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{rp} Tysra's Aftermath [6/6]

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by andydreww, Jul 10, 2019.

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  1. andydreww

    andydreww Tea Fanatic | Complex Persona Specialist HERO

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    Kindra tossed her suitcases beside her bed and belly-flopped onto it, turning to face Lysana,

    "Aw come on Lys, cheer up! I'm sure we'll survive another summer session."

    Lysana continued to organize her belongings without turning to Kindra,

    "Pft, I know we'll be fine. I doubt anything special will happen this session."

    Kindra turned to look at Tae with a pleading look, quickly glancing between her and Lysana. It looks like as if she wants Tae to try talking to her.

    The clock's hands aren't turning, so Frozlar begins to unscrew the back lid. A few springs and wires fall out and Frozlar peers into the clock machinery. It looks rather complex for his young self to understand.

    "Ehhhhh, I'd say maybe half an hour left before we're heading out. You can find Chrysha on the balcony upstairs with some other members."

    Kollin turns back to Beci, opening his mouth to talk when he sees her back in conversation with Arel. He decided to not bother her and began to climb the stairwell to find Chrysha.
  2. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I guess i'll do that making sure to be as stealthy as possible
  3. Rawb

    Rawb Disciple of Bak'al

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    "Those ought to be my questions young lad." Silva says, keeping his staff pointed. "But I shall endeavor to answer your questions. You are in the forest, no doubt about it, while I am nothing but a simple old man."
  4. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    Taking the hint, Tae sat facing towards Lysana. "So, I heard you are very good on your runes. I'm glad that I get to meet you. Do you think you can help me?" She said, hoping she could lift the girl's spirit.
  5. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    Those were distracting thoughts. Grandfather said that I needed to keep my mind clear while blacksmithing, unless I wanted it to have flaws. I'll think about it after I finish this one.

    On that note, start working faster. I just want to test my speed, not that I want a break faster.
  6. NotFunny

    NotFunny Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    I try to fix it anyway with my wrench.
  7. andydreww

    andydreww Tea Fanatic | Complex Persona Specialist HERO

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    As Kollin crept down the corridor, his ears quirked up at the sound of a pair of boots hitting the ground. Just as he turned around, Kollin barely managed to duck underneath a flying dagger, embedding itself in the wood. A straight blonde-haired woman crossed her arms, leaning against a wooden post,

    "Seems like you still know how to dodge, Kollin. Impressive, but you can do better."

    Kollin sighs and grabs the dagger from the wall beside him, throwing it lightly back at the woman. She rolled forward and caught it mid-air, sheathing it back into her belt,

    "You know why I'm up here Chrysha. I want to join the raid tonight."

    Chrysha quirked an eyebrow up and walked in a circle around Kollin,

    "Hmmmm, I suppose you're ready for something real. Fine. But if you get left behind, we're not coming back for you. Meet us on the roof in half an hour. Don't be late."

    The girl frowned and stomped her foot on the ground, a few leaves floating down from her hair,

    "I'm a girl, grandpa!! Plus, I heard rumors or somebody managing to live in the woods on their own. I don't want to instigate something, but it looks a lot like you're that person. Anyways, I don't really care about that, how do I get out of here?! I was just following my brothers and sisters after playing on the outskirts of Ozvio and now I'm here?! Do you know how to leave the forest?"

    Lysana stood up and placed a few of her blouses and skirts in a drawer, going back to her bed and sighing as she took out a few books,

    "Flattery will only get you so far. I'm surprised that you even manage to find mannerisms for-"

    Kindra loudly cleared her throat a few times, giving Lysana a vile glare that Tae could barely manage to see. Lysana closed her mouth for a few seconds and resumed talking,

    "But. I appreciate you giving me a kind first introduction, Tae. I don't get those often. Thank you for the remark on runes, I'm glad the several years here studying is finally proving worthwhile. If you have some trouble with stuff in class, let me know. I'll do the best I can."

    Lysana managed a weak, yet bright smile as she slid her books in her bedside bookshelf. She turned to Kindra,

    "To be fair, my attitude was better last semester. Trysh should've deserved that punch in the face from Nini, but of course, you had to step in last minute."

    Kindra's jaw dropped and Tae's eyes widened, a small chuckle escaping from her lips. She decided to open her suitcase and start unpacking too.

    After deciding to visit these thoughts at a more convenient time, Ky went to an outside table with a few bent and broken blades laying all around it. These were probably what Master was working on before attending to those people.

    Putting back on his equipment, Ky dashed quickly between the table and work spots where he could repair the blades. His mind whirled with different methods to fix the metal. Some time passed and Ky stepped back from his work. The blades looked rather nice with his upbeat work. Hopefully, they'll actually be strong too.

    Picking up his wrench, Frozlar attempted to fit the tool inside the clock. He could barely manage to grab a bolt or wire, but he couldn't really turn anything inside. Grunting in frustration, Frozlar continued his attempts to fit the wrench. Seeing no result being made, Frozlar growled and placed the clock aside, saving that for his father. His ears quirked up as her mother called out from opening the front door,

    "Frozlar! Your father's home!"
  8. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I'll prep a little for the raid. First i'll tie a meter of spider silk on the small rings at the bottom of both my daggers conecting them to the base of my gloves. Then get my cloak which i probably keep somewhere in the tavern then i go to the roof and wait
  9. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    Hahaha. Not too bad. I'll test it out on my break that I definitely deserve.
    Place the sword into my bag and start heading out. I'll just wander, see where it'll take me. I don't have much to do anyways~
  10. Tsurumi

    Tsurumi Tired Abyssal

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    Wait is there literally going to be 2 blacksmiths
  11. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    Silently unpacking her things, Tae put her clothes in the drawer. Then, looking longingly at her compass, she decided to put it on top of her drawer.
    After unpacking everything, she lays on the bed and takes a deep breath. "Phew."
  12. andydreww

    andydreww Tea Fanatic | Complex Persona Specialist HERO

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    Kollin begins preparing for the upcoming raid, tying silk onto the daggers and collecting his cloak. Standing around the roof for the remaining time lets him clear his mind. Eventually, a cluster of members climb onto the roof, Chrysha leading them,

    "Alright! Follow my lead. We're looking at a certain district tonight, so don't fall behind."

