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Strange Location Found In The Molten Heights

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Plasma~, Aug 8, 2017.

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  1. Moe_Ronickah

    Moe_Ronickah Traveling through hyperspace . . .. CHAMPION

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    If it was common knowledge, everyone would know about. But everyone doesn't know about it, and to them, it is a new discovery. Just because you know about it, doesn't make it common knowledge. I guarantee you that I've found at least a couple of things that you don't know about. Should I say that they're common knowledge because I found them, and have known about them, for a very long time? I don't believe that that is how it works.

    Stop acting like that. It's not needed and it's just wrong.
    Plasma~ likes this.
  2. Flare2B

    Flare2B What if? VIP+

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    This is a part of the infamous Molten Heights lootrun, both the pigman T4 chest and the dragon nest one, if I'm not mistaken. Still, good job figuring it out on your own. MH is full of secrets.
  3. Dohdo

    Dohdo I'm back. Cancer in it's purest form.

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    jesus fucking christ

    I said that the first part was common knowledge, yeah whatever, but the second part is something partially new

    and I also gotta say I think you went a bit too sjw there
  4. Moe_Ronickah

    Moe_Ronickah Traveling through hyperspace . . .. CHAMPION

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    Alright, I've highlighted for you what it is that you said, that resulted in several forum members taking issue with it. Do you see what you said after "new"? You clearly dismissed his finding something that he new nothing about. You clearly wrote it off as common knowledge. You clearly said that you'll "be damned for learning something new", because, supposedly, "the op act[ed] like [it was] common knowledge". Further, your first response, obviously to the first part of his statements, was "Well that's new". Claim as you wish, it was logically to the first statement. Unless you want to claim that you respond to posts in an inverse order, and we can easily check that out.

    I didn't go too far, I pointed out that you were acting in an unacceptable manner, and I asked you to stop doing that. Now, you have a couple of choices to make. Please, reconsider your initial response to the OP, and how it appeared/appears to other people.

    Don't forget, no one else is in your mind, and we cannot know what you mean, other than by what you say. In other words? You may not have meant to be mean, but it really came across that way. I hope that's the way it was/is - that you didn't intend to be mean. I'd really rather that you weren't trying to be mean, and that it was accidental.

    ==If this makes more sense, and you understand what I meant better, this second time, then I apologize for not being clear enough the first time.==
    Plasma~ likes this.
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