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Seear's Dance Rp [5/5]

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Tisaun, Aug 2, 2019.

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  1. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    I know it's really far away from where we are now, but what would you guys want for the 100-page special? A Q&A? Or maybe some attempts at drawings? Please give suggestions!

    Giulle eventually manages to get hold of the spoon, moving on to slowly sink it into the avocado bowl and bring it up to his mouth. Cerse watches it all closely, helping the man by bringing the bowl closer to him and cleaning some of the pieces that spill from the elder's shakey hands. Wren continues eating silently and watching the two in front of him, finishing his meal before Giulle is halfway through his.

    The young man continues sat down until he hears the sound of the front door unlocking, and through it walking Evalyn in her normal human form. Her hands and mouth had a light tinge of crimson, and Wren noticed that Cerse pursed her lips in disapproval. The animagus waved to the caretaker and Wren, before quietly asking the other woman.
    "Shouldn't we see if there's something on the books about him being here?" The caretaker rested her chin on her closed fist and looked away from the animagus, letting out a tired sigh. Wren just then noticed the bags under Cerse's eyes.

    "I suppose..." She answered, still keeping quiet.

    Etrat shoots a quick glance to Deton and Saraha, turning his gaze back to Fraise equally as fast. With that, the Herilian used his Particularity on the host once more.

    Etrat Alein
    Age of 5438. Originally from Unglaic, Overseer.

    Looking once again to the confused Deton, Etrat put a finger to his lips and made a gesture for the man to stay silent, smiling gently.

    Heading towards the largest building in the Filial's campus, Alain smiled as he thought of the possibilities that the dozens of floors of the Library held. Entering the main hall, the man headed over to the scribe. "Name?" Asked the bored girl who was assigned for the day.

    "Alain Arcum." The man said, pulling a runic equivalent of a portable gas lamp out of his bag. "There is no need for lights, I brought my own." The scribe looked over her book to inspect the lamp, sitting down and nodding in approval. "Alright." She said. "You're allowed into the Library."
    Smiling, the man nodded back and entered the dark rooms of books.

    Turning on his runic lamp, Alain began walking between the large shelves of books, five to seven meters high, only rarely interrupted by ladders going up or down. Searching for any signs telling him where to go, the man began wandering aimlessly between the corridors. Twenty minutes of pursuit led to a well-deserved reward, as the man found books containing knowledge on runes, elemental magic and Particularities, although the last one to a lesser degree.
  2. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    I'd be rude to listen in, especially since they're whispering. Since I'm finished, lets go over to a window and look outside.
  3. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    A Filial is a well, filial of the Academy, an important research and teaching organization based in Klarifi. There are 12 Filials around the nation, each with its strong and weak points. The original one though, referred to as the First Academy, is localized in Sharten and excels at all areas.

    The Academy's main studies are:

    - Archaeology;
    - Elemental Magic;
    - Runic Magic;
    - Weaponsmithing;
    - Toolsmithing;
    - Medicine;
    - Defence and attack.

    You're hearing them, they're just whispering so Giulle doesn't hear.
  4. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    First impression was that they didn't want anyone to hear, especially since I dont know which he they are refering to.
    Takr the same action. >.>
  5. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    I look if there is anyone nearby, then i choose a book about Particularities.
  6. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    My eyes go a bit wide, but i nod at him and enter the wagon a bit shocked trying to act normal so nobody suspects that I did something

    Does Deton know what Unglaic or an Overseer is?
  7. H0Y

    H0Y H0Y HERO

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    Sorry didnt get the tag, will read the thing when can
    Tisaun likes this.
  8. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    Neither Evalyn nor Cerse stopped Wren from getting up and leaving, passing through the same corridor that the animagus had come from. Catching a glimpse of the open door on top of the stairs, the man's mind ran between leaving to the porch in front of the house or exploring upstairs. Thinking about how there probably was a window on the upper floors, the young man went up the steps of the staircase.

    On the second floor, the size of the room and the number of books left Wren in awe, for three of the four walls were covered from the floor to the tall ceiling in bookshelves, all filled to the brim with what was probably thousands of leather-covered books and tomes. If he had to take a guess, there were enough books there for a whole year of nonstop reading. Turning his attention to the corridor on the wall that wasn't littered with writings, the man noticed another staircase, this one steeper, leading to a higher-up floor.

    Walking up to it and past the open rooms of what he assumed were Cerse and Giulle, Wren helped himself up with the handrails. Once on the third floor, the man fanned his hand in front of him, trying to keep the dust out of his face. The room, which seemed abandoned for many years, had few furniture, all covered in a thick layer of dust and the occasional spiderweb. Spilling light into the room, an ornate circular window with a beautiful iron patterning stood on the wall in front of a desk. Around it, several pens and countless bottles of ink served as a testament to how much had been written in that very place.

    Pulling out the chair that rested by the large desk, Wren sat down and cleaned the dust out of the window's glass, peering through one of the pieces as it seemed to clear out the fog of the city below. Resting his head on his arms, the man smiled at the peaceful ministrations of the small city in contrast to Varla, barely hearing the two women going upstairs and chatting in a sombre tone.

