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Rp Reference Thread. +art.

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Amun_Ra, Feb 13, 2018.

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  1. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Witch's Order

    Commonly known as the Witch's Cult, this organisation is believed to be worshipping the Witch of Envy, Everia. They are consisted of completely crazy, and also powerful people. Their existence is currently hidden from the world through the Authority of Sloth.

    The Witch's Order has commanders based off the Seven Deadly Sins, except for «Envy» (since Everia is already titled «Envy»), who name themselves the Cardinal Sins. They each hold mysterious and destructive powers known as Authorities.

    More details, such as their history, are unknown, because they are completely hidden.

    Known members:
    Cardinal Sins:

    «Pride»: Acrux Lucifer Cythas
    Acrux has an average appearance, neither handsome or bad-looking. He is a young man with tidy black hair and eyes with purple pupils. His appearance has a very low impression on people, such on a level that if he was seen walking on a street, he would be forgotten easily. According to Rathius, he emits an atrocious aura which indicates his power and killing intent.

    Authority of Pride: Acrux has an unknown authority. He was shown using some kind of purple fire, but details are unknown. He is mentioned to be stronger than Rigel, along with Wrath. He seems to be able to move around in instant.

    «Lust»: Bellatrix Asmodeus Barialle
    Bellatrix is a scary-looking, tall woman clad in an oversized black coat and hood, which makes it hard for people to determine her gender. Every inch of her skin is covered with bandages, save for her eyes and part of her mouth(looks a bit different in my drawing though). She wraps chain around her body beneath her coat. She has a completely broken personality, and rants on about love while hurting others around her indiscriminately. According to Rikuld, she and Acrux lets their 'favorites' live and go without affected by Sloth's Authority.

    Authority of Lust: Bellatrix's authority is the sharing of emotions and pain. She can make certain emotions felt by one person spread through an entire crowd of people. Also, if one person is hurt or wounded near her, everyone in the effect area gets hurt or wounded in the same way. She seems to be able to choose who to influence her authority to.

    Chain control: It is unknown if this is part of her authority, but Bellatrix is able to control the chains wrapped around her body on will, using it for both offence and defence. She can use over twenty of them at time. They can also hold extremely heavy forces.

    Fire magic: Bellatrix is shown to be extremely skilled in fire magic, and can even control flames without incantations.

    Superhuman strength and speed: Bellatrix is shown to have superhuman speed and strength, even able to knock Rathius down with a punch while he is in his dragon form.

    «Sloth»: Rigel Belphegor Barialle
    Rigel is a young boy around twelve or so. He has messy brown hair that is uncut and covers his face partially, and red-pupiled eyes. He wears a dark cloak around him with a hood, concealing his face. He is shown to have a cruel side and a calm side to him; he enjoyed beating Rathius and Diabel up, while he calmly dealt with her apparent older sister, Bellatrix.

    Authority of Sloth: Rigel's Authority has two parts. The first part is creating powerful illusions, that can recreate solids, heat and pain to a point it is indistinguishable from reality. Even though the illusions can't hurt the physical body, the sheer pain can kill the person. Inside this illusion, he can negate his death completely, and be able to use absolute power and speed.
    The second part of his authority is overwriting the world's memories so that he or others are hidden from society completely. He is shown to be able to control to whomever he works his authority on. Because of this ability the Witch's Order has stayed hidden for many years. It is shown that this authority can be resisted if it is sensed before it goes on effect, such as shown when Izanami protects Archibaud through their contract. It is also shown that it overwrites the memory of a certain time period, so whatever a person remembers from before that period is retained in their memories.

    «Greed»: Rikuld Mammon Kavenhaitos
    Rikuld is a tall blonde man with handsome features. He was first shown cosplayed as a knight, but later wearing dark robes that goes down to his ankles. He looks down on other people, and doesn't think too well of the other Sins of the Order, not caring about them at all.

    Authority of Greed: Rikuld's authority is weapon summoning and control. He can summon a great range of armaments, from bows to spears to shields to swords. He can control other people's weapons too. His authority is best fit against dealing with a large number of people.

    «Gluttony»: Rey Beelzebub Farrenveitos
    Rey is a small-built girl who looks only about nine years old or so. She has long hair that goes down to her chest and a mouth full of pointed teeth. She is always in a crouched position, making her look smaller than she already is. She wears ragged clothes with a cape behind her, and attaches two short swords to her wrists. Her personality is childish, while she enjoys abusing her authority.

