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Seear's Dance Rp [5/5]

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Tisaun, Aug 2, 2019.

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  1. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    Sorry for the wait everyone, just had to get my shit together.

    Three lengthy hours of walking ensued before Darx arrived at the outskirts of Enledorf. His feet were just starting to get sore, and the sight of civilization and rest ahead brought some relief to the boy's mind. Past the empty farmhouses and suches he had become used to, the silver-haired teen began climbing up the steep slope that led up to the city, running his mind through the map he had come to memorize throughout the boring walk.

    Upon reaching the end of the slope, Darx looked around at the countless yellow and grey buildings that spread before him. Closing his eyes and remembering in vivid memory the path shown on Sate's map, the boy entered the city. Taking sharp turns at empty streets, the teen slowly became wary of his surroundings, for the town was in utter quiet. Sticking religiously to the directions he had been given, Darx attempted to shake off the uneasiness but kept himself on his feet. After nearly twenty minutes of turning on unknown streets, the boy arrived at the place Sate had marked.

    Called 'Boar's Belly', the pub Darx had to go into was the only building around that had people outside of it. Two men chatted happily, laughing over their pints. Walking quickly past the two, the boy went inside the pub and suddenly felt the uneasiness be lifted off his shoulders. The air inside was much more lighthearted, with more than a handful of people. More than Darx had seen in his way there, for sure. Taking the letter out of his pocket and reading the innkeepers recommendations once more, and looked around for anyone who looked Hymnurian. Spotting a man sporting a thick jacket and pale blonde hair who was waving his hand at him, the teen slowly made his way over to the table.

    Extending his hand to the boy for a handshake, the Hymnurian gave a warm smile. "Hello, Darx is it? My name is Ilfgür, I work with the Hymnurian government. How are you?" The man said, voice soft and calming. Sitting down in front of him, Darx nodded and looked at the jacket potatoes in front of him. Gesturing and quietly asking for permission to eat the potatoes, the teen quickly began sating his hunger as the man told him to 'Go for it'.

    "You know," Started the man. "I wanted to talk to you about a proposal. Sate has informed me about you and your..." Ilfgür looks around as if searching got someone. "Wasn't there supposed to be another person here?"

    Below Wren, Evalyn and Cerse discussed quietly. Eavesdropping and keeping himself silent, the man could hear the two women talking and the sound of something hitting against leather. "We should check the books for this week. When was the last time we saw someone wandering into here?" Evalyn said, Wren barely managing to hear what the woman said. "This isn't just something you can check upon! If it was, we wouldn't be in this middle of nowhere!" The caretaker said, louder than her companion.

    Quieting herself down, the two women resumed their conversation, this time quiet enough that Wren didn't manage to hear what they said.


    9 Silver Pieces
    11 Copper Pieces
    7 Iron Pieces

    After another five minutes of silence, Fraise hops up into the wagon, sitting quietly and thoughtfully by Deton. Not troubling himself to greet the other people in the cart, the Aatsuran continued in silence even as Tinuo shouted and the horses began moving.

    Breaking the silence, the driver turned back to the people inside the wagon and gave a weak laugh. "Weird fella, no?"

    Glad to see you alive and kicking on the forums again my dude! If you ever want to join in this, I can always open a spot for my old pals!
    Tsukiji and Aquila like this.
  2. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I'll watch the scenery as we ride
  3. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    not sure if ill join or not, im only back due to corona virus shutting down my whole social life which ive been developing

    thanks though
    Tsukiji, Tisaun and H0Y like this.
  4. H0Y

    H0Y H0Y HERO

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    Darx swallows his meal.

    "Oh no...."

    Darx builds up some more courage to reveal the truth.


    "The old man is missing, probably dead. A suit of armor, a dullahan, attacked us shortly after the old man was gone. The sword I have is proof of this, which was that armor's sword."
  5. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    I will go to the bazaars see if there is something interesting
    also bump
  6. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    I didn't get a notification ono
    Lets stand up and make ourselves known.
    "I couldn't help but overhear but- did you just say we were stuck in the middle of nowhere?"
  7. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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  8. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    Deton swaps between looking to the cold forest and fidgeting with his pendant throughout an hour. His mind was kept from trailing off towards his dream of his sister by the unsettling nature of the happenings outside, though. After countless minutes of monotone pines and maple trees, the man noticed a change to the scenery, emanating from everything around them.

    Small tendrils of white smoke, coming out of the very ground and trees around the caravan, collected and became denser the deeper they followed the road. Deton now had no doubts they were now in Opladylian lands. The Mist encompassed all and everything around them, although Fraise seemed to still be absorbed in thoughts, and Saraha maintained her usual quietness. The only person that seemed to be unsettled by the fog besides was Tinuo, who patted the horses' back and looked around, worried.

