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Selling Selling God Builds :p!!! Closed Because Poeple Thought It Was A Bad Idea

Discussion in 'Trade Market' started by JaydonTheWarrior, Aug 4, 2016.

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  1. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    actual hive isn't that tanky XD also it uses no hive items at all
    as for this... i do not give you items i just give you the knowledge of a really really good build XD, however it is not a scam i work hard and put my heart in to every build i do, also i hate ppl who are mean to other players ;-;, anyways its just a nice way for me to make money because im kinda low
  2. FruiteyLoops

    FruiteyLoops Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Yea... I'm a bit of a (censored). :3 *tries to put an innocent smile*
  3. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    lol no
    look i make good builds, and i don't just mean "hey throw on some hive armor u will be fine thing" that's just shit honest hive armor doesn't work well together do to % def so maybe you should look at the stats im saying before u say its something if it was hive she would have -10% in earth def.

    Ps. sorry for any spelling i have a spelling disorder ;-;
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2016
  4. Kraby

    Kraby *insert clever meme* VIP+

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    how about
    idk helm
    2 prisms
    clock amulet/altum spitium
    and idk the bracelet
  5. Cruuk

    Cruuk yopyop HERO

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    This is a big mistake you're making, because the compass is a great big liar, because I know for a fact that getting to 1000 in elemental defense is literally impossible. (I'm assuming you're talking about elemental defense)
    For example, here are the items with the highest Earth Defense:
    upload_2016-8-6_13-36-28.png upload_2016-8-6_13-39-3.png upload_2016-8-6_13-43-16.png upload_2016-8-6_13-46-17.png upload_2016-8-6_13-49-8.png upload_2016-8-6_13-49-10.png upload_2016-8-6_13-52-34.png upload_2016-8-6_13-55-3.png (NOTE: The bracelet with the highest Earth Defense is a tie between 3 of them, so I simply chose this one.)
    To use this build, your skill points must be: 80 in STR, 15 in DEX, 33 in INT, 40 in DEF, and AGI varies, since none of these items have AGI requirements.
    The total HP of this build is 16,090, which granted, isn't bad for a build that doesn't focus on Fire, but this is if you were to get the minimum negative health bonuses on both Gamblers...
    And the total Earth defense of this build, along with maximum earth defense IDs/minimum negative Earth defense IDs from Gambler is: 921

    If you're wondering about using Prism instead of Gambler, A Gambler with the minimal negative health bonus will give you a total of 845 health, beating Prism's -500, and with minimal negative elemental defense, that's still 60 elemental defense which beats Prism's 50 (57 with max elemental defense% ID)

    It is close to 1000, but, it is not 1000, as I've mentioned, you made a mistake using the compass as a source, as it is completely false about some of the numbers, I remember seeing a post where someone's compass said they had 1000+ defense in some elements while wearing a Gambler, a Gambler with shitty IDs.

    Maybe it is possible to get to 1000 in one of the other elemental defenses, but I'm not going to waste my time trying to find the highest elemental defense for all the other elements, besides, I think I can only post 10 pictures in a thread that's not owned by me...
    But I know for a fact that it is quite literally 100% impossible to get over 1000 defense in elements at the same time, and before you show me a picture of a compass saying you have 1000 defense in multiple elements, I've already said it, and I'll say it again, that compass spits out lies!

    I don't mean to call you out or accuse of scamming anybody, but if I am to assume @Rain_22 already paid for this build, then I think you may have unintentionally scammed Rain because of that damn compass.

    .... This is a pretty bad idea, I really don't like this idea because paying money just to see a build is a pretty stupid idea because it makes people suspicious, and I'm not doubting your abilities to make good builds, but since you're hiding what you call good builds behind a shitty paywall, it's going to make people suspicious of your abilities no matter what.
    You're telling people you can put pieces of a puzzle together with even better results than normal for a fee when really, everyone already has the pieces of the puzzle, there's nothing to hide, we have many sources to see all the items in Wynncraft, why would I give someone money to see the finished product when I can just work hard and finish the puzzle myself without giving money to someone.
    .....This is such a toxic way of having people pay for stuff, you're basically saying something along the lines of "He may make good builds, but mine are better! If you want to see these never-before-seen builds you'll have to pay up!"
    And as I've said before, I'm not doubting your skill to make good builds, but it's going to make people suspicious, and honestly, anyone can make a good build with websites like @! 3 ! 's wynnapps, which shows all items in the game, and again, there's no hiding anything, you're hiding items people already know of behind a damn paywall.
    This reminds of those shitty freemium games with P2W features, and that is not a good thing, at all.
    And I know it's only 3 LE, but this entire concept is a cheap and desperate way to make money, when you can post a thread with the entire build and make bigger chunks of money that way.

