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Game Mechanics Rework Ideas for archetypes

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Daktota, Sep 12, 2022.

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  1. Daktota

    Daktota Daktota The Rock Enthusiast HERO

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    Heres a few suggestions for archetypes I thought up. I have provided reasons and the direction I am trying to get that archetype in below each ability, you do not need to follow these exact abilities but at least have these concepts in mind:

    Paladins main issue is relying too much on mantle and lackluster upgrades, heres some suggestions:

    Buff rejuv skin as it is currently extremely weak.
    30 seconds is a very long time for only 30% heal, which many other forms of healing does more quicker with not much of a cost anyway. I think the time it takes to heal could be buffed as well as the amount of healing.

    Sparkling hope replaced with Crippling strike: Hitting a mob with uppercut applies a debuff which reduces the damage the mob deals by 20%, this decays quickly over time and is refreshed when reapplied.
    Sparkling hope is almost useless and boring, Crippling strike gives paladin more consistent tankiness and rewards a more active playstyle, uppercuting as much as they can and staying close to keep mobs debuffed. This also allows Paladin to assist allies as well, building on the supportive power while still having a useful upgrade even while soloing.

    Replace Shield strike with Blessed ground, Bash leaves a healing area which heals allies based off the paladins max hp(Doesn't heal too much), it lasts for a short while. Has a Cooldown .
    This again builds on paladin staying in one area and holding it's ground, as well as supporting allies while still providing themself a benefit. This also adds something more active to paladin.

    Second chance can now apply to allies in a large area(indicated by a circle of particles)
    Second chance works the same but when a ally dies within the radius they are given the effect instead, and granted 3 charges of mantle of the bovemists.

    With all these buffs, I think mantle needs a nerf. It is way too central to paladin currently and is easy to slap on and get extreme benifits for the other archetypes. I recommend nerfing damage resists and increasing cooldown.


    Death magnet replaced with Stunning Entrance: Stuns enemies for 1 second when leaving vanish in a very small radius.
    Now here me out, this stun only applies after leaving vanish, so it CANNOT be spammed. This allows for assassin a easier but not completely free escape. It provides assassin a period of safety where they can leave as fast as they can, or try to get more damage in but risk having no escape. This gives a sense of urgency while making attacking a enemy up close not incredibly annoying.

    Satsujin rework: Health threshold and cooldown gone but Marks are now consumed on satsujin use and reduced damage. Satsujin currently is obviously meant to be one massive hit, but once you get past the threshold or waste it it becomes completely useless, not very good for a final red. This makes shade require more active gameplay and makes satsujin more important to your general playstyle of going in and out. It's also more forgiving.

    Parry replaced with light leaps: Dash now fully propels you mid air, as well as sending you further. (Possibly have a cd on this)
    Parry didn't really fit acrobat imo, it's meant to be spellspammy so you would want low spellcosts, but then it has less value, and acrobat is about NOT getting hit. I think this would make acrobat feel much better allowing it to hop around mid air instead of smoothly flying, which feels like a worse version of battle monk. This makes them more distinct and makes acrobat more interesting to play.

    Lacerate no longer moves the player but now has further range but thinner aoe, and it's damage stays where it is cast, instead of moving with the players direction.
    Since dash will be the main source of flying, I think lacerate should be put more into a damage spot. This makes you want to aim more carefully with lacerate, and it will be easier to utilise as a consistent damage spell instead of having to get so close, not having to continue to face in the direction makes it so you can continue leaping around in the air without having to stare at the mob and hinder your movement.



    Mana Traps now give a larger amount of mana mana when they detonate.
    This encourages you to get the traps detonated, and doesnt go against the whole point of trapper.

    Trap damage is buffed but patient hunter is nerfed. Trap damage is extremely lackluster currently, and there is no point in using them, traps are easily accidentally triggered, and a easly trigger leads to the traps doing minimal damage. I suggest making them less integral to getting decent damage since they can be unreliable due to early detonations.

    Grape bomb changed to upgraded traps: Traps have a larger radius and deal more damage, as well as causing enemies hit to take more damage. Grape bomb makes traps almost IMPOSSIBLE to accurately place down, and provides not much benefit except a lot of damage for big hitboxes. Trapper should focus more on the traps themselves, so this is my answer. The more damage and debuff will cause you to want to use traps more, another buff to traps themself.

