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[rp] Mortal 11/11

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Amun_Ra, Mar 14, 2017.

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  1. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Lucifer struggles up. He lifts his sword and launches himself at the werewolf. The monster turns with extreme sword and hits the man in the chest. The air is knocked out of Lucifer as he is sent tumbling back to the streets, where he lies limp.

    Tisaun yells and swings his sword again, making a cut on the werewolf's shoulder. The creature roars in pain, as you stagger back. You feel your magic slowly draining your energy.

    You and the werewolf stand a few meters back, facing each other. Suddenly, crashing sounds come from the food stalls. A shape gets up, and starts walking towards the battle. Tisaun grits his teeth, Why was the vampire not dead? He thinks.

    She seems no longer to be fully possessed, but she still has her vampire form. She tightens her grip on the knives.

    Asakeryu launches himself from the roof, flying straight at the vampire, with dagger-shaped fireballs around him. The vampire lifts her dagger in defence. Asakeryu's divine energy explodes upon contact with Zeisha, and she is sent flying back. She lands agilely, utilising her wings well. She glares at Asakeryu.

    "Do not interfere, fox." She growls. Asakeryu growls back. "Not happening. You aren't killing the princess."

    "That is not your problem!" Zeisha shouts. She charges her hand with black energy and brings it down to the ground. Shadowy mist erupt all around, covering the vampire and Asakeryu. The fox coughs, then sends his fireballs around, dispersing the mist. He blinks. Zeisha was gone.

    When he turns to the battle, he sees Zeisha running at full speed at the princess. Tisaun tries to intercept her, but the werewolf swings his massive claws at the man, giving him no choice but to jump back. Asakeryu gets ready to bound after the vampire, but the harpy lands in front of him. She grimaces, then say, "Sorry, but you really can't"

    The harpy charges at Asakeryu with her claws and glowing red eyes.
    The nearby dwarf shakes his head. Another one nods, though. "The Balrog's soul." He says. "A Balrog cannot die easily. It will pass its soul around to different bodies."

    Uadlokii looks back up at the Balrog's soul. It was now almost at the doors to Draganom.
    Tisaun likes this.
  2. Gushy48

    Gushy48 Title

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    Do I know how to destroy a soul? Or send it off to somewhere?
  3. Florfy5

    Florfy5 a person

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    I'll dive to the side, out of the way, changing to my human form and slashing her wing with my katana. If I can pull that off, I say, "It's over now. I let my empathy get in the way once, but not again." I create illusions of myself encircling her, then have them rush in, in unison with myself, slashing with their katana.
  4. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    The man nods shakily. "I can ready a horse for you. Follow me, quickly."

    Rathius takes the boy's hand and starts running after the man outside the town hall. The man runs towards a less active side of the morning town. He then turns right at an alleyway. Rathius, having no clue, follows.

    The man suddenly turns back. He swings from side to side. Rathius stops, confused. The boy squeezes his hand harder. Rathius looks down, and sees that the boy's face is filled with fear.

    The man chuckles. "thank you for falling into our trap, dragon."

    Behind the man, two people dressed in black and purple cloaks walk out. They both wear a black mask. Rathius turns back and see three of the same guys closing in.
    You're not sure. Just try anything.
    The apparitions charge at the harpy from all sides. She spreads her wings, one of which is dripping with blood, and jumps. She flaps her wings, her blood dripping down on the ground. She shouts, "I fell for that trap once; I won't again!"
  5. Gushy48

    Gushy48 Title

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    Ok. Burn it to ash.
  6. Florfy5

    Florfy5 a person

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    "Clever girl," I say to her. "But not clever enough." I turn into a fox and dash to the side twice, creating three illusions with fire in the center. I use an illusion to be nothing more than a watery figure that is near-invisible before leaving the place of the third, which has more fire than the others. If she gets stalled by the fire, I rush forward, switch to a human, and slice her in half.
  7. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Jack sees the eight Aurallim soldiers, shining with grim light. They were humans, after all. Up ahead of them, he sees a dozen tall shapes growing with spirit energy equal to C class. They had a strange aura, which was both familiar and foreign.

    Xiudar sneers. "The mortal demons, spawns of Varogunn. Jack; don't go. Their fighting power is equal to the elves."
    The soul is basically a fiery ball, and a Balrog is a spirit of fire and shadow, so it doesn't seem to work.

    Now it flies out of the door. Should you follow it?
    I don't really understand what it is that you're trying to do.
    The harpy blinks. She cries and flaps, edging away from Asakeryu.
    Ow. I gotta go to school lol.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2017
  8. Bailwolf

    Bailwolf Resident Skeleton

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    have fun Sarcasm. Unless of course you actually enjoy school.
    Amun_Ra likes this.
  9. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    I try to kick the werewolf legs to make him fall , then stab him with the sword . If succeds , ill stab it across the heart and fall unconscious for the next few hours or till someone heal me / find a way to bring my energy back
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2017
  10. Florfy5

    Florfy5 a person

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    Basically, I'm trying to trick her and, while she's distracted, ambush her.

    I'll just quietly sneak behind her while she's distracted by the illusions, then strike the top of the side of her neck (can knock someone out, fun fact).

