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{rp} Tysra's Aftermath [6/6]

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by andydreww, Jul 10, 2019.

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  1. andydreww

    andydreww Tea Fanatic | Complex Persona Specialist HERO

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    (I finaLLY finished my uni online job training yesterday, so sorry for the small delay! Anywayyyys)
    Taking out a couple of lockpicking tools from his pocket, Kollin attempts to crack the lock open,
    1-59 = Fail / 60-99 = Success / 100 = Critical Success ||||||||| Result = 84

    After a few moments of rotating the tools around, a soft click rang and the trapdoor loosened. A couple of guild members snickered and rubbed their hands, a few whispering to each other,

    "Hehehe, let's see what we have inside.."

    Opening the trapdoor, Kollin peers inside and notes the barely, barren lit room. A couple of members don't mind and simply slip inside.

    "Ahhh, I knew you would be excited!! Just imagine all the fun you'll have? You don't want to spend your time rusting in this old house, do you? Let's get dinner ready while your father gets back."

    With that, Frozlar's mother went to the kitchen and began collecting a few bowls and tools. She hummed a tune as she began preparing her meal. Frozlar felt conflicted about the news. He was glad to get out of the house more often and see more of Kelas, but he was still worried about the world around him. Not everyone's as nice as they seem. Nonetheless, Frozlar peered outside, hoping to find his returning father. Unfortunately, it seems like he's still off at the markets. Frozlar decided to spend his time in the kitchen with his mom.

    "Of course not, one of my regulars have an issue with some of their tools and they can't bring 'em over to us. So, we're going to them. The dinner's a plus, after all. Now get your things! I don't have all day."

    "Shorts and sandals...Yes, we can order some. It'll be 2 G, is there a certain style you'd like them to be designed?"

    Hilda sighed and ambled over to the garden. Silva barely registers the faint slashes on her legs, looking like branch scratches. His mind wondered how the girl got her scratches, but he saved it for a later time and went to his garden. After harvesting some greens and preparing a small breakfast salad, Silva placed the bowl in front of Hilda as she sat at the table and idly swung her legs. Her eyes widened at the salad,

    "Ooh, a salad! Is this what you always eat here? Don't you ever eat meat too?"
    Tisaun likes this.
  2. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    "Uh, I don't know. If you could put lots of pockets on the shorts I think that'd be it. Thank you." Tae said, putting the two coins on the counter.
  3. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I understand what a critical success would be in most situations but what would be a critical success in lockpicking be, just doing it more quickly?

    I'll go inside and see what's in the house
  4. Tsurumi

    Tsurumi Tired Abyssal

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    Check if I have some metal left over
  5. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    "Got it."
    Go to the area where I keep all my tools.
    "What are we fixing? And are they supplying the materials?"
  6. NotFunny

    NotFunny Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    I did? ok

    I'll ask my mom if she has any more chores for me.
  7. Rawb

    Rawb Disciple of Bak'al

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    "Certainly. However meat takes a while to prepare as compared to greens, and as such it is not something that I would eat daily. Fish on the other hand is a different matter, as I do go fishing frequently."
  8. andydreww

    andydreww Tea Fanatic | Complex Persona Specialist HERO

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    The assistant scribbles a small note - "Pockets" - on a scrap of paper and nodded their head, collecting the coins,

    "Alright! I'll take care of everything else. Good luck with your studies!"

    Tae went back into the main lobby and sighed as she saw the Equipment office yielded a 'Closed' sign on its window. Exiting the building, Lysanna turned to Tae as she twirled a piece of her hair in her fingers,

    "Ugh, finally! I hate the beginnings of each session, everyone has to barge and cut their way to the front. Anyways, I ran into Benet while he was near the area and he invited us and Kindra for a rune sketch contest. It's pretty fun and we can see what you bring to the table. You down?"

    Lysanna smirked as she flipped her hair and began walking down the stairs towards the dormitories, not waiting for Tae to follow.

    (Correct, a critical success while lockpicking would mean you'd spend less time picking it.)

