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World Stop Neglecting The Light Realm

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Samsam101, Jul 1, 2020.


Should the light realm continue being a wasteland of nothingness?

  1. Yes

  2. No

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  1. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    Ah, I'm talking about the light realm AGAIN.

    The CT loves to ignore this place. The land of the Heliolux, the light realm is a place that was fully built, with areas and everything. Its purpose? ONE. FUCKING. QUEST.
    The light realm has one quest that doesn't even have its full rewards added yet. At the end, you are told to enter the rune and fight Orphion. The rune is completely inaccessible. I presume the quest is supposed to give you access to a dungeon/boss altar
    I see dungeon as the more likely option, and here are the reasons they may not have added it:
    A: They were not sure if they wanted special Gavel dungeons (I presume they decided it as suitable as they have planned and scrapped one now)
    B: Limitations not allowing them to unlock dungeon via quest. They can do this now and have.
    C: Time constraints

    I have a thread about a full dungeon concept. Here's the link. https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/dungeon-concept-lustrous-monument.258693/

    As for other changes:

    Add it to the live map
    Add a few more quests
    Make the town less cluttered
    Add a dark heliolux village maybe
    Add a boss altar (maybe?)
    Possibly involve it in some kind of quest involving Dern, because the light realm is the very opposite of it.

    We have no idea what the next update will be, but we can hope it involves the light realm.
    Theeef and gigi2oo2 like this.
  2. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    I think it would be better to remove it instead of improving. When they release Dern (which they will because of players), it WILL be much higher level than RoL, which I think would be quite bad for the lore
    Dr Zed and Dwicey like this.
  3. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    There's just so much wrong with the Realm of Light and Gavel as a whole that I don't really know what they should do at this point. I would like Gavel dungeons if it wasn't for that Corrupted Dungeons, Fallen Factory, and the Eldritch Outlook already fill the upper levels, so adding more dungeons would be redundant. While I've seen most people want a Gavel revamp of some sort, most people would also want something with replay value for veterans since most people playing regularly already beaten the game. And replacing the Realm of Light and Gavel with something else doesn't have that replay value, especially with how broken PvP and Guilds are atm.
    gigi2oo2 likes this.
  4. Rothboy

    Rothboy Well-Known Adventurer

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    About the corrupted dungeons, i would like to seem them removed and replaced by gavel dungeons. They add no new lore and actually dont make sense. Its just the same thing but with the mobs buffed. I think it is a good temporary solution to filling the dungeon need for higher levels but it has stayed for way too long. It bothers me soo much a big part of leveling is running dungeons that are just the low level ones scrapped.

    Also, about the realm of light, i dont think removing is a good solution. The quest finding the light is pretty nice and the entrance of the realm of light makes sense on being on the light forest. But the RoL bother me soo much in the sense that the Heliolux are weak. They are supposed to be the beings of pure light. It makes sense them being weak to corrupted beings, but (if i remember correctly) the Heliolux that makes the helmet for you refers to the rats and mushrooms that inhabit the healm of light as if they were strong. Firstly, this part of the quest is just a “fetch something and get this useless quest helmet” part. But most importantly, why are there hostile mobs that inhabit the realm of light????? The part of the corrupted helioluxes can even make sense, but having hostile mobs natural to the RoL makes no sense. Maybe if they remove the mobs from RoL, increase the lvl of the passive mobs (the heliolux) to lvl 110 or something, remove the helmet part of the RoL quest (maybe rework this quest to transform it in one of those quests about dungeons), add a dungeon with that corrupted heliolux leader at lvl 78 or something and add some more content around (maybe another quest? A secret discivery?), Realm of Light can become good.

    i know what im suggesting takes quite a work to be done, but RoL and dungeons is quite a big part of Wynncraft and i think they need more attention.
    JaydonTheWarrior likes this.
  5. StormDragon4

    StormDragon4 Horribly Inactive HERO

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    Removing these dungeons would get rid of loads of work that the CT has already done. personally I would like to see corrupted dungeons become hardcore endgame challenges with gavel dungeons filling the 70-99 range.
  6. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    AKA changing a bunch of blocks to obsidian and lava as well as making them look ruined.

    Corrupted dungeons add very little to the lore. The light realm is important to the Gavel lore. Removing corrupted dungeons would be a good decision.
  7. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    But even the little can be important
    For example Theorick saying you failed and now the Corruption took control over him.
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