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[rp]war Of The Provinces 10/10 Players!

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Inactive User, Apr 13, 2016.


Good RP?

  1. 10/10 I love this RP :D

    9 vote(s)
  2. 9/10 Really Good :)

    3 vote(s)
  3. 8/10 Pretty Good

    7 vote(s)
  4. 7/10 Good

    2 vote(s)
  5. 6/10 Okay

    3 vote(s)
  6. 5/10 Okay

    0 vote(s)
  7. 4/10 I don't like this

    1 vote(s)
  8. 3/10 This is bad.

    0 vote(s)
  9. 2/10 I hate this.

    0 vote(s)
  10. 1/10 or 0/10 Get this complete bulls**t out of here!

    4 vote(s)
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  1. Inactive User

    Inactive User Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    @Rawb are you still playing
    "Hello sir." You say cheerfully. You turn back to the commander. "It's named Gavel, it's on the other side of the ocean, I've never been there, and there's villagers there. Which you believe are the bad guys, and visa-versa, I'm assuming, as war goes. As far as Risen Demon goes, ever heard of a Fallen Angel? Surely you have. But it's sort of the opposite of that. A Fallen Angel and a Risen Demon are opposites, obviously. Bad Angel, Good Demon, and yes, they exist. The latter typically ends up as a humanoid figure covered in a load of clothes. See where I'm going with this?" He nods and writes on his clipboard. "Yes, I do see. Now, the doctor will need a blood sample. Hold still for a moment." The doctor puts on rubber gloves and opens the briefcase. Inside are syringes. Before you can react, he draws some from your arm, through your sleeves. He observes the blue blood. "Fascinating..." He says. He shakes it slightly. You don't see anything remarkable, but the doctor exclaims, "Unbelievable!" He quickly draws two more blood samples. "We will have to speak another time, maybe. We have much to discuss." He leaves the room. As the door opens, six guards enter with their swords drawn. Two sheathe their swords and unshackle your feet. The commander waves his hand, releasing you from the table. The shackles on your arms fall off. A guard collects both shackles. The guards escort you out of the room and into another. They lock the door. After a few minutes, the door opens again. A guard throws a prison jumpsuit in. "Get used to it. You're lucky we decided to keep you. Luckily, we're able to imprison xenos like you without a trial, if they committed a serious enough crime. Murder counts. I want nothing on but your jumpsuit." He shuts the steel door. You hear a locking sound.

    A: Try to pick the lock
    B: Follow his orders
    C: Free choice
    "I will leave now, Your Majesty." The king nods, and a royal guard beckons you through a door. "This way, sir!" He leads you through a series of doors. You almost bump into a doctor with a briefcase. He stops you. "Ah, you must be Templar Referl! The creature is ready for questioning. It's blood is fascinating. I'm also surprised it's as sentient as a human. I expected it to have the sentience of a common animal or a gert." He continues before you can respond.

    A: Continue
    B: Free choice
    Next time, try and wait for me.
    You say out loud, "Uhhh, Dragon Human? That's peculiar." It doesn't seem to be offended. It replies, "What was that all about?" You respond, "It was just some business, that's all." The creature looks you in the eyes and says, "Sounded like murder to me." You hastily respond, "They made the move to kill me. I just defended myself. Now if you excuse me..." You wonder if they believe you.

    A: Free choice
    Next time, try and wait for me.
    They say out loud, "Uhhh, Dragon Human? That's peculiar." You reply, "What was that all about?" They respond, "It was just some business, that's all." You look them in the eyes and say, "Sounded like murder to me." They hastily respond, "They made the move to kill me. I just defended myself. Now if you excuse me..."

    A: Free choice
    This is all I need to know.. I think I should go to sleep and wait till this morning. You think. You put the book back and walk back to your house. The mess has been cleaned up, and even your bed has been made. Just as you get ready for sleep, you realize that it's morning already.

    A: Free choice
  2. Enhanced_Human

    Enhanced_Human Natural Born World-Shaker

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    "Well that's no fun! But orders are orders, I guess..."
    I shout to the guard as he leaves, then I examine the jumpsuit.
    I say in a disgusted sound to myself before savoring the embrace of my clothes, slowly taking them off, and then applying the jumpsuit.
    I then neatly fold my coat, gloves, and other actual cloth items before putting them in one pile, then I take my goggles, stuff them in my hat, then stuff my hat in one of my boots, and put the boots in another pile.
    When then next person/people come to escort me, I will take both of the piles and put them under each other my arms, and I will give them to anyone who wants them. If no one wants them, I will keep them for myself.
  3. aayl

    aayl Famous Adventurer

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    A: I nod at the doctor, "That is good to know. Try to find anything you can about this creature and its potential capabilities for weaponisation. Report to me once you have found something of note. Thank you."
    I continue
  4. Rawb

