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In the News (spoilers) Star Wars: The Last Jedi Discussion.

Discussion in 'Nemract's Bar' started by Jamieverse, Dec 18, 2017.

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  1. DrX2345

    DrX2345 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I reckon Luke is going to come back as some more-powerful-than-usual Force Ghost, and I don't think he properly died. I think he chose to become one with the Force (I am one with the force and the force is with me etc), so he might have retained more of his considerable power.

    Who liked the Praetorian Guards' interpretive dancing in the background of the first Snoke scene? It's like, Kylo moves towards him and they start making poses and throwing shapes with their weapons but iirc don't even move towards him more than like a step. Not a big deal, I just noticed them and found it funny
  2. CFuller06

    CFuller06 Travelled Adventurer

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    What are you talking about Disney is going to make a Snoke anthology film to milk the living hell out of the money-producing cow that is star wars.
  3. Poiu429

    Poiu429 yote VIP+

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    Revealed when? Link me to an interview, vid, etc.
  4. Locky1110

    Locky1110 Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Luke had to die off someday
    he's getting old and all he did was stand in one spot on the island for 2 minutes and drank milk from those weird cow giraffe things. The only time he was in The Force Awakens was the final scene.
    My favorite part of when luke roasted kylo was when he wiped his shoulder after getting shot 200 times
    What do you have with the porgs
    they are literately a heckin' side character that appears when chewbacca is eating some food and when he flys the falcon
    it really doesn't matter how they move, because they aren't crucial towards the plot.
    Yoda was... eh it wasn't very fitting for him to come at the time
    in my head while watching it i was like "If someone was watching luke talk to yoda, then would it just look like luke was talking to rock that yoda was standing on like an insane person?" and he just murdered the ancient republic text :(
    yoda didn't need to be there
    tru dat
    I'm just wondering how they're gonna kill off leia (if somehow Carrie is reading this, sorry and may ur legacy live on :c) They acted as if she was alive at the end (and yes at the time she was) but they can't film her ded body, cause that's dangerous, disrespectful, and incredibly hard to do.
    sure was a great movie

    i didn't know the leia flying thru time and space either

    Rose did say why, but it sounded like something a 5 year old would say,"I saved ur lief dummy. WE dOn'T FIgHt WHat wE HatE, WE saVe WhAt wE luV"

    we all hate laura dern
    wait a minute

    laura dern is still my most hated character to me cuz she was a dirtbag to poe
    ew b+
    id say around A - A-
    it won't be an A+ cuz reasons u stated
    and it was more jokes than story (not that there's anything wrong with that)
    Jamieverse likes this.
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