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Media Regarding This Supposed "assassin Nerf"

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by TurtleTheSeawing, Feb 18, 2016.


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  1. DirtyDoge

    DirtyDoge Master Procastinator HERO

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    I know the specific reason :D
    I finally feel like I'm included in something!
    TurtleTheSeawing likes this.
  2. jpmrocks

    jpmrocks A Lone Wanderer

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    Anyone who says Assassin needs a buff has not played warrior for more than a day.
  3. Lesliep

    Lesliep Lazy Wynn Mage

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    out of curiosity, does that increased single target damage only count for melee? After all, i believe bomb arrow is a solid aoe move.
    TurtleTheSeawing likes this.
  4. XavierEXE

    XavierEXE ♪ Wynncraft's Composer and Ability Tree Lead ♫ ♪ Music Item Team CHAMPION

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    I don't even need to watch the video to take a guess as to what amulet you're speaking of.
    The One.PNG
    For the stats that show when you pick a class,
    Strength is for the power of your basic attack
    Defence is for the amount of damage you take
    Spells is for the power, range, damage, defence, and overall effectiveness of your spells
    Range is how far your basic attack can hit
    TurtleTheSeawing likes this.
  5. Lesliep

    Lesliep Lazy Wynn Mage

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    Ah. Thanks, I always thought all of the things were for over all, spells included
  6. Kraby

    Kraby *insert clever meme* VIP+

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    they didnt change assassin's play style , they RUINED its play style , the thing is now instead of sneaking ON people and using a multi hit or a spin attack assassins just stay far away and spam smoke bombs like archers , why?
    smoke bomb deals 3 times the damage of multi hit and costs less mana with bigger range , also vanish takes up all your mana so when you finally reach the enemy ur bar is empty
    anyways overall #nerf smokebomb #buff multi hit #buff vanish's hunger regen
    Fread likes this.
  7. XavierEXE

    XavierEXE ♪ Wynncraft's Composer and Ability Tree Lead ♫ ♪ Music Item Team CHAMPION

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    Your problem is you're trying to use the playstyle of one build with the gear and skill points of another. Come back when you have mana regen gear and good spell damage boosts.
  8. Kraby

    Kraby *insert clever meme* VIP+

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    i have good spell damage boost and 5/4 mana regen . just saying but while you are in vanish any kind of mana regen , even on your armor DOESNT WORK
    which is why the "new play style" of assassin just wont work
  9. TurtleTheSeawing

    TurtleTheSeawing That dragon that's studying magic HERO

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    It actually does work... you just aren't using it right, please calm down a bit, you seem to be a bit aggressive about a game right now...
    XavierEXE likes this.
  10. Kraby

    Kraby *insert clever meme* VIP+

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    i am not aggressive in any way ... all i did was explaining my point , and no it doesnt work , how can one not use stats right , its not like i have to do something to gain that mana regen and it doesnt work while in vanish
  11. not bagged milk

    not bagged milk bagged milk VIP+

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    I have an epic guide to be good at assassin:
    1. Have decent gear/build.
    2. Don't be a dumbass and run into battle.
    3. You're done.
    Seriously this isn't Assassin's Creed, you don't have infinite health.
    Super_V1, Kahsol, Devourer and 7 others like this.
  12. Ventus333

    Ventus333 Xaldinite, Adventurer, and Mage.

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    First off- 5/4 is decent, not great... You usually want about 8/4 or more in my opinion for a mana regen set
    Second- you are (or were) slightly agressive but we will respect your opinion if you cool down
    Third- their is an art to placing stats, if you dont place them well, you WILL get destroyed...

    Assassin isnt a tank like warrior, you shouldnt be letting everything in close unless you have the skills and mana to deal with them. If you find yourself running out of mana to quickly, invest more in intelligence or change your play-style so you dont get into the center of the fray

    The invisibility isnt supposed to be your main utility at the moment- just as arrow shield isnt an archers. Its a conditional thing that takes timing and practice... For an escape or a confusion.

    Smoke bomb is good, utalize it and the effect it has on mobs- I believe it blinds them temporarily so you canget in close and sweep them... Not positive though... This would make it (basicaky) sudo invisibility that you were saying you lacked

    In any case- its just about making sure you have the proper gear for your play-style, as well as the right skill point build to aid you :)
    TurtleTheSeawing likes this.
  13. Devourer

    Devourer Lava Warrior VIP+

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    This whole 'Assassin needs a nerf thing' reminds me of when they changed the archer bow mechanics. Everyone was like, "Archer is way shorter range and but can instant fire, it's either too op or too up." Then we all got used to. I remember when someone (I think it was @Francis12qwasyx ? not sure. But I'll use Francis as the example) made a petition to change it back, even for hunter. Francis originally supported it but when lots of people started agreeing with what he had said, including me, then he realised that it was just a different playstyle. The same is for this change. As for the new mage heal too, which changed a lot. Same for every balance/nerf: nobody is happy the moment it happens. Then we get used to it.
    Assassin used to be like a more op and stealthier version of warrior: spin attack destroyed everything around you, vanish made you win most battles, multi-hit killed you with one cast and smoke bomb was the high damage ranged attack. Assassin had very high weapon damage, possibly higher than archer in some cases. It had high defence for a stealthy class too.

    Now, it is a lot better. Instead of hitting hard, it attacks very fast. Spin attack, yes it brings in enemies, but it brings in enemies for you to be able to hit. Vanish wastes tonnes of mana, but that is what it's meant for: it uses up mana to make you invisible, so you can't use it all the time or you die. Multi-hit is now more of a disable attack, or you can use it to escape. Smoke bomb? I've seen people use it in soloing Qira videos. It looks like it does decent damage and it traps enemies.

