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Seear's Dance Rp [5/5]

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Tisaun, Aug 2, 2019.

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  1. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Without saying anything i approach the door never letting the crossbow out of hand and walk inside
  2. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    The woman stopped moving around and stared down, her shoulders curving under an invisible weight. "I... I don't know. He just disappeared. I still don't think he was killed, but that doesn't change the fact he vanished right when that thing appeared." She turned her head slightly, looking at Darx with the corner of her eye.

    "Let's just hope that he's okay, yeah?" Turning back to the horses, she poked the animals with a pointed stick and the animals sped up slightly. "Yeah, I guess so." He answered with a shaky voice." Without looking, the driver pointed at a box behind her. "There are bandages there if you need. First aid stuff, really."

    Shifting in his seat to bring the box over to him, the teenager opened the small kit. Inside were various medical items; A small glass with alcohol, a small curved needle for suture and a roll of catgut string. Scissors and bandages were also on the container, but Darx took only the alcohol for the time being. Wetting a small piece of cloth with the liquid, he applied it between grunts on his wound, which bled slowly and flowed down towards his boots. After cleaning it, the silver-haired boy wrapped it up with the bandages and closed the box.

    "Thanks, uhm. I don't even know your name." After a moment of silence, the woman sighed.

    "It's Janee."

    You have the option to skip this next part of the trip by sleeping, or you can stay awake and continue chatting.

    Not caring enough to move out of the way, Wren considers his situation to be out of any considerable danger. Using the animal's saliva to bring the necklace towards him, he analyzed the object in his hand. A cord of raw leather held a small piece of golden metal, with a blue stone in the middle. The item had some sort of aura to it, although the boy couldn't tell if the glowing was because of magic or because of the slick saliva in the necklace.

    Looking up at the wolf, Wren scanned the animal more deeply now, his eyes now adapted to the darkness. The wolf resembled a lot that of his dream, with dark grey fur and intelligent amber eyes. One of its ears had two piercings, resembling earrings. It seemed in good shape, Wren guessed. No scars, no wounds in sight. Lazily, the animal yawned while the man analyzed him.

    Averting his gaze towards to look at the rest of the cave, the young man took notice of some unusual objects. On one of the far corners of the cave, a small bed, complete with a bedside table and a lampion on top. Under the bed, a small basket with fruits and drinks stood almost unnoticed in the dark environment. 'Enough for someone to live for a few days.' Wren thought. He had gotten by with less.

    Following right behind Deton, Fraise put a hand on his shoulder. "Let's trust that nothing bad happens, but still, be prepared." He whispered to the Herilian. With a nod from the silver-haired man and a pat on the back by the host, both went inside.

    The house was not neatly furnished nor was it decorated, but nevertheless transmitted a feeling of well-being and comfort. Around a circular table, six wooden chairs stood humbly, each with a cup of tea, toast and biscuits. Above the table, a small candle holder lit the room dimly with its fire, filling the room with the scent of cinnamon.

    Putting one of the chairs away, the host quickly turned back at the group. "So, have a seat, please!" As he finished his sentence, the man sat down himself. Following his example, Saraha and the driver both sat down.
  3. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    Oh. It's someone's pet. It's rude of me to leave without thanking them, I'll can stay around for a bit.
    Return the necklace to them by placing it on the table and turn to the wolf.
    "I'll just take a look outside, alright?"
    Make attempt to step by
  4. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I'll also sit down and keep being quiet waiting to see what happens
  5. H0Y

    H0Y H0Y HERO

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    Apply medical care to self

    Thinking: “good thing I read those medical books”

    Do not go to sleep or talk, and obverse the surroundings. He is alert after the encounter.
  6. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    With a loud and low bark, the wolf ran towards the bedside table and got the necklace in its mouth. Coming back, the animal put the item on Wren's hand again. Once it was done, the lupine went back to sitting in front of the exit. The necklace gave off a weak blue light as the boy held it, brushing a finger over the smooth surface of the blue gem. The wolf didn't seem to want to leave before Wren did something with the necklace.

