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Media Regarding This Supposed "assassin Nerf"

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by TurtleTheSeawing, Feb 18, 2016.


Do you agree with what I state here?

  1. Yes!

    52 vote(s)
  2. No! (Please give feedback, I'd appretiate it! :))

    6 vote(s)
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  1. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    With all these people talking about Assassin being slow, it's worth noting that a handy ID called "walk speed" was added. (Also theres always horses I guess)
    Kahsol and TurtleTheSeawing like this.
  2. Fread

    Fread Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    yes, but would there be an even better way?
  3. ohwooops

    ohwooops Not Very Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    1) If you put 68 points in intelligence, your multihit will cost 5 mana instead of 10 mana.
    2) I think the speed is alright, but I'd prefer a jump boost.
    3) With spell damage armor/accessories, you can deal over 10k with a multihit at lvl 90.
    4) Defense is alright, it has the 2nd highest def of all the classes.
    5) This is coming from the guy who wrote 'should assassin be buffed'
    Ventus333 likes this.
  4. MagicGum

    MagicGum #GrimNation VIP

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    I think assassin is pretty weak in the nether still.
    - *Archer Arrow Shields* you are pretty much dead here as the archer will proceed to turn you into a cheesecake with arrow storm or arrow bomb after discovering you. And it would be pretty pathetic to a snipe duel with smoke bomb. Also archers can just escape and pound down to locate any assassins or just use escape in general to escape. Then you have to vanish again and try to get to the archer. bY this time you're out of mana and the only thing you can do is hope your 100-500 damage dagger can kill him.
    - If the enemy has poison and hits you. There is no escape. The poison damage shows up where you go basically pinpointing your location. Not to mention walking particles that also show up.
    - There is a possibility of spin attacking though. However each class has a spell that can let them easily escape. For example you freeze someone with spin attack, then they just charge, escape, or teleport and again, you go into vanish to get them but they are so far away you don't have mana by the time you get there.

    Anyways thanks for reading my rant.
    Ventus333, ohwooops and Fread like this.
  5. Fread

    Fread Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    1. sorry i meant the mana drain
    2. well i'd prefer speed
    3. with the bad raw stats of assassin, we need to put a lot of different identifications on our armour and weapon. Walk speed, mana regen/steal, health regen/steal. Some times we need to do attack speed too. Having me these identifications already made me dont have the choice to increase my spell damage. Same thing with skill points. if we need to consider dex, int and agi all 3 stats, our power will be spread and afterall become a lot weaker, not to mention there is almost no weapon that deal all thunder water and air damage that is actually good.
    4. high defense doesnt mean good survivability. warrior is good because he is specificly made for high defense while assassin is not specificly made for high defense. mage got the heal ability making him unkillable and archer is so fast and his range is so long, others cant even touch him
    5. This is from all players who think assassin is overnerfed
  6. ohwooops

    ohwooops Not Very Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Yeah the mana drain is a bit too much. However, surviving does take skill. Use spin attack to temporarily stop mobs, use vanish to get out of crowds, use multihit if a bunch are in front of you, etc. I've been able to survive in the ice caves for 30+ minutes with less than/around 1k health, and no life steal or health regen either. This class does take more skill to use than mage for example, and I have to agree that for raw damage, assassin is quite bad. Multihit needs a buff, but warrior needs a buff as well. Mage needs a nerf... Meteor doing 20k, heal op, etc. But once you have mage nerfed, warrior slightly buffed, and assassin's problems fixed, the classes should be pretty balanced. The mana drain for vanish is my biggest problem so far :/
    SeemsLegit and Fread like this.
  7. ohwooops

    ohwooops Not Very Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    The nether is very unbalanced, but I've gotten a decent amount of kills with assassin still.
  8. XavierEXE

    XavierEXE ♪ Wynncraft's Composer and Ability Tree Lead ♫ ♪ Music Item Team CHAMPION

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    Why so you need air thunder and water all in one weapon? My level 41 assassin has a low cost multihit and can deal a lot of damage using Jolt of Inspiration. Assassin I will say is tougher to play but it's still good
    Ventus333 likes this.
  9. BigMacYoshi

    BigMacYoshi Card Master of Corkus & All-Knowing Psychic VIP+

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    If built properly, any class can be OP, it's all about how you use it. Great thread too!
  10. TurtleTheSeawing

    TurtleTheSeawing That dragon that's studying magic HERO

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    Thank you <3
  11. Nepeta Leijon

    Nepeta Leijon Rogue of Heart ♌ Leittarius CHAMPION

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    I'm rather unsure where this "Vanish to sneak up on enemies" is coming from, since I very rarely use it to do that.

