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{rp} Tysra's Aftermath [6/6]

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by andydreww, Jul 10, 2019.

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  1. andydreww

    andydreww Tea Fanatic | Complex Persona Specialist HERO

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    Deciding that the extra gold would be worthwhile, Kollin busied himself with grunt work by cleaning more tables and restocking the fine wines and beers within the bar. Nothing too special happened while he worked. A few more patrons swung by, were served, and went on their merry way.

    The owner of the tavern, Duke Selio, pushed the double doors open and entered Goldenberry. His beautiful and exquisite red and green costume proved he was also in a cheery mood now that summer has arrived. He walked towards the bar, glancing towards Kollin,

    “Done for the day? Ah, I won’t blame you, everyone seems to be busy enough. I suppose you did work several hours, so take three gold for your troubles. I’ll be in my office if you need me.”

    With that, Duke Selio ascended up the stairwell and Kollin collected his gold, leaving Goldenberry Tavern. What now?

    Frozlar decided that the outdoors can wait and went downstairs to the furnaces. The heat washed over his face as he pushed the door open, wondering why his mother insists on keeping the door shut at all times. He looked up at the towering metal boxes and couldn’t help but wonder how they could create so much power in their home. What now?
  2. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I'll start heading back home to change, pickpocketing anyone that seems distracted enough to not notice.
  3. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    Tae looks around, searching for places that could lead to the Forges. Shrugging, she leaves towards the lounge area for a drink.
  4. andydreww

    andydreww Tea Fanatic | Complex Persona Specialist HERO

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    Kollin makes his way back to the small cottage he calls a home, a good fifteen minute walk from Goldenberry. While walking with the intention to nab a few coins along the way, he was slightly irritated by so many crowds clustering the streets. He couldn’t bother to pickpocket out in such a public place, so he decided to wait till a more quiet time.

    Eventually reaching his home, Kollin unlocks the door and swings it open, stepping inside. Apparently the house didn’t hold amy of his guild members. He must be alone.

    Tae struggled to trace a path that could lead to the forgeries, but huffed a sigh in irritation at the people pushing and shoving past her. Everyone seems to be too focused on having a good time rather than getting a head start on things. She decides that a cool drink will help her growing hot temper, so she makes her way over to a lounge area, settling down underneath a dull gold umbrella. The small grey seat cushions were decently comfortable and a few moments later, a Water Circle representative walked over to her with a tray of drinks, a little too enthusiastic for her well being,

    “Hi! Welcome to Orientation Day! We’re so excited you’re here with us! Would you like some tea or water?”

  5. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I get changed into casual clothes and relax a bit after working, also practice bit more of the knife game while I'm relaxing
  6. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    Tae gives the representative her best attempt at a warm smile she can manage.
    "I would love some tea, thank you for asking." She looks around after saying that. "Say, do you know if we can already start our studies? I was interested in going to the forges."
  7. NotFunny

    NotFunny Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    I take a look inside the furnace boxes
  8. andydreww

    andydreww Tea Fanatic | Complex Persona Specialist HERO

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    Stepping into a room that’s surprisingly still neat and tidy, Kollin opens up his wardrobe cabinets and changes into a simple olive green tunic and dark brown trousers. He walks over to his desk with a window overlooking the front of the cottage. Twirling out a dagger from his belt, Kollin began to practice his knife game, thumping the wood in an accelerating rhythmn. He enjoyed the rush of adrenaline as he tapped the dagger a mere hair width away from his fingers.

    After some time practicing, Kollin slumped back against his chair and enjoyed the peace and quiet around him. He looked out the window and stared out into space for some time, a little thankful for the clear day.

    The Water Circle representative poured a cup of hot tea into the teacup, passing it over to Tae. She scratched her head and looked around as people continued to walk around the grounds,

    “Ummm, well, I guess you can. We don’t usually start tours of the campus until after the welcome speech, but I guess you don’t look like trouble! Here, let me mark it on your map.”

    Tae passed the parchment over to the representative, sipping the remainder of her tea as she waited. The representative gave the map back to Tae, a black inked path connecting two dots together. She assumed it was from the lounge area to the institution forgeries.

