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[rp] Legends 2 [10/10] Closed.... For Now

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Amun_Ra, Sep 30, 2016.

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  1. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    That's not first time I've been called eagle eyed :sweatsmile:
    No problem always glad to help :)
  2. Florfy5

    Florfy5 a person

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    It was just south of Detlas (around here), but ok... I guess I'll get my sword and ask who they are then...

    I wonder if any gets the references in my application...
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2016
  3. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Just so you know, I have no idea what you're trying to reference.
    "Whoa there." The leading man says. He raises his hands. "No need to be hostile."
    "Who're you?" You say, getting in a defensive stance. Your eyes dart around each of them, thinking how you might escape.
    "My name is Vocthar." He says. "This is Bailwolf, Ronan, and Mortem."
    You've heard these names, save for the last one. You try to remember... but you can't.
    "We're friends of Salomnis, the guy who rebuilt Nesaak."
    Ah. Now you remember, how Salomnis told his story of the great battle of Wynn. He had mentioned them.
    "What's your name?" The short guy, Ronan asks.
    "Ajnin." You say, sheathing your sword.
    "So, Ajnin." Bailwolf says. "We need help."
    They go on explaining what had happened in Gavel, and how they need your help. They all talk, except for the pale boy, Mortem.
    You nod. "Okay, sure. I'll help; I don't have anything to do anyways."
    Vocthar grins. "Welcome to our team, Ajnin."

    Ajnin, Ronan, Mortem, Bailwolf and Vocthar reach the port of Nemract at the next day.
    As they walk, they come across a giant dragon, and two girls sparring. Both of them they recognise: Drandel and Thagila. They leap around, fighting with wooden sticks. Two figures sit at the edge of the duel. One is Katherine, with her wings open. Bystanders whisper and gaze at them, but Katherine doesn't seem to care.
    The other figure is a man, wearing Fruman armour. He has olive skin, with green eyes like Nicolas's. Vocthar recognise the man; he was at the Siege of Ragni. The Fruman captain.
    Katherine looks up and calls, "You're here, finally. Took you long enough."
    The two girls stop sparring. Thagila nods smugly at the others. "Where's the other two? Ragnok's grandchild and the Twain guy?" She asks.
    "Long story." Bailwolf mutters.
    "Hello." The captain walks toward the company, bowing. "My name is Lucius, and I was a second in command of the army of Fruma."
    "Was?" Ajnin asks.
    "Nicolas was first in command, so, when he went missing, I became into his position. But I gave that position to my comrade so I could come with you."
    Katherine nods. "Luke is a very powerful mage. He will help us with the trip through Gavel."
    "Okay." Vocthar says. "Let's go find the Seaskipper Captain, then."
    Guys. I decided to expand this storyline into three RPs. This means that there will be a Legends III!
    Poiu429 and IMGAMG like this.
  4. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    Cool :D
  5. Florfy5

    Florfy5 a person

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    I'll come look for the captain, despite having no idea what is going on (There is no cure for amnesia ;-;). I decide to ask a few questions, as I remembered very little... For example, "So, what exactly is the rest of Wynn like... and what about the other province... Gavel, was it?".

