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Short Survey About Dungeons!

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Salted, Jan 11, 2019.

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  1. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    I only really have two complaints about dungeons,

    1. Galleon's Graveyard and Fallen Factory guardians are extremely uncommon. Perhaps the latter will be mitigated slightly by the Molten Heights quests being added. Although, despite grinding in various parts of the Molten Heights for at least 10M exp, I've never found a single FF guardian there, and have only found 3-4 in Corkus.

    2. Uth guardians don't give enough reward for the difficulty needed to complete them. It's extremely difficult to get Uth runes before level 90-95, and even then, going through the entire process only nets 2-5 runes. For dungeons starting at level 82, especially considering their length, it's a lot easier to just wait for a dungeon bomb and get in 2 or 3 runs of either one.
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2019
  2. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    This was an interesting survey, you should do stuff like this more often!

    Right now I feel like dungeons are a pretty good feature, maybe early-game dungeon rewards could made a bit cheaper but that's one of the only gripes I have about them. There are also a few repetitive parts in some of the dungeons:
    - Lost Sanctuary requires you to collect 4 TNT, then 5 TNT, then 6 TNT... it just feels like a grind.
    - There's one part of Undergrowth Ruins with five pillars that requires you to collect tokens. The mobs there have a very slow respawn rate, and it just doesn't feel as fun doing the dungeon when you have to sit a bit and wait for mobs to respawn.
    And that's all the other feedback I have. At the very least they're more than 2014 dungeons!
  3. Spinel

    Spinel Pronounced Spin-nell, not Spine-el VIP+

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    Since everybody’s giving their own opinions on dungeons, I’ll chip in too.

    • I don’t like Undergrowth Ruins. As Fish mentioned, the pillar part has a slow-as-molasses mob spawn rate, which really slows you down for no reason. The slime grinding part is annoying too, since the room is so big and slimes can fall into the water. Also, the rewards. The armor is decent, but the weapons aren’t worth your time. The only real reason why I’d do this dungeon is for the tier 4 powders. It’s a shame that my favorite dungeon quest belongs to hands down my least favorite dungeon.
    • The xp curve for dungeons is unbalanced. Either the late dungeons give too less xp, or the early dungeons give too much xp, or both. In the early levels, doing dungeons is a great source of xp. You can do the dungeon at the recommended level and get at least another level. However, starting from Undergrowth Ruins or so, you’re lucky to fill half of your xp bar, and this gets worse as you progress. Doing corrupted dungeons for xp without an xp bomb isn’t worth your time at all.
    NITEHAWKX, SUPER M and Bliss like this.
  4. Bliss

    Bliss HERO

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    I stumble upon FF guardians chasing me and trying to ruin my day at Corkus and MH about three to five times a day, so I don't think there's an issue with them. Must be your bad luck.
  5. btdmaster

    btdmaster Famous Adventurer VIP Item Team

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    I find that the ice barrow key guards are reaally annoying. I'm just like sorting my bank out in nesaak, not moving and then he starts pulling me around, teleporting to me and hitting me while I'm trying to do something. The nesaak guards need to do more damage or something because it takes them forever to kill him and he can beat me up while they're trying.
  6. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    A lot of the "annoying key guardians" problems would be solved if key guardians worked like Nii guardians.
    SUPER M and Shots like this.
  7. SUPER M


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    Both regular and corrupted Lost Sanctuary guardians do.
  8. Salted

    Salted Game Design & Wynncraft Founder Staff Member Admin GM CHAMPION

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    That's something we talked a few time in the CT but I doubt we'll change that. I like how there's a risk to encounter a strong miniboss while adventuring and it makes them stand out from the Nii. Some of them are a bit too annoying though, I admit
  9. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Lost Sanctuary key guardians are passive, and only spawn hostile mobs when they die, in a swarm attempt - I have no problems with that mechanic.
    coolname2034 likes this.
  10. SUPER M


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    Yeah, I don't either. I was just pointing out that there are key guardians that work like Nii Guardians.
    I think you should leave the choice to fight these harder enemies up to the player. I hate when I loot run and FF Key Guardian slows me down for like 3 minutes and I can't get rid of the potion effect.
    coolname2034 and Druser like this.
  11. Shots

