really, i'm totally open to try new stuff and get into something

    What would you like to get out of TAq? (Example: War knowledge, Loot-running skills) > Knowledge in all sorts of stuff honestly, i wanna grow everything i got so far and contribute it all towards you

    Would you be interested in crossing our oceans/climbing the ranks? (Like, would you want to become a recruiter, then captain, then strategist and then Chief or just stay as a recruit?) > I don't have any intentions going into it but i think i got what it takes for it to climb ranks eventually, got a ton of experience in discord as well but all at its time

    Anything else you'd like us to know? (optional) > well i'm not really the type of person to write applications i more or less just opened my heart here and wrote down what spilled out, i prefer getting to know ppl as i go about it and i'd be more than happy to show you! You can always trust in my happy open personality and to talk stuff out - thanks for reading the app and i hope to heat from you soon​
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2021
  3. R3CE :D

    R3CE :D Skilled Adventurer CHAMPION

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    In game name: > R3CE

    Highest level class, including level: > 1671 (106 combat ofc)

    How much time could you devote to playing Wynn and in the guild? > i play around 5-8 hours most days, sometimes more rarely less

    Time zone: > CET

    What made you want to join us? > seems like a very active war guild, own frozen fort and a friend recently joined

    Have you had any previous guild affiliations? And if so, what was the reason you left? > OUS, became dead, love the community but the in game oart of the guild is dead, no wars, rarely raids (we are still on good terms)

    Why do you think we should accept you? it's ok to brag, bring it on > 10x 106, many mythics, can grind, champion

    What's your opinion on guild wars? > tried them, liked doing them but our guild never did them (small size and mostly lower lvl players)

    What will you be willing to contribute to TAq? > time, bombs sometimes, totems and pretty much what is needed as long as i can provide

    What would you like to get out of TAq? (Example: War knowledge, Loot-running skills) > mostly wars yes and i wana be in an active guild for once, any other knowlage would also be apreciated

    Would you be interested in crossing our oceans/climbing the ranks? (Like, would you want to become a recruiter, then captain, then strategist and then Chief or just stay as a recruit?) > as of right now i just wana try out the guild for a few weeks then if i decide to stay, yes.

    Anything else you'd like us to know? (optional) > idk cant remember anything rn
  4. matismax98

    matismax98 Skilled Adventurer

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    In game name: > LoganLostFight2
    Highest level class, including level: > 288 hunter (105 combat)
    How much time could you devote to playing Wynn and in the guild? I play 5 hours or more most days but if something comes up i might play a bit less.
    Time zone: > CST
    What made you want to join us? > A friend recently joined and another one is trying to in addition one of the members contacted me and asked me about joining.
    Have you had any previous guild affiliations? And if so, what was the reason you left? OUS Red lotus wonderful friends in there some people I have known for quite a while but we never war and hardly raid.
    Why do you think we should accept you? it's ok to brag, bring it on > 2 lvl 100 plus and im trying to get 3 more classes there, a few mythics, grind quite often, and champ rank.
    What's your opinion on guild wars? > Never got to try them with my old guild even though I wanted to. But have been interested to try them.
    What will you be willing to contribute to TAq? > Time, totems, an active player, and potentially a good persoon in guild wars.
    What would you like to get out of TAq? (Example: War knowledge, Loot-running skills) >
    mostly on wars and just having a bit more active of a community. Other general knowledge is appreciated but those are the main things.
    Would you be interested in crossing our oceans/climbing the ranks? (Like, would you want to become a recruiter, then captain, then strategist and then Chief or just stay as a recruit?)
    I would like to try out the guild first and see how the environment is however I have heard many good things and in the event I decide to stay I would love to work towards climbing the ranks.
    Anything else you'd like us to know? (optional) > A few things recently I have been getting more into profs and lootrunning and will be leveling them soon. Also I have Discord Flixz#6061
    The name of the guy that offered was BoredPoison
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2021
  5. DerpNoobik

    DerpNoobik Travelled Adventurer

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    In game name: DerpNoobik

    Highest level class, including level: Assassin, 105 combat, 360 total level

    How much time could you devote to playing Wynn and in the guild? 4 hours a day or more if weekend, 1 hour if it's school day

    Time zone: UTC+2

    What made you want to join us? Guild wars, teams for raids

    Have you had any previous guild affiliations? And if so, what was the reason you left? I was in Ixtal, I left because the guild members were inactive.