    Focus: Obviously, nerf it down quite a bit. In compensation heres some QoL improvements. Missing only removes 3 per miss, buff the amount of max focus given by the more max focus upgrades further down the tree. This makes focus much less punishing and more consistent, but nerfs the damage as well. The max focus upgrades makes up for the damage nerf as well as rewarding you more for investing fully into sharp, so it's not a easy free damage slap on.

    Twains arc: Twains arc is such a good concept, but it has some major flaws. It is oriented towards heavy melee, and very limited. Heres suggestions on how to change that. Reduce the melee damage scaling, but add spell damage scaling. The ability will choose which provides the most damage when choosing which to scale off of.
    This might be hard to do but this improves twains arc A LOT:
    Faster attacks speed now decreases the charge time, and slower attack speeds increases the charge time. This allows for a variety of playstyles with it, as well as making it worth it on more than slower attack speed bows.

    Shocking bomb: Boost it's speed, it is currently quite slow and hard to hit effectively, this can also be a buff so it's more worth it for the full thunder conversion.

    Initiator: Decrease the time it takes it charge up, and maybe reduce damage if it's too powerful. I would recommend it being lowered to 2 but decreasing bonus damage to 40%. Currently it's almost impossible to utilise in combat, 5 seconds is just way too long.

    Crepuscular Ray: Increase focus needed to 8, make it activate on shift, buff damage by a decently large amount, and possible give it a small aoe. Crep ray is too weak, and uncontrollable. This makes it more powerful but makes it harder to charge up, so it FEELS more like a ultimate than something easily gotten, as well as buffing the damage cause it sucks rn. The aoe will grant it a little bit of damage to hoards of enemies, because if there are minions your arrows will home onto minions around the boss and that makes it way less effective.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2022
  2. Magicmakerman

    Magicmakerman Moderator Staff Member Moderator QA CHAMPION

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    I had an idea of a paladin ability which would be interesting:
    Paladin can absorb all damage taken over a few seconds and apply it to the next hit
    This could be triggered through second chance or some other ability and would probably have quite a large cooldown or just be an improved version of Martyr
    (Might be a bit complicated to make but idk)
  3. Daktota

    Daktota Daktota The Rock Enthusiast HERO

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    Bump because new stuff
  4. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    bump all suggestions great, i may add a suggestion that popped up while playing acrobat and not feeling jasmine bloom do a single thing even while floating over the boss and constantly spamming (this may have been because the bloom was too small).

    either increase the speed bloom grows at and increase the intervels it hits at but lower damage because acrobat constantly moves and occasionally will move the bloom out of the targets range. OR start it wide and scale damage instead. like pls it so cool and its probably not designed for boss fighting but this would just be so useful.

    Also please increase throwing star hitbox or damage because it's not worth hitting them for the amount of damage they do.
  5. HyperSoop

    HyperSoop The 0-int mage

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    Literally unreadable, use headings and line breaks please
  6. Daktota

    Daktota Daktota The Rock Enthusiast HERO

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    Try just staying over a enemy for a few seconds, maybe with righting(3 seconds). for me it's extremely easy to charge up and I charge it up without realising, hm.
  7. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    ok got it, still think they should buff shurikens. also wall jump is kinda useless and actually is sometimes annoying (like when you are dashing and hopping sometimes you'll get bounced backward if your trying to go uphill). so how about an ability that replaces it? my thread on changing wall jumps: https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/acrobat-red-ability-wall-jump-replacement.303161/
  8. Daktota

    Daktota Daktota The Rock Enthusiast HERO

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    Wall jump is disabled on shift if that helps. Wall jump is fun imo, and helps out for height. It launches you quite high compared to everything else
  9. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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  10. Daktota

    Daktota Daktota The Rock Enthusiast HERO

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    It literally says on the ability lol
  11. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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  12. •WhiteWolf•

    •WhiteWolf• Traumatised. HERO

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    Better flight for crep ray would be nice too. Boltslinger needs several tree improvements too imo since it sucks to hybridise. You either need to not get phantom ray/focus or get triple shots if you want angels for instance. This annoys literally everyone
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