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World Realm of Light IV and Aldorei's Secret Part 2 Rework

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Etherweaver, Jan 31, 2023.


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  1. Etherweaver

    Etherweaver Overseer of the Realm

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    This is quite an old project, its start dating back to several months ago. This was originally intended to be a full rework of the ROL storyline, spanning 5 quests and adding in an extra secret discovery. However, early into the planning stage, it was discarded due to being far too large, and I never picked it back up.
    Well, until now. As @WithTheFish's quest competition gave me an opportunity to continue it, I decided to finally write part of the storyline and post what I had. And after two weeks of work, I finally finished ROL 4 (which I considered the most important part of the rework) and a secret discovery that served to cover up a major plot hole.
    (Certain segments of long dialogue can be skipped if you've completed the quest before by clicking three times on a nearby icon. Such segments are marked below.)

    +675000 exp points

    +6180 emeralds/0 emeralds

    +Wax and Wane (https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/custom/#10000GWax and Wane012Z These realms are in a constant push and pull- Battles that could not be seen by those of this world, waged constantly.0230560M020170j013850k010EK0l013UY0n01358110102712010271A010721E01336)

    + Access to Light Portal

    Stage 1: >> Find Lari in the Light Forest at (insert coords here)

    Lari stands under the large tree at (coords here), seemingly intensely focused. Her back is turned to you.

    Lari: (In High Gavellian) Blessed guardian, let Orphion’s light once again shine upon your roots. Grow and awaken, I beg you, and restore the broken bonds that you once held together.

    Lari fires a beam of light towards the roots of the tree. Writhing tendrils of green nature magic burst from the ground and envelop the plant’s trunk. She waits expectantly for a few seconds but nothing happens. Eventually, she turns to you, surprised.

    Lari: Ah..[Playername]. What brings you here?

    [1]: What are you doing?

    Lari: This plant is called a Guardian tree. Many once grew throughout the forests, imbued with powerful light magic that allowed them to defend Gavel against external threats.

    Lari: This one is the last remaining in Gavel to my knowledge. I am.. trying.. to restore it to the light!”

    She casts another pulse of nature magic but it rebounds off the stump, causing a nearby patch of grass to suddenly burst into bloom.

    [2.]: Just passing through.

    Lari: I see. So he has brought you here as well? It must have been no coincidence that you came.

    Lari: Regardless, would you mind assisting me with a brief task? It will not take up that much of your time, I assure you.

    Lari: You see, this plant here is called a Guardian tree. Many once grew in the forests, imbued with powerful light magic that allowed them to defend Gavel against external threats.

    Lari: This one is the last remaining in Gavel to my knowledge. I am.. trying.. to restore it to the light!”

    She casts another pulse of nature magic but it rebounds off the stump, causing a nearby patch of grass to suddenly burst into bloom.

    [1]: What happened to them?

    Lari: Let us..ehm..not discuss that now. The task at hand is more important for the time being.

    Lari: You see, this tree is still young and not fully grown. If it was only fifty years older, I would attempt to imbue it with power..but I fear it is still unsuited to do so.

    Lari: If you may, allow me to concentrate now. Growth magic can be rather difficult to perform.

    Lari: (In High Gavellian)
    Hear my pleas, noble protector. Let my magic flow through your roots and wake you from your sleep. The land calls to you. You are needed.
    She casts a powerful beam of growth magic that envelops the tree. Light bursts from the Guardian’s stump, releasing a shower of sparks.

    When the light fades, Lari steps forwards and finds the tree unchanged.

    Lari: I don’t understand! Why won’t it react to my spells?

    She shakes her head and steps backward.

    Lari: If only I had D…him with me. He was always so much more adept than me at the druidic magic.

    [1]: Who?

    Lari: It is nothing. You need not be concerned for me.

    She studies the tree intently.

    Lari: I suppose this shall suffice for now. If I am correct, the Guardian should be grown enough.

    Lari: [Playername], if you mind, could you assist me with a task?

    [1.] I need time to get ready.

    Lari: I see. Once you’re prepared, please talk to me here. I’ll be waiting.