    Why do you think we should accept you? it's ok to brag, bring it on: idk

    What's your opinion on guild wars? Only did them a few times but it looks interesting

    What will you be willing to contribute to TAq? wars, raids

    What would you like to get out of TAq? Prof xp boost, wars

    Would you be interested in crossing our oceans/climbing the ranks? (Like, would you want to become a recruiter, then captain, then strategist and then Chief or just stay as a recruit?) I want to stay as a recruit

    Anything else you'd like us to know? (optional) I also have a level 103 archer class
  6. SonnyVA

    SonnyVA Skilled Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Hello DerbNoobik, welcome to TAq! Do /gu join TAq next time you're on!
  7. DerpNoobik

    DerpNoobik Travelled Adventurer

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    It says the guild is full when I try doing /gu join TAq also my name is DerpNoobik not DerbNoobik
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2021
  8. D1uLaSing

    D1uLaSing Skilled Adventurer CHAMPION

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    In game name: > D1uLaSing

    Highest level class, including level: > All classes level 106 (main is mage)

    How much time could you devote to playing Wynn and in the guild? > 5-6hours/day

    Time zone: > Hong Kong (GMT+8)

    What made you want to join us? > I want to join an active guild and play together.

    Have you had any previous guild affiliations? And if so, what was the reason you left? > My previous guild is Echo Gang, left because they were inactive.

    Why do you think we should accept you? it's ok to brag, bring it on > Because I'm good. (x

    What's your opinion on guild wars? > Only did a few times.

    What will you be willing to contribute to TAq? > I can war and raid. I'll also set gu xp 100

    What would you like to get out of TAq? (Example: War knowledge, Loot-running skills) > war

    Would you be interested in crossing our oceans/climbing the ranks? (Like, would you want to become a recruiter, then captain, then strategist and then Chief or just stay as a recruit?) >
    I want to be a recruiter if I can.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2021
  9. Tomm2000

    Tomm2000 Skilled Adventurer

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    In game name: Tomm2000 (tomm2000#6101)

    Highest level class, including level: shaman, 101

    How much time could you devote to playing Wynn and in the guild? Most afternoon for the next 2-3 weeks, a bit less after that bcs school

    Time zone: gmt+1

    What made you want to join us? Been playing wynn for a long time and I want to try guilds

    Have you had any previous guild affiliations? And if so, what was the reason you left? Very little a very long time ago, don't remember much

    Why do you think we should accept you? it's ok to brag, bring it on > yes.

    What's your opinion on guild wars? > idk, never done them

    What will you be willing to contribute to TAq? > wars I guess, idk

    What would you like to get out of TAq? (Example: War knowledge, Loot-running skills) >knowledge

    Would you be interested in crossing our oceans/climbing the ranks? (Like, would you want to become a recruiter, then captain, then strategist and then Chief or just stay as a recruit?) > recruit for now

    Anything else you'd like us to know? (optional) > I also have a l
    v90 mage & lv100 warrior

    Pls reply on discord, I rarely open the forums.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2021
  10. SonnyVA

    SonnyVA Skilled Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Sorry, fat-fingered that. You should be able to join next time you log on. If not just /msg one of the online chiefs/strats in game.
  11. KhanhMai

    KhanhMai Travelled Adventurer

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    In game name: > KhanhMai
    Highest level class, including level: > Warrior ( 105 )
    How much time could you devote to playing Wynn and in the guild? > about 7 hour in a day or more
    Time zone: > Vietnam
    What made you want to join us? > just want to have a active guild and people to play with
    Have you had any previous guild affiliations? And if so, what was the reason you left? > my guild the member was off all the time
    Why do you think we should accept you? it's ok to brag, bring it on > i dont know
    What's your opinion on guild wars? > love them
    What will you be willing to contribute to TAq? > yes
    What would you like to get out of TAq? (Example: War knowledge, Loot-running skills) > idk just have fun i guess
    Would you be interested in crossing our oceans/climbing the ranks? (Like, would you want to become a recruiter, then captain, then strategist and then Chief or just stay as a recruit?) > yes
    Anything else you'd like us to know? (optional) > i'm despressed
  12. Kidflash

    Kidflash Well-Known Adventurer

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    In game name: > AllOfASudden

    Highest level class, including level: > Shaman, 106

    How much time could you devote to playing Wynn and in the guild? > Atleast 15hrs weekly

    Time zone: > GMT +10

    What made you want to join us? > I've heard a lot about TAq and finally after seeing a shout about joining it I decided it was time to join

    Have you had any previous guild affiliations? And if so, what was the reason you left? > IBT, I wasn't enjoying the stay much

    Why do you think we should accept you? it's ok to brag, bring it on > I like playing wynn and interacting with new and different people, I think I would make a good rookie to the guild

    What's your opinion on guild wars? > I don't hate or love them, I do them every now and then