    Earlier today, I was getting lost in the aptly named Canyon of the Lost and I came across 3 Jinkos. For those that do not know, these are very fast charge-AI enemies who deal quite a bit of damage to me. I was hiding in the branches of the tree and they hadn't spotted me yet, so I decided to sneak past them using vanish. I quickly vanished, ran past and unvanished whilst I jumped in a river out of their range. I must admit, it was incredibly fun to actually use the element of stealth to get around my enemies.

    However, if my thoughts had been different, and I'd decided to instead attack the Jinkos, I wouldn't have vanished. I have to admit the mobs in Wynncraft are very stupid; I've spent quite a lot of time walking through areas and past mobs and just ignoring them. They eventually turn into a following but at no point - even when I walk straight past their faces - do I get hit. If I were to attack those three Jinkos, I'd simply walk up to them and have them charge towards me. They'd most likely form a nice little conga-line and I'd be able to hit them with Multihit.

    At no point have I really needed to vanish to make the first strike on a mob. To get away when I'm weak or outnumbered, yes, but not to attack. You just need to know where your enemy is and draw their aggro. Let them come to you, not vice versa. Not only does this allow you time to plan an attack, but it allows you to hold your ground.

    However, let's say you haven't had the opportunity to make a stand. Say, you've been ambushed or you're already fighting. As I said earlier, mobs in Wynncraft are very stupid. I've seldom seen a mob in the wild that's faster than you can sprint or walk, so simply walk away from the battle. I've often gathered a group of mobs as a following either by being nonchalant about their presence and walking past them saying "like I give a crap you're an enemy", or by tactically grouping them for an attack. If you gain this kind of following, then one of the best ways you can attack them is simply casting Smoke Bomb at your feet. The enemies - as stupid as they are - will simply walk towards you, and through the smoke. This will damage and slow them, whilst leaving them open to a finishing attack - Multihit.

    In the rare case you stumble upon a group of tough mobs you think you'd need to vanish and attack, don't. Spin Attack was changed slightly to have less paralysis time but more blindness. Blindness will cause mobs to act passive towards you and essentially make you invisible. Simply run up to them, and before they hit you, cast spin attack. This will most likely cost less overall mana than vanishing and will deal damage to whatever you're fighting.

    Really, the only reasons I use vanish is to either avoid contact with enemies I think are too powerful or too annoying to deal with, or to simply get around faster and to parkour better.
    XavierEXE, Ventus333 and EchoingWinds like this.
  12. Lesliep

    Lesliep Lazy Wynn Mage

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    By vanish to attack enemies, that has more to do with bosses and players, who tend to be more ranged/smarter
  13. Ventus333

    Ventus333 Xaldinite, Adventurer, and Mage.

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    Good explanation :D
  14. Kraby

    Kraby *insert clever meme* VIP+

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    sorry but i just gotta come in here
    archer can survive the ice cave for years with 1 hp
    mage will never even be on 1k health
    and warrior can war scream for days
    had to say that
  15. TurtleTheSeawing

    TurtleTheSeawing That dragon that's studying magic HERO

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    I just hope people remember whar I said before. Please calm down slightly waith the arguments. People might have calmed down, idk, I haven't had enough time to read all the replies, but I just wanted to say this again.
    Also I kinda wanted to bring more attention to this thread so people know not to really post threads about this topic.
    Ventus333 and XavierEXE like this.
  16. Lea

    Lea Hi!

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    Possibly the only problem I have is mana when travelling with vanish. Other than that I'm fine with it.
    Also, if you went and look at Wynncraft videos before Gavel update. You can see that if you run with vanish. It doesn't drain mana (For some reason). And also multiunit uses 8 mana (or 7) and It can be really op with good mana steal. So I think assassin is fine for now
    TurtleTheSeawing likes this.
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