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Any Class Silver's Custom Item Feedback Plaza

Discussion in 'Class Builds' started by SilverMirror, May 9, 2018.

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    YYGAYMER reeeee FW FW HIC Master HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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  2. Turbostratus

    Turbostratus Newbie Adventurer Media CHAMPION

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    ^^ random boots I thought of, partly inspired from Scale of Sieryu

    Sorry I couldn't really think of a good name and lore (gotta revise for my a level mocks so making this quick). Again, I'm really unsure if this is balanced or not, I tried to make the main disadvantage to be bad spells and slightly worse melee dps but better survivability. If you have any ideas for improvement please let me know.

    PS: sorry for giving up on the chestplate from ages ago
  3. ign:elado55

    ign:elado55 Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Name: Tradeoff
    Idea: A ring that gives rainbow defenses off all kinds at the expense of a unique trait commonly associated with that element (I.e attack speed = thunder, mana regen = water)
    I didn't want to do attack tier because then I'd have to buff up the thunder defense to balance it, -1 attack tier is way too much for a ring supposed to be balanced and rainbow.
    There is no requirement except level to balance it out again, and also because the main idea is that it costs to use the ring, so if you need to balance it that should be enough, this ring is mainly intended to give defenses to builds that can't use a certain element, so something using divzer could get some air defense going using rings.

    About the tier, it might be better if it was legendary, not sure.
    with the balancing all elemental defenses on it should stay equal to each other.

    Name: No name thought of as of yet.
    Idea: Legendary bracelet that destroys the defense in water, air, requires contradictory elements to use, but gives you intelligence and attack tier for it.
    I think it's self-explanatory but the idea is to give spell spam builds a little hybrid elements while giving ones with seemingly no major flaws (Enough skill points to put into contradictory elements, enough skill points in general, no -Skill points usually) a flaw or two.
    Not sure it's currently balanced but I think this item could work pretty well if tweaked.

    Name: Balance
    Legendary boots, earth based, bad walk speed, pretty generic right? Now let's make some changes.
    Idea: Boots give you bad walk speed, bad earth damage, bad air damage, good earth defense, mediocre agility, reduce attack tier to finally balance out, reduce spell damage % and increase melee damage %

    Just an item for earth based tanks.

    I would put about 25 items extra here if I could but it's late and I have a headache and some feedback from somebody with experience *might* help my hopeless case when making 25 more items for even more feedback.
  4. SilverMirror

    SilverMirror Retired IM HERO

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    *before exam*
    custom item hype is dead and probably so is this

    *one exam period later*
    jeez 5 subs ok

    here’s something for me to work on when i wait for my plane tmr
  5. ign:elado55

    ign:elado55 Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Yeah don't worry I plan on making enough bad items to make this a chore for you.
  6. SilverMirror

    SilverMirror Retired IM HERO

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    Alright sorry for the delay, lets get some simpler one done

    water = the spell element = no melee
    you should reference more how in game items are made and try to make more convincing items with similar stat ranges, while going crazy is fun it wont help if you wanna improve your item making skills :) try tuning down the damages and switch to another element for a start

    fire = slow melee element, being anti water it is the slow hitting melee element even slower than earth in terms of attack speed and in general, which is why fire is the least compatible with +tier, as +tier is found with dex/agi gear and maybe with earth, the only exception being burnout.
    therefore going for a def focused +tier accessory is not really a good idea.

    i mean if you're basing it on scale then theres not much i can comment on, other than scale is designed for the ultimate movement purposes with ws and mana regen but it seems like you tried to squeeze in some combat ability in...? with ls and more health but it still kills your damage and mana so its sort of underpowered in a way, in general it lacks focus and not really a good design :<
    i like where its going for, the theme of a dungeon set is pretty fun, but the set bonuses arent exactly enticing, as in, sure its good but it lacks a focus except the set bonus being used to counter the drawbacks. Also the 8th set bonus is way too many if you think it in game that would take up more than the entire screen. so wt it really needs would be a better focus/themed and try to play around the set bonus mechanic more.

    but generally i like the dungeon theme quite a lot
    i take that you based its strength with one of the most ridiculous mistake that has ever existed in game that is The Gambler, lets not do that, 100x5 no req is extremely powerful for a ring and the drawbacks arent even begin to balance its strength. there is a reason why elemental patches like these shouldnt exist as you arent supposed to fix your defense if you're going for an extreme elemental focused build. also 3/5 of the drawbacks arent even relevant if going for a spell build. overall very overpowered and i wont really encourage proceeding with this design.

    i dont think it is self explanatory, the design is extremely contradictory in terms of conceptual and practical, water is the most anti melee element ever and should never have a +tier on it as exhibited by wt can currently found in game. do remember +tier is only associated with fast elements like dex and agi. the -sp is just an increase of req and doesnt really serve other purpose since its set id. overall the item is pretty imbalanced due to being in a very extreme state of having an overly severe drawback to "balance" an +tier on an accessory

    but i can see that u at least understand the weight of a +tier, so work on a more elemental appropriate idea with less contradicting concepts would go a long way

    is actually pretty ok if not a bit underpowered, i can see you at least get the rough weights of ids in this one but it lacks focus, and again im not sure if you are going for the contradictory thing again. if its earth focused you should go earth all the way dont kill its earth damage, and dex req with -thunder def? im not sure wt really to comment but rather an overall mess

    i can see you have good intuition and some understanding in how IDs works, but you should reference more in game items otherwise the design would be less than convining. Contradictory theme is very hard to do right and i dont suggest doing it from the get go, just go for something more generic and try to get the balance right first and then go for creative designs, after getting those two down then you can try contradictory but not really recommend it as it doesnt really exist a whole lot in game anyway
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2018
  7. highbread

    highbread highbread HERO

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    mostly a test of my understanding of elemental combos, would you say this fits earth thunder?
  8. Turbostratus

    Turbostratus Newbie Adventurer Media CHAMPION

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    Maybe you're right lol. Just to clarify, I tried to make it have good survivability + good mobility with the sacrifice of damage.
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