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{rp} Tysra's Aftermath [6/6]

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by andydreww, Jul 10, 2019.

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  1. andydreww

    andydreww Tea Fanatic | Complex Persona Specialist HERO

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    A couple of nearby guildmates glanced at one another when one of them pulled out a collection of tools chained to a metal ring. He swung it around his finger as he walked towards the chest,

    "Heh, I doubt that'll last long with these."

    After a few minutes cracking the lock, the guildmember flipped the chest open and grabbed a few small items from the chest,

    "Finders keepers, slowpokes. You can have whatever's left."

    Peering into the chest, Kollin noticed a couple of items laid around inside,

    Torn Scraps of Cloth
    A Golden Ring with several scratches
    A Sealed Envelope

    "Oh, of course dear! Sweet dreams, see you tomorrow."

    Frozlar left the table and went up to his room.

    A couple of hours or so passed while Tae was asleep, the sky now a light orange. She woke up on her own and as her vision cleared, she noticed Lysanna laying on her own bed and the sounds of clothes rustling in their bathroom. She assumed Kindra was in there. Lysanna turned her head and sat up, her pristine skirt uniform replaced with grunge vibes of ripped black jeans and a sleeveless jacket over a tank top. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail instead of her signature pigtails,

    "Finally! We were worried we had to drag the bed with us. Kindra's getting ready for the sketch contest, you can do any last-minute changing too if you want, but you'll have to be quick."

    A moment later, the sound of a twig snapping nearby pierced the empty air. Hilda softly gasped and quietly jumped down to Silva's side, hiding behind him,

    "Silva...you heard that too, right?"

    Another snap of wood sounded behind them and Silva looked up the sky. It was still a light orange, but he presumed he didn't have much time left until nightfall. Checking the stone, the arrow was still imprinted and glowing, but its glow continued to pulse dully. The magic seemed to be wearing out.

    The carriage was constructed out of wood and metal, its walls a mixture of the two materials. A couple of paintings could be seen decorating the walls as well as a small table between the two sofa seats. The sofas themselves were made out of fine dark wood, most likely mahogany. The walls and even sofas themselves seemed to have been created with almost perfect accuracy. The edges and curvatures were shockingly detailed, like as if everything inside was handcrafted.

    Looking over the scraps of metal before him, Lux presumed he could fashion a helmet out of his pieces. He'll have to be a tad resourceful in order to make the design work, but he reckoned he could get it done.
  2. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I'll rake the envolope look at the seal and then look if there is the seal stamp anywhere in the office
  3. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    I'll be able to match the craftmanship in 2- no just a single year.

    Remove my gaze from the carriage and just take a brief rest, while waiting to reach the destination.
  4. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    Getting up groggily and ruffling her hair, Tae looked down on her self and straightened any imperfections in her clothing. Then, looking around, she took of her parka and then puller her shirt down.
    "I think I'm good. Thanks for the heads up tho." Then, looking up and down Lysanna, Tae gave the girl an approving nod. "Nice style. Suits you."
  5. NotFunny

    NotFunny Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Before I sleep, I'd like to look through my closet and pick out a large-sized hoodie/jacket if I have one. Then I brush my teeth like a good kid and go to sleep.
  6. andydreww

    andydreww Tea Fanatic | Complex Persona Specialist HERO

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    Picking up the envelope and tucking it in his coat, Kollin stepped back as a few members shoved past him to look at what remains. He attempted to look for a seal stamp on the nearby desks, but he couldn't seem to find anyone. This person must've received this letter from someone. A moment later, one of the guildmembers rushed into the room as the sounds of footsteps pounded up the stairs,

    "Guards. We knocked out a few of them here, but apparently, this place is pretty important to some noble here. We gotta bounce now or-"

    The sounds of shouts and metal clashing resonated in the air. Chrysha rushed into the room, her daggers slightly tinted with blood,

    "You all need to leave. Some of us will buy you time, just clear out of the district without getting caught. Make your way to the Goldenberry if you can."

    Item Acquired: Sealed Envelope ~ An envelope with a blood-red seal. A cursive P can be seen as the stamp's imprint.

    Making himself comfortable, Ky decided that a short nap wouldn't hurt him. He heard a small sigh coming from his grandfather, but he didn't seem disturbed by Ky's rest.

    Some time past and Ky's grandfather shook Ky gently, waking him up,

    "We're here. Remember, this isn't just a client of ours. He's a close friend of mine, so I don't think I need to tell you to behave."