    Well, have fun at school. (I had another test that I did well on despite thinking I was 100% screwed today :D)
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2017
  11. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    Rathius: "Don't worry kid, I'll get you out of here."
    *I ready my sword*

    (What can I do while in human form? Can I spit fire or use my fangs? I know I have inhuman strength and reflexes in human form)
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2017
  12. 3DSMate

    3DSMate The shadow assassin VIP+

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    Name: Ventus
    Age/gender: 20,000 :: male
    Race: monster (wind elemental)
    Class: original monster
    Affiliation: Neutral
    Personality: would rather be left alone, easily mad
    Weapon of choice: wind
    Secondary weapon: his own body
    Description : a small tornado with bits of sand flying within his body
    Backstory: born from a great hurricane he was split from a vicious wind and he started to roam the land looking for tornados or hurricanes but while he isint following one he is nomadic and travels wherever the wind takes him.
    Others: if attacked with wind he will grow stronger, it's like trying to kill a shadow with darkness. He has nearly no human contact. Even though he his a small tornado he wishes to be a great tornado like the ones he follows hoping to gain wisdom from them. He is around 3 meters tall.
    Preferred starting point: currently near kurubiq.
    Linwood Welheart likes this.
  13. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    "If that is true which, knowing you, it is, then those men are going to their death. I know they've been told to die for Aurallim, but I don't agree with that."
  14. Gushy48

    Gushy48 Title

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    Yup. I'm going to follow that soul.
  15. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    "What do you intend to do, Jack?" Xiudar asks. "Those mortal demons are strong. You won't be able to kill them all."

    The riders now see the group of demons. The Varogunn demons now stand atop a hill, looking down on the riders. The leader suddenly halts. He cries, "These are Morgalums!" He shouts.

    The demons dash at the Aurallim riders. They disperse, circling the demons in. The lead boy shouts, "Demons of Varogunn, why do you roam the open earth?"

    The demons do not answer. One of them raises a hand, and they all draw their weapons and charge at the riders. The Aurallians try to evade their attacks, but two of them are cut off their horses. Their screams cut off abruptly as the demons bring their curved knives into their throats.

    The boy with the halberd grits his teeth. "Don't give into fear!" He shouts. "Formation!"

    The soldiers start to come around the boy, forming an imaginary arrow. With yells, they take off, charging at the demons with incredible speed. As fast as the mortal demons were, some of them are caught in the horses' hooves and are trampled over. Three demons raise their hands into the air and start chanting. Pillars of fire erupt from the field, catching another two soldiers.
  16. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Tisaun groans as he staggers up. His vision starts to cloud. The werewolf looks equally tired. He raises his head and gives another howl. He shouts to the vampire, "Do what you have to do!" Then he starts running at Tisaun. Tisaun lifts his sword and yells. He waits until the werewolf is close enough that he swings his sword. The blade cuts through his fur, and the werewolf screams. A powerful punch lands onto Tisaun's stomach. The werewolf trembles and then collapses. Tisaun growls, coughing. He tastes blood in his mouth.

    He lifts his sword over the werewolf's back. The vampire cries, "NO!"

    A force of shadow knocks Tisaun over.

    Wyrmin nods gravely. "I fear that helping the princess is important. We will be arrested for letting the princess die when having the power to save her."

    The harpy growls and starts to look around. Asakeryu turns himself invisible as he stops in his track. The harpy leaps back to the ground then closes her eyes.

    Suddenly, she swings her claw at where Asakeryu stands. Asakeryu is surprised. He takes a step back.

    The harpy jumps and lands a kick on the boy's chest. Her bird-like foot grabs Asakeryu's cloak and pulls the boy down to the ground.
    Yes you can spit fire, but it will take your energy away a lot.

    The man smiles. "We have no intention of fighting you, dragon. Hand us the boy over, and we will leave. Honestly, we have never fought a dragon before, and will not want to."
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2017
  17. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    "We gotta get them to flee. They are gonna die!"
    I begin running towards them with incrediple speed lending Xiudar's legs as I begin shouting: "You have to run! There's no way you can take on these demons! You are gonna die for nothing! There's no point in that!"
    BTW what is my spirit class?
  18. Rawb

    Rawb Disciple of Bak'al

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    "Wyrmin, fire off some suppressive fire. Basil, distract the vampire. Scar and I will head over to that vegetable stand and make a little barbecue with garlic as the main ingredient." Fen'ris says, binding Scar and rushing towards the vegetable stand to grab as much garlic as possible.
  19. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    *I look at the boy*
    Rathius: "What are you going to do with him once I hand him over?"
    Rathius(thinking): "I asked him earlier today if he could take care of the kid, why did he decline my offer?"
    Malkavian likes this.
  20. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    "I am not going to have enough energy to get these guys ... But i think i can do something else ." I say with the hand at a broken rib . "φως" i say weakly , throwing my sword in the air , the effort making me cough blood . As the sword turns into a blinding flash , slightly burning everything everything one meter from the sword , the flash makes me go uncounscious because of the energy wasted . The dagger and the spear spawn next to me after i faint , both burning hot
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