    What will you be willing to contribute to TAq? > I am contributing my personality and I could contribute in guild wars infrequently

    What would you like to get out of TAq? (Example: War knowledge, Loot-running skills) > Would just like to socialise with more people and learn more about wars and guild economy

    Would you be interested in crossing our oceans/climbing the ranks? (Like, would you want to become a recruiter, then captain, then strategist and then Chief or just stay as a recruit?) > Yes I would like to climb the ranks
  13. 8BaconBoy

    8BaconBoy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    In game name: > OfTheSea
    Highest level class, including level: > 105 assassin and mage
    How much time could you devote to playing Wynn and in the guild? > I play everyday more on weekend but around 2 hours on weekdays
    Time zone: > PST
    What made you want to join us? > I want to join a good guild.
    Have you had any previous guild affiliations? And if so, what was the reason you left? > Wynn Legacy the guild just wasn't very active.
    Why do you think we should accept you? it's ok to brag, bring it on > I'm good at warring and like to do it
    What's your opinion on guild wars? > They are fun
    What will you be willing to contribute to TAq? > Warring alot
    What would you like to get out of TAq? (Example: War knowledge, Loot-running skills) >Id like to find people to play with
    Would you be interested in crossing our oceans/climbing the ranks? (Like, would you want to become a recruiter, then captain, then strategist and then Chief or just stay as a recruit?) > I'd like to climb up the ranks.
  14. WeaponMerchant_

    WeaponMerchant_ Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Accepted welcome to TAq :D Please leave your current guild so we can invite you :D
  15. 8BaconBoy

    8BaconBoy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Hey ok thank you not sure if I’m supposed to respond again but I’ll leave in about 2 hours I’m at school right now
  16. zootie01

    zootie01 Skilled Adventurer VIP

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    In game name: zootie01

    Highest level class, including level: Assassin Lv.97

    How much time could you devote to playing Wynn and in the guild? As of late, I've been online for at least an hour a day, and I intend to maintain that schedule.

    Time zone: -5 EDT

    What made you want to join us? I'm looking for a good guild to join, also so the name sounded appealing because I like marine science lol.

    Have you had any previous guild affiliations? And if so, what was the reason you left? I have not been in any guilds yet.

    Why do you think we should accept you? it's ok to brag, bring it on I'm a fast learner, so I can get used to anything new pretty quickly.

    What's your opinion on guild wars? None yet, like I said I have no experience with guilds.

    What will you be willing to contribute to TAq? > Pretty much whatever I can.

    What would you like to get out of TAq? (Example: War knowledge, Loot-running skills) > This will be my first guild, so I'm looking to use this as an opportunity to learn everything I can about guilds.

    Would you be interested in crossing our oceans/climbing the ranks? (Like, would you want to become a recruiter, then captain, then strategist and then Chief or just stay as a recruit?) > Seen as this is my first guild, it's best for me to just stay a recruit.

    Anything else you'd like us to know? (optional) > My Discord is zootie01#3885, in case something needs to be communicated some way other than forums.
  17. JoarBjorn

    JoarBjorn Well-Known Adventurer

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    In game name: > JoarBjorn

    Highest level class, including level: > Assasin 105 halfway to 106

    How much time could you devote to playing Wynn and in the guild? > A couple hours a day

    Time zone: > GMT +2 / Sweden

    What made you want to join us? > Wanted to join a guild and saw someone advertising this guild on their shop. I also like the area this guild owns, as I'm there the most.

    Have you had any previous guild affiliations? And if so, what was the reason you left? > I have been in a guild before but dont remeber the name. Left because I got really into another game (Valorant) and had a lot of schoolwork as it was late spring.

    Why do you think we should accept you? it's ok to brag, bring it on > I have nothing to brag about really, just a lvl 105 assasin. I do have a raid/war build I guess but thats about it. Not rich but not the most pour either.

    What's your opinion on guild wars? > I havent been in one b4 as I diodnt have a war build at the last time I was in a guild, but thats kinbd of the reason why im applying becz I want to see what its like and if I enjoy it.

    What will you be willing to contribute to TAq? > Another member, guild xp as theres no reason for me to get to lvl 106 really, Totems for low lvls to farm.

    What would you like to get out of TAq? (Example: War knowledge, Loot-running skills) > War knowledge mostly but also knowledge about ways to get mychics.

    Would you be interested in crossing our oceans/climbing the ranks? (Like, would you want to become a recruiter, then captain, then strategist and then Chief or just stay as a recruit?) > I dont know what the roles apply or if I have the knowledge to. So depends.