    Stepping out of the carriage, Ky looked up and the grandiose home before them. The house was almost a similar build theme to the carriage, mixing wood and metal together with some brick accents to it. Steam and smoke puffed out of pipes connected to the house sides and a hanging garden could be seen near the roof. Whoever this friend of grandfather was, Ky presumed he was prominent in Seston. Catching up to his grandfather as he knocked on the door, a portly man with a grizzled beard opened the door, dressed in gear similar to grandfather,

    "Ahh, finally! I was worried the carriage forgot about you! Please, come inside."

    (Question Tsu; do you want to give the grandfather a name? or is he still anonymous? just generally asking.)

    Lysanna stood up and stretched her arms, a casual smile on her face,

    "Thanks, Kindra dragged me around Seston to find these clothes. It's not a go-to style, but I like it."

    The bathroom door opened and Kindra flipped her hair back, wearing an outfit similar to Lysanna's, but more glittery and shiny than hers. Lysanna sighed and rolled her eyes,

    "Why do you always like shiny things so much? You'll blind everyone if someone shines a light on you."

    "Psh, you're just jealous because I look better than you!~"

    Lysanna scoffed, but still had a smile on her face. She spoke as she walked towards the door,

    "Benet and Nyxio are getting tools for us, so don't worry about bringing anything. We also have a secret place for these contests, so make sure we're not followed. Got it?"

    Heading upstairs towards his room, Frozlar began sifting through his closet. He was slightly mad that Kelas was almost always warm, even the winters weren't as cool as he expected. Nonetheless, his mother still bought heavy clothing for those sudden occasions. Pulling out a dark gray hoodie from the closet, Frozlar decided it's good enough for tomorrow. Tossing the hoodie on his desk, he went to the bathroom and brushed his teeth for a couple of minutes. What would school life be like? Are the people there nice? Is the food good like at home? Frozlar sighed and pushed those questions away from his mind, thinking a good night sleep beats a restless one. Changing into sleepwear, Frozlar closed his room lights and went to bed.

    A bird chirping woke Frozlar up as the sun beamed through his window.
  7. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I'll get out through the hatch in the roof, if i cant reach I'll sthrow a dagger into the wood and pull myself up with the spider slik (since it's stronger then steel) and jump through the roofs and use the same dagger method if i start falling
  8. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    Giving the two a thumbs up, the woman said. "You got it."
    Then, stretching her arms and legs, she joined the two. "Ready to go?"
  9. Rawb

    Rawb Disciple of Bak'al

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    Silva places a rune on the ground that can conceal both his and Hilda's presence while he looks around for any sign of movement.
    "Do not make any rash movements young Hilda, it may be nothing more than a passing animal, or something else entirely." Silva says in a hushed tone.
  10. Tsurumi

    Tsurumi Tired Abyssal

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    Is it possible to make a kettle helmet out of the scrap metal?
  11. andydreww

    andydreww Tea Fanatic | Complex Persona Specialist HERO

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    Running towards the opened hatch, the guild members helped each other pull one another out of the room. Kollin used his stringed daggers to pull himself through the hatch,
    1-34 = Fail / 35-99 = Success / 100 = Critical Success ||||||||| Result = 99

    With ease, Kollin swings himself up with his dagger, a couple of guild members visibly shocked. Suddenly, the sounds of metal armor ringing in the night air pierced his ears and Kollin spun around. A couple of guards seemed to have climbed onto the roofs, brandishing their weapons. One of them calls out to him,

    "Theif! Your party of looters shall meet their ends here!! Get them!"

    A couple of guild members drew out their weapons. Will Kollin flee to Goldenberry like Chrysha said or fight with his members to give time for the remaining people that need to be pulled up?

    Lysanna opened the door and spun around,

    "I'm ready to win. Let's go, ladies."

    Lysanna led Kindra and Tae through the campus, the sky turning more darker. It eventually became fully nighttime by the time Lysanna led the group to a small, open plaza with lit lanterns swinging in the air. The ground was detailed in squares and was surrounded by a ring of vegetation. In the middle of the plaza were a group of students similarly dressed as the trio. Tae suspected these must be the rest of the Runic Magic students. She spotted Nyxio talking to a couple of people. As the trio merged into the group, Nyxio spotted them and clapped his hands,

    "Alright, people! Let's get this sketching contest underway. We've already got some people who wanna start, so sit back, relax, and place your bets!"

    A group of students walked over to some tiled squares and Benet stood in front of them while everyone else settled down on the ground. Tae followed them as Benet talked,

    "Let's go over the rules again for the new people. I'll draw a rune down on this piece of parchment and show you the rune once I'm done. You'll have to copy it. The last person who copies the rune is out. Easy enough? Good. Let's see here..."

