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Lore/Story Scourge

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by stlast, Sep 7, 2015.

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  1. Coolfood

    Coolfood The Coolest Food

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    pop me the form, i got a few i might wanna suggest
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2016
    Devourer and stlast like this.
  2. stlast

    stlast Wybel on a Raft CHAMPION

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    Last edited: Apr 7, 2016
  3. EJCrusher

    EJCrusher Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    At first I thought the title said love/story, and I love reading but....... god that is long......
    Coolfood and stlast like this.
  4. stlast

    stlast Wybel on a Raft CHAMPION

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    I just hit 40,000 words earlier this week :D
    Coolfood likes this.
  5. Coolfood

    Coolfood The Coolest Food

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    the struggles
    stlast likes this.
  6. stlast

    stlast Wybel on a Raft CHAMPION

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    @Coolfood thanks for the character app :) I have no idea if or when I'll use it, but hopefully a time will arise later on in the story.
    Silently cries in a corner because I'm so bad at designing characters

    Meanwhile, because I enjoy annoying you all with confusing and useless riddles, I'll leave this "little" thing from my character sheet.
    What does it mean?
    The first line is the name.
    The second line is the height (because obviously that's so important).
    Third line is the age.
    And the fourth line? Whether the character is alive or not....

    k bye
    Coolfood and Devourer like this.
  7. Devourer

    Devourer Lava Warrior VIP+

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    The name looks like it might be a first name and surname.
    The height tells us that this person is so mythical that nobody really knew them well enough to measure them.
    The age... I'm guessing 1000 years old. Why? Because it would make sense if they were around at the same time as the Corruption and Decay started.
    It looks like they aren't alive because the alive/dead area is too small for alive (I think).
    Creator of Weapons. That means he created the weapons which feature in the story.
    stlast likes this.
  8. stlast

    stlast Wybel on a Raft CHAMPION

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    Just changed a few dates from earlier on in the story (chapters 1 and 21). This next chapter has been a lot harder to make than I was expecting, but it's not too bad so far. Hopefully I can finish it by the end of the weekend.
    Coolfood and Devourer like this.
  9. stlast

    stlast Wybel on a Raft CHAMPION

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    Waaaaay too cryptic. That's exactly why it took so long for something this short.

    Chapter XXXV
    By Candlelight

    “-so Marshall successfully impersonated that scroll merchant, sent those kids to Nivla and they’re out of our way for now! Neat, isn’t it?”

    Tollak finished his explanation and gazed up at the person on the other side of the long table. Whether that figure’s expression was excitement or anger, it was amazingly difficult to tell. Tollak watched as the person rose from their chair, shaking slightly.

    “The problem is,” came a voice, “I want them in our way! Not too far, of course, but...just enough. Besides all those little blunders on your side, things are running more smoothly than I could imagine...at this rate, all four of the Weapons will be in the right hands in under a month. And the best part? We have very little to do until the last moment. Of course, there has to be some interfering soon, but apart from that, very little. Just take into consideration that you should not do things blatantly out of order-”

    Tollak interrupted. “Excuse me, rambling aside, what have I been doing that’s ‘out of order’?”

    The other person drew out a hilt, and with a flick, a long sword blade seemed to appear from nowhere. “For the last week, you’ve listened into my private meetings, killed a whole lot of people, nearly killed twice that many, and it was a very stupid decision, trying to kill Fahim.”

    “Bad decision?” Tollak asked, leaning back in his chair, where several bloodstains were barely visible in the candlelight. “How was it a bad decision?”

    “He has been doing a better cover-up than I could possibly imagine. A traveler? It’d do best to not attempt to kill him for now, he deserves that much...I would invite him for dinner, but he’s very keen on being independent….”

    “Independent, ha!” Tollak said. “It’s not very independent if you’re walking around everywhere with your-”

    But a hand was raised on the other side of the table, and he was silenced. The two glared at each other for a while, but gradually Tollak began looking around at the room. It was the same as always: Old cabinets and chairs were lined up against the walls, with a large mirror casting a reflection of the table back at it. Loud talking could be heard in the far distance, though it really was not that far away….