    Authority of Gluttony (bizarre eating): It is unclear the extent of this authority. Rey is able to absolutely control powerful witchfiends to her will; and is also able to somehow ignore witchfiend barriers which was built around the city.

    Superhuman agility: Rey is extremely agile, being able to hop from roofs to roofs, balance on top of witchfiends, and catch a throwing knife between her teeth. It is unclear if this is part of her authority.

    «Unknown» Shade
    Seemingly on a higher rank than the Sins inside the Order. He has complete mastery over ancient shadow magic that was lost from the Age of Witches. He is an average person with seemingly not much fighting power, but there is an certain thing to him that make people who lay eyes on him to become uncomfortable and feel as if something was fundamentally wrong with him.
    Apparently, 'Shade' is not his real name.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2018
    Tisaun likes this.
  2. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    I was actually wondering, but do you take drawing requests?
  3. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Such as?
  4. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    Well, I've made some characters with a friend based on Wynncraft items.
    So, we have a dude who wears items that gives poison damage. Or a dude with 400+% explosion.
  5. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Uhh..... Dunno about that. If it's unrelated to the RP or something like that, I may not have to motivation to try and find time to draw....
    Sorry. I guess not. Even if I could, it would be a low-quality pencil drawing and a picture of it.
  6. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Candidates of the 42nd Ruler of Arcuntar Kingdom

    In the absence of the Royal Blood, the Dragon gave a prophecy to choose one out of five candidates to become the next king and reestablish the contract. The candidates are determined by an insignia embedded with a shard of the dragon stone, which glows upon contact with people who have the necessary qualities to become the King.

    Candidate Profile:
    Age: 20
    Occupation: Noble, Current head of the Belstain house

    Titles: «Battlefield Maiden» «Hundred-Man-Strike» «Lion King's Ideal»

    Appearance: Estelle is a young woman with silky dark-green hair. She has slightly slanted blue eyes and a neat face. She has a habit of dressing up in formal suits worn by men in the army, to show that her will and status was not bound by her gender. She has a cool and charismatic aura, but acts more carefree inside her camp.

    Magic Affinity: Wind
    Divine Blessing: Divine Blessing of Wind Spirits and Reading

    Description: A highly-capable woman who became the head of the Belstain house at the age of eight, when her father Meckart Belstain died in battle. She is an idealist and wants a country where it is ruled by the people, not the dragon. She is a user of extreme wind magic, and her fighting capability well goes over most Royal Knights. She developed her own sword skill, which involves mixing of wind magic with a sword swing. The sword skill «Hundred-Man-Strike» is an invisible attack that ignores range and is said to be able to cut hundred men in a single swing. She likes to have demi-humans in her camp, to show that she is one who does not discriminate people upon their race.

    Members of her Camp:
    *Fourier Argoyle; First Knight — Fourier has followed Estelle since they were both young. He is a fox-type demi-human, is able to fight using his abilities from his bloodline. He is a member of the Royal Knights.
    *(Former) Angela Serafina; knight— Angela is a seraph who entered the Belstain house when she defended a town under the house's rule from the attack of the Great Rabbit. She was banished after the uprising in the Capital.
    *Siegfried Trias; Servant — An old man with a lot of mystery behind his history. He has apparently served Estelle before the deaths of the Royal Family.

    *She has fought the Great Rabbit once and managed to chase it away in the past, aside from the time with Angela.
    *Estelle has absolutely no interest in men, and she makes that clear constantly. She does not like to talk about her past, which only the closest people to her seems to know about.

    Age: 19
    Occupation: Noble, Current head of the Felodore house

    Titles: «Bloody Bride» «Princess of the Sun»

    Appearance: Tristia is a young woman with such beauty that cannot be compared with other people. She has blood-red eyes and long auburn hair which she keeps tied up. She has a well-endowed chest and always wears dark-themed dresses. If she were to be represented, she can be described as an exotic flower (perhaps poisonous).

    Magic Affinity: Light
    Divine Blessing: Divine Blessing of the Sun

    Description: Tristia, because of her beauty, has married eight times in the past. Her last name 'Felodore' is the name of her eighth husband, whom she had chased out of the house already. She has a arrogant, or perhaps sadistic personality, and looks down on all beings in the world. She believes that the world was made in her favour; and whatever happens and whatever she does will eventually work in her favour. Her Divine Protection grants her incredible power, making her stronger than Estelle Belstain. Because of her personality and her habit of sending her husbands out of their status, she was given the title «Bloody Bride», but the proposals given to her never ceases. Though all this, she is determined to protect whatever comes under her care.