    Grabbing a few nearby boxes, Frozar climbed up his wooden box syaircase and peered into the furnaces. His eyes widened as the red and orange coals seemed to burn and glow with life, embers flying up in the air. The heat slipping through the iron grates was a common feeling to him now. Sometimes he toyed with several spare tools lying around the tables besides the forgeries, carefully poking the coals with pikes just for his amusement. It seemed those memories were so long ago though.
  9. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    While I'm relaxing I'll try to brew some poisons to coat my daggers with
  10. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    "Thank you for the help!" Tae says, starting to walk away. A couple of meters away from where she first was, she turns back, completing; "And for the tea!".
    Spinning on her heel, Tae starts to head towards the direction of the forges, smiling in anticipation for the things she'll be able to forge.
  11. andydreww

    andydreww Tea Fanatic | Complex Persona Specialist HERO

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    Noticing the basic brewing stand on the table as well as several scrap papers of alchemy notes, Kollin decided to attempt a poison brew for his daggers. Despite just starting out learning Alchemy, he thought that some experience could be beneficial to him. He collected several reagents and began mixing them together with several tools hanging on the wall in front of him. Some time passes (1-1.5 Hours) and Kollin prepares himself to cast an incantation on the potion bottles.
    1-69 = Fail / 70-94 = Success / 95-100 = Critical Success ||||||||| Result = 7

    Despite his best efforts, Kollin couldn't seem to remember whether he should've said the incantation before or after he added those last herbs he threw into the bottle. Saying the verse anyways, some purple particles began to swirl around the bottle but immediately dissipated. The dark green liquid turned to an ink-black and ceased bubbling. Kollin rolled his eyes at the failed experiment, but he supposed he shouldn't be surprised and at least it was a valid attempt. Maybe some more notes or something easier would be better next time... [-2 MP]

    The Water Circle rep. waved goodbye as she rushed towards a cluster of students underneath a nearby oak tree. Tae glanced at her map as she traced the inked path, looking around her to get some familiarity with the campus. The building with flames and puffs of smoke rising out of it must be for Fire Circle users, the wooden and vine engrossed building for the Earth Circle, and even some of the more simpler buildings that could be dorms impressed Tae. Maybe she didn't give the Institution more credit than it deserved.

    After a few more minutes of walking, Tae looked up and smiled quite proudly at the marble and stone entrance before her. A sign was placed in front of the building,
    Kelas' Institution of Magic Circles - Runic Magic Building

    Tae frowned at the sign and sighed in defeat, turning around to make her way back to the auditorium when a voice called out to her,

    "You there! Are you lost?"

    Looking back, Tae noticed a woman a few inches taller than her walking towards her. She apparently looked like one of the Runemasters Tae heard about prior to applying. The woman wore a dark brown apron with a few layers of blue shaded forging shirts. Her gray trousers had several holes and slashes in them and her brown boots seemed to be quite worn. The woman's curly coppered hair was also tied in a messy bun on top of her head.
  12. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I slap myself on the cheeks and say "right, like the old man said 'don't try to rob a bank when you're a shite pickpocket'" i'll try to brew whichever is simpler between a hp potion and darkvison
  13. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    Tae scratches her head and looks back at the sign of the Runic Building.
    "Uh, kind of. I was looking to start work on my runes already, but the building seems to be closed. I don't really know what to do now, so yeah, I guess you could say I'm lost, hahah." She says, turning back to face the woman. "Say, do you happen to know Runic Magic? I heard about someone who looks like you."
  14. andydreww

    andydreww Tea Fanatic | Complex Persona Specialist HERO

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    Grabbing a nearby notebook, Kollin flipped through the pages until he reached his recipe on creating a Lesser Healing Potion. Tracing his finger over the pages, Kollin memorized the reagents and stood up from the desk, collecting the potion bottles and pouring the liquids a nearby trash bin. Cleaning them with water and drying them with a small red rag, Kollin went to his book and casted his hand out in front of him, preparing to summon the reagents he needed.
    1-29 = Fail / 30-89 = Success / 90-100 = Critical Success ||||||||| Result = 70

    To Kollin's pleasant surprise, a puff of yellow smoke appeared above the book and flew towards a nearby table. As the smoke slowly dissolved, herbs, wooden bundles, and other plants laid on the table. Collecting these items, Kollin cut, mixed, and swirled these ingredients together and poured liquids into the bottles. After a little bit of time (30 Minutes), Kollin was content with the couple of potions he had created. What a boost to self-confidence! [-3 MP]
    Items Acquired: Potion of Lesser Healing x2 ~
    A reliable potion whenever you need it! Heals [3 HP]

    The woman crossed her arms and chuckled loudly, her metal tools on her belt clinking against one another. She cracked her knuckles and blew a strand of hair away from her face,

    "Know Runic Magic? Hah! Runemaster Junva, a pleasure to meet you. You must be one of my future students. I suppose it's never too early for an introduction."