    Benet turned his back on the group and looked at his audience. A couple of people, including Lysanna, mouthed some words to him. They must be trying to communicate a specific rune. Benet cracked a smile and scribbled the rune down. He turned his head to the competitors,


    Flipping the parchment around towards them, the rune blazed a fiery orange against the parchment and the students began to trace the rune on the ground with stylists, brushes, or even with their fingers. People around Tae cheered on the sketchers, some of them screaming at them to hurry up so they can win their bets. A light brown-haired boy just saved the last spot as barely a moment later, a girl with curly blonde hair, finished last,

    "Ouch, sorry Nini!"

    "Haha, it's fine Dougal. I'll remember this!!"

    The group laughed as Nini went to join Tae and the rest of the students. Tae was surprised at the fast-paced environment these contests have. She didn't expect this kind of competition.

    Silva could feel Hilda nodding her head against his cloak and felt the concealing magic swirling around them. [-2 MP] He looked around them and could hear growling coming from behind them. Slowly moving in a circle, Silva could see some movement within the bushes, shaking the entire foliage. What stepped out caught Silva slightly off guard.

    A wild boar leaped out of the bush and sniffed the air around it. It craned its head around and Silva held his breath as the boar looked at its surroundings. Suddenly, the boar snapped its head towards Silva's and Hilda's direction, its eyes black and beady in the fleeting light around them. Staring at their direction, the boar began walking towards them, shocking Silva. Did the boar sense them? How? Silva has to think his next move carefully.

    Looking over the metals, Lux remembered his past kettle helmet creations and compared its design to his inventory. He believes he could create the helmet if he manages to fix up the dented metal pieces into more usable components.
  12. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I run at him and throw both my daggers at him when I'm in the distance of the silk and pull them back ready to fight
  13. Tsurumi

    Tsurumi Tired Abyssal

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    Alright im going to spend the rest of the day researching on how to make a kettle helmet
  14. andydreww

    andydreww Tea Fanatic | Complex Persona Specialist HERO

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    Kollin flings his daggers at the guard,
    1-69 = Fail / 70-99 = Success / 100 = Critical Success ||||||||| Result = 16

    The guard raises her shield and blocks the incoming daggers. Kollin tugs the daggers back to him and the guard, presumably the leader, turns to her squad,

    "Get to that hatch, even if you have to cut down these fools!"

    Several guildmembers sprint down the roof towards the marching guards. Both sides clash, slashing and damaging one another. Kollin races to assist the members.
    (First combat fight aHH hype lmao)

    [Lv.1] Kollin ~ [10/10 HP] [0/10 MP]

    [Lv.1] Member A ~ [8/12 HP]
    [Lv.2] Member B ~ [9/12 HP]

    [Lv.2] Guard A ~ [7/11 HP]
    [Lv.1] Guard B ~ [5/10 HP]
    [Lv.2] Head Guard ~ [15/15 HP]

    Spending his day inside the shop, Lux bustled around the rooms as he planned and sketched out kettle helmet designs. He reckoned that if he could either get his hands on a few more Small Scrap Metal pieces or fix up his Dented Metal Pieces, he should be able to make the helmet with the tools and machinery in the shop.
  15. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I'll throw a dagger in Guard A's leg to try and trip him, if that works stab him in the back. If that doesent work throw another dagger at him. After i do thag I pull the daggers back
  16. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    Taking a chisel and twirling the instrument with her fingers, Tae pondered quietly her chances of winning. At the end of a few seconds, she let out a whistle. "Alright, this is going to be hard to win. Hahah." She let out a weak laugh, turning around to the students around her and shaking a few hands, wishing them good luck.
  17. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    Just follow my grandfather and reign in my curiosity. Trying to learn something without the owner's permission, and while the owner was here at that, seemed quite rude to me.
    Do look around for other people though, but then just keep my gaze on my grandfather if I don't see anyone.

    If I ever got his name, I forgot it. :L
    So he's anon to me.
  18. Rawb

    Rawb Disciple of Bak'al

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    Silva, as slowly and silently as possible, moves out of the way of the boar. Silva also prepares to cast any spell he can remember from his witchcraft spellbook.
  19. Tsurumi

    Tsurumi Tired Abyssal

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    Well time to fix the dented metal pieces
  20. NotFunny

    NotFunny Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Check the clock (if I have one) and run down to the living room. Say good morning to my parents and start fixing breakfast.
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