    Shots Legendary Adventurer HERO

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    Time to slam this thread with walls of text.
    The key guardians are ridiculously easy to find. I can basically go 20 blocks in any direction around Ragni and see one. Luckily, they aren't fast and you can completely ignore them if you want, so it's fine.
    No real complaints, as the dungeon is at the difficulty and length it should be for that dungeon. However, the walls sometimes don't spawn even when hitting the pressure plate (most likely due to lag).
    They aren't as common to find as the Decrepit guards, but still are pretty common. The problem with these ones is that they are ridiculously fast and you might not even notice them until they are literally standing on you. I've had a fair share of times where I've gone all the way to Almuj, Detlas, Nemract, etc. via a horse and apparently one of them followed me the entire way there. They're more hilarious than annoying though, since if you hit them once they start running away, but still. For most key guardians, I would recommend it where they only attack you if you attack them, like Nii guards as Druser said.
    As much as I despise the first room, I can't really say it needs to be changed either. The entire point of that dungeon is to swarm you. Changing that first room so it would have decreased spawnrates defeats that purpose. No other real big complaints though.
    In my entire time playing wynn, I have only come across the lost sanctuary key guardian a max of like 15 times. That seems like a lot at first, but suggesting I have at least double with pretty much every other key isn't a good sign. There are issues with this guardian in particular. Firstly, it only spawns consistently in the Roots of Corruption or Time Valley. Both of these places the player spends very little time at those areas at that level to where doing Lost Sanctuary would actually be productive for grinding gear. Second off, it's a literal chicken. I get that it's supposed to surprise you once you kill it and it splits into multiple enemies, but unless you specifically know it's a chicken, a player is probably going to ignore it unless they see a red name and just assume it's a random chicken. I do like the fact that it is a passive until killed mob though.
    I know people hate this dungeon a lot, but honestly it's not that bad. The grinding for tnt kind of gets repetitive, but it does introduce a new enemy in each room to spice things up (though minimal). The bridge part is kind of annoying because lag can keep you there for quite a while, but other than that it's fine. The parkour is also fine. Garoth, however, is not as broken as people make him seem. Sure, flamethrower exists, but it is considerably easier to avoid since you're not supposed to even fight him in the first place. The only real issue is the times you have to stop to throw the tnt into the hopper, and if he is currently using flamethrower and you are trying to do so, you will take damage regardless. A newer player might also be confused on what they exactly need to do to beat the boss, and the creeper spawn rates aren't super consistent either. The dungeon itself is also very secluded, and I think it's safe to say that many people wouldn't know about it if the DnD update adding quests to dungeons didn't happen. Overall, it's still fine as a dungeon.
    They only really spawn around Nemract, but they spawn fairly consistently and the player spends a fair amount of time there as well (level 20-30 ish). However, one issue is that they are very lethal at their level due to their charge attack. One solution is to make them not attack unless attacked, as I suggested for all the key guards (which already applies to Lost Sanc).
    Underworld crypt is pretty high up there in one of my favorites. The only problems I really have with it is you've basically only got two unfailing strategies for the boss (being either spamming Grakens or spamming defenders then Grakens), and the fact that you can cheese the survival portions of the dungeon if you really want (I won't say how just in case it's bug abusing, but it should be fairly obvious). Nothing can really be done for either though, so it's understandable. The boss, despite there being basically two unfailing strategies, is still fun nonetheless.
    Fairly easy to come by, and while a player might struggle fighting them at first, they learn fairly quickly that how to beat anything and everything=circle strafe. No real change necessary outside of making them passive till attacked.
    SST and CSST are not going to be included in this outside of the key guards, as they are being changed in the next update. I have only done SST twice in beta, and I can assure those who haven't done it that the change is great (unless you used it to easy grind), but I feel I need to do it at least 5-10 times before I can adequately address it.
    Fairly easy to come by when travelling around Nesaak, and since they're so slow they're not much of an issue if you don't notice them (similarly to the DS guards). I will note though, it is VERY annoying when I'm just trying to chill out in the Nesaak bank and I am getting pull spammed through a legit wall.
    I'd argue that Ice Barrows is one of the hardest dungeons for it's level. To make up for this, it gives you ridiculously good rewards for it's level if you so choose to grind for them. After getting used to it, it is nowhere near as hard as it might be the first time, hence the reason I can't really say it is 100% the hardest, nor is it too hard to the point where it needs to be changed. Ice Barrows is very lengthy for it's level as well, which isn't necessarily a bad thing about doing the actual dungeon itself but it does turn down players from wanting to do it over and over again. I am able to do dungeons repeatedly because I feel a sense of accomplishment and feel a sense of actual progression each time I beat it. This definitely does not apply to everyone, so it is understandable why people complain so much about the length of dungeons like that of Ice Barrows and FF for example.

    Really, the only actual complaint I have about the dungeon is that it basically requires you to do earth damage in some way, as one of the mini bosses inside of it has 80k hp (which is ridiculous for its level), but is extremely weak to earth. While every class has a spell that does earth damage, we can't guarantee the player will have a weapon that has the neutral damage to convert to earth, nor a weapon that does earth to begin with.

