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Dungeons Reduce The Grootslang Raid Player Req Down To 3, Or Increase The Party Level Cap

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by TheEpicCajun, Jan 20, 2021.


Do you agree with this change?

  1. Reducing player req

    19 vote(s)
  2. Increasing level cap

    9 vote(s)
  3. neither (new solution)

    1 vote(s)
  4. neither (keep everything as is)

    1 vote(s)
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  1. TheEpicCajun

    TheEpicCajun bee HERO

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    As it stands right now, getting a party for the Grootslang Raid is a nightmare and unnecessarily difficult for endgame-level players. Getting a party for this raid for the tome slot should not be this annoying and there are not going to be many level ~50 players to run this raid. Most of the people running the raid are going to be endgame players in the level 100 range looking to unlock that crucial tome slot, and the fact that those players have to meticulously hunt down multiple low level players to do the raid is ridiculous. It almost seems like the real difficulty of the raid is finding a group to run with it instead of the raid itself.

    To fix the LFG shitshow, either reduce the minimum player requirement to 3, so a 3 stack of 106's can run the raid, or raise the level cap (preferably up to 424 so a 4 stack of 106's can run it).

    EDIT: For the player cap option, a 4 stack could still run the raid of they wanted to as long as their party was within the level cap, so the minimum requirement would be reduced to 3, while the max player count would still be 4 as it currently is.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2021
  2. Novalescent

    Novalescent Retired Wynncraft Systematic Recreation Developer HERO

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    What could be possible instead is make it so NotG requires 3-4 players instead. That way, you can do it both 3-man and 4-man. 3-man for those endgame players who need to group up to do it once, and 4-man if you'd like to do it with a bunch of your lower level friends still.
  3. TheEpicCajun

    TheEpicCajun bee HERO

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    Yeah I forgot to clarify that 4 players could still run the raid if they wished, but that the minimum player requirement is 3, while the max (current) would be 4
  4. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    I pitched this back on the Hero Beta suggestions section, but I think the best solution to all the issues raids have with entry is to give them the same requirement that RoL's raid is going to have where it's a level cap of 500 and 4-6 players, that way 4 endgame players can take it on, or 6 lower level players can give it a try. In a perfect world, I think it would be great if that was dropped to 3-6 players, but regardless I think a universal application of the same entry rules to every raid would solve a lot of the issues with getting in them (especially Grootslang) while also making it easier to remember what party size and level you need since it's the same for all of them. It's kind of weird to me that only one raid has a range for players and another raid has a cap which completely prevents high level players from doing it without risking their chances of winning on a bunch of under leveled players.

    Also, just want to clarify I voted neither because I think they should do both and I couldn't chose more then one.
  5. Corvusio

    Corvusio Dernic civilisation has a deep history ! CHAMPION

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    As it is right now it is litteraly impossible or very hard to find a party, I have 5 classes over level 100 and I do not want to get stuck without the completion for the tome. Increasing the level cap to 400 would be a good solution and reducing the minimum player requirement to 3 would also work. Personnaly I do not like this kind of requirements, I understand why they exist but if they make the raid impossible to complete this isn't a good design or it needs to be modified so everyone can acces it without too much trouble. Even ??? for example has a player requirement and it isn't a problem (mostly because there isn't a level cap but rather a level requirement)
    This doesn't have to be annoying to do if it only need to be done once you are right.
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