    Ilfgür's smile fades away, and he looks at the boy sadly. "I-I had no idea. I'm sorry to hear that." The blonde man got up and reached out towards Darx, resting his hand on the boy's shoulder. With a squeeze, the Hymnurian sighed and took a look at the silver-haired teen. "I hope he didn't rough you up too much. I hate when people get hurt for nothing."

    Looking at the makeshift scabbard with only a slight hint of concern through the sadness, Ilfgür sighed. "That's just... I don't even know how you're feeling right now." The taller man vaguely gestures at the tired teen. "People get called for business, and this happens." Pulling the chair closer to him, the blonde sits down heavily and cups his face with his hand. "What a mess, what should I tell them..."
    Absorbed in thought, Ilfgür stays quiet for a few minutes while Darx eats.

    The bazaars hold several items of Academy crafts, most coming from the Forges. Tools for varied uses were being sold by young students, with the occasional adult overseeing the transactions. Squinting his eyes, Alain spotted a particularly busy stand, on the far corner of the market. A little more than a dozen soldiers were all buying weapons from the said stand, ranging from the common longbows and spears to the far more expensive swords and catalyst staffs.

    Strangely, it wasn't the first time that Alain had seen soldiers buying weapons or other items in the Filial's grounds. Ever since the coup that overthrew Aatsuran government, Klarifi has been on edge. With intense trades and exchanges between the two nations as of late, a change in the government spelt drastic consequences to the growth the poor nation had been experiencing the past decade. It was to be expected that there would be a response from Klarifi to the coup, and that to be far more radical and fast than those of the surrounding nations.

    Going down the stairs, Wren could see that Cerse was flipping through the pages of a book. Standing next to her and tapping her foot nervously, Evelyn mumbled a few words out as the other woman picked books after books from the shelves, only to put them back in place. Talking to herself in a frustrated manner, the caretaker eventually grabs one of the old books, holding it triumphantly and closing the other one with a loud 'clop'. As Cerse turns around with a smile, her eyes meet with Wren's, and the woman hit lightly Evelyn's arm so the animagus would look at the young man.

    "Oh, hey Wren. We were... Kind of talking about you." The animagus says, pointing to the caretaker with her thumb. Taking her cue, Cerse opens the book she got from the shelf. "You should read this as well. Might help you in..." The woman stops herself mid-phrase, opening the book and flipping through the pages. Stopping and planting her index finger in one of the lines. "... finding your family...?" Cerse turns to Evelyn and shows her the book. "Is this right?" She asks, and the animagus nods.


    Lads, I'mma keep it real with you. This last month has rather gone to shit, and that, alongside with the fact I must believably progress the story through these very slow-paced and boring scenes has been killing my mood to write lately. You can see it from the past two or three replies that I've taken longer to respond, and I thought it would be for the best to pause the roleplay for the time being. I'll come back, hopefully, after a month or less, given I rest my mind a bit and let the stuff sink in. This lack of school due to quarantine, however, has given me more free time, and I plan to keep updating the thread and maps through this hiatus period until everything is correctly revamped and I can start setting the plot in motion.

    I'll understand if any of you want to leave, but nevertheless. Thank you for reading and thank you for your understanding.
  9. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    "I see..." He says doubtingly.
    He reaches out a hand towards the care taker, asking, "Can I see the book?" (Take note og the title)
    This month is hitting hard. Take a break and chill, no worries. It would suck if anything happened to you so relax and have fun~

    See you later! <3
  10. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Sorry. Please make some disaster or something on my way. (If you want)
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2020
  11. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I turn to Saraha and ask "How long are we going to travel this mist?
    Don't worry about it, I understand. Just keep going at a pace that your okay with.
  12. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    Thank you all for being patient, I really needed the time off and without the pressure I was constantly putting myself under. I managed to work quite a bit on updating the geographical lore, with some revamps to magic and a small work on the world timeline which I will continue working on these next week. As of writing this, I'm taking a break from the making of the world map ( 96 cm by 66 cm/ 38 in by 26 in ), and I'm excited to share it with you guys when the time comes!

    Once again, thank you for putting up with me, I've managed to work through the problems that were ailing my mind last month.
    With the questioning, Cerse stands still and changes glances between the book and Wren. As if discussing with herself whether or not to give the book to the man, the caretaker slowly took a few steps towards the guest. Still holding the book, Cerse extended the volume for Wren to see; The contents seemed to have been written hastily, in a weird language and deformed caligraphy.