    I don't feel like the invisible parkour is really needed, but at the same time I do feel it is needed, so I'm pretty neutral on that part of it.
    I basically can't go 5 blocks in the jungle without encountering one of them. They are beyond common to find, and they can be annoying since they have charge and multi-hit. They aren't that dangerous though.
    Undergrowth Ruins gets very boring very quickly, even for me. This is mainly because the spawnrates in the blue token room are complete and utter trash. I'm not even joking when I say undergrowth ruins has taken me longer than an average FF run at that level because of that room. Please make the spawnrates actually decent. I wouldn't make the spawnrates too high though, as this will make it just annoying to try and put tokens into the hoppers and actually get the blue token, so at least allow some downtime. The 40 token room also gets very boring very quickly. You are literally fighting the same exact mob over and over again to grind tokens. At least the current SST has diverse mobs in the room to fight when trying to get 30 tokens and it doesn't take forever to actually kill the mob. I feel like the token amount should at least decrease down to 28 to make up for this. Keep in mind, Undergrowth Ruins is rated Medium while Ice Barrows is rated Hard, so Undergrowth in theory should be shorter if you are doing it at the recommended level. The boss is also quite underwhelming. I get that it can't really be harder than Theorick because of the mentioned rating, but it's literally taking Theorick, giving him very easy to kill forms before going into the final form, and minions that are also just as easy to kill instead of permanent threats of the fight. It it literally just a reincarnated, easier version of Theorick. You also don't really have incentive to actually want to do it either. Imo, the rewards outside of Molten Greaves are all kind of meh.

    I found the keystone thing and parkour to be fine, but honestly I would probably say this is the worst dungeon. I will admit though, it does tie in decently to the actual lore.
    I forget what I exactly put on the survey, but GG key guardians aren't exactly easy to come by. There are some spots where they spawn at a fair rate, like Dernel Jungle and the Dark Forest, but not too high to be all that noticeable. Luckily, the guards are only annoying at close range for the most part due to their burst fire. Iirc though, they also have pull spell, which can be quite annoying.
    If this was the old Galleons Graveyard, I would slam you all into a wall right now because of how the ship part was broken (you can skip it but I still don't know if it counts as a bug or not). The new ship part is pretty fun since there is basically no rng (nor bugs) in terms of actually winning and probably the highlight of the dungeon for other people (for me, it's stacking up 9 cannonballs during the boss but each to their own I guess). Speaking of the boss (and the mini boss as well), both are fine and I find the concept of using trap-like things to kill the boss, as well as the first room being fine as a "fight all" room. The dungeon can be kind of lengthy, but I wouldn't say it's as lengthy as Ice Barrows or Undergrowth are. The main issue of the dungeon is the whirlpool parkour. I like the concept in all, but the issue with it is the whirlpools can pull you all the way back to the literal beginning of the parkour if they decide to screw you over. Ofc, you can kill each whirlpool you pass by, but sometimes they respawn only a few seconds after death, meaning they are quite unpredictable if you wish to progress up the parkour. Nonetheless, pretty good dungeon. Another issue that I think GG shares with LS is that it is in such a secluded environment. Like LS, I honestly wouldn't expect a new player to know about GG unless they had done the quest for it. This isn't necessarily saying the environment it is in is bad though.
    I'll do the rest later because I'm going to my friend's birthday party.
    Forgive me if some of it is me just bsing my way through it with little detail I was doing this in about a hour ish and was rushing it.
  12. Bliss

    Bliss HERO

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    I'd like to say that Fallen Factory's conveyor part where you are stuck between two trails of fire is ridiculously slow and boring. The idea is nice but I feel like it could be re-worked into something way better. But maybe that's just me.
  13. Tealy

    Tealy a businessman of sorts GM CHAMPION

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    I feel like a lot of people really underestimate Infested Pit. It's pretty hard at lv 18!
  14. TwageTomato

    TwageTomato Coder | Like-Giver | Tomato | Musician CHAMPION

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    The infested pit guardian is particularly annoying early game because of its high walk speed, hit-and-run tactics, and the handful of ranged mobs it spawns when you kill it (each of which spawn a handful of spiders when you kill them). If it moved a bit slower, it would be more manageable.
    NITEHAWKX and Thunder like this.
  15. That_Chudley

    That_Chudley Wynncraft Addict HERO

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    It's been changed in 1.18, but there's a really awful part now which noone that I've spoken to likes :/
  16. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    After considering, I think the main reason Undergrowth Ruins key guardians feel so common is because we spend so much time in the jungle area (~20 levels and all).
  17. Thunder

    Thunder Chief Thunder HERO

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    Absolutely this. They come out of no where and nemrekt you hard if you're low level.
  18. the drink

    the drink the CHAMPION

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    Fun fact: I never read or listened to any of the guides or new instructions after leaving for a year.

    I legit waited until lvl 90 to do elemental exercise. And I left sometime or a month after gavel released because stuff
  19. H0Y

    H0Y H0Y HERO

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    My two cents

    Change Underground Ruins Spawn Rate for the Tower Room up or Rework that room
    trex1611 likes this.
  20. nicktree

    nicktree wynncraft player HERO GM

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    cool post salted
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