    Members of her Camp:
    *Unnamed First Knight


    *Tristia is not her real name.

    Age: 26
    Occupation: Head of the Ordo Trading Company

    Titles: «Return of Hoshin» «Star of Kararagi»

    Appearance: Affrice, despite her age, looks to be about 16 or so. She is short and has a petite body, and long wavy purple hair that reaches her hips. She wears white fur dress all the time, and has a white fox-shaped scarf around her neck, which she always keeps on. She has an aura that is like of a small animal.

    Magic Affinity: None (unable to use magic)
    Divine Blessing: None

    Description: Affrice has an outgoing personality at front, but she is actually extremely intelligent and observant, searching for opportunities for making money. She single-handedly made her hometown into one of the most successful trading state, named Kararagi. She has absolutely no fighting ability. She does not hesitate to do anything if it will help her make money, and even says herself that she is greedy. However, she is sympathetic and has a strong sense of duty, and likes it when other people profit when she profits. She is extremely protective of her camp.

    Members of her Camp:
    *Lucian Eulaus; First Knight — He is a Royal Knight, and is friends with Alexander, Diabel, and Fourier.
    *Iron Fang — A mercenary group originating from Kararagi, consisted of battle-type demi-humans

    *Affrice is an orphan.

    Age: 14~15 (?)
    Occupation: Unknown

    Title: «Lost Princess»

    Appearance: Remilia has short golden hair and large red eyes; with a childish face. She is said to resemble the lost Royal Family.

    Magic Affinity: Earth
    Divine Blessing: Unknown Divine Blessing

    Description: Remilia was found in the town of Diamelda, where she lived in the slums and living off stolen goods. She is an orphan who was picked up by an old giant, named Krom, or for short Rom. Sword Saint Alexander van Hestiria found her and took her to the Capital despite her resistance on becoming a king. However, she eventually came to like the idea, and now states that she will take down whatever there had been in the Kingdom and start anew.

    Members of her Camp:
    *Alexander van Hestiria; First Knight — Sword Saint, the strongest man alive. He believes that his meeting with Remilia was driven by fate and gives his absolute loyalty to her.
    *Rom — A mysterious old man, who is a remnant of a long-gone Giant race. His past seems to be very dark.....

    *Remilia has the necessary qualities to become a Lion King. (not relevant... yet)

    (Alice has not been introduced to public yet.)
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2018
    Tisaun likes this.
  7. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    How long do you usually take when drawing your art? They look good and I was wondering how long it took you.
    Malkavian likes this.
  8. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    'Bout 30mins—1 hour each.
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  9. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    Did you follow some sort of program? Or did you learn it yourself.

    If you did learn it yourself, how long did it take you?
  10. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    I'm still far from being able to draw everything free-hand (on the spot). The posing and the proportion is really hard. But the details, I add in myself.
    I learnt it myself mostly. It's practice— it really is. As you repeatedly practice from observation and stuff, you eventually know how to draw everything.

    I don't draw that often, so I don't improve a lot ;-;
    Linwood Welheart likes this.
  11. JoshLegacy

    JoshLegacy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Huh, figured Lust would be like a super busty woman wearing deplorable clothing.
    Tisaun likes this.
  12. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Used to be. Too stereotypical :P
  13. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Sin of Pride

    god that felt so rushed
    Malkavian likes this.
  14. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    How come?

    He even has the pose.
  15. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Margrave Roswaal M. Mathers
    Malkavian and Tisaun like this.
  16. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    I'm still not sure. Is Roswaal male or female?
    Amun_Ra likes this.
  17. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    What the hell? I really don't understand how you do not understand when she is referred to as 'she' for like the past month.
    And how does that NOT look female!! I'm losing confidence in my drawing now....
    Malkavian likes this.
  18. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    I believe it was you who said 'He' when you tried to say 'She' or 'Her'. Don't blame me.
  19. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Maybe for once or twice, but this whole time she's been a female.... agh, never mind! xD
    Malkavian and Linwood Welheart like this.
  20. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    It's a good drawing, don't worry.
    Malkavian likes this.
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