    Landing silently in a crouch, Kollin looked around the room and noticed it seemed to be some form of an office. The guildmembers already opened the entrance and could barely be heard moving throughout the house. Whoever owns the establishment must either be away or have terrible guards. In any case, as Kollin searched the room, he took note that a few drawers seemed to be opened and a chest on the far side of the room had a small lock on it. The bookshelves and tables nearby also were open for his perusal.

    From conversing with his other guild members, it seemed the house was empty and a few other rooms were available. Some members were already sifting through the kitchen and ground-level rooms, leaving Kollin the office he entered originally, a nearby spare bedroom, or a bedroom possibly occupied by one of the residents.

    Flipping open a chest and a few nearby crates, Lux found he had 5 Small Metal Scraps and 2 Dented Metal Pieces. He supposed he could fashion something out of the parts he has now, but he'll have to be resourceful.

    "It's mainly metalwork and some lumber business, so grab what you think will benefit that. You're old enough to know what you need and why you'll need it!"

    Cackling to himself, Master walked towards his own craft station on the second floor. Ky knew he shouldn't bother him, but couldn't help but wonder what Master kept in the rooms above him. The second floor was designated as strictly Master's quarters, study, and storage. Ky sighed and went towards his small work area, looking over the saws, wrenches, and hammers available to him. He can only carry so much, so he'll have to be sure about what he brings.

    Hilda took a few more bites of her salad before speaking, shaking her chestnut hair as the last few bits of twigs and leaves fell off of her,

    "I tried fish before too! It was okay, I guess. I just like veggies because it's all we basically have back home. Sometimes I'd manage to snatch something from the marketplace, like discarded fruits or even a small parcel of meat. Do you think that's stealing? If the person didn't want it anymore?"

    After finishing her salad, Hilda pushed the bowl away from her and turned to Silva,

    "I mean, you don't need to answer that. I'm ready though! I wonder what we'll see along the way..."

    "Hmm? Oh no, dear, you're fine. Perhaps if you could-"

    The opening and closing of their front door startled both Frozlar and his mother as his father stepped into the kitchen. A few bags were in his hands containing some food and spices,

    "I thought we needed to celebrate, no? Frozlar heading to an academy deserves a proper send-off!"

    After cooking quite a feast of meals, Frozlar and his parents sat at the small yet quaint dining table and began eating. His mother glanced towards his father,

    "So what exactly will Frozlar be doing at this school you enlisted him in? I don't want him getting into any sort of trouble."

    "Haha, you're being too cynical! He'll simply learn what we learned when we were kids, not much different than that. If he wants to try and join anything, then so be it! He's starting tomorrow anyway, so he won't miss too much of what's been done as of lately."

    "Hmm, I see. Frozlar dear, if anyone gives you any trouble, let mommy know, okay?"
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2019
  9. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I'll stay in the office and check if the chest is trapped in any way if not or if i don't know I'll try to pick it open
  10. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    Tilting her head at the girl leaving without waiting for an answer, Tae said to the herself. "Yeah, why not."
    Then, walking quietly and breathing in the summer air, Tae headed towards the dormitories to finally get to sit down.
  11. Rawb

    Rawb Disciple of Bak'al

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    "I would suppose that everything has its own purpose, such that food's purpose is to be eaten. You are merely fulfilling the food's purpose, young Hilda." Silva says, "Regardless, let us take our leave now. It will be for the best that we are not caught in the forest at night."
  12. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    Storage bag tho? >.>
    I already have a hammer... so I'll carry a saw with me as well. Take a few pliers with me as well, and a few more general tools. Should be alright.
    Empty my bag of most of it's scraps (leave a few in there, in case for quick repairs) and put the tools in the bag. Afterwards, quickly wash my face and smooth back my hair. A (will-be) famous blacksmith got to look cool, doesn't he?
    Walk outside and check if grandfather's ready to go. (Don't call out or anything, wait patiently.)
  13. NotFunny