    “So,” Tollak said. “They’re on their way to the Quake, and there’s no stopping them until they get it, right?”

    “That is correct,” the person replied bitterly.

    Tollak continued. “And if or when they do get it, how will we take it?”

    “Isn’t it obvious?” said the person, holding the sword high above the table and pulling out an identical one. The blades began to glow red-hot, and a soft flame engulfed each of the swords, almost like metal torches.

    “Oh, right,” Tollak said. “For some reason I keep forgetting you have those. It’s strange, knowing how-” But he stopped himself.

    “You don’t have to worry at all,” replied the figure, a dark grey cloak barely visible in the dim light emitting from the two swords. “If everything goes perfectly to plan, they’ll all be out of the way, and you will get what you desire most. But until then….”

    Looking down at the floor, Tollak said, “I understand. But either way, can I hear the entirety of the plan? There’s something wrong with what we’re doing, but I just can’t trace it….”

    “It’s fairly simple,” the person said. “After those numbskulls find the Quake, which they most certainly will, knowing their determination, the enchantments cast by that so-called ‘Guardian of the Weapons’ will be lifted, and then we may act. The Tide will be trivial, and I’m sure it will be your pleasure to recover the Falcon for me. Only at the end comes our victory, the Weapons finally in the right hands, and then you receive what you have long wished for.”

    “But-” said Tollak. “Isn’t there the possibility that...if something goes wrong...that...won’t it be gone?”

    “If we finish off our plan in perfect fluency, which is quite likely at this rate, the reward will be beyond our dreams. You only wish for a mere shadow of what you want, but if you work hard enough and things work out, you will get all of it….”

    Slowly, Tollak pulled out a pair of twin swords, which looked dull and rusty in comparison to the sleek, red-hot daggers being held across the table. He stared at the two swords, gazing at them with an unidentifiable air. Was it sorrow?

    “I’ll do it,” he said confidently. “I’ll get the Falcon. Somehow I just can’t stand seeing that imbecile-”

    He was interrupted. “‘Imbecile’ is quite a strong word here. While I do not deny that he is quite big-headed, he is certainly not stupid.”

    Tollak replied, “I am painfully aware of that, it’s just...everything about him is...so...annoying.”

    “Call him what you wish, but without him, our plans would never have existed. Without the...ah, contributions he has made, we would be in different places with nowhere to go. Be thankful, he has done more for us than he may even think he has….Enough of that, we have places to go and people to capture, interrogate and kill. I will see you again, and by then, we should hopefully have two more….”

    “And a good day to you too,” Tollak said with a bow, his hair falling dangerously close to the candle’s flame. With a backwards glance, he opened the door and exited into the crowded street, where nobody outside had noticed his sudden appearance as the door closed silently behind him.

    The person did not follow. Rather, the soft flames emitting from the two swords fizzled out as the blades seemed to shrink back into nonexistence, leaving the room much dimmer than before. What looked quite like two knife handles were shoved roughly into the person’s pocket as the figure slowly stood up, head turned toward an old shelf neatly lined up against the wall. There were certainly old portraits residing on it, but they were impossible to discern from the darkness, and whatever candlelight reached it did nothing but add a glare to the glass. But it was plain that the person could recognize them.

    “Well,” the figure said in a drawling voice, apparently to nobody. “That was quite a job well done, putting the Quake where it is.” The person seemed to be entirely focused on a rotting old painting, where barely anything could be seen through the shadow and erosion but a hand holding a spear. “It puts them right in our way, but not to such an extent that they will be capable of interfering with me. I must congratulate myself on what I’ve done, it’s quite brilliant work.”

    With little prior warning, a long pause ensued, where even the bustling just outside became little more than a faint whisper in the wind as the candlelight seemed to dim into nothing.