    Ok, as far as I know, something like this is basically impossible in the current version of Wynncraft, because even if you were using Cancer, due to the +tier attack speed ID only affecting spell damage and not melee DPS due to a bug, doing 93K melee damage in 5 seconds is impossible, and I don't mean to sound rude, but could we maybe see another proof of this "never-before-seen" melee build in the form of say, a video instead of a simple post on the forums, said by the same person who says they make god-like builds and is the the most tankiest person in Wynncraft, being the most tankiest build isn't impossible, because again, there's no hiding any items, since we have them all available, which means someone can just make the same build as you if they do their research well enough, I'm sorry if I sound like an asshole, but as I've said before this entire concept is a bad in general and just makes your reputation pretty sour to people like me.
    Also, why is "not kidding" in quotes? This just makes me suspicious...
    I've developed an Alkatraz build that uses chestplate of ineptitude and clock boots for DPS, and I know of Clock boot's negative melee damage, but that didn't really matter since I calculated that this build would be doing an average of 5000 damage at a normal attack speed, of course, this is before I knew of the bugged +tier attack speed and the raw melee damage ID bug, but once those are fixed, I believe that means I would be doing around 30,000-50,000 damage in the span of 5 seconds, and maybe you'll be able to go higher with better IDs and the fact that the build didn't have a bracelet, but this is Alkatraz, the weapon with the highest amount of raw damage, and since yousaid your build only uses DEX and STR, even if you do use Alkatraz, even with good IDs and poison, it's basically impossible to get 93K damage in 5 seconds.

    .... Maybe instead of pressuring people to give you money for these god-like builds and making your reputation a sour one, maybe you can use your skill to help people with builds in say, the class builds section, there's a reason people tag @Terunalix instead of you, and again, I'm sorry if I sound rude with that statement, but if you were to help people instead of making paywalls, then more people will look up to you, be a good person.

    ...I apologize if this entire post in general comes off as rude, but seriously, don't do this, this is not how you make money, use your skill for something better than this, I know you can, please? For me? For everyone that needs help with a build?
    SeemsLegit, satbyccdoerfe and ! 3 ! like this.
  6. omgDjBannana

    omgDjBannana Stupid nanna

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    Nu hes using Gemini
    And he isnt the tankiest warrior in wynn he has more hp cuz of statue so he makes him able to take more dmg
  7. omgDjBannana

    omgDjBannana Stupid nanna

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    And i think this is his warrior build not sure for the chest bmask gemeni statue 2 prisms nebulous clock neck and ofc guardian now i need to research the chest but i will find out one day
  8. Terunalix

    Terunalix The Noob

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    He is not using gemini. I can confirm that.

    @Cruuk-huud I agree on your statement,but however,I have to defend Jaydon at some point.

    His Warrior build IS tankier than mine,however his one is a stone and I can move.

    @JaydonTheWarrior you are doing the same mistakes with your builds that I did at first. You focus too much on one thing,in your warrior build being the defenses. Defenses dont get you anything if you can't move,right ? You have to find a balance,that is,why I think,Statue is not that great of an Item and can only be used in a few build. I am going to make a guide on how to create builds to minimize the work Im doing everyday to get around 10 builds ( Don't take me wrong,I like doing it). :D
  9. omgDjBannana

    omgDjBannana Stupid nanna

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    Heh i guess i did that too but yesterday i made a decent air/water mage build and im proud of it :D
  10. satbyccdoerfe

    satbyccdoerfe some random golem CHAMPION

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    do you know an idol build for me? :D pls
  11. Terunalix

    Terunalix The Noob

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    If you want a build just pm me or open a thread on the forum section for it sty :-: dont spam jaydons thread
  12. satbyccdoerfe

    satbyccdoerfe some random golem CHAMPION

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    k, I'll do it :D
  13. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    Thank teru, ps i am the tankest person in the game, however my build does more dmg with charge then uppercut so no i don't need walk speed
    I won in every duel against you for a reason however i will listen to you guys i won't do this
    yes it did come off as rude, so thank you, im sipmle trying to make money no need to make a rant about it, also im not scaming her, % def matters way more then raw def, just saying.

    also pls next tiem dont do well that, just tell me its a bad idea, and also yes i am the tankest person in wynn, and ps no has figured out my build unless i told them it, so i hide it so no can use it.

    also pls dont post on this thread again because im taking down shop seeing as no one likes the idea at all, but like 3 ppl who have actual seen my builds and or used them.

    sorry for any spelling or grammer mistakes i have a disorder .-.
    ok first off, health is kinda apart of tanking, by all means it doesn't matter that much, but it still matters, also statue gives 60 raw def in all elems, pls name a better tanking boots.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2016
  14. fasdfsadfwewf

    fasdfsadfwewf Deadpool CHAMPION

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    Gaea-Hewn Boots?
    Health: +4000
    ✹ Fire Defense: 225
    ❉ Water Defense: 225
    ✤ Earth Defense: 225
  15. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    -20% air and -20 thunder def? o so i take 20 more dmg in those elems and have 5900 less health, yea tots tankier
  16. hexapod

    hexapod Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    determination, if you get one with good -% spell
  17. mooed

    mooed Jp VIP+

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    wooow daaank
  18. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    i would last way longer with statue because i have higher health tho .-.

    @Selvut283 pls tell me whats the tankest boots in game .-.
  19. Rain_22

    Rain_22 the mythic man VIP+

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    I have not been scammed. I paid 3 le to learn the skill points and items of this build. It was completely worth it and I love this build. (I didn't buy anything in this build as I had every item in it from my inventory.)
  20. satbyccdoerfe

    satbyccdoerfe some random golem CHAMPION

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    @JaydonTheWarrior if this is closed, can you tell me rains idol build pls? :( I need 1
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