    Anything else you'd like us to know? (optional) > Im still in school so might have to take breaks some days tofocus on that but very rarely and will giva heads up b4 ofc.
  18. xRogueThree

    xRogueThree i am grass

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    In game name: > Polished_cow

    Highest level class, including level: > Mage level 92

    How much time could you devote to playing Wynn and in the guild? > 2 -3 h mon-thur 3h+ friday and 4h+ on weekends

    Time zone: > CET

    What made you want to join us? > The thing that makes me join is there are many late -end players that are on the same level as me, maybe a little bit higher. The warring type of guild actually makes me interested as i had old but good warring experiences [LXA, Sindria, Eden]
    Ill also accept some endgame gear/skill/activities advices too.

    Most importantly i really like when people are doing either boss altars, guild wars, dungeons,most notably: CUR/FF/CIB as i have a lot of fun with them and our completions are very quick.
    Overall this guild has a lot of potential to become a top #1 guild in the server, and i look foward to join it, based on what i stated before and what i feel about its future.

    Have you had any previous guild affiliations? And if so, what was the reason you left? > Furman bee. This guild was very active at first days but nowadys... it DIED out so i left it. Empire of Sindria has a ernomous chunk of land in wynn province but everything was retaken back....
    Lux nova. Simply. Back at my times our territories were getting smaller and smaller until i left.

    Why do you think we should accept you? it's ok to brag, bring it on > My current goal is to reach level 100 as soon as possible so gl me with that.
    Also i love cowfusion.So much it made me polished cow. moo.

    In all of serious im loooking foward to participate in guild wars whenever im done with a quest/have some spare time as my tanky gear makes up it.

    What's your opinion on guild wars? > 10/10 love them

    What will you be willing to contribute to TAq? > Lots of fun, engagement in community and soem other thing that you may know previously....

    What would you like to get out of TAq? (Example: War knowledge, Loot-running skills) > Loot running skills/ Beating LI + Preparation for EO and A Hunters calling

    Would you be interested in crossing our oceans/climbing the ranks? (Like, would you want to become a recruiter, then captain, then strategist and then Chief or just stay as a recruit?) > Most likely climbing up

    Anything else you'd like us to know? (optional) > moooooooooooooooooooooooooo000000000000000
  19. CyberNitra

    CyberNitra King of the Storm VIP+

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    IGN: LizNitra
    Discord: ~Martin#3125
    Highest Level Class: Assassin lvl 104
    How active: ranges from 1 to 3 hours per day
    Time Zone: CEST
    what made me join: A member mentioned how effective party grinding is and that you do that. Also my current guild is to inactive
    Previous Guilds: I was a member of OneUp, a really big guild back then, which got deleted.
    I was a member in smaller guilds which eventually all became to inactive.
    Why accept me/Introduction: I am a 19(almost 20) years old man from Germany who studies math, physics to become a teacher. I like music, listening to it as well as making it.
    I think i am a nice person so why not :D
    Opinion on Guild Wars: Never was a part of warring. I would like to try it out, however my assassin does not have the greatest of builds(im leveling mage to lootrun rn, to fix this problem)
    My Contribution: I would be willing to contribute a part of the emeralds i get from lootrunning, as well as helping out parties,
    My interest in TAq: Mostly Lootrun knowledge and Grind Parties, but also having a guild that is active in order to not play the game alone.
    Climbing the ranks: Climbing is not one of my interests.
    Anything else: I can speak german and english, play other games like LoL
  20. memelord1625

    memelord1625 Skilled Adventurer VIP

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    IGN: memelord1625
    Discord: Lux_et_Tenebrae_#3326
    Highest level class: 105, shaman
    How active can you be weekly? Depends, usually on at 3-8 pm
    Timezone: GMT -6

    Why do you want to join TAq in particular: always wanted to since I joined wynn and looked at map. I saw "aquarium" dominating the sea islands and decided maybe later i would join. ig "later" has become now. :)

    Previous guilds: The Mage Legacy, was kicked because of how I didn't fit in with them. I stayed with them for about a month yet was still sorta isolated from the other members.

    Getting accepted ig: Uh, I'm not sure if I'm gonna get accepted actually. But, "hope for the best and prep for the worst" is kinda my motto rn.

    guild wars and participation: I want aquarium to control the oceans again, other than that, not much else.

    Contribution: helping members if others are occupied maybe? Things like "???" and raids.

    what I want: I just want to join mainly, im not too interested in loot-running but do want to do wars.

    Crossing the oceans and climbing ranks: I dont really have much care for ranks, but if i do get promoted suddenly, I would be quite happy.
    anything else: nothing rlly
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