    “There’s no point in denying it to those kids anymore,” a voice came quietly, hardly echoing through the dust-clogged air. “We both know exactly who created the Weapons, and where that person is right now….” The person’s head turned towards the large mirror mounted on the wall, though any reflection was invisible in the darkness.
    Rawb, Ghalt and Devourer like this.
  10. oHybrid

    oHybrid What's poppin' individuals

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    This be kewl
    stlast likes this.
  11. stlast

    stlast Wybel on a Raft CHAMPION

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    Were you expecting a new chapter or something useful? Too bad.

    I was busy working on chapter XXXVI (can't wait for XXXVIII because the roman numerals are so long) when I started messing around with Ctrl+F and things escalated quickly....
    At least now I know where all the letter 'E's are in the first two paragraphs of chapter 1.

    And here's me telling myself to update the character sheet in a calm, subtle, formal manner.

    Shhh...don't tell anyone, but whatever you do, refrain yourself from looking for the word "green" in this story. Especially not anything involving a character's description.
    Rawb, Ghalt, Ascended Kitten and 3 others like this.
  12. Kpar

    Kpar God of Omegar. Lord of the 8th realm.

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    Awesome story. I'm suprised I haven't heard dern or fruma in the story yet
    stlast likes this.
  13. stlast

    stlast Wybel on a Raft CHAMPION

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    And finally...my nightmare is over.

    It's been...so long.

    There's...nothing...I can tell you.

    So...what will I tell you?

    *Evil laughter*

    Chapter XXXVI
    The Conspiracy

    Nothing stopped the spiders from climbing all over the trees of Nivla forest. Massive webs were spun between the gnarled trees, where anything from flies to humans were trapped and eaten. An especially small forest spider wound its way around the roots of a tree, sniffing the air for any unfortunate soul who may have wandered into one of the many traps set across the dense woodland. It could not sense anything, except-

    An odd sound reached the little spider, sounding like some kind of call or communication. Prey, it thought immediately, though it was not much of a thought, more like an emotion, an urge to feast on whatever it had sensed wandering through the spider’s land - their land. And anything that was in their land was theirs, so those whatever-they-weres in their territory had no right to run away when they had so willingly wandered into their midst. The spider turned its head in the direction of the sound, and scurried forward.

    When the destination came into view, the spider nearly jumped with happiness. It wasn’t one, or two, but three creatures, slowly proceeding past the trees, unaware that they were being watched by the thing that would soon be the cause of their demise. Yes, just a few ordinary, weak humans that could be easily killed with only a little poison. Such pitiful things, requiring tools and other animals to do their work for them. The humans came closer, oblivious to the threat spying at them through the bushes, closer and closer….

    There was something else, too, something that one of the humans was practically dragging along behind him. Was it supplies? Was it another human? The spider relished itself at the idea of another spider already having attacked one of them; it meant a weakness was there, somewhere, a way to finish them all off, one by one, leaving nothing behind but a grand feast all for just one spider….

    But a head turned, there was a flash of light, and the spider fell over, dead without any awareness that something had happened.

    “Another spider,” one of the humans said. “Come on, let’s keep moving along, the sun’s probably rising now….”

    They continued their slow trudge through the forest, moving slowly but still covering ground. One of them looked up at the leafy roof above.

    “Trudar, why do you even stick around here, anyway?” Jonas asked. “Knowing all the spiders, and other things.”

    It appeared that the wizard took time in his answer. For a while, his walking slowed just enough to be noticeable, though he occasionally sent another spell into the shrubberies nearby, where a spider would tumble out of the bushes immediately. Jonas was amazed at how fluent it seemed, knowing exactly where the spiders were and taking them down without any failure. After taking a long breath, Trudar responded.

    “Many reasons,” he said simply.

    Jonas made to reply, but Trudar cut him off immediately. “Since you appear to be unsatisfied by my answer, I think it’s necessary to give you something a little more thorough.” He spoke casually, but his face appeared tense in the darkness, almost worried. Why?

    Trudar continued. “As I believe I’ve mentioned, I come from a long line of mages, dating back nearly four centuries. Every last one of us were extraordinarily talented, except….” He paused for a second, looking almost gagged. “All of us...that means me, too…all strangely seem to have some area of magic that we excel at, and one that...that we can’t work with at all.”

