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[rp] Small Beginnings - [9/9] Players - Applications Closed

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Poiu429, Oct 24, 2016.

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  1. 3DSMate

    3DSMate The shadow assassin VIP+

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    I look down the hole seeing if it is safe
  2. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    Well I'm lying passed out in my Nightmare form. Soooooooo... I guess I do nothing XD
  3. Florfy5

    Florfy5 a person

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    I'll get Damien to a medic, and get back to the fray as quickly as possible. For when I get outside:

    Spearmen: Divide amongst the remaining buildings (that aren't on fire) and defend them from attacks.
    Archers: Get to a sniping point and take aim at the commander (Trulm)
    Swordsmen: Evacuate people from the town.
    Kazuki: Kill some undead, take them out as fast as possible.
  4. Cybersoap707

    Cybersoap707 That one guy VIP+

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    Why I should accept you into the RP: Because I love role-plays and I applied
    Name: Christopher
    Age: 27
    Appearance: tan skin, shoulder length black hair, mostly wears leather armor, gray eyes, no facial hair
    Personality: Serious, kind, persuasive, intelligent
    Backstory: Christopher was the son of a high ranking Fruman Baron, but was always fascinated with Wynn and their culture. He taught himself Wynnic fighting, and made a mix between Fruman and Wynnic fighting. When Fruma turned on Wynn, he escaped Fruma and joined a private Wynnic army known as the Emerald Knights.
    Class (in-game class or original [not required]): Blademaster
    Primary Weapon: Mythril Sword(1 hand) He fights two handed with a sword in each hand.
    Secondary Weapon: Mythril Sword(1 hand)
    Spells (you may have up to three):None
    Abilities (you may have three if you have no spells; you may have one if you have three spells): Blade Dance: attack quickly at the enemy using 3 strikes. Counter:Counter an enemy melee attack. Spin attack: Attack everything around you.
    Armor (not required):
    Hat: None
    Chestplate:Reinforced Leather tunic
    Pants: Reinforced Leather Pants
    Boots: Leather boots
    Starting Place (can be things other than towns, such as the Nivla):
    Other: Has no knowledge of magic but has a supreme knowledge of swordsmanship.
  5. Poiu429

    Poiu429 yote VIP+

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    Denied. Reasons:

    -Fruma. This thing seems like an essential part of the character's backstory and thus cannot be removed. The problem is, Fruma won't really be in this rp.
    -Backstory isn't long or explanatory. Not really. It doesn't tell to what Fruman Baron Chris was born to (but tbh the baron doesnt really need to be named), anything about his childhood, why he got the mythril swords... etc. You can see where I'm going here.
    -WTF IS FRUMAN/WYNNIC FIGHTING? I've never heard of it.
    -Emerald Knights? Never heard of 'em.
    -Mythril. Mythril is originally a dwarven concept. While there are dwarves in Wynncraft, they're in Gavel. Which will not be in this rp.
    -No starting place. This gripe is trivial, because you could easily just add one.
    -I just simply don't like your character. While it might be a compilation of the things I listed above, I just don't like 'Christopher.'

    Obviously you can re-apply with another character (or if you like the name chris just use that). So. Uh. Yeah.
    I meant that I didn't like the character. The name is great. If you don't use it, I'll probably be using it later down the line in this rp.
  6. AlexisPlay

    AlexisPlay I'm that one guy who is a guy. VIP+

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    You missed 2 applications
  7. Poiu429

    Poiu429 yote VIP+

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    ye ye whatever

    its my goddamn rp i can do what i want! >:(
    Malkavian likes this.
  8. AlexisPlay

    AlexisPlay I'm that one guy who is a guy. VIP+

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    No problem, less people for me to kill.
    Poiu429 likes this.
  9. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    Less fun ;)
    Poiu429 likes this.
  10. Poiu429

    Poiu429 yote VIP+

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    You peer down, but all you see is darkness. You kick a stone over the edge, and quickly you hear it echoing throughout the chasm.

    @AlexisPlay @LoyalFlush @Vansil
    You push open the door to the bar, only to have a wave of heat hit you. You stagger back, blinking and rubbing your eyes.
    "H-hey! Is.. is there a medic here! Medic!"
    A man comes rushing down the stairs. He's wearing some leather armor and a cloak.
    "Yeah, yeah, I'm a medic." He gestures to Damien. "Guessing this is the guy who needs healing?"
    Damien looks up slowly.
    "Here, just lay down. Yes, on the floor. We don't have a lot of time."
    Kazuki slowly lays Damien down.
    "He'll be just fine," the medic says. "Well, other than the fact that he won't have half of his left arm. But I can stop the bleeding."
    Damien groaned, and the medic looked up. "You look like you're a soldier. Get back out there.. Fight for our town."
    Kazuki looked at him skeptically. The man sighed. "Your friend here," he gestured to Damien, "will. Be. Perfectly. Fine."
    Kazuki nodded slowly, and ran out of the bar, clutching his sword (I think he got his sword back lol).

    As soon as Kazuki got back outside he skidded to a stop in front of the bank and shouted new orders.

