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[rp]war Of The Provinces 10/10 Players!

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Inactive User, Apr 13, 2016.


Good RP?

  1. 10/10 I love this RP :D

    9 vote(s)
  2. 9/10 Really Good :)

    3 vote(s)
  3. 8/10 Pretty Good

    7 vote(s)
  4. 7/10 Good

    2 vote(s)
  5. 6/10 Okay

    3 vote(s)
  6. 5/10 Okay

    0 vote(s)
  7. 4/10 I don't like this

    1 vote(s)
  8. 3/10 This is bad.

    0 vote(s)
  9. 2/10 I hate this.

    0 vote(s)
  10. 1/10 or 0/10 Get this complete bulls**t out of here!

    4 vote(s)
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  1. Nihilego36

    Nihilego36 Avos Air Avos

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    D. Flee
  2. aayl

    aayl Famous Adventurer

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    A: I accept the special mission
  3. blankman

    blankman Wynncraft Boomer VIP+

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    A. I then check out the shop inventory.
    Edit: 10+4+32+32+64=142. I have 142 total emeralds, including 32 in the bank.
    Last edited: May 9, 2016
  4. Inactive User

    Inactive User Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    Update 1.1:
    The Armor Update
    Armor, DR, and MR
    I've taken the time to add a few new mechanics into the rp. It's also a new spoiler in the original post, but it's just this same text. The first of them is armor. Armor provides Damage Resistance(DR) and Magic Resistance(MR) to the wearer. DR and MR are calculated like this:

    Dam-DR/MR=Damage Taken

    For example, if an elite assassin with DR: 10 MR: 5 from Gavel is hunting down a certain bank robbing elf, and the assassin were hit with a 19 damage attack with a sword by the elf, they would take 9 damage. I decide what's classified as a magic attack or regular attack unless you specify otherwise. I will give you ONE chance to edit your DR/MR. Try to make it lore friendly please. There is also -DR/MR, which is the base damage dealt plus the positive DR/MR.
    Armor Pieces
    You can have 4 pieces of armor equipped. Your head, face, body, and feet slots. Your face slot is where items that would go on your face go, such as a mask or glasses. Your head slot is where hats or helmets go. Your body slot is for your main body armor, such as chainmail armor or a formal suit. Finally, the feet slot is where you'd put footwear, such as boots or shoes. You can change your armor ONCE. Again, please be lore friendly.
    Armor Bonuses
    While buying from shopkeepers or looting off corpses, some armors will have special bonuses. For example, glasses will have the wearer more perceptive, making them sense danger better. You might also find legendary or rare pieces of armor on your travels.
    If unspecified, your DR and MR remain at 0. Tell me in detail about your armor even if you already did. Also, on a smaller note, I removed karma. Not RP, but karma. It really had no use anyways. Now, without further ado, replies:
    "Ha, good. I like your enthusiasm. We launch an attack now." He conjures a ghostly rapier, and slashes it in the air. "No mercy." He says. he runs off at superhuman speed, followed by the rest of the corrupted army.

    A: Follow him
    B: Free choice
    You wait inside the bank until the blizzard fully ends. As you sit on a bench in a waiting area, you see one of your emerald pouches is a bit lighter. Checking inside, you find 2 less total LE than before!

    A: Chase the "drunk" thief
    B: Free choice
    (If you wanted to be rich, you could've put that on your app under "Other" It wasn't just for the code word. I allow everyone one change in each field, so if you like I'll gladly change your balance to the specified amount.)
    You deposit the 64 emeralds, and leave the bank. As you walk out, a messenger says, "The King wishes to see you at once." In a hushed tone, he adds, "The grand council has voted...there will be war." A passing villager spits and your feet. The messenger runs of, supposedly to deliver more messages.

    A: Free choice
    You walk to Ragni, following the soldiers trail. You don't encounter any hostile Pigmen though. You see a few dead corpses, already looted. When you arrive in Ragni, you can't help but overhear a passing conversation. The captain from earlier, Captain Morgan is talking to the soldier who talked to you. "It's time I break the news to you. There was an assassination attempt on our glorious king! Luckily, he survived, and called for all of the higher ups in his army." says Captain Morgan in a hushed tone. The soldier scowls and exclaims, "The good for nothing big-noses have just signed their death warrant! Is it war?" Captain Morgan tells the soldier, "I haven't been told, but I'd bet a years pay that it is! Now, lets get you to the king." He and the soldier dismount their horses and head into the throne room. The other soldiers gallop away. Two guards bar the entrance.

    A: Free choice
    You walk to the entrance, where one of the gates is. You see a bovemist preaching, yelling, "Trust in me, Llevigar! Trust in Kremsih! For I am the chosen of Salted! Yes, I have been anointed by the Bovine Lord to spread his holy word! Salted the mighty! Salted the unerring! Salted the unassailable! To you we give praise! O great and powerful Salted! We, your unworthy servants, give praise! For only through your grace and benevolence may we truly reach enlightenment!" He has a small crowd, and has two other bovemists by his side. They have a cow tied up. "You have come! You have come to hear the word of Salted!" Kremsih says to you.

