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Refer Too Wynncraft Gamedesign Thread

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by griffin012, Jan 5, 2016.

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  1. Moe_Ronickah

    Moe_Ronickah Traveling through hyperspace . . .. CHAMPION

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    That, my friend, is the most welcome thing that you could have said! It explains why you have limited experience on the forums, and it explains where you are coming from. I, for one, am very glad to read this. As I said, we have been over a lot of this, however, please, please add anything that you come up with, because, believe it or not, the admins, the gents who own and code the game, the GMs, the people that design the quests, and the builders, all read these threads. The mods read them, too, and the other staff do listen to the mods. So, if something comes up that is really a point that needs to be addressed, it generally does get addressed, in my experience. As you are a long time player, who is fairly new to the forums, welcome to the crowd!
    Ackro likes this.
  2. That_Chudley

    That_Chudley Wynncraft Addict HERO

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    Perhaps if we were given 1 hint about it, that might make people more interested in the quest and less angry at it... (For example, once you are level 80 and the quest is unlocked then the quest title reads Clock Conundrum (I have not done the ??? quest and have no idea what it's about, so I'll pretend it's about the clocks). But there are no co-ordinates given or other hints, just a name that fits the quest and helps rather than annoys ad makes people risk getting banned. :D
  3. Argagaes

    Argagaes Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I think it would become too easy then. Remember that if it really was super hard it wouldn't be called ???. It is still meant to be doable with that info.
  4. BigMacYoshi

    BigMacYoshi Card Master of Corkus & All-Knowing Psychic VIP+

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    Okay, I have to point this out: the word "too" is only used in a sentence if you can replace it with "also" or "as well".
    So PLEASE don't use "too" when it's "to", it hurts my brain
  5. moon

    moon idk VIP+

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    Ok i honestly could not understand what you where trying to say, sorry. Whatever i'm about to say may not make sense either, because I don't clearly understand the topic and the way i talk can be confusing. First, i believe u where trying to say that people should never have help with quests or if someone helps them they should be banned or somthing like that. I can understand why it's maybe bannable to help with a quest like ??? but why would it be to help with other quests? I am personally really bad at doing quests, considering it took me half an hour to do cook's assistant at lvl 77. I get practically carried through like half the quests I do. (I promise i won't do that for this ??? Quest). Even if i'm being carried during a quest, the feeling of being imersed (sorry I can't spell) is still there. I enjoy having my friend's carry me through them, and in my opinion, it makes the game more fun. So I don't think you really have a right to be talking about this subject. If the admin's/mod's/important people don't want players to have help during that quest, it's there descision, not your's. And please, at least try to use proper grammer so peoe can actuakly understand what you want to say.

    Just saying that as it may ruin the experience for some players, other players like myself actually enjoy it this way. Although it may not be the ideal way people like it to happen, people like me enjoy help. Then again, if the wynn team doesn't qant us to get help, I guess i'll have to be productive for once.

    Thank you if you read this. And correct my grammer if it's wrong pls
    Mauldurza247 and bnmaz like this.
  6. MajesticMaj

    MajesticMaj 11 Mythics Found | 40,131 chests HERO

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    Alright so in real life I am a person who gets annoyed with incorrect grammar but I can take it and not mention it. But GOD DAMN YOUR GRAMMAR IS SO TERRIBLE IT'S HARD FOR ME TO READ. I keep reading sentences wrong as one of your mistakes is using the word "too" wrong. Usually it'd be fine but this is just not okay..
    Same goes for me.. ;-;
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