    (Note: The game I was referencing started with the main character waking up in a field with no memory due to a reason explained near the end, but it wouldn't make sense without 50% of the storyline. The other references were that the robes looked like his, and the sword's model is commonly associated with him.)
  6. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    This is the characters speaking.
    Wynn consists of many cities and towns. Ragni and Troms are the strongest of the cathedrals, with other cities such as Detlas, Almuj, Rymek, Nemract, Nesaak. A great demon army led by Ragnok invaded the land few months ago, along with Qira, the Mistress. There used to be many undead lurking in the Province, but ever since the source, Darznog was killed, no undead was ever seen.
    The sea is a vast area, with Selchar at its center. Many islands - Ice Islands, Zhight Island, Christmas Island, Pirate Island, Maro Peaks, Dead Island - float in the sea. Gavel exists in the other side of the sea, with grand Light cities of Llevigar, Olux, Gelibord, Cinfras, Aldorei, Thanos, Thesead, Rodoroc and Ahmsord.
    The Hive produces all the monsters of Darkness, even after Qira was killed. About two weeks ago, Nicolas received distress calls from almost every city in Gavel, then they have all gone quiet. That's why we're going there.
    Fruma is a province of magic, where we, the humans, are all from. It has many great cities humans have ever built.
    Dern is the last province. It is more like a realm than a province, and was accessible through the Abandoned Mines, until we collapsed the pass. Almost everything is unknown about Dern; but it is the home of the demons.
    The nine of them walk towards the port. A ship is there, with a man sitting in front.
    "Hello there!" The Captain perks up when he sees you. "Looking for a way to travel across the sea? I'll take ya!" He says, then his voice falters when he sees Katherine's wings. "What are those.... are those wings?" He says with wide eyes.
    Katherine smiles sweetly. "Yes, sir. So about getting across the sea..."
    "What strange company do we have here?" He stammers. He looks at each of them, although his gaze lingers on Bailwolf the longest. It must be his armour. (sorry xD)
    "Captain." Luke cuts in. He snaps his fingers, and the air around everyone seem to clear. A breeze flow through the port.
    The Seaskipper Captain snaps out of his daze. "Oh yes, I am sorry." Luke smiles and hand the Captain a bag of emeralds. The Captain nods. "Where to?"
    "Llevigar." Vocthar says.
    "That is quite a sail. We will stop at Selchar for a night, then we will be arriving there tomorrow!" He says, then whispers. "Are you sure, my friends? The city of Llevigar seems deserted, and last time I've been there, the sky was dark, smoke was rising from the city, and I heard many roars and screams..."
    "Yes. We are sure." Drandel says firmly. The Captain nods.
    "Well, since you are a big company, we will need a bigger one than this boat!" He says, pointing at the small boat that has a label 'V.S.S. Seaskipper'."Good thing I bought a bigger ship. It's quite new, so please don't damage it!"
    The captain lead you towards a bigger boat. It fits all of you perfectly.
    "Here we go!" The captain says, then the ship starts to depart.

    Guys I'm going to sleep, and I have a week of school from after this night. After this week, I will be gone for a WHOLE WEEK because I have to go somewhere
  7. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    BTW everyone when we were walking here:
    Mortem was walking in the back talking in low whispers with Socius in his ghost form.

    And then here on the seatrip:
    They are standing secluded and doing the same same.
    Ok see you tomorrow :)
  8. Florfy5

    Florfy5 a person

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    Ajnin just thinks, "Fascinating... Aside from this land, there are other provinces, and a dark realm... Never mind that, I should focus on Gavel for the time being..."

    He stands perfectly silent, timid due to the land being unfamiliar to him because of his loss of memory...

    Ajnin looks over the side, trying to swallow all the information. "I guess all I can do is see what the future holds..." he thought to himself.

    Also, good night (I have a 3-day weekend though... apparently a Jewish Holiday or something).
  9. Poiu429

    Poiu429 yote VIP+

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    Name: Pyrs
    Age: Old af
    Gender: Male
    In Legends?: (Yes or no) No :(
    Side: (Good or evil?) Evil >:D
    Pyrs grew up in Almuj. When he was young, his parents discovered he had an affinity for magic. He was sent to Mage Island. There he trained in the ways of the mage, and became one of the top students. When he graduated, he stayed there (at Mage Island) to help further their research on magic. When he was 40, rumors surfaced of a power, ages old, found in the sea... Being a curious bastard, Pyrs got himself caught up in this ocean of rumors, and became obsessed with finding this power. Many years passed..
    After a long and hard struggle, Pyrs finally found the source of the magic. It was in an old city called Sarnific, destroyed by the mage council ages ago. With his newfound information, he hired a boat, and set off into the depths of the ocean.
    Following a map he found, he managed to make his way to the old site of Sarnific - now just a hole in the ground. He dove.
    Inside the city.. he found it..
    It granted him immortality.
    It also changed him...
    sage guy.jpg

    Staff: It's a staff. It helps him cast spells.
    Basic spells:
    Breathe Underwater
    Hawk Vision (just.. really sharp eyesight)
    Earthquake (like uppercut)
    ... dunno.. just generic, other spells.
    Other spells:
    Ignis: Fireball + a dark aura, moving in a circle around him.
    Altitudinem: Splits stone.
    Starting Point: (Only in Wynn): Ragni

    um, is that a real rule? ok then.