    A: Join him
    B: Look for more information
    C: Free choice
    You follow the men. The guards bar your way, saying, "There is a special meeting going on now. Dozens of his finest men and soldiers inside if you get past us. If you wish to speak with the king, you'll have to wait, and we must confiscate your weapons and have you take a drug preventing the use of magic." The two men are enormous, probably chosen because of their monstrous size. They have large pikes in their hands, and broadswords large enough to cleave a man in two with.

    A: Kill one
    B: Push through them
    C: Leave
    D: Free choice
    You successfully escape. You hear the screams of the adventurer as he is ripped to shreds by the second zombie. You don't dare look back. You feel horrible for abandoning him, but at least you are safe.

    A: Free choice
    The king beckons you into a small room with a nice chair and a wooden one. He sits in the nice one. You take a seat in the wooden one. He says to you in a hushed tone, "Two can play at the assassination game. I want you to go to Gavel and kill their king. With a small team of 4, including you, you'll board a Fruman airship. It will drop you off over the Llevigar plains. Wearing well crafted disguises, you can proceed to the throne room and request an audience with the king. They'll take all your weapons and make you drink a potion that disables magic, but once you are in front of the king, you must kill him. The fake noses will have a tiny dagger. Pull it out of the nostrils and proceed to stab the king to death. Two of your team will fend off the guards while you take the crown and run out the door with the other team member. A few minutes prior, a Fruman airship will have dropped bombs on the city. The whole city will be in chaos. Another, smaller ship will pick up any teammates of yours left, plus a few spies I had in the city. Following the battle, you'll be taken to Ragni. I'll need the crown to prove he is dead."

    A: Free choice
    The merchant doesn't sell, he just buys. He wishes you a good day, and walks off.

    A: Free choice
    blankman likes this.
  5. Gushy48

    Gushy48 Title

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    B. Go outside and go to the stores.
    Blue Robes w/ Hood: Head, and Body.
    DR - 1
    MR - 10
    Leather Shoes: Feet
    DR/MR - 1
  6. Inactive User

    Inactive User Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    (You want -DR and -MR?)
    You go to the stores. There seem to be a good amount to chose from.

    A: Go to the food stall
    B: Go to the weapons shop
    C: Go to a shop called "Romra's Armor Emporium"
    D: Go to a fish shack
    E: Go to a potion shop
    F: Go to a junk shop
    G: Go to a jewlry store
    H: Free choice
    Last edited: May 12, 2016
  7. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    (B) I look for more information about what is going on.
  8. Rawb

    Rawb Disciple of Bak'al

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    "Perfect." I mutter, forgetting about he spit. I quickly rush over to the palace, plans of attack formulating in my mind.
  9. Enhanced_Human

    Enhanced_Human Natural Born World-Shaker

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    (Armor: Just padded cloth, as body armor. No face, or headgear. Wears thick boots, but still knows how to not make a sound in them. Main defense is really his Shoot-Back ring.)
    I go around the corner of the armor shop, in a place where they'll be unable to see me, but I'll still be able to hear them. I wait until I hear the stomping of their boots from the castle, or their voices. The more info the better.
  10. Inactive User

    Inactive User Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    You look for more information on current events. You hear a passing conversation:
    "I hope those humans get what they deserve. Cutting off trade with us like that!"
    "Yeah, my cousin lost his job. His boss, a wealthy trader, lost most of his fortune and had to cut off almost all of his employees."
    "If war breaks out, I'm enlisting. You?"
    "Of course. I'll take pride in defending our glorious nation and killing humans. If we conquer them, our country will be rich."
    You look to see who was talking. You see the two villagers walking away.

    A: Free choice
    You enter the palace. The king is sitting on his throne, waiting. "So, the council has voted." he says. "We attack Nemract. You and a force of 10,000 will land in Nemract. We are using almost all of our trade ships to get there. We know they have. Less than 8,000 there, so hopefully we can overwhelm them with numbers and your tactics. Also, we are in possession of a few airships. We've equipped them with bombs, ready to rain them down anywhere at anytime. Would you like their support?" He pauses for your response. "Oh," he adds. "I also need the head of their mayor."

    A: Free choice
    (I meant the DR and MR, along with the armor)
    You go and hide where they can't see you. All you hear is the king yelling about an assassination attempt. You hear some walking, and some more walking, this time outside of the throne room.

