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World Silent Expanse Boss Altar: Witnesses' Watchtower (lv 100+)

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by highbread, Feb 10, 2020.



  1. yeah

  2. kinda

  3. no (tell me why or your soul is mine)

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  1. highbread

    highbread highbread HERO

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    Currently, the Silent Expanse does not have a boss altar. For an endgame area like itself, I think it's only fitting for it to have one.

    Boss Atlar Name: Witnesses' Watchtower
    Location: Eyeball Forest, near All Seeing Witnesses grind spot
    Appearance: One of the large, dark spikes covering most of Silent Expanse. The inside is carved out with eyes peeking outside, and a large platform is crudely built on top.

    Item Requirements: 2x Dark Iris
    Hint: Of the eyes peeking out from the tower, two of them appear darkened
    Arena Layout: Mostly dark and flat, except for five large red spikes spaced throughout the arena. The arena itself isn't large, but isn't small either. Compare to Orange Wybel and Prison of Souls.

    Boss Fight:
    Boss Name: Overseer's Myrmidon [Level 110]
    Boss Appearance: A vaguely spider shaped creature, but instead of a normal abdomen and head, there's a large eye that changes appearance based on phase.

    Phase One:

    Every time the boss drops down by 100k hp, minions spawn in groups of 3-4 each

    Boss appears as a creepy spider with a large, bloodshot eye for a body. It has a rapid skittering animation for its movements.

    Form One: Beginning
    Overseer's Myrmidon [●○○○○○○○]
    Health: 200,000
    Regen: 0
    Elemental Defenses: -150 Earth
    Movement Speed: Sprint x2
    AI: Melee
    Attack Speed: 5 per second
    Damage: 1200-1850 Neutral, 0-500 Thunder, 200-300 Water, 175-325 Fire, 150-350 Air
    [Slow -> Multihit (40% Damage)] Two second cooldown
    [Charge -> Charge -> Charge] Seven second cooldown before any other spells cast
    [Heavy Pull -> Delay -> Heavy Explosion (200% Damage) -> Heavy Charge (200% Damage)] Eight second cooldown before any other spells cast

    Form Two: Spell
    Overseer's Myrmidon [●●○○○○○○]
    Health: 200,000
    Regen: 0
    Elemental Defenses: -150 Thunder
    Movement Speed: Immobile
    AI: Melee
    Attack Speed: 0 per second
    Damage: 2400-3700 Neutral, 450-550 Earth, 400-600 Water, 350-650 Fire, 300-700 Air
    Charge, two second cooldown
    [Pull -> Delay -> Wave (30% Damage) -> Heavy Charge (150% Damage)] Three second cooldown before any other spells cast
    [Teleport -> Teleport -> Teleport -> Delay -> Arrow Storm (15% Damage) -> Teleport -> Teleport -> Teleport] Five second delay before any other spells cast
    [Slow -> Arrow Storm (20% Damage)] Three second delay before any other spells cast
    [Charge -> Charge -> Charge -> Meteor (100% Damage) -> Charge -> Meteor (125% Damage) -> Charge -> Meteor (150% Damage)] Twelve second cooldown before any other spells cast

    Form Three: Enrage
    Overseer's Myrmidon [●●●○○○○○]
    Health: 200,000
    Regen: 0
    Elemental Defenses: -150 Water
    Movement Speed: Sprint x1.5
    AI: Charge
    Attack Speed: 1 per second
    Damage: 2400-3700 Neutral, 450-550 Earth, 0-1000 Thunder, 350-650 Fire, 300-700 Air
    Heavy Teleport (50% Damage) Two second cooldown
    [Pull -> Delay -> Heavy Explosion (175% Damage)] Four second cooldown
    [Push -> Delay -> Heavy Charge (175% Damage)] Four second cooldown

    Phase Two:

    New Mechanic: Gaze. Every 20-30 seconds, the boss will summon an eye in the center of the arena which stares at the player (guardian laser, unaffected by vanish). If the player fails to hide behind one of the five spikes in the arena when four seconds have passed, they will be petrified and unable to move, attack or cast spells (no mana usage). If the player is currently in a dangerous location (where they’ll get petrified if time runs out), an indicator will flash on screen). The default length of petrification is six seconds, which can be shortened if the player spams spells (which don’t do anything except shorten the duration by half a second for each spell). This attack comes with a burst of minions, double the normal size.

    Text: The Peering Oculus stares intently at you. Break the gaze before it's too late!

    Indicator: [!!!]

    Text: You’ve been petrified! Cast spells to break out of the effect!