    With that, she begins to hop across the rooftops, the members following her.

    Walking down the cobbled street, Ky looks around at the spirited buildings as townfolk move past him. The sounds of metal ringing in his bag were almost soothing to him and he eventually approached a miniature market square. Perhaps some of the local merchants would be interested in his recent sword repairs.

    Uhhhh, fine by me!

    Lysanna hummed in agreement and Kindra kicked off her boots, pulled up the covers, and snuggled up against the pillows,

    "You think I can get away with a quick nap? Orientation days are always soooooo boring."

    Rolling her eyes, Lysanna stood up from her bed and collected a few coins from a purse inside her suitcase. She pocketed the gold and began to leave the room,

    "Suit yourself, I've decided to do a little last-minute shopping. You wanna join, Tae?"
  13. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I'll try to follow making as little noise as possible
  14. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    Weighing her coins in one hand, Tae shrugged. "Yeah sure. Might be good to destress."
    Getting up, she tapped Kindra's knee. "Just try not to oversleep." She joked.
  15. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    I walk around to try to find a weaponsmith. How does my work fare against theirs?
  16. NotFunny

    NotFunny Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    "Oh! In a moment, mom!" I say, and rush to the door.
  17. andydreww

    andydreww Tea Fanatic | Complex Persona Specialist HERO

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    Leaping after the guildmembers, Kollin takes note of the number of people with them. He's surprised the number's quite low. What kind of raid is this? Eventually, the moon hung high above the group and their jumps barely made any sound on the tiled rooftops. Stopping at the top of a cottage, Chrysha turns to the group,

    "Alright. We've got a few targets to choose from. Split up and find whatever you can."

    Chrysha points to a few buildings, each built with stone and marble and their own distinct house flag colors, green, yellow, and purple. She and a few of the members begin to make their way to the green fashioned house.

    Kindra grumbled and curled up underneath the covers,

    "Yeah yeah, alright mom. Just wake me up before dinner."

    Leaving the dorm room, Tae followed Lysanna out of the building and traveled to a small building right beside the auditorium,

    "This is the Request Hall. You ask for clothes, decorations, groceries, whatever you need and the institution provides it for you. You'll need to pay a small fee, though. Let's go see what they have."

    Entering the Request Hall, Tae looked around at the school spirited lounge and offices. It was pleasant inside, with a few administrators roaming around the area and hanging plants dangling from the ceiling. The offices Lysanna mentioned had a few people in line with a few other different offices available for a meeting.

    Finding a nearby weaponsmith, Ky glances at their wares and compares them to his own craft. They seem to be relatively the same, but he doesn't know if he should approach them to fully test the sword outs. A few people could be seen crowding around the stall, several smiths attending to their questions.

    Frozlar rushed over to the door and almost bumped into his father's leg as the door swung open,

    "Woah! Easy there, Frozlar. Don't wanna bump into this old guy, do ya?"

    Frozlar's father chuckled a bit and turned to his wife, hanging his cloak onto the coat hanger,

    "Remind me when I'm back from the market square to tell Frozlar our little surprise for him. I'll be off, take care, dear."

    With a quick kiss on the cheek, Frozlar's father quickly collected a few items from his bag and left the house, the mother closing the door behind him,

    "That man always has something to do, doesn't he? I sometimes wish he would have a more open schedule..."

    @LuckyPatch Here's your Starting Location!
    Wynvia was a kingdom that was thought to fall rather easily during Tysra’s purge as it was seen as being too weak for its own good. With being on a peninsula and the only land choke point right in front of a grand forest, armies were eager to conquer the port town. However, what they weren’t expecting was the surprise use of Wynvia’s armadas and speedy boat craft, able to produce ships that could counteract these land tactics as well as providing barriers from other kingdom ships. Even backed into a corner, Wynvia was still able to hold its ground.

    Lux grew up around the Wynvia Docks and was fascinated by how these ships were coming to life around him. He pursued the craft of blacksmithing alongside his family as a means to contribute to Wynvia’s growth in the sea. Whether it be metal or wood he would be working with, Lux is eager to take on the task at hand. Today was a new day in Wynvia and he had a few small projects he wanted to progress through. Leaders who desire to seek prosperous change within Wynvia have been spoken of all around the kingdom, Lux tuning in to those around him from time to time. He wondered if the kingdom will make the right call on these people.

    Nonetheless, Lux didn’t want to waste time day-dreaming about these kinds of antics. He wondered what he should start the day with...
    Tisaun likes this.
  18. Rawb

    Rawb Disciple of Bak'al

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    Silva puts his staff down and relaxes his stance. "Young lass, I've lived in this forest my whole life and have not once gone out of it as far as I know. However, from what travelers have told me, this Ozvio you speak of is due north from here."

    Silva also looks around for a small rock or stone that he can place a rune on.
  19. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    "So, is there an specific office for each thing or?" Tae asked, looking to her right then back to Lysana, slightly confused.
    "Cuz I wanted to see some clothes and equipment, and I don't know, maybe a plant? It's good to take care of something."
  20. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Do i know who the flags represent?
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