    “That’s okay,” Jonas said, though somehow he didn’t believe his words. “I’m not that good at...uh….”

    “Coming up with responses,” Robin muttered. Jonas glared at him, but kept talking.

    “I mean,” Jonas continued. “We all have weaknesses, I guess….Besides, weaknesses tend to coincide with strengths, right? So if you’re not that good at some form of magic, then you must be really powerful in another! Does that sound accurate?”

    “I suppose,” said Trudar. “You must have guessed by now that I’m quite adept at Earth magic? After all, I do live in a forest….”

    Jonas replied. “Yeah, I noticed. And your green robe was another tip-off.”

    With a wave of Trudar’s wand, two tree roots rose from the ground nearby and strangled a spider that had been lurking in the bushes. “Green is my favorite color,” he said as he lowered the hand grasping his wand. “It synergizes perfectly with the leaves and grass. The fact that it helps hide me from unwelcome faces is also a merit.”

    “I’m not a fan of color much,” Jonas said. “I’ve grown up in shades of grey and brown, and I’ve gotten used to it...Now that I think of it, this entire adventure we’re on is really overwhelming...especially now that we think someone’s following us.” His voice slowly faded, and he stared at the ground for a moment.

    “What?” Trudar exclaimed. “Why in the world would someone want to follow people like you?” There was a pause. “Sorry,” he said. “That might've sounded harsh. But I just can’t see why anyone in their right mind would follow a few teenagers. Anyway, what exactly do you mean by ‘following’?”

    “A few days ago,” Jonas began, “Robin said he saw a figure standing just outside his range of vision. And odd things seem to always happen. I was visiting Bremminglar not too long ago when someone came out of the blue and attacked! Luckily, Wedyf was there and he drove the person off. And then there’s the fact that the teleportation scrolls that should have sent us to Ragni lobbed us here, right in the middle of Nivla forest!”

    Trudar seemed to have only started listening at the mention of the wizard. “Oh, Wedyf,” he said, with a slight note of bitterness in his voice. “I remember him when he spent a few days at Mage Island while I was in training. He was certainly kind, but I could tell he was disappointed by my lack of great strength in water magic. He’s always been rather protective of that branch of wizardry, which is understandable, but frankly...annoying.”

    “I think he liked me,” Jonas replied just as he tripped over a branch. He continued, “Wedyf could tell I had something in me, I’m sure. Always told me what I might be capable of doing. But he filled me in on some extremely advanced spells at one point, and the next day I successfully cast one of them on my first try. What do you think that means, exactly?”

    “It means you have the potential to be a very good wizard,” Trudar said without any thought. “I should mention that we are probably going to reach the end of the Nivla Woods in a few hours’ time, the trees are beginning to thin.”

    With a quick glance up at the leafy canopy, Jonas said, “Looks like you’re right, the trees do look less dense. There’s a little sunlight coming in now.” He stopped to think, then began walking again. “I’m really tired….”

    Trudar held his wand aloft, and a warm, golden sort of glow emissioned from the tip and spread around them like a deadly noxious gas, though it was quite the opposite; rather than feeling weak and exhausted, there was some kind of new strength in them, almost like an untraceable optimism, the feeling that whatever they wanted was just ahead. Filled with determination, they pressed on.

    But Jonas was still curious. “What was that?” he asked.

    “A spell,” Trudar said, “that enhances magical strength. I don’t use it often, as I find no need. You may find that magical power is directly connected with physical might, so much that the Villager’s enchanted weapons do far more damage than the mundane sticks and stones the inexperienced wield. After all, there is a reason that the humans have gained so much ground this last hundred years, so much that-”

    Trudar stopped suddenly, and Jonas knew why in an instant. Everyone looked over at Julie, who, after being unconscious for a few hours, was now stirring on the forest floor, still barely awake. Robin backed away, but otherwise nobody moved.