    The spikes around the stadium serve a purpose for defending against the gaze attack. The spike used to break the gaze will be destroyed, and an eye will be visible underneath. These spikes can be rebuilt if the player right clicks the eyes with the Sizzling Coagulants dropped by minions. It takes one the first time, two the second, three the third, and so on. This increase is individual among each one, so if the player is careful about which spike they use, they can avoid inflating the prices too much.

    Text: The gaze seems to have destroyed the spike. Perhaps it can be rebuilt with the eye underneath if you use a coagulant of some kind...

    Appearance: The boss’s body (a large eye) is cut open, revealing many smaller eyes within. It gains a redder tint.

    Form Four: Burst
    Overseer’s Myrmidon [●●●●○○○○]
    Health: 225,000
    Regen: 0
    Elemental Defenses: -150 Fire
    Movement Speed: ½ Walk
    AI: Burst Ranged
    Attack Speed: 0.2 per second
    Damage: 600-2350 Neutral, 225-275 Earth, 0-500 Thunder, 200-300 Water, 150-350 Air
    Heavy Vanish, 15 second cooldown before next spell cast
    Teleport, 8 second cooldown before next spell cast
    If still alive after 120 seconds: [Heavy Teleport (80%) -> Heavy Teleport (80%) -> Heavy Teleport (80) -> Self Destruct (0%)]

    Form 5: Volatile
    Overseer’s Myrmidon [●●●●●○○○]
    Health: 250,000
    Regen: 0
    Elemental Defenses: -150 Air
    Movement Speed: Sprint
    AI: Melee
    Attack Speed: 1.5 per second
    Damage: 2600-3900 Neutral, 550-650 Earth, 0-1200 Thunder, 500-700 Water, 450-750 Fire
    Explosion (75% damage), 4 second cooldown
    [Heavy Pull -> Delay -> Heavy Explosion (125% damage) -> Heavy Pull -> Delay -> Meteor (200% damage)] 5 second cooldown
    [Heavy Pull -> Slow -> Heavy Flamethrower (25% damage) -> Delay -> Heavy Charge (150%)] 5 second cooldown
    [Charge -> Delay -> Charge -> Explosion (75% damage) -> Charge -> Explosion (75% damage) -> Charge -> Heavy Explosion (140% damage)] 10 second cooldown

    Form 6: Rushdown
    Overseer’s Myrmidon [●●●●●●○○]
    Health: 300,000
    Regen: -5000
    Elemental Defenses: -150 ALL
    Movement Speed: 2x Sprint
    AI: Berserk
    Attack Speed: 1 per second
    Damage: 2600-3900 Neutral, 550-650 Earth, 0-1200 Thunder, 500-700 Water, 450-750 Fire, 400-800 Air
    Heavy Vanish, 8 second cooldown
    [Charge -> Weaken -> Slow -> Delay -> Charge -> Multihit (30% damage)] 5 second cooldown
    [Vanish -> Delay -> Heavy Charge (125% damage) -> Multihit (25% damage) -> Multihit (25% damage) -> Multihit (25% damage)] 6 second cooldown
    [Charge -> Delay -> Heavy Charge -> Delay -> Charge -> Arrow Storm -> Charge -> Heavy Charge -> Multihit] 10 second cooldown
    [Heavy Charge stack x5 (50% Damage, 250% Total)] 16 second cooldown

    Phase Three:

    The last real phase. Gaze mechanic ends. Minions no longer spawn. Arena size reduced to just a bit larger than Death Metal, blocked off by blood-like growths. Boss is locked into the center of the arena. The health bar is replaced with a timer that ticks down from thirty seconds. Boss model gradually becomes more damaged, losing limbs, and melting down into a puddle. At the same time, the boss gradually becomes weaker every five seconds.

    Every five seconds, one of the spikes break down. All five are up at the beginning.

    Every three seconds, an eye will appear that rolls around the stage and bounces off walls, moving at a speed about equal to 0.75x sprinting. Getting hit by it will deal 20% maximum health (affected by def and agi).

    Seventh Form: Final Stand
    Overseer’s Myrmidon [●●●●●●●○]
    Health: N/A (Intangible)
    Regen: N/A (30 Seconds)
    Elemental Defenses: N/A (Intangible)
    Movement Speed: Immobile
    AI: Burst Ranged
    Attack Speed: 5 per second | 4.5 per second | 4 per second | 3 per second | 2.5 per second
    Damage: 0-800 Neutral, 0-200 Rainbow | 0-650 Neutral, 0-150 Rainbow | 0-500 Neutral, 0-125 Rainbow | 0-400 Neutral, 0-75 Rainbow | 0-300 Neutral
    Arrow Storm (200% Damage) 2 second cooldown
    Meteor (600% Damage) 4 second cooldown

    Fourth Phase:

    Arena is damaged and completely wrecked. All of the blood-like growths from phase three are gone, with only little patches remaining. The spikes are snapped in half, laying on the ground.