    No one could be seen on the dark corridors of the Library as Alain took hold of the thin book with the subject of Particularities written in its cover. Using his runic lamp, the man threw light onto the cover of the volume, which read Particularities And The Vague Consensus The Magical Society Has On It, by a nearly unknown writer, Petrek Willem. In his searches, rarely did Alain come across a book about this subject, and more than once it was written by this man.

    Sitting down, the man settled his lamp on one of the many tables made available inside the Library, for it was an infraction of the Academy's code to leave the building with books. Alain had learned that the hard way, as once he saw a young man, barely in his eighteens, strapped to a pole and being whipped with a terrible cat-o'-nine tails. From there on, the man had it constantly in the back of his mind to never take a book from the Library, for even though the punishment of three lashes was one of the mildest ones in the Academy, never did Alain want to experience them.

    Saraha follows Deton to the wagon, taking her usual seat in front of him and slouching her back ever so slightly. After a prolonged minute of silence, the woman spoke up. "What did you see?" Surprised by her perception, the Herilian struggled momentarily to find words before taking a deep breath and brushing the side of his brow, calming himself down properly.
    "Fraise. After all this time, I didn't know of his profession. I guess it fits him." Deton lied, voice indistinguishable from the truth. After spending so long lying to his family's costumers, the man could lie like a natural.

    The woman gave one of her cryptic 'Hm's and took her sword out of her pocket storage. Opening the wooden box she had brought with her, she placed the sword and the whetstone inside it, closing it gently and waiting for the Aatsuran to enter the wagon. Meanwhile, Deton's mind ran through what he had truly discovered, for he did not remember any place called Unglaic nor had he ever heard of an 'Overseer'.

    It's chill my dude, I feel you.
  9. H0Y

    H0Y H0Y HERO

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    “What the?”

    Darx feels his bandaged wound. Wait sword, armor, old man. Darx thinks the old man is related as he readies his body to move.
  10. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    I'll do one just for you so we can get your plot moving.

    Even though the cut on his leg diminishes his speed, Darx nevertheless prepares to string to action, waiting for something to appear from the Mist. Slowly, the caravan came to a halt, and Janee peeked out to stare at the boy. "Hey, what's up?" She says, looking around half worried. "Have you seen anything?" The silver-haired boy shakes his head in denial but keeps quiet.

    Hearing a rustling in the bushes, Darx turns his body just in time to see a crow flying above his head, cawing loudly. Janee is startled by this but manages to keep herself from yelping. The boy sighs and waits for any more sounds coming from the forest, but nothing else seems to be moving apart from them.
    "I guess that was a... coincidence?" Darx murmured to himself, thoughtful.
  11. H0Y

    H0Y H0Y HERO

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    “Oh yeah. What runes are those? Can I take a look, well if I can physically do it?”
  12. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    Are you talking to yourself?

    I'll assume you're talking about the sword, in which case, yes, you can look at the engraved runes.
  13. H0Y

    H0Y H0Y HERO

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    the car runes
  14. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    There aren't any in the caravan, it's a pretty standard one at that.
  15. H0Y

    H0Y H0Y HERO

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    Then the sword runes
  16. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    I read the book
  17. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    After a minute of thinking i say to Saraha "How long have you known about my ability? Not a lot of people can figure it out that fast."
  18. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    Taking the sword out of the makeshift scabbard with ease, the boy stops ahead of the caravan and rests his body against a tree. Taking the blade in his hand, Darx begins inspecting the countless runes that find their home in the sword's guard, fuller and flat. The runes alongside the flat were all woven together, forming a single mass of intricate carvings, barely recognizable as individuals. This type of Rune-forging has long been abandoned, as the discoveries in The Between revealed simpler ways to intertwine several runes.

    Moving his eyes up to the cross-shaped guard of the sword, Darx marvelled at the simple beauty of the upwards-bending protection. Covered in small and antique runes as well, the carvings alongside the metal surface ending when coming in contact with the slightly glowing orange gemstone that found itself in the middle of the guard. Passing his fingers over it, the boy felt a warmth and a tingling in his fingers, informing him that the stone probably powered the runes on the blade. Darx knew that in more powerful artefacts, Catalyst Stones were used to power or enhance the magic on said tools, but it was his first time seeing one.

    There isn't much in this book that Alain hasn't read before. The author describes, ironically, the lack of a consensus on the magical community over how Particularities came to be, or how evolved to be human-specific. Few things are explained over the short span of the book, such as the hereditary theory to the abilities and the constant existence of drawbacks to them, but all were things that the man already knew.

    Setting the book aside, Alain brushed his eyes and sighed quietly.

    "You have shown a vague understanding of your surrounding peers without maintaining proper contact. That, combined to the glimpse of light coming from your eyes and the relaxation or surprise that comes afterwards, guided my guess." She said, not lifting her head. Tinuo tapped his fingers nervously on his driver seat, listening to the conversation but choosing not to barge in.

    "In the past, I've seen other owners of this Particularity." Saraha explains, adding to the reasons as to why she knew of Deton's ability.
  19. H0Y

    H0Y H0Y HERO

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    Memory gained: Sword Runes

    Try to see how heavy the sword is

    Darx is slightly below average in upperbody strength
  20. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    I put the book back and look for another one.
    I have few questions: What is the drawback of my particularity? What new particularities i found while being in the library?
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