    “That’s odd,” whispered Trudar uncertainly. “Most people take at least a day to ‘wake up’ after being bitten by a Nivla spider. Does your family, by chance, contain any dark magic blood running through the generations?...Because black magic is often adept at work with poisons and other dangers.”

    Robin looked ready to argue, but Jonas spoke first. “I know we’re definitely very distantly related to the Blairs, which I’ve heard was a family famous for their use of unapproved magic. But we’re from the Walter family, we’re known for being more simple. Our parents taught us a lot about our family history when we were young, until….”

    “Until what?” Trudar asked. There was no response. “Anyway, I’ve heard of that family. Old, rich, they were definitely well-known. I vaguely recall reading about the deaths of Elwood and Bambi in a paper many years ago...nobody knows exactly how or why, but the caravan they were traveling in burnt to the ground, I think, and their three kids were- Oh, I get it now….” His eyes swept over all three of them before glancing at the clearing they were passing through. “Your family name just disappeared of the face of the province, I think. That must be hard to take, especially at the age you are now. Though we shouldn’t continue talking about your family long, It looks like she’s almost up now.”

    He was right. Within moments, she had been able to stand off the ground, and was presently leaning on a nearby tree, looking upward with an unfocused expression. Everyone seemed to unsure of what to do, causing a sudden silence that seemed almost deafening. A tree rustled nearby, but it was ignored.

    “Hey, everyone, look!” yelled Julie dazedly as she observed the trees overhead. “The trees are changing color! It’s almost like we’re inside a rainbow!”

    Her voice snapped them back to attention. “Do we...keep going?” Jonas asked Trudar as Julie attempted to reach out and pull down a tree branch nearly fifteen feet off the ground.

    “Um...not like we’ve got anything else to do here,” said Trudar. “Come on, everyone, let’s get to Ragni.” He turned on the spot and put step after step behind him, expecting them to follow.

    “What’s up?” asked Trudar uncertainly when he noticed that nobody was moving.

    Rather than respond, Jonas began to walk after Trudar as Robin grabbed Julie’s arm and directed her towards where they were going. As they disappeared from the clearing back into the thick trees, Jonas looked back and could have sworn he saw a human silhouette dart past a tree. He shook his head and focused on moving forwards, to Ragni, to the Quake….

    The next hour flew by so fast he could barely tell anything had happened. But as Jonas looked over the party he was walking with, he remembered the exhaustion, Julie’s odd behavior, and every last spider that had wandered too close for Trudar’s liking. A fourth thing entered his mind, though: That rotting old training ground they had found that night, perhaps hundreds of years old...What relevance did it have, though? He forced that question out of his mind and pressed further into the wilderness, where finally bright rays of sunlight were consistently breaking through gaps in the leaves, giving the place a look like a beautiful autumn morning, even though it was still summer and the air was beginning to become very hot and stagnant.

    Half an hour later, Jonas was beginning to admire the times when they were in the heart of the Nivla woods, where at least the extremely dense canopy only let in the tiniest dots of sunlight. Now, he was wondering how they weren’t being cooked alive as the sun radiated against their skin, burning them faster and more blisteringly than a roaring fire. Wiping a flood of sweat off his face, he turned to Trudar, who was panting and muttering indiscernible words.

    “Trudar,” croaked Jonas faintly, hardly believing he was able to speak in the intense heat.

    “Yes?” he replied. He sounded fine, but Jonas could tell that he was struggling in the harsh temperatures, too.

    “Can you, you know, summon water or something? I think I’m gonna die soon.”

    With a moment of hesitation where he grasped his staff rather tightly, Trudar replied, “Hey, you have a wand and some magical ability, you do it.”

    Jonas closed his eyes and pulled out his wand. “Here goes,” he said quietly as he waved his wand and pointed it at the ground. A few drops of water dripped to the ground from the tip, but not anything that could actually be useful. Robin looked excited.

    “Try that again,” he said in a slightly desperate voice. Jonas did, and a few more drops of water fell to the ground after magically appearing off his wand tip.