    The boss’s appearance is drastically different from the first two phases, now being what looks like a crushed smudge with a few vaguely leg-like appendages sticking out.

    Near the edge of the arena is a void hole that warps you back to the entrance.

    Eighth Form: End
    Overseer’s Myrmidon [●●●●●●●●]
    Health: 10,000
    Regen: 0
    Elemental Defenses: -300 ALL
    Movement Speed: Sneak
    AI: Passive Flee
    Attack Speed: N/A (Passive)
    Damage: N/A (Passive)
    Push, 16 second cooldown
    Sanguinary Witness [Level 105]
    Health: 25,000
    Elemental Defenses: 150 Thunder, 175 Air, -150 Water, -150 Fire
    Movement Speed: Sprint
    AI: Crawl
    Attack Speed: 1
    Damage: 1750-2000 Neutral, 0-500 Thunder, 200-300 Air
    [Charge, Slow, Weaken] (long cooldown, only cast slow and weaken right after charge)
    Drops: ⅓ chance for Sizzling Coagulant

    Astringent Witness [Level 105]
    Health: 20,000
    Elemental Defenses: 100 Earth, 125 Thunder, -150 Fire, -150 Air
    Movement Speed: Walk
    AI: Support Ranged
    Attack Speed: 0.5
    Damage: 1500-1800 Neutral, 400-500 Earth, 200-700 Thunder
    Heal, 10 second cooldown before more heal casts
    Arrow Storm (20% Damage) 15 second cooldown before more arrow storm casts
    Drops: ½ chance for Sizzling Coagulant

    Eldritch Outlook Dungeon Key (Untradable) - 100% Droprate
    https://wynndata.tk/ci/918715197 aesthetically pleasing custom coming soon

    Note: I understand that this may include mechanics that are not possible for current wynn. This was more or less something I did for fun, and what I would do if I were in charge of making a boss altar for Silent Expanse.

    Please leave feedback.

    please though can we have a silent expanse boss altar?
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2020
  2. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    i see you sneaking in an epic etw helmet
    edit: WHYYY are triclops defenses not 133/163/193
    WHYYY is it 163/133/193
  3. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    man Assassin just screwing stuff up all the time, making 1st spell cost OP on some classes and basically useless on others
    Saya and one_ood like this.
  4. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    Rework spin into a completely utility-centric spell when :>
    one_ood likes this.
  5. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    And leave Assassin with a trash tier 3rd spell?

    Easier solution imo is to swap Spin to 3rd spell and Multihit to 1st spell, and swap the Blindness from Spin to Multi.
  6. btdmaster

    btdmaster Famous Adventurer VIP Item Team

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    Didn't salted say they didn't want to do this? Or was that someone else? Idk anyway someone said it
  7. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    Boss seems a tad too hard but I do like the idea of a boss alter in silent expanse +1
  8. Benjin

    Benjin Famous Adventurer

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    Oh great, its Pathogenesis except it's an actual threat
    MagmaMelon likes this.
  9. highbread

    highbread highbread HERO

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    besides the unique gaze mechanic, the idea behind this boss was mostly centered around patterns.

    if you look at the spells, you'll notice that basically every combo starts with a non-damaging spell. this serves as a warning for a damaging spell or spell combo. in the case that it doesn't, the spell has more or less just minor damage.

    pull usually = spell with max damage potential at close range like multihit, explosion, wave, etc
    push usually = an approach spell like heavy charge
    and so on

    furthermore, the boss wont cast any spells for a while after some combos, giving the player time to rack up damage

    in other words, playing against this boss will, yes, take a higher degree of skill, but should be more consistent compared to others because of its degree of predictability.

    the boss also has no regen unlike many other bosses, making draining the more than 1 million hp less of a task.
  10. Jbip

    Jbip yea QA GM CHAMPION

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    very solid stuff, some things here already scare me as a gm (hi bouncing eye) but it's very well designed
    Linnyflower likes this.
  11. Linnyflower

    Linnyflower ironman btw Item Team HICH Master CHAMPION

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    very good boss idea yes
  12. Epicness937

    Epicness937 Thesead water god. HERO

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    Wow very cool boss idea! I do think the drops should include one more item and two ingredients or somthin but for real great idea 10/10!
  13. MrYoghurt2004

    MrYoghurt2004 Warrior Gang Discord Moderator CHAMPION

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    Really solid stuff, honestly. I’d love to see this in game and i would imagine it’d be really fun, but the eo key drop seems a bit cheap and out of the blue, guardians aren’t that rare. Otherwise, really good.
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