    Running his eyes through the text, however, a paragraph stood out. Written in different calligraphy and Coldenic, the passage was a sore thumb amongst the erratic lines in an unknown language.
    "Day 22, Eighth month, 1907.

    A young man will come to the manor accompanied by Evelyn. Cerse shall let him stay the night.
    Outside of Opladyl, Aatsura remains in disarray and Plinnáu continues to hide the northern-most happenings.

    Day 23, Eighth month, 1907.

    The young man will want to read this book. Hand it to him quickly, please, Cerse."

    Upon reading the small paragraphs, Wren showed the lines to the caretaker, who begrudgingly let go of the book. Turning it around, the man read;

    Eighth month of 1907,
    by Giulle Artmani

    Rest assured, you will have your fair share of disaster coming your way!

    With what Deton guessed was the dull's woman form of a thoughtful expression, Saraha kept herself in silence for a few moments. The Mist that rose from the ground helped not with the uneasy feeling brought by the silence in the caravan, broken only by Tinuo's words of encouragement to the horses.
    "Most cities established themselves at the high points of valleys, far from the Mist. If we are to reach Nyriat, a stop will be necessary. It will be another two hours before we find the nearest city, Vurt." Saraha said, only speaking slightly louder than the caravan conductor.


    While eating, the boy shares in more detail what had come to happen in the days leading up to his encounter with the blonde man. Once finished with his food, Ilfgür slowly gets up and gets the plates off the table, offering his free hand to help the wounded boy up. His smile was of genuine support and understanding, seemingly warming the area around him slightly.
    "I can't help you find your friend, as much as I would want to. All I can offer you is a warm room for you to rest and some help with your ankle." The man says, with his gentle and soothing voice.
    Tsukiji likes this.
  13. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I'll put a hand on my crossbow as we travel the mist, ready for anything to attack
  14. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    Now that the book is out of her hand, I'll go back to reading and flip back forward a page.
    What other things can I learn beforehand?
  15. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    Following Deton's cue, Fraise crossed his legs and rested his hand on the handle of his dagger, although with utmost subtlety. Saraha remained silent for the better part of the upcoming hour, only speaking when the driver needed directions in the monotone and misty roads. The Aatsuran did not offer much more conversation, as he slept or remained thoughtful for most of the voyage. Even the now-rare witty remarks failed to achieve their former glory, as Fraise now seemed drained of his grace.

    Another hour of silent and ominous driving ensued before Deton could see houses. Small abodes, most smaller than the outside of the house they had been with Etrat, could be found each hundred meters as the caravan drove up an increasingly steeper slope. The Herilian looked around him in the hope to find citizens, but the streets laid barren to them, not unlike the shanty towns nearby Thunhet.

    Upon reaching the top, the caravan was met with a most unusual scene; Except the more elaborate houses built on top of the hills, all of the city was build upon large wooden and stone platforms, coming out of the hillside or from the ground far below, rising out of the Mist. Above the grasp of the magical fog, people walked normally through the precarious rope bridges that connected the various buildings, ranging from houses and bars on lower levels to the armoury and the Maer's manor on the hills and higher levels of the city. Getting up from her seat, Saraha gave little explanation.

    "We have arrived. Get your things."

    ( I will be placing Kato's character on hold until he reappears, I hope you understand this. )

    Wren is barely able to read the first sentence of the next page before seeing a blur with the corner of his eye. The man cowered and backed away out of instinct, barely in time to receive a strong slap to his face. Staggered by the surprise and stinging sensation on his face, Wren looked back at the caretaker, which held a heated scowl towards the young man.

    Evelyn, who still hadn't said a word, held the caretaker's shoulders and held the woman back as she snatched the book from the man's hand. Still not calming down, Cerse began throwing a flurry of words in an unknown language at Wren, who brushed the side of his face in shock. Breaking free from the animagus' hold, the caretaker went back to speaking Coldenic, mumbling under her breath as she slammed the book back in its place.

    "I come here live in this middle of nowhere to prevent idiots from reading these god forsaken books, and what do I receive? 'Oh, Cerse, I found this kid, let's help him!' Fucking entitled idiots flipping through the bloody pages."

    Say, are you still interested in continuing? I say this because this hiatus probably took a toll on the players' will, so I feel this need to ask.
  16. H0Y

    H0Y H0Y HERO

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    Yeah im prob not gonna continue
    Tisaun likes this.
  17. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I'll stand up and look back to see if anythings fallen out of my pockets before asking "What happens now?"
    Yeah no worries
  18. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    "Would probably be good to give information on your end before slapping someone for reading a book you gave them."
  19. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Hi, sorry for the inactivity.

    I lost motivation to play the game, so if anyone want to replace me, go ahead.

    Thanks for the great time
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