    Rawb Disciple of Bak'al

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    I go out of my cabin to get a better view of the ocean.
  5. Gushy48

    Gushy48 Title

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    A. I go to the tailor to check on my robes
  6. blankman

    blankman Wynncraft Boomer VIP+

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    "Likely story." (sarcastic)
  7. Loggerhead

    Loggerhead Some Loggerhead

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    A: Free choice. "Wow.. time really does fly by when your reading..." Says Guest. "Sadly its not the same case with paper work..." Guest walks to his office, and starts signing and vetoing papers. mekyr would never do such a thing...
  8. WhettoWen

    WhettoWen desperatly need a fatal but poor

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    Can I still join? This looks like fun! If so:
    Name: Unknown, Alias: Spectre
    Age: ???
    Race: Presumed To Be a Demon/Human
    Gender: None
    Backstory: From a young age, Spectre was abondoned and forgotten in a house by Detlas. Spectre was forgotten by everyone, and lived alone in the dernel Jungle. His exposure to the creatures of Dern left Spectre mutated, Turning his eyes all ice blue and his skill fairly pale.
    He was taken in by the creatures of Dern, and they taught Spectre how to use Demon powers, such as Telekensis and the art of stealth, speed and surprise. However, when they where cut off from the world, the Creatures turned on one another and tourtured Spectre, But Spectre Somehow escapes with the help of Amadel, who is now dead.
    Primary Weapon: Telekensis
    Secondary Weapon: Dual Knives
    Side: Assassin, Will not act as a fighter, Just an assassin to take out leaders despite the heavy security.
    Other: Lava Healths Spectre while water hurts Spectre. Spectre was in a deep sleep, going in and out of concussions because of the torture wounds. Spectre is alright now. He stays surrounded in a black cloak that provides no protection vs weapons.


    @Heavy you there?
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2016
  9. Enhanced_Human

    Enhanced_Human Natural Born World-Shaker

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    He often takes his time to respond to this thread.
  10. WhettoWen

    WhettoWen desperatly need a fatal but poor

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    Okay, thank you.
  11. Inactive User

    Inactive User Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    "Well that's no fun! But orders are orders, I guess..." You yell at the guard. He grunts and ignores you. You take your clothes off and put them in two neat piles. You put on the jumpsuit. It's not as comfortable as your clothes, but you expected as much. You wait for a few minutes, where you can hear some noises outside your cell. The door opens, and in come six guards. A few of them jump back at the sight of you, but they soon take the two piles of clothes. One guard places the shackles on your wrists, and two others lead you outside. As you walk out the door, you see Templar Referl standing next to a royal guard. He still wears his darksteel armor, and you can see his two swords sheathed. He looks surprised. The guards lead you into the interrogation room. Templar Referl soon follows, and takes a seat. A guard shackles your feet, and the commander from earlier uses magic to bind the shackles to the table. You see Referl has a clipboard in his hands. The commander and his guards leave the room, leaving you alone with Referl.

    A: Free choice
    "That is good to know. Try to find anything you can about this creature and its potential capabilities for weaponisation. Report to me once you have found something of note. Thank you." You say. He has already walked away by the time you finish, but you see him nod. The royal guard keeps leading you through the dungeons. "We keep the prison 'ere too. May seem like a dumb idea, having the prisoners this close to the king, but the total guard count vastly outnumbers the prisoners." You eventually arrive in an area with two doors. One of the doors seems to be made of thick steel, while the other is just painted white. Commander Ryan and six guards are standing outside of one. When he sees you, the commander walks up to you and says, "Templar Referl, sir. I've asked it some basic questions, and it's answered most of them. I think after questioning, if you see no further use for it, we can throw it in prison. One of the scientists seemed interested after he took some blood samples. Anyways, here are all it's answers." He hands you the clipboard. "I'll be waiting outside, sir." The steel door opens, and the guards rush in. After a few seconds, the guards walk out. Some carry piles of clothes. The mysterious person comes out, only now they are wearing a prison jumpsuit. Their skin is gray, but you see black and white splotches all over. Their eyes are pure black. Looking down, their feet only have three toes, all of similar length. They have shackles on their wrists. The guards and the commander lead them into the room with the white door, and you follow. Inside the room are 2 chairs, a table, and crates in the corner of the room. The guards shackle their feet once they sit in one of the chairs. The commander waves his hand, and the shackles on their hands seem to be magnetically attracted to the table. Commander Ryan and the guards leave. You take a seat.