    Assassin used to be a pay2win class. Then it was a decently tanky, one-shotting, stealth class. Now it is still decently tanky, still a stealth class, but is low damaging but very fast. And, it also traps enemies very well.
  14. Kraby

    Kraby *insert clever meme* VIP+

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    ok lets start
    1) i wasnt agressive , people see someone uses caps and they straight up think he is aggressive , you cant control it thats how it works , i used caps to bold the key word of my sentence
    2) 5/4 mana regen is more than enough . one shouldnt go for a full mana set to be able to vanish for a few seconds and what does it have to do with anything , what i said was that mana regen doesnt work while you are in vanish meaning you run out of mana in a few second while in vanish which is unfair because you need vanish to get close to your enemies and strike them like assassin is meant to be played as
    3) it has nothing to do with my build , i know how to make good builds , mine uses water as well , the thing is that other classes are simply better than assassin since assassin is not good at what its meant to be good at
    4) arrow shield can work just fine for archers as a main ability , its infact pretty op if you can build your class around it , vanish is not meant to help you escape only , its meant to let you sneak on enemies but you cant because of the reasons mentioned above
    5) the fact that you mention smoke bomb as a good ability and not any other ability proves my points even more , look at the class description , it clearly says : 1/5 range yet the best ability the class has is ranged , might as well play archer and no it doesnt blind the enemy it slows it , meaning your point is invaild

    its really not all about that , every class can be good with a good build , not every class can be as good as anothre with a good build
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2016
    Klichei likes this.
  15. Baezingashinga

    Baezingashinga Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    If people think it's been nerfed too hard they should start a new assassin class maybe level it up to let's say 40 so they can get used to the new play style. In my opinion warrior deserves a slight buff but other than that it's perfect.

    EDIT: my level 80 assassin can deal 5-10k damage per multihit so clearly the assassin nerf is not really a nerf :/
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2016
  16. MajesticMaj

    MajesticMaj 11 Mythics Found | 40,131 chests HERO

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    Love this thread, completely agree on it, before Gavel my level75 assassin was literally unbeatable with my 70 agility, 70 defence build. I remained undefeated on it, but Mage always has been my favourite class so I scrapped my assassin and played Mage & Dark Wizard again XD
    TurtleTheSeawing and Ventus333 like this.
  17. Francis12qwasyx

    Francis12qwasyx Hacker Extraordinaire VIP

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    I just wish to point out that I am for the old archer mechanics instead of the "new" paint-ball archer. Sure, it fixed glitches, but they could've been fixed in other ways other than changing the pull-back on bows. I would link to the petition but forum reset....
    Anyway this thread isn't about archer - so here is what I think about a change to assassin class:
    Thank you.
    All assassin used to be was a better warrior. Warrior 2.0. Build it tanky with life-steal and you'd never die. Build it offensive with mana steal and you'd kill everything. Spread it out between those and you'd be unstoppable completely. In PvP assassin was the "easy" button. Sure, maybe good archers could see your vanish smoke and shoot you before you got close enough, but mostly as long as you weren't playing completely stupid you'd end up somewhere near the top.
  18. Ventus333

    Ventus333 Xaldinite, Adventurer, and Mage.

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    Only mentioned smoke bomb because i was trying to keep it short- Spin attack is used to keep enimies off your back... Multihit to channel and throw them (as well as regenerate health). And i didn't see the caps as agressive, i saw the repeated argument and statements like above- the fact that you wont acknowledge or concede on any front is what makes it aggressive in relation to the pushing ONLY your ideas on others. I repeat, 5/4 isnt the best- its for somone who doesnt rely super heavily on spells- but for someone who wants to vanish to get into the thick of things, I don't believe its enough. You wouldnt regenerate it quickly enough for spells in my opinion. You might. So i wont argue further their as its a play-style choice. The stats in the class choice (as it was stated MANY times on MANY thread by QUALIFIED people) is your DPS and range on basic your melee attack- not the dps or range on spells. The only stat their that HAS an effect on the spells is the spellcasting ability. The DPS for assasin can hit multiple targets with a basic attack, giving it a higher attack stat than archers who can only hit one thing at a time. You are right on smoke bomb being a slowdown, i must have mixed spin attack and that. Spin attack also has slowing capabilities in addition to blinding mobs (i read the wiki this time), smoke bomb just slows them. Again- look for the thread that describes blindness on mobs- its almost more useful than vanish when it comes to a quick escape. Other than that, im done arguing on this point- if you wont acknowledge or see any other point of veiw as even CLOSE to something you can agree with its not worth my time or effore to try.
  19. ohwooops

    ohwooops Not Very Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    With my build, and being lvl 93, I can kill a rodoroc citizen fairly quickly :3
    There's no need for complaining now, you just need a good build for the class. However, on your point about being sneaky, I understand that definitely in PvP. I play filthily and hide behind walls literally right in front of my opponent =') But for PvE mobs will still go at you, unless you're vanished. I've been grinding in the ice caves, and vanish is only useful if you're surrounded/against a wall. Apart from that, I find that not using vanish at all while killing mobs is more efficient, as you don't use up your precious mana. I find that vanish is only really useful for escaping/against players/ against bosses.
    Ventus333 likes this.
  20. Kahsol

    Kahsol Local Serial Liker CHAMPION

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    I love how your one of the/the only one complaining. Just give it up, this is the wrong thread to shit on assassin. :P
    TurtleTheSeawing and Ventus333 like this.
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