    Junva turned to look at the Runic Magic building and sighed, sweat dotting her dark tan skin,

    "This building has been a wreck the past few days. First, we had to order new equipment for the students and now we have a shortage of materials for crafts? I've sent word to Runemaster Grelo about the situation, but he won't be here until tomorrow."

    With a displeased huff of air, Junva turned back to Tae,

    "I suppose you must head back to the auditorium, don't want to miss that welcome speech now, do we? I'll make a path on your map. Oh! Pardon me, but what's your name? I've gone on such a rant that I forgot I had a potential student before me!"
  15. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I happily pocket them and with the last of my mana try to create a nighvison potion
  16. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    "It's a pleasure to meet you, Junva. I'm Tae, Tae Dahran. I'm happy to meet someone with such a passion for runes." I smile at her and try to look past her for the auditorium.
    ''It's sad that we can't start creating our crafts now, but I'm glad to be here anyways. But as you said, I probably should head to the auditorium now. See you there?"
  17. andydreww

    andydreww Tea Fanatic | Complex Persona Specialist HERO

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    With some confidence rushing through him, Kollin thought that a Nightvision Potion would be a suitable challenge. Looking at the tables of reagents nearby, he guessed he probably has enough to at least attempt the potion. Tossing several books and papers out of his way, Kollin placed a small black pot on the table and filled it halfway with water. He began to read a recipe from a book belonging to one of his guildmates and threw in reagent after reagent, spinning the mixture over the course of his experiment. Approaching the final step of chanting an incantation, Kollin closed his eyes and began to speak,
    1-44 = Fail / 45-94 = Success / 95-100 = Critical Success ||||||||| Result = 45

    Barely remembering what to say and when to say it, Kollin spoke his incantation and opened his eyes. The pot boiled and bubbled for several moments until settling into a dark blue liquid. Taking the opportunity, he grabbed the last bottle on his brewing stand and carefully poured the liquid into it, capping it with a cork. [-3 MP]
    Item Acquired: Potion of Nightvision ~ A potion that heightens the user's vision in the dark! Lasts for 1 Hour.

    "Tae, the pleasure's all mine! I'm glad I could see such an eager and fresh face on opening day. Don't worry about the mini material crisis, I'm sure Runemaster Grelo and I will come up with some suitable exercises for you all tomorrow."

    Junva offered a small grin and fixed her apron and shirts,

    "I suppose I should let the other students know they have a Runemaster that exists. Professors tend to roam around the aftermath of the welcome speech as a means to see the institution's new faces. I'll most likely be one of those. Keep an eye out for me! I've got some paperwork to finish in this old dingy excuse of a headquarters. But of course, once again, welcome to the institution."

    With that, Junva opened the silver door to the Runic Magic building and closed it behind her. Tae looked at her map and noticed that the auditorium seemed to be a straight shot from where she was standing. How convenient!
  18. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I do a victorious lap around the room before checking out of the window on the city
  19. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    Tae walks towards the auditorium, feeling slightly more upbeat from meeting the Runemaster. Fidgeting with her ring, she waited for the moment of the speech.
    "Studies will finally start!" She thought to herself with a smile.
  20. andydreww

    andydreww Tea Fanatic | Complex Persona Specialist HERO

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    Content with his success, Kollin ran a lap around the room to clear his mind of complex alchemy concepts. He approached the window and pushed the silver curtains away. Several clusters of people still seemed to be roaming around the streets. A few tables and booths appear to have been set up and were offering either food, trinkets, or other sorts of items.

    As Tae saw several lines of students appearing to enter the auditorium, she slipped in amongst them and her ears quirked up as she picked up conversations around her,

    "Ughhhhhhh, I'm not ready for Pyromancer Quincius!! I heard he tests over control on the first day!.."

    "Did you see the dancers near the fountain earlier? Ahh, they were so cool! I wonder how much they get paid..."

    "Do you think we'll get lunch after this speech? I'm starving, I had to miss breakfast to get here on time."

    Tae looked around her as she finally stepped foot into the building. Several professors motioned the lines through a couple of entrances that exposed a grand stage and several column groupings of chairs. Fixing her hair and clothes, Tae wondered how far away she wanted to sit from the stage.
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