    A: Peek out
    B: Free choice
  11. Enhanced_Human

    Enhanced_Human Natural Born World-Shaker

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    I peek out to see who is there.
    (DR and MR: If we're really going lore friendly, then it would depend on the attack. Do you want me to make something off of that, or just a general DR? But MR is 5.)
  12. aayl

    aayl Famous Adventurer

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    Armor: Darksteel plated helm 1 DR 2 MR
    Darksteel Chestplate 3DR 5MR
    Darksteel Greaves 2DR 4MR
    Darksteel Boots 1DR 3MR

    A: I say "I will gladly bring you the crown of the big nosed king, my lord," I say. "I shall burn their city to the ground ask them how it feels like to be on the receiving end of the pain... I will murder the entire royal big nosed family if need be."
    Last edited: May 12, 2016
  13. Rawb

    Rawb Disciple of Bak'al

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    "Airship support will be vital. I think it would be a good idea to sort of use a creeping bombardment; that is, bombarding the area where we will advance into. Say, we have a certain residential area, and our next objective is the town center. The airships would come in and bombard the area, hopefully softening up defenders." I remain silent for a second. "No no, that would be a logistical nightmare...how far into the city can our naval cannons reach?" It seems that I'm formulating more plans in my head with each passing moment.
  14. blankman

    blankman Wynncraft Boomer VIP+

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    I meant the Detlas shop. :) I take out my emeralds and go to the Detlas shop.
  15. Gushy48

    Gushy48 Title

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    No -DR/MR
    Last edited: May 12, 2016
  16. Nihilego36

    Nihilego36 Avos Air Avos

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    A. Go to Ragni
  17. Cybersoap707

    Cybersoap707 That one guy VIP+

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    B: I push through them
    Armor: Thin Hunter clothing
    Thin Hunting hood-2 DR
    Thin Hunting Mask-1 DR
    Thin Hunting Tunic and Leggings-3 DR
    Thin Hunting Boots-2 DR
    (The armor doesn't protect much but makes easy maneuverability)
  18. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    (A) I try and join the conversation: "Heh, talking about Wynn there?"
  19. Inactive User

    Inactive User Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    (Your choice)
    You look out and see a man in hunting gear trying to get into the throne room. He pushes past the large guards, and they say, "One more step and we'll kill you." They press their huge spears against his back.

    A: Help the guards
    B: help the mysterious man
    C: Free choice
    The king chuckles. "I like your enthusiasm. I wish there were more men like you in our army. Meet your team on the outskirts, near Katoa ranch. When you get there, a Fruman airship will be waiting. Good luck" You hear the guards say something outside the door, but you can't tell what.

    A: Free choice
    The king says to you, "Good. We don't have very good cannons, since they are mostly used for trading. Also, the creepers aren't allied with us, and nor would we have any reason to with them not being able to fight. The soldiers who will be under your command aren't the normal ones you're used to. The men usually under your command have been dispatched to deal with Lexdale. It wants to leave our nation and become it's own country." He pauses to read some notes. Our intelligence says that the soldiers in Nemract are led by General Trube. He's supposedly as tall and broad as two men and has an axe that can cleave a troll behemoth in two. I doubt those are true, but he is a strong man. I've had confirmed reports of him cutting down several soldiers in one swing. His weakness is that he's slow. Use it to your advantage. When you walk out of the Gavel gate into Wynn, our fleet will be waiting for you. The ship you'll be on is called the RGS Emerald. Talk to the captain, Arturo. Any more questions?"

    A: Free choice
    Which shop would you like to go to? There are shops all around Detlas selling almost anything you can imagine.
    You go to Romra's Armor Emporium. Entering the shop, you see lots of armor on stands and hanging on racks. You see some silver armor usually only worn by elite elven soldiers. A woman in her late fifties comes out from a back room smoking a pipe. "Hello..." She says. "I am Romra, owner of this shop. We sell all kinds of armors imaginable. Come to me if you have any questions or want to buy something, although I assure you all of our armor is of the finest quality. Other than that, feel free to browse the shelves and stands, I'm sure something will catch your eye." She gestures to the armor in her shop and blows a smoke ring.

    A: Browse her merchandise
    B: Ask about the elven armor
    C: Rob her
    D: Free choice
    You go into Troms and to the passage. A guard bars your way. "If you plan on going through the passage," he says. "I suggest you are prepared to fight pigemen. Their attacks have gotten more fierce recently. Also, I'm required to tax you 4 emeralds for using the passage."

    A: Pay the emeralds
    B: Refuse
    C: Free choice
    You push through the guards. Before you make it in, one of them says, "One more step and we'll kill you." You feel a cold point press against your back. The spear presses harder, and draws a small bit of blood.
    -1 HP

    A: Free choice
    The villagers notice you. The one who spoke first, who is wearing a farmer outfit, says, "Yeah, those damn humans. They think they'll beat us because they have such a strong army. We have allies too. The elves and Dujgon-Nodguj Republic will give us the upper hand." His friend says, "So, do you know where your kingdom stands on the matter. They haven't chose sides.

    A: Free choice
  20. Enhanced_Human

    Enhanced_Human Natural Born World-Shaker

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    I walk up to the group, and ask,
    "What's the problem here? Often trouble is not needed."
    (Okay, so I'm choosing different defense with different attacks. Sharp sword-like attacks get 3 DR. Blunt hammer-like attacks get 5 DR. Bodily attacks like biting have 8 DR.)
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