    “Again,” Robin said, sounding a bit more demanding. Jonas tried again, and the wand sprayed enough cool water to satisfy him. They took a short break in walking to appreciate the new source of water, however magical and potentially hazardous it may be. It took some time (and hesitancy) for Trudar to interfere and tell them they had to keep going.

    Mountains started coming into view on the left, far over the trees, and far away from the party of four as they quickly walked through the ever-thinning trees on their way to the Emerald Trail and, eventually, Ragni. Trudar pointed out the geographical significance of the mountains as they continued.

    “You see,” he said, “there’re mountains that rise up really fast on three sides of the province. They’re so steep that almost nobody’s been able to climb them, and the few who have never came back. But the fact that they’re in view means we’re nearly there. C’mon, stop slacking, we’ve only got ten minutes at most until we reach the trail….”

    Jonas didn’t seem to be as interested as Trudar. “Yeah, we know,” was all he said before he began absentmindedly waving his wand in circles. Trudar ignored him.

    And just like that, they were there. As they passed around a tree, a dirt and stone road came into view just ahead, and in barely a hundred feet was the gate - and then they would be out of Nivla woods forever. Jonas couldn’t help but break into a run, his bag threatening to fall and spill all its contents on the floor. Trudar had to sprint after him, and Robin came too, after getting Julie to stop attempting to catch a butterfly. It almost seemed too good to be true - there was just a few miles of road and then they’d be in Ragni. Jonas closed his eyes for the final stretch.

    He could tell by the shadow passing over his eyes that he had gone under the arch marking the beginning to the forest, or, in his case, the end. It was a great feeling, knowing how little was left. They could be rich by the end of next day with just a little bit of luck - they were so close. It almost seemed drawn out to him, like his destiny. There was nothing but an empty road left and then everything they wished for would be practically in their hands-

    Jonas didn’t even notice that he had crashed into someone. He opened his eyes and found himself on the ground, rubbing his forehead as he automatically scrambled to retrieve all the books that had fallen out of his bag. When he looked up, he saw a person just a little younger than he was, dressed in leather gear and wielding what looked like a store-bought spear.

    “Sorry,” she said, looking at Jonas. “I’m a new recruit at Ragni, and I’m looking for a hidden tree village - erm, a guy wants me to, um, buy some kind of exotic plant sold there, and....”

    With a puzzled expression, Jonas replied. “No idea. There’s someone coming up behind me who might know, though.”

    And without any further words, he dodged around the new recruit as she gazed confusedly towards the forest, where Trudar’s billowing robes flew through the air as he ran. Relieved that he wasn’t involved anymore, Jonas watched from a distance as Trudar, frustrated, pointed her in the right direction, and the recruit was gone in a moment. At about that time, Robin and Julie came around a bend on the trail, sprinting fast enough to reach the gate in seconds. Jonas came over to them, and Trudar stood, half-leaning in the direction of the forest.

    “Seeing as you have a clear path ahead, I’ll be leaving now,” he said. He turned to leave, but Jonas stopped him.

    “Just - just one last question,” he said. “Y’know, out of curiosity. Have you ever heard of four really powerful weapons? I read about them once, and they seemed kinda interesting and magical, so….”

    Trudar gave him a funny look. “Do you mean Bob’s weapons? I can assure you, I have.”

    “No-” Jonas said quickly, “I mean - these really powerful weapons that can control the elements. They’re like a thousand years old, I think, and they seem magical enough to seem like something interesting to you. So...have you heard of them?”

    With a raised eyebrow, Trudar said, “No, though I wonder how you know about them. They sound rather dangerous to be aware of for someone your age. Is that truly exactly what you wanted to ask me?”

    “Yeah, I think so,” Jonas said uncomfortably. “Anyway, bye.”

    Trudar looked at him. “Farewell for now. I hope and believe we can see each other again in the future. In any case….” He looked around at them. “I hope you find luck in your journey.” With those words, he slowly leaned over on his staff, and set off back into the Nivla woods. Jonas watched as he disappeared around the bend, walking briskly as though to get somewhere.