    [2.] What do you need me to do?

    Lari: Let me inform you first. We need to visit the elven city of Aldorei, the homeland of my kind.

    Lari: The elves are a reclusive people and generally hostile to outsiders not of their race. However, they will open the city’s gates to me.

    Lari: The city’s six elders keep hold of a metaphysical collection of magical influence known as the land’s memories. That is what we seek. If the memories are restored to the Guardian tree, it will renew its connection to the Light and rebuild the barrier around Gavel.

    Lari: Fortunately, the Elders will not deny us. My brother Birch sits at the head of their council, and he would never object to us. It’d still be best, though, if you accompany me in case of any..trouble along the way.

    Lari: Once you are ready, please meet me at the gate to Aldorei Town. I will lead us inside.

    Stage 2: >> Meet Lari in Aldorei at (coords here)

    You find Lari standing under the waterfall near the gate to Aldorei Town. She’s wearing a dark blue traveling cloak with a hood that obscures the upper half of her face.

    Lari: Welcome to Aldorei, [playername]. You arrived with surprising haste.

    Lari: Have you noticed the large oaken door ahead of us? That is the gate to the city proper, where the Elders reside. Humans are generally forbidden from entering, but I am sure my presence will allow for an exception.

    Lari: Before we go, however, I would like to talk to you for a moment.

    Lari: I..apologize for my behavior in the Taproot, achara. It was childish of me, and…unbefitting of a chosen of the Light. I truly do hope you can take it in your heart to forgive me.

    Lari: ..Enough of my ramblings. I’m sure you wouldn’t want to trouble yourself with my problems. Let us move on then, shall we?

    Lari: Go ahead and talk to the guard. I’ll follow you shortly.

    Stage 3: >> Talk to the guard besides Aldorei’s gate at (coords here)

    Guard Olon: Hey! You there! What do you think you’re doing? No humans are allowed in our city. You'd better have a good reason for even trying to enter!

    Lari: Wait, guardsman. I am with them.

    She takes off her hood.

    Guard Olon: And who are you?

    Lari: Do you not know me? I am Lari, chosen of Orphion and the sister of High Elder Birch. I have been sent here on the Light’s own command. You must let us in.

    She begins to walk towards the gate but Olon pushes her away with a spell.

    Guard Olon: Not so fast there! The Council of Elders expressly forbid us to let you of all people in the city. Take this human with you and leave us alone. Don’t even try to find another way in.

    Lari: What is the meaning of this?

    Lari: This is an absurdity! Birch would never deny another elf access to the city. Let us in now or face the Light’s wrath!

    Guard Olon: We’re not intimidated by you, outcast. Everyone knows that you’re too craven to fight. Now get out before I call for reinforcements!

    [1]: (If you completed Aldorei's Secret and have the Elven Medallion) Wait, I have something you might want to see.

    Guard Olon: Is that..an elven medallion? How? How did you come across that?

    [1]: I stopped the robbery of a rare plant recently.

    Guard Olon: That was…. you? I..truly apologize for my previous behavior, honored Elf-friend. Thank you for protecting Aldorei, human. We welcome you to our city.

    [1]: Lari will go with me.

    Guard Olon: Are you sure? I wouldn’t deny one like you, but she has an infamous reputation around here.

    [1]: I insist on it.

    Guard Olon. ..Very well. Before you go, though, take this. It is but a small token of Aldorei’s gratitude towards you.

    +6182 emeralds.

    Olon opens the gate, allowing you in.

    [2]: We will take our leave.

    Olon: You’d better!

    Lari turns to you.

    Lari: Meet me back by the waterfall. We can discuss the situation there.

    Stage 4: >> Talk to Lari at (coords here)

    Lari: I don’t understand! Why would Birch deny me access?

    Lari: It must have been an accident. He still cares, I know it! He would never do anything like this!

    Lari: He called me.. craven… could Birch think that? Is that why?

    Lari: Does he still..? No, no, no, he couldn’t have. He doesn’t kn….

    Lari seems to finally see you and shakes her head.

    Lari: There’s no use rambling, is there? I shouldn’t be bothering you, of all people, with these pointless vexations.