    NotFunny Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    "Oh, it's fine. Besides, when will I be entering classes? Tomorrow?"
  14. andydreww

    andydreww Tea Fanatic | Complex Persona Specialist HERO

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    Inspecting the chest for a few moments, Kollin presumed there wasn't any kind of defense spell surrounding the chest. The lock looked fairly complex though, but Kollin still attempted to crack it open,
    1-69 = Fail / 70-99 = Success / 100 = Critical Success ||||||||| Result = 39

    Gritting his teeth as he worked, Kollin sighed as the lock wouldn't budge underneath his tools. Whoever locked this chest must've wanted no one to open it besides the owner. Glancing around him, Kollin noticed a couple of guildmembers ambling around the room in their own search for whatever they can nab. Kollin wondered whether to get another member to help him bust the chest open or to abandon it and decide to look around somewhere else.

    As Tae was walking down the hallway towards her room, Lysanna and Kindra were walking towards her, deep in conversation. Kindra looked up at Tae and waved at her,

    "Hey, Tae! Lys and I are gonna head down to the main lobby. If you need us, we'll be down there!"

    Kindra threw Tae a peace sign and Lysanna offered a quick glance and smile as they passed her, both of them resuming talking as they turned the corner. After Tae entered the dorm and tossed herself on the bed, she felt the rush of the day slowly digging into her. She pondered about what she wanted to do for the next couple of hours until nighttime.

    Hilda didn't respond to Silva's comment about the food, but Silva noted the girl's somewhat more confident stride in her walk. He drew out the stone from his cloak and noticed the arrow held a duller glow than it did previously. Glancing at the stone, Hilda began walking in the arrow's direction and Silva followed close by.

    About an hour of walking later, the sky turned into shades of pink and orange, twilight settling across Tysra. The duo had stopped a couple of times, whether it be Hilda being tired from walking or Silva taking the time to forage around the area and feeding the both of them. Silva presumed they must be approaching the outskirts of the forest as the clusters of trees began to thin. Hilda crawled up on a small boulder and stood up on her tiptoes,

    "Hmmm, I think I see a path ahead! I didn't know carriages go through the forest. Did you, Silva?"

    After packing his bag and cleaning himself up a bit, Ky crossed his arms and leaned against the door, tapping his foot while he waited for his grandfather. A couple of minutes later, Master walked down the stairs with several tools on his belt and a bag slightly larger than Ky's strapped around his body,

    "Heh, looks like you actually know what you're doing. Apparently, this client of ours sent us a carriage. Beats walking to him, I suppose. I'd rather take a few minute carriage rides than a half-hour walk."

    Pushing the door open, Ky and his grandfather walked towards the fairly presentable carriage. It wasn't as regal as some of the nobility carriages he had seen around Seston, but it looked rather nice to his standards. Following his grandfather inside, Ky settled himself down and the driver snapped his reigns, the horses beginning to pull the carriage.

    Frozlar's father finished his food and began washing his plate as he spoke,

    "Indeed! I don't want you falling behind, it's already a miracle the school even allowed such a late addition. Once you're done eating, please head up to bed. Tonight's not a night for you to stay up for who knows how long."

    After drying the plate and heading upstairs, Frozlar's mother took her plate and began cleaning the rest of the dishes,

    "Don't stress too much about this, Frozlar. I know you'll be fine."
  15. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I'll ask someone to help "Hey, I couldn't get this chest open the lock seems sturdy, mind helping me?"
  16. NotFunny

    NotFunny Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    "Oh, I'm not stressing. I think. Anyway, if you'll excuse me, I'll be heading off to bed?"
  17. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    Laying in her bed, Tae decided to take a small nap, still in her normal clothes. Taking deep breath and letting it out, she smiled faintly. "Just a few minutes won't hurt."
  18. Rawb

    Rawb Disciple of Bak'al

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    "I always assumed that carriages would pass through the forest considering how I have met with multiple people in the past. However, I have yet to see one actually pass through." Silva says.
  19. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    Take a brief glance around the carriage, examining how it was made.
  20. Tsurumi

    Tsurumi Tired Abyssal

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    Is it possible to make a helmet out of those metals?
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