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{rp} Tysra's Aftermath [6/6]

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by andydreww, Jul 10, 2019.

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  1. andydreww

    andydreww Tea Fanatic | Complex Persona Specialist HERO

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    "As I said last night, I'm giving you a few errands to run. Some of them you'll find near the shop, others you'll have to make your way a bit through Seston. Now eat up, if you're worried about anything, now's the time to speak up."

    Kindra sighed and nodded her head, picking up her tray to throw her trash away. Lys and Tae followed her with their trays too as Kindra talked,

    "Yeah, we're fine in general. Nothing too special, just typical like vanilla. Anyway, let's get to class, Junva wouldn't want us late on the first day."

    Using his tools to try and open the trap door again, Kollin noticed the front door opening and a servant speaking to the woman. After a brief moment, the servant invited her inside. Kollin thought if he wanted to continue his attempt to unlock the door or to wait it out until the woman leaves Harto's residence.

    "Ahh, okay, I guess. I'm kinda glad to be back, I missed having something to do, even if it is just school. How come you joined a bit later in the year? Something happened?"

    The robed figures moved out of the way as people approached the ships, forming groups to tackle certain problems. One of them approached Lux,

    "Hello, good sir! Are you planning on assisting the others with the ship? Do you need tools? We can provide some for you if needed."
  2. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    Nodding and giving the two a simple 'Hm', Tae began walking towards the classroom with the two other girls.
  3. Tsurumi

    Tsurumi Tired Abyssal

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    Respond with "Yea I will assist the others, however I require tools"
  4. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    Sit down and stuff myself with food. When I finish, ask, "Will it all fit in my bag?"
  5. NotFunny

    NotFunny Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    "Well, um..." I pause for a while.

    "I really don't know why."
  6. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Keep unlocking
  7. andydreww

    andydreww Tea Fanatic | Complex Persona Specialist HERO

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    The trio left their dorm hall and started their walk to the runic magic building. A couple of minutes into their walk, several footsteps could be heard behind them. Tae looked back and saw Benet, Nyxio, and a couple of other students running to catch up to them. Lysanna turned around and chuckled, calling out to Benet,

    "You're in a rush? We have, like, fifteen minutes 'till class."

    "Some of us like to be early. I'm surprised you woke up today."

    Benet flashed a cheeky smile as he ran past the trio. Lysanna growled and chased after him,

    "That's not funny! Get back here!!"

    Kindra rolled her eyes and covered her mouth as she yawned, shaking her head to wake herself up a bit,

    "I sometimes wonder if Grelo and Junva think they're babysitters. I haven't seen Lys run like that since a water circle girl splashed some water all over one of her new outfits a couple of years ago. Let's just say, Lys doesn't look like it, but she can run marathons with the stamina she has."

    "Alright, wonderful! Please, take a look at the tables near the docks. We have plenty of tools that will suit your needs."

    "Ehhh, you'll probably need to clean it out a little bit. I'll grab the locations list from my office once you're done eating. You probably won't need your tools while you're out, but who knows who you'll stumble across."

    Elizabeth creased her brow a bit, shrugging her shoulders,

    "Huh, okay then! Anyway, what do you do for fun? You know, hobbies and stuff like that."

    Kollin continued to crack the lock open, noticing the more complex schematic. He reckoned that the guard patrol from last night made this installation.
    Lockpicking Trapdoor: 1-79 = Regular Time / 80-100 = Speed Boost / X = Critical Success ||||||||| Result = 8

    Kollin grumbled to himself as he worked, chiding himself for wasting his time on the lock. Eventually, he cracked the lock open, swung the door up, and expertly landed in the office room he remembered from the raid. He could hear some muffled sounds coming from a room nearby.
  8. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I'll drink the potion of invis and put my ear to the door or anywhere that's better for listening
  9. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    Letting out a small laugh, Tae nodded at the girl's statement. "Yeah, I don't doubt it. She does seem to have a lot of energy with all the runes she does."
    Stretching once more and yawning, Tae extended her hand for the other to fist bump. "To the first day of many to come."
  10. Tsurumi

    Tsurumi Tired Abyssal

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    Take a look at the table
  11. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    Quickly finish my food and go to my area/workshop to take inventory of what I have in my bag, as well as what items I have laying around.
  12. NotFunny

    NotFunny Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    "Oh! I tinker with stuff. Like, I mess with stuff, trying to fix them. Well, okay, most of the times I don't really... fix them..."
  13. andydreww

    andydreww Tea Fanatic | Complex Persona Specialist HERO

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    Downing the potion and putting his ear to the nearby wall, Kollin could hear the conversation a bit better,

    "...Are you sure there isn't any way I can convince you to follow Lady Paris' requests? I don't know how else to help-"

    "You'd be a better help if you'd walk back to your little wench and tell her I already fulfilled her requests. My advisors simply have to return to me with the details."

    "I see. Does your office have any spare quills? I forgot to finish writing a note to my family this morning."

    "Office to your right."

    Kollin's ears heard the sounds of a chair scraping on the floor and footsteps apparently approaching the room's door. He debated whether to find a place to hide or to leave while he still can.

    Kindra smiled and fist-bumped Tae, doing an explosion gesture with her hand that sent the two girls giggling. Lysanna called out to them from the runic magic steps,

    "Can't you guys hurry up?! I don't wanna be late!"