    With a smile, the host served all on the table with white tea. Fraise brought his cup up to his mouth, taking in the scent of the leaves. "A touch of vanilla." The Aatsuran said, gazing blankly forward before turning to the host with a smile. "It's a good pick." The owner of the house replied by taking a bite of his biscuit and chuckling lightly.

    "I thought you'd like that one, Mr Othima! I picked it especially for you. The biscuits were for the young mister, but he didn't want to come." The man took a sip of his tea and leaned in closer, looking back and forth between Deton and Fraise. "But say, what brought you here?"

    The sun had set on the edge of the horizon, taking with it the vibrant orange colours from the sky. The moon slowly rose from the other side of the mountains, contrasting with the now darkening firmament above. Few stars dotted about, forming known the skeleton of known constellations in the early night.

    Janee had set the horses to a steady pace and sat comfortably on her seat, looking up at the cloudless sky. It seemed weird that just a few hours before they had been attacked by an abomination.
  7. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    It wants me to have it?
    Pocket the necklace and look towards it for a reaction. If none, I'll finally take a look outside. xd
  8. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I cross my arms and say in a monotonous tone"I made a deal and I'm doing my part of said deal"
  9. H0Y

    H0Y H0Y HERO

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    With the day going by, Darx feels sleepier and sleepier, until he closes his eyes and falls asleep.
  10. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    The wolf's stare was undecipherable, for nor was it satisfied or expecting more. Wren moved slowly past the animal, half expecting it to jump in front of him once again. Instead, the wolf walked side by side with the boy towards the cave's exit.

    Once used to the light of the outside, Wren took in his surroundings. The cave was atop a hill, far above the misty valley. The man could see the vague outline of houses and other buildings through the fog, with the exception of a towering wooden manor that stood proudly above the white landscape. With a hundred and eighty degree spin, Wren looked at what lied behind him.

    Beyond the hill, a mountain range extended far beyond his sight, the peaks dotted with snow even in the autumn air. As he turned back to look at the city, he saw the wolf sitting by his side, staring at the stars and then at the boy.

    The host purses his lips, still with a smile on, and points a finger happily at Deton. "That is a wonderful reason! But that doesn't bring you closer to your objective of helping your sister, does it Deton?" The Herilian's mind flashes quickly back to the dream he had with his sister being attacked by an angry crowd. 'How did he...'

    Right as he finishes his sentence, the man freezes, nervously tapping his fingers on the table. Nibbling on one of his fingers, he points a finger at Deton. "Is it okay if I call you only Deton, Mister Van Heimer? I don't want to be intrusive." He smiled widely as he said the last phrase.

    Would you be interested in information regarding the world while we wait for the other players? Given I'm rewriting the history to give it greater depth, I'll be happy to answer questions you might have or tell you of happenings from before the time of the Roleplay.
  11. H0Y

    H0Y H0Y HERO

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    Sure, I do like world lore
  12. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    What would you like to know?
    • Empires;
    • Geography;
    • Information about specific nations;
    • Important events;
  13. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    Wait. There's only a wolf here. And I still don't know where I am.
    Shake my head to clear my thoughts and take a second look around. Do I see and landmarks? Structures that I could have saw on a map?
  14. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I stand up my hand almost going to my crossbow and angrily say "How do you know who I am?!"
  15. H0Y

    H0Y H0Y HERO

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    Important events
  16. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    There are no landmarks in sight, for there are no particularly grand mountains nor buildings of interest, with the exception of the house from before. Wren doubts, however, that it would appear on the map.

    The host extends his hand over and gently taps on the table, smiling weakly. "Now now, dearie. There's no need to be upset. I can tell some things just by the look on your face." He looks around to the other people on the table before leaning in close, as if to tell the Herilian a secret. His voice is loud enough for all to hear, though.
    "You of all people should be familiar with that."