    tell me if this is too op
    Edit: His robes are blue (I like blue)
  10. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    I like your character. Thanks for joining!
    The Realm of Light is weakening. You know this from the sudden lack of Light energy in the world.
    Rumour has that the Legends of Wynn has left the province. You stay in the sewers of Ragni, where dark magic linger.
    Suddenly, footsteps sound outside in the corridor.
    A young adventurer, still weak from the look of him, walk into your chamber. His eyes widen in fear as he sees you.
    What do you do?
    @IMGAMG @The_Wynner @sonickid3003 @Queen Toasty @Vansil @Bailwolf @Florfy5
    You arrive in Selchar.
    The city, thanks to Ronan, has been rebuilt, since Darznog has destroyed the entire island. The citizens all recognise you from the trip to Olux.
    The Captain says, "Go find an inn or somewhere up in the city. I won't have my guests get all stiffened up on my boat while they sleep."
    Ronan, before going to a inn, takes the others to Nicolas's boat.
    As he described, the boat is full of claw marks, burns and blood. A message is carved on the side of the boat: "Gavel has fallen."
    Bailwolf jumps down on the boat. Having knowledge of many monsters due to his travel, he examines the claw marks.
    "This belongs to a monster I have never seen, or heard before." Bailwolf says. "This monster's claws are huge, meaning the monster itself is huge. Powerful enough to capture or..... kill Nicolas."
    "Everyone be ready." Luke says. "We may have to fight these monsters the moment we step onto the port of Llevigar.

    Next day, the adventurers arrive in Gavel.
    They say farewell to the captain, who looks worried, but departs, not wanting to stay in the cursed land for long. The air indeed is dark; even in broad daylight a dark mist covers the sky. Strange howls and roars can be heard. No screams.
    The giant gate of Llevigar stand there, broken. A gigantic hole is made by some kind of explosion.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2016
  11. sonickid3003

    sonickid3003 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Nice :D

    I say as I stare at the door, "That's... Different.."
  12. Poiu429

    Poiu429 yote VIP+

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    I magically slam the door behind him (I can do that, right? Is there even a door?).
    I don't look at him (unless I already am, in which case I continue staring at him).

    OOC: D'ya mind if I add some details to my character? (ie: weaknesses)
    Still OOC: Anyway, here they are:
    It's still OOC: After Pyrs absorbed the magic, he became complacent and lazy, believing he was so powerful that no one could defeat him. If he gets outsmarted, he has no idea what to do.
    He is also very mentally unstable (as you could imagine).
  13. Florfy5

    Florfy5 a person

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    God dammit, why don't I ever get notifications from tagging?

    Anyway, Ajnin just draws his sword, prepared for battle. "We should always be on edge... One slip up could get one or more of us killed..."
    After looking around and listening to the roars, he says to himself, "I guess brute force will most likely not work here... Every move matters."
  14. IMGAMG

    IMGAMG Co-Owner of TheParadoxGroup

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    "I mean, we can't be all that sneaky if there's only one hallway in, so we might as well just get going," says Vocthar.
    (OOC: Has Vocthar been put in some kind of leadership position? I mean, I was the leading one when we got Ajnin, and had the last say as well.. Also, YAY LEGENDS III!)
  15. The_Wynner

    The_Wynner ✯ Neko & Banter Master ✯ (◕‿◕✿)

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    IRL: Nice we got a new villain :) Welcome and good luck! We got some pretty powerful people on the good side >:)

    "So we're preparing for battle then."

    6o80.gif *summons Crimson Flare Pygmy dragon*
    Crimson Flare Pygmies are named after their small size and speed. They are fast and love to fly up and down in steep climbs and dives, giving the impression of a flare of color in the sky. These dragons travel in swarms during migration seasons and are very social. They live in tropical locations or wherever it is warm, and they are often seen near active volcanoes.

    http://disabled due to page load speed impact/click/rpw94
  16. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Yansur shakes his head. "He is a human; but he have trained in all arts. He is most powerful."
    Suddenly, a dark, cloaked shadowy figure on a skeletal horse comes riding in the chamber.
    "They have arrived." He whispers. "Four of the original group, two new children, an angel and a Fruman mage."
    Yansur nods at you. "You shall lead the wraiths and monsters here to confront this enemy." He smiles. "They will perish before they even realise what had happened."
    Yes he has. You realise that excluding Mael, Vocthar is the oldest of the Six?
  17. Florfy5

    Florfy5 a person

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    "Yes, let's get going... But let's avoid fights that will likely kill us."
    *looks at the dragon* "Sooooo... What exactly is that?"
  18. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Guys, please all watch this thread, for most of the time I work on my phone, and i can't tag you guys most of the time.
  19. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    Already done ;)
  20. sonickid3003

    sonickid3003 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I already did it..
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