    A: Look at the clipboard
    B: Free choice
    Exiting the cabin, you see a few villager soldiers playing cards. They aren't gambling any money, so you decide not to speak to them. Gambling emeralds or other forms of currency is strictly forbidden when on military duty. They don't notice you. You climb a flight of stairs, and arrive on the deck. It's a very sunny day, but not uncomfortably hot. Looking over the railing, you take a look at the ocean. You see some ships sailing behind you, bearing the blue and gray flag of Gavel. They must be the other ships of the fleet. In the water, you see a few fish swimming close to the surface. You see another ship in the distance, not part of the fleet. It has the Republic of Gavel's flag, you you don't worry.

    A: Talk with the crew
    B: Talk with the captain
    C: Free choice
    You try to walk away, but the creature stops you. "Likely story." They say in a sarcastic voice.

    A: Free choice
    They try to walk away, but you stop them. "Likely story." You say in a sarcastic voice. The elf looks slightly annoyed.

    A: Free choice
    "Wow.. time really does fly by when your reading..." You say. "Sadly its not the same case with paper work..." You walk to your office and do boring paperwork. Most of it isn't interesting. You suddenly realize something. For some reason, you referred to yourself as "Guest" Are you losing your mind?

    A: No, my name is and always has been Guest
    B: I think I may be losing my mind, but now I remember, my name is Leviath. It's been like that forever.
    C: Free choice
    Accepted! You forgot armor and starting place, so I'll just have you start nowhere.
    You wake up in an endless black void. You cannot move or feel anything, just another mind drifting through the vast expanse of nothingness. A voice alerts you. "Mortal, it seems you would like a physical form, yes? I can grant you that, and a place in the mortal realm. What will you wear once I have granted you a mortal body, and where would you like to start your adventure?"

    A: Free choice
  12. Gushy48

    Gushy48 Title

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    A. "Can you please move?"
  13. WhettoWen

    WhettoWen desperatly need a fatal but poor

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    OOC: I forgot to say starting location, I guess I forgot to put it in my app.

    A: I would like to start at Dernel Jungle and Wear a black cloak that shields me and my eyes. DR: -3, MR 10.
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2016
  14. aayl

    aayl Famous Adventurer

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    Since Commander Ryan is waiting outside, I assume that the guards are with him.
    I say to the mysterious creature: "The good Commander Ryan informs me that you have been 100% compliant in his questioning, and that there is nothing else to ask you about. That's rather nice of you. Want lunch?"
    I call for one of the guards. "A simple meal please, not too extravagant, we're about to go to war. Some fish and chips, and a glass of water to wash it down."
    I turn back to the mysterious being. "From what you said, it seems that you don't have much love for the villagers, but you don't have much love for humans either. While the latter was partly my fault, tensions are particularly high in these times, and as you might've heard me mention, we are going to war soon(TM). I do sincerely apologize."
    "The villagers have attempted to assassinate our leader, the King, out of spite and jealousy of our not-so apparent prosperity. But pardon me for blabbering, this must all seem so mundane to a being like you."
    "I was sent to question you, but I fear I must reconsider. You'll only give what you consent to part with and nothing else, and I cannot do anything to you that might change that sad situation."
    "But why must it be sad? For a being like you is amazingly powerful. Instead of making an enemy of you, why not be friends instead? Friendship is the best kind of ship, after all."
    "The enemy of my enemy is my friend, or so said the great general Bob, when he forged an alliance with the Frumans against the corrupted legions. So I have a proposition for you. Do a little thing for me and I'll do a little thing for you. If you do accept my proposition, we can discuss the details over lunch, if you wish to have it."
    Inactive User likes this.
  15. Rawb

    Rawb Disciple of Bak'al

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    I head over to the captain.
    "You know what that ship is doing out here?" I ask, pointing to the ship in the distance.
  16. Enhanced_Human

    Enhanced_Human Natural Born World-Shaker

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    "Hello there."
    I refrain from smiling with my mouth, but I seem to be smiling anyways.
  17. Loggerhead

    Loggerhead Some Loggerhead

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    B I think I may be losing my mind, but now I remember, my name is Leviath. It's been like that forever. I really should get some sleep. says Leviath, getting ready to go to bed.
  18. Inactive User

    Inactive User Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    I will be away for a week without Internet connection. You won't be able to contact me. Hey, maybe this is a good thing?
  19. blankman

    blankman Wynncraft Boomer VIP+

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    "Seriously, what happened?"
  20. aayl

    aayl Famous Adventurer

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    Blame Jumla
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