    Current list: ( Being worked on, reworking the timeline so if events don't match up, it's due to that. )

    Disclaimer: All items marked with an * are subject to change of date.

    • 1802: Creation of the Nytrit Tower in U.H.I.R.N, directly over the geographical north pole.
    • 1732*: Foundation of the House of Medicine and Science, in Lushou, Plinnáu.
    • 1689: Tensions rise between Opladyl and Colden after the death of the first's King, bordering a war.
    • 1666*: Is started the Liberation War, between Jhitak and Iktar. The latter had been slowly annexing territory for decades, which led to public outrage and eventual war.
    • 1515: Hetsunai resists an attempt at annexation from Klaril.
    • 1428: Fyrila Anbsor is executed.
    • 1331: U.H.I.R.N. is created.
    • 1289*: Plinnáu forms its first city.
    • 1163*: War breaks between Opladyl and Colden, the result of terrorist attacks over the decades.
    • 868*: A fire consumes half of the Library Archives.
    • 438*: The Great Retaliation is started, a counterattack of Illiarel after an attack from Klaril that evolved into a war.
    • 0: Fall of Akh-Harad.
    • Around 150 B.F.A.: Colden is emancipated from Opladyl, taking highland territory not covered by the Mist.
    • Around 200 B.F.A.: Aatsura pioneers sailing, colonizing Lesdahran.
    • Around 500 B.F.A.: Massive exodus of elves and dwarves from Efrelain, due to unknown reasons.
    H0Y likes this.
  17. andydreww

    andydreww Tea Fanatic | Complex Persona Specialist HERO

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    (finally done with finals and back home, ugh!! thank you for pushing Fraise along Tisaun, I really appreciate it. Have a tasty reply as payment.)
    Fraise arched an eyebrow at the host as Deton bolted upright. The comment was rather interesting to him, almost too interesting. He turned to the Van Heimer,

    "Shedding bloodshed is the last thing we need at the moment. Relax, sit down, and eat your food."

    The dancer took another sip of his tea before facing the host once more, an almost clever smile on his face despite his sharp cold speech. It may be coincidental he guessed Deton had a sister, but then again, the world has shown him some very...unique cards, so to say. He drilled his fingers on the table as he spoke, calming his tone back to normal conversation level,

    "We'll get back to that lucky guess of yours in a moment. Meanwhile, I shouldn't make myself scarce from your questions. I left the deserts of Aatsura for the simple idea of adventure and freedom away from the golden dunes and blazing skies. Coincidentally enough, our dear Van Heimer here has allowed me to enlist his strengths for my endeavors so long as I assist with his. A mutual trade, you could say. Now, we're currently accompanying Saraha here for her own tasks. It may be abstract, but if it gets us out into the world, I suppose it doesn't faze me so much."

    Taking another sip of his tea, he cleared his throat as he leaned back into his seat, crossing his legs,

    "Oh, and I prefer Fraise. No need to be such a chivalrous gentleman with me at least. Perhaps you may enlighten us with who you are? Saraha states you are of good company and nature, but I like to make my own assessments of that. No harsh feelings, of course."

    Fraise paid his full attention to the host now. Something was whirling in his head still with the mention of Deton's sister. Either this man's just really lucky, or there's more to this puzzle than Fraise anticipated.
  18. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    Go forth towards the building.
  19. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I look at fraise as as he's talking wincing a bit at the mention of my last name and then take a deep breath "You're right." I sit back down still a bit angry but also calming down "For the future don't refer to me by my last name if you don't want to make me angry"
  20. andydreww

    andydreww Tea Fanatic | Complex Persona Specialist HERO

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    Fraise glanced over to Deton for a moment, a neutral demeanor on his face. He felt slightly annoyed with the man, as if he were talking to a rebellious child. Hmph.

    "Noted. For the future, think before you act too."

    He turned away, taking a moment during his shift in direction to observe Saraha before fixing his attention back to the host,

    "Now, the answers to my questions?"
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