    Tae and Kindra jogged lightly over to Lysanna as she pushed the doors open for the group. Walking down the hallway, a couple of students gasped and squealed in awe as they looked into the rooms through several windows. Miniature forgery and smelting stations lined the room alongside tables for crafting and bulky furnaces. Several students could be seen already working on tracing runes on armor pieces and weaponry. Lysanna huffed rather loudly,

    "Is everyone done daydreaming? We'll get there later today, so calm down."

    Nyxio chuckled and moved through the crowd of students to walk besides Lysanna,

    "Someone's still cranky. Or eager to start?"

    "Both, Nyx. Just don't take my seat again like last-"

    Nyxio began walking a bit faster and a couple of students laughed as Lysanna grabbed his shirt and pulled him back. As the group rounded the corner, the door several feet across from the suddenly flew open. As the group entered the room, Tae was pleasantly surprised at the classroom's design. Gears and pipes lined the walls and crawled up to the roof, forming an almost spiderweb-like shape. Desks ascending up a stairwell could be seen freshly polished, the light oak wood shining from the sunlight. Lysanna and Kindra began climbing up the stairs to some desks near the back of the room and just as Tae began following them, Runemaster Grelo entered through another nearby door,

    "Alright, find your seat! We're jumping right into the summer session."

    Looking over the tools, Lux noted the basic options available to him. Hammers, wrenches, and other common items seemed to be all that was available. A couple of people grumbled from the lack of diverse tool ranges and pushed their way through the crowds, deciding to head back to their own shops to get what they wanted.

    Looking through his bag, Kylian noted the several tool devices he had used when he fixed Lord Feo's carriage last night alongside three Small Metal Scraps. Looking around his work area, he noted other tools he hadn't brought along to Feo's, such as drills, hand-held saws, and other carpentry devices. Other basic metallurgy tools can be seen scattered around and if Ky looked hard enough, he could probably find some spared Small Metal Scraps.

    "Wow, that's pretty cool! I don't really know anyone that messes around with uhmm, techy stuff, I guess. I'm sure you try your best though! I'm usually such a clutz, so I'd probably do more harm than good, haha! Is that all you do?"
  14. Tsurumi

    Tsurumi Tired Abyssal

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    Take a wrench
  15. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    Hurriedly, Tae searched for a seat in the middle of the classroom, trying to find a good view of Grelo. Sitting down, she lightly slapped her cheeks to focus.
    "Focus." She said to herself.
  16. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    Hm. Well I'm only going to grab a few tings, so I don't need any of this.
    Take everything out of my bag and organize it. Stand there and admire my tools before leaving.
    On second thought, take my crafting hammer and the three small metal scraps.
    Then I'll leave.
    For sure.
    Go back in and take a chisel with me too.
  17. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Since I'm invisable I'll quietly go into the corner and try to avoid everything thats happening, if someones signing a paper I'll try to peak at ehat the paper is saying
  18. NotFunny

    NotFunny Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    "Well, usually I like to help my parents out... mostly because I truly have nothing else to do." I chuckle a bit.
  19. andydreww

    andydreww Tea Fanatic | Complex Persona Specialist HERO

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    Taking up a wrench, Lux turned to someone tapping on his shoulder. It was one of the robed figures,

    "Wonderful choice! Now, please start repairing the ship with the other volunteers."

    Runemaster Grelo walked up to the chalkboard and drew a few rune designs on it. He turned to the class,

    "This lesson, we shall be focusing on combat rune enhancements. Whether you wish your arrow to fly faster, make your opponent attack slower, or other methods to give yourself a tactical edge, that'll be the goal for us today. When first drawing this rune here, you must..."

    Grelo continued with his lecture until about half an hour or so later, as Tae was taking notes, a piece of crumpled paper landed right in front of her. Opening it underneath her desk, she read,

    "He always goes through with the lecture. It gets kinda boring over time. -Nyx"

    Collecting the tools and metal scraps, Ky returned to the kitchen and grabbed the pouch of 10 Gold. His grandfather called out to him as he was leaving,

    "There's a list inside that pouch too. Don't be too long!!"

    As Ky stepped out of the door and pulled the list out of the pouch, he unraveled the parchment and read the locations,

    Aisha's Smithery (Current District) - 2x Medium Scrap Pieces
    The Illusion (District to the East) - 1x Goggle Lens

    Market Square (District to the West) - 1x Fish Bundle / 1x Vegetable Bundle

    Ky wondered where he should head off to first...

    "Oh! That's pretty neat. My parents usually just do a whole bunch of work and kinda leave me alone. Sometimes it's nice, but other times, it's a little bit lonely..."

    Elizabeth rubbed the back of her neck, a slight look of embarrassment on her face.

    Kollin made his way to a back corner of the room and crouched down to avoid making any harsh movements as the door slowly opened. To his surprise, Beci began making her way to a desk on the opposite side of him. He took a few careful steps and managed to make out some parts of what she was writing,

    ".........refused to cooperate...
    ......lied about......I recommend that we.....
    ........Until then, Miss B."

    Scribbling her signature, Beci left the room and her footsteps going down a stairwell could be heard. She must be making her exit out of Lord Harto's.
  20. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    We'll start with the east district, early in the day. Afterwards, if Aisha's smithery's along the way to the market square, go there next. Otherwise, go to the market square before night comes, and then the smithery. Afterwards, I'll return home.
    With that plan in mind, Ky places the list inside the pouch- and the pouch inside his bag- before setting off.
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