    Everywhere, there were soldiers taking huge buckets from the ocean and throwing them atop houses, and the two forces clashing... again. A few arrows came hissing Trulm's way, but two corrupted with shields blocked them. They picked up Trulm, and ran out of the town. The fires were dying down, and the majority of the corrupted were still there. Kazuki leaped down from where he was standing, and ran straight into the fray. A zombie came for him at the side, but he kicked it and stabbed another. He spun, punched one, stabbed another, ever moving forwards. A lunge here. A slice here. Kazuki stopped.
    "Drive the corrupted towards the western end! Away from the citizens!" He roared. And with another roar, he leaped into battle again.
    There. Someone else.. shouting orders. A skeleton.
    Kazuki lunged for it, but it parried and leaped back. And snarled. Kazuki came at it from the side, sword flashing. And slammed it into a solid wall.
    Deflected. A shield.
    Since when did corrupted carry shields?
    Kazuki switched to defense form.. just in time to parry a lunge from the corrupted. He struck out again, this time at the corrupted's abdomen. With a sickening crunch, the skeleton's ribcage shattered. Its armor was falling off in shambles, as was it's right arm. It quickly raised its shield up as Kazuki leaped and aimed a kick right at its head. A clang. The damned shield again. Kazuki landed on his feet and sent his sword flashing down. It connected. With another crunch, the skeleton's skull shattered.
    Kazuki wiped his brow and looked around him. The corrupted were forced back into a corner and were slowly being slaughtered. There was no sign of the creature from before. His job was done. He stuck his sword back into its sheath and wearily walked back to the bar to see how Damien was doing.

    The door creaked open. The medic was kneeling on the floor beside Damien. The bleeding had stopped, but his arm was still gone.
    The medic looked up. "I told you. Anyways, he'll need some rest. He won't be able to fight for.. I'd say about three months. Unless he wants to reopen his wounds, of course. I never told you. My name's Geoffry. I'm a mage."
    Kazuki nodded and picked up Damien. He carried him up the stairs and into their room, where he lay Damien on a bed. Kazuki collapsed on another bed, giving himself into the deep sea of sleep. The soldiers can handle the fire, he thought absentmindedly.
    im too lazy to say how somnum escaped so ima do that later
  11. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    Ok :)
  12. AlexisPlay

    AlexisPlay I'm that one guy who is a guy. VIP+

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    Hum... Still unconscious ?
  13. 3DSMate

    3DSMate The shadow assassin VIP+

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    I jump down into the chasam
  14. Relja_J_3

    Relja_J_3 Salty Sunflower

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    Umm, sorry to break the flow of action but it seems like nobody's online right now so I guess now Is as good of a time to ask as any: Are you still accepting aplications? I would like to present my character (I hope this is semi-original I worked hard on this)

    Why I should accept you into the RP: because potatoes.
    Name: Relja Pamperton (normaly when making a character for a game I go with something like Robert because I don't want to make it to much like me but since Robert already goes to bob so I decided screw it he has my Name)
    Age: ~30
    Appearance: a beat-up warrior of wynn, Brown hair and Brown eyes, nothing on him seems Special exept his behaviour.
    Personality: Mentaly and emotionaly unstable, sometimes a noble hero, sometimes a violent
    Backstory:He was once a noble warrior, stoping many of his enemies before they could even come Close to his comrads and regulary saving his friends from death with a well placed arroe, but the sighths of war and the power of the corruption have broken his mind, making him unpredictable both in battle and outside of it aswell.
    Class (in-game class or original [not required]): Archer
    Primary Weapon: Infinity
    Secondary Weapon: An unknown legendary thunder bow, nobody knows what it's capable of, not even he himself, it's origins are unknown and won't be found in his scrambled mind anytime soon.
    Spells (you may have up to three): 1.Rage frenzy, can only activate after recieving a lot of damage, the violent side of him will take over attacking his enemies with anything in range, possibly even with fists, dealing a lot of damage. However it will also leave him in a even less stable mental state, which can lead to unknown results.
    2. Elemental arrow. charges an arrow with all the elemental abilites of his bow, dealing a bit more damage and dropping the enemies elemental defence to 0 for all Elements for a couple of turns, can only be used once per battle.
    3. Tripple arrows. Shoots 3 arrows instead of 1, is very inacurate however, might even hit allies or himself, can only be used once after a town visit (to restock on arrows).
    Abilities (you may have three if you have no spells; you may have one if you have three spells): Fractured mind. Will randomly do a random Action. This includes but is not limited to: turning on allies, being self-destructive, stoping battle to talk to voices in one's head, being hopeless(less damage), being encouraged (more damage), somehow developing Magic abilities or even forgeting how to use a bow.
    (since it's supposed to be random it would be best you Chose when it Procs since I can't promise I'll stay objective)
    Armor (not required): an extremely beat up set of iron armour, the Standard wynn-warior gear.
    Starting Place (can be things other than towns, such as the Nivla): in a battlefield between the wynnian Forces and some warriors of the corruption (not a lot of them, just a Little stronghold)
    Other: This is my first real RP character so sorry if it isn't ballanced that well, you can Change whatever you want.
  15. aayl

    aayl Famous Adventurer

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    No problem boss
    I also just returned from a holiday
    Poiu429 likes this.
  16. Florfy5

    Florfy5 a person

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    I'll wake up in the morning, I guess...

    I get out of bed, still a little tired both physically and mentally from the battle the previous night.
    "That could've gone a lot better... But I guess it could also have gone a lot worse... Though I wish Damien fared better..."
    I'll rest for a bit to wake up, put on the sheathes for my sword and dagger, in which the weapons were, and walk downstairs, going outside to see the condition of the town.
  17. LoyalFlush

    LoyalFlush Very Pleasant

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    That was stupid...should've asked for a buff from the warriors. The poison should've worn off by now. I hope the soldiers finished the job.

    I fall asleep thinking about the rest of the battle.

    OOC: So I have no left arm now? Time to get me a prosthetic killing machine.
  18. Florfy5

    Florfy5 a person

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    At least your weapons can be used with one hand. It wouldn't be fun if you used broadswords.
  19. aayl

    aayl Famous Adventurer

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    but but but
    i use a broadsword/greatsword
    Malkavian and Poiu429 like this.
  20. Florfy5

    Florfy5 a person

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    Better keep your hands, then.
    aayl likes this.
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