    “Have you ever noticed that everyone’s been saying they’ll see us soon? It’s almost like a plot or something.”

    At Jonas’s words, Robin flinched. “In that case,” he said, “we’d better get going immediately.” He glanced around as though looking for someone watching them in the distance.

    Jonas sighed. “If you insist,” he said, yawning. “And have you also noticed that they all seem to save us from something right as the battle comes to a close? It’s almost as if-”

    “We all like to think up strange theories, however ludicrous they may be. But now’s not the time to be thinking about that,” Robin said flatly. “There will be plenty of time to devise made-up conspiracies after this is all over.”

    Without bothering to argue, Jonas sighed again and began walking down the trail towards Ragni, not bothering to see if the others were following. He knew he was imagining it, but the tall red and gold flag of Ragni already seemed to be rising up in the distance, miles away. Smiling, he looked around him at the vast plain, where there was almost nothing of harm in their way. He felt ready to run the rest of the way to the city as though in a dream when an arrow whizzed by his hair, missing only by an inch as it embedded itself into the ground just a bit behind him.
    Rawb, Ghalt, Devourer and 2 others like this.
  14. Icy

    Icy Returning Player CHAMPION

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    Next chapter please.
    13threemc and stlast like this.
  15. Kpar

    Kpar God of Omegar. Lord of the 8th realm.

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    Can they get some sort of pet, like a spider, but very powerful and they tame it after a great battle?
    stlast likes this.
  16. stlast

    stlast Wybel on a Raft CHAMPION

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    I'll think about it.

    If you really stretch out the idea, this may already sorta be a thing...I'll definitely think about it.
    Kpar and Icy like this.
  17. Icy

    Icy Returning Player CHAMPION

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    Or a...BEAR!!! :)
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  18. Kpar

    Kpar God of Omegar. Lord of the 8th realm.

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    Bears are overrated. JK
  19. stlast

    stlast Wybel on a Raft CHAMPION

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    It's been an entire year.

    One night, some 367 days ago (remember, leap year), on July 7, I made the first draft of this story on a mobile device. It was only a page long, and told a story of an anonymous person, who created four weapons of massive power that could control the elements. Only four characters existed at the time - the three heroes and the creator. At the time, the creator was simply a character; there wasn't a name, a face, or even something declaring whether the creator would be a good guy or a bad guy.

    The next day, July 8th, one entire year ago, I wrote the first chapter, and published it on the forums as a story about three teenagers, whose goal was to find the four mythical weapons - the Quake, the Falcon, the Tide and the Inferno. People said I had a little potential, some pointed out problems (many of which I'm still struggling with), and I still kept on putting out short, quick chapters nearly every day. A few new characters were introduced, the plot went further, and I finally had some idea of the basic outline.

    However, in no more than a week after I had posted chapter 19, the wipe of 9/7 struck, and the thread was annihilated along with the rest of the forum. By the end of the day, though, I had reposted the thread, and now, more than 365 days after I wrote a couple innocent pages on Google Docs, I have an 85-page text document with over 45,000 words spread out across 36 chapters. There's more of a story now, with more characters, some more plot, and more time put into it than I would ever have anticipated. In fact, when I initially made the document, I had titled it "Wynncraft Story #1", which was soon renamed to "Demonic Essence", to "Demonic Scourge" a couple months later, and finally to "Scourge", as it remains today. I had expected, as with everything else I've written, to make a couple chapters and move on to something else. But I stayed, and now, I have an entire folder in my Google Drive to verify it.

    I just want to say, thanks to you all for reading this story so far, and while I've been having to deal with problems in real life these past couple months, I'll try to finish this story, even if it takes ten years (even though it probably won't).

    “There’s no point in denying it to those kids anymore. We both know exactly who created the Weapons, and where that person is right now….”
    13threemc, Rawb, Ghalt and 4 others like this.
  20. Procrast

    Procrast Schmoovin' VIP+

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    I know exactly how you feel bro ;-;
    stlast likes this.
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