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Team Fortress 2 Unofficial Discussion

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by n4ver, Sep 19, 2015.



  1. yes

    62 vote(s)
  2. nah

    2 vote(s)
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  1. CoinSmasher

    CoinSmasher Well-Known Adventurer

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    Just so people know how much I play TF2 ( how much I'm addicted to TF2), here is my inventory...

    And btw, anyone want a Competitive Matchmaking Beta Invite? I have 3 of them I will do a raffle. ;)

    And yes, I am a P2P player ;)
    Last edited: May 2, 2016
  2. MyNamesHalo

    MyNamesHalo A sarcastic f*ck

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    Oh and speaking of the absolute Satan spawn that is LMAOBox finally being detected.
    I had changed my Username to "LMAOBOX is dead! :D" for a day to celebrate!


    There was also a bunch of other cool things such as custom viewmodel animations being allowed on Sv_Pure 1 servers
    Featuring community works such as Piemation's "Meet the Amazing ___" series on the official TF2 blog
    and more!

    Did Valve lay off the drugs for once or did the upcoming game Overwatch pressure them maing them realize that they need to step up their game?
    Either way I'm so freaking grateful

    On another note:

    I feel that the TF2 isn't nice or creative as they make themselves to be
    but Instead I just see a bunch of lenny faces on a majority of the hightower servers I go on (sigh)

    or maybe Hightower is cancerous idk
    Last edited: May 2, 2016
  3. CoinSmasher

    CoinSmasher Well-Known Adventurer

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    The release of overwatch helped tf2, Muselk tweeted saying that he called that the release of overwatch would help tf2 in ways, but I can't seem to find the tweet again for some reason
    Last edited: May 3, 2016
  4. Cruuk

    Cruuk yopyop HERO

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    Your main problem is hanging out on cancertower, valve servers aren't exactly the "shining light" of the community, try to hang out on community servers, doesn't matter if the gamemode is official or custom. (I personally like Deathrun servers)

    Although, keep in mind, not all community servers are a safe haven, so be careful what you choose.
  5. Luigi McDingle

    Luigi McDingle Giver of Cookies VIP

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    Skial and DegreeGaming are the only servers I really use anymore. Skial for 2Fort, Dustbowl and Trade, Degree for Freak Fortress and Jailbreak. Jailbreak doesn't have the best community, but overall they're both pretty nice.
  6. MyNamesHalo

    MyNamesHalo A sarcastic f*ck

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    Community servers are the only servers I play on at all, as I personally don't enjoy playing with a team that is full of snipers or spies when I actually trying to seriously play the game. But like you said, not all community servers are great. So it must be ALL hightower servers you're referring to and not just Valve servers when it comes to hightower.

    On a similar note:
    I found hightower to be WAY overrated even before realizing that its the cancer of TF2 (besides sticky spam [don't ask why or it'll become another essay or something] and random crits)

    Personally because I think that its absolutely dumb when the meta of the map that was established by the "oh so amazing hightower community" is to NOT PUSH THE CART even though it says payload race RIGHT IN THE MAP TITLE. Sure I still think its lame when people cap I guess but that's mostly cause I just play along since I don't feel like getting yelled at most times. Yet I also understand why f2p people cap because.... they're just f2ps, people who are new to the game get the impression to push the cart on any map that has a cart as the original game-mode is to PUSH THE CART IN THE FIRST PLACE yet when they do play the objective they get yelled at a good majority of times when they do push the cart as most hightower servers are probably cancerous. I know that this may sound like what a classic tryhard would say when they kill people "Oh killing people is part of the game" but I'm mostly speaking out for the new players here. How would YOU feel if you did something against the meta even though it was part of the game anyway (especially in some terrible server)...yeah you would feel pretty bad. Its the same reasons why f2ps don't get yelled at when they kill friendlies in say...a valve server, because we know that f2ps don't know any better they just get the impression that TF2 is just another fps shooter; they didn't expect any friendlies.

    On another note the map design is pretty boring, this might be because I used to screw around on hightower for hours just playing solly without switching classes much and not disconnecting (I'm that addicted to TF2) but I definitely remember getting bored before disconnecting. Theres just a tower slapped in the middle of the map with barley any flank routes to make the map more interesting. You can just drop down below thats it, but does that even matter when playing the objective is "banned" as a part of this "meta" the "community" placed? My only guess why hightower is popular as its open air making it perfect for rocket jumping soldiers and *gags* trolldiers...sorry about that; its just that I find being a pure trolldier to be the most dumb meta of hightower besides not doing the objective. Mostly because

    1. They're boring to fight against unless you're another trolldier or they're actually good at it
    2. Most people suck at this tactic and are just essentially practice targets for airshots
    3. When the tactic DOES work its extremely annoying as it is almost a 1 hit kill for most classes (if you can't tell I hate the Market gardener, just use the Escape plan of Disciplinary Action when playing solly and [maybe] be useful for Christ's Sake! If you're on anything that is meant to be taken more seriously such as more coordinated pubs that is)
    4. And when you think it does work the crit may not even register because of valve's "oh so wonderful" hitboxes that they didn't bother to fix yet.

    If you find playing trolldier fun: Great I'm glad you're having fun; but it's just that I find blowing people up to be much more satisfying personally [IMO]

    But what about helltower?

    Well obvious that Halloween map is much better than the original surprisingly as people play the objective, and you can cast spells while pushing corpses into the gateway to hell (I'm serious that's what happens).

    Geez this was originally gonna be a response to some little comment yet it turned into an essay, I guess that's how I am.

    I personally like to play on critsandvich network, as people coordinate as a team and the players have higher skill making it perfect for someone who is looking for more of a challenge but doesn't want to get into competitive yet.

    My main issue though besides not letting you use custom viewmodel animations (or not yet at least) but that server #2, the one server that hasplayers in it is usually full or close to full.
    Last edited: May 3, 2016
  7. CoinSmasher

    CoinSmasher Well-Known Adventurer

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    Just a question I have,
    Who else here is a engie main?

    And just some info about how I play tf2 mainly,
    And my favourite map is ctf turbine, and my favourite load out is,

    The Rescue Ranger, Named "Git Cunfuzzled" (Soon to be named that.)
    The Jag, Soon to be replaced by a Australium Wrench (if I ever get one) and I will be naming it "#TeamEngie"
    The Wrangler, Named "Yup, I Controler'." (Soon to be named that.)
    And obviously, the Construction PDA, (Also soon to be named) "Dispenser Dispenser"

    And for my cosmetics :D,
    The Danger, painted Radighan Conagher Brown. (Still haven't figured out what I should name it, please tell me suggestions :D.) (Sometimes I switch to a Australium painted ghostly Gibus, named "AUSTRALIUM GHOSTLY GIBUS".)
    And the Scotch Saver painted Radighan Conagher Brown. (Still haven't figured out what I should name it, please tell me suggestions :D.)

    And now, my favourite taunt :D.
    The one and only...

    ... Rancho Relaxo!!!!!! :D
  8. Esfores

    Esfores In and Out of Existence

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    I'm a Medic main, but I definitely play a lot of Engineer. Don't have anything special unfortunately, just unique Rescue Ranger/Wrangler/Jag with a Scotch Saver, Tools of the Trade and Insulated Inventor.
    And of course, a Relaxo.
  9. CoinSmasher

    CoinSmasher Well-Known Adventurer

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    And also, my favourite thing to do as engie is sentry jumping :D
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