    Lari: I’m truly sorry, [playername]. I did not expect these..complications to occur. I’ll find us a different solution, I promise.

    Lari: We shouldn’t dwell on that, regardless. Let’s consider our possibilities, shall we?

    Lari: The gate can’t possibly be the only way to enter the city. Perhaps we can scale the mountains? Enter through the eastern entrance? No, that’s not possible. The Sol Guard watches the borders constantly.

    [1]: There’s a waterfall leading from below the town.

    Lari: Of course, the underground river. We could secretly enter the town if we somehow managed to scale it!

    Lari: Wait. I may have an idea. Meet me by Aldorei’s waterfall, will you? We still might have a chance.

    Stage 4.7: >>Meet Lari by Aldorei’s waterfall at (coords here)

    Lari: This waterfall should lead directly beneath the town. Of course, scaling the rapids normally is impossible-but there might still be a way to do so.

    Lari: One of the nearby caves was formerly used as a Cinfrasian scrapyard. It’s still filled with mechanical parts, even some abandoned pieces of Corkian machines. However, after some rogue earth spirits possessed the pieces of junk, the cave was completely abandoned and the machines left to rust.

    Lari: Even now, the parts are still probably fairly well-preserved. Try salvaging some pieces from the cave and we’ll see what we can build.

    Lari: Before you go, however, a word of warning. The spirits that inhabit the cave have been poisoned by their rusted metal bodies; they’ll be unruly or maybe even hostile. You might need to defend yourself if necessary.

    Lari: Good luck, human. I’ll meet you here once you have the parts.

    Stage 4.8: >>Salvage mechanical parts from the earth spirits at (coords here.)

    This section is primarily meant to introduce you to the Aldorei’s Waterfall XP grinding spot. Here,
    you’ll need to kill 10 cave mobs without dying in order to receive 1 [Corkian Boat Parts.]
    Dying, switching classes and worlds, or leaving the cave will reset the objective, and you’ll need to enter the cave again to restart the section.
    You’ll take 40% less damage from the cave’s mobs while in the stage.

    Lari: You have the parts? Very good. Let us begin, then.

    Place the parts on the ground to continue. A cloud of dust particles will surround the parts, and you’ll hear anvil and firework sounds for a few seconds.
    After the dust subsides, a fully completed boat will appear on the ground.

    [+1 Corkian Speedboat Controller]

    Lari: I believe this will suffice for now. You’re far better at this than I thought, human. Have you had any experience with Corkian machines before?

    Lari: I suppose it doesn’t matter. We have little time to spare on such trivial matters, do we?

    Lari walks up to the waterfall.

    Lari: Now this will be the difficult part. The underground river spans from this waterfall to the opposite end of the town. It’s barely maintained, and is fraught with falling rocks and strong rapids. You’ll have to be exceedingly careful not to break the boat on them, as fragile as it already is.

    Lari: It says here that the Corkian propeller you found was once part of a boat similar to this one. Since we have the controller as well, they should both function the same way.

    Lari: Apparently left-clicking with the remote will provide you with a temporary boost of speed. Right-clicking with enough fuel will allow you to jump and glide briefly.

    Lari: Not too difficult, isn’t it? I’m sure you’ll do well.

    Lari: Push the boat into the water once you’re ready.

    Stage 4.9: >>Scale the rapids with your speedboat.

    In the following section, you’ll have to scale the waterfall and navigate the underground river in your new boat. While the boat’s base movements, which are controlled using the WASD keys, are akin to a vanilla boat, the [Corkian Speedboat Controller] item can perform 2 other functions.
    Right-clicking, which has a three-second cooldown, will allow you to surf, providing you with a boost in speed for a few seconds. You’ll need to surf in order to climb waterfalls and ascend slopes. Left-clicking, which has a five-second cooldown, will let you jump, launching you two blocks into the air and allowing you to glide briefly. You’ll need to utilize this function in order to avoid currents and whirlpools.
    While steering, you’ll need to watch out for four obstacles.
    Waterfalls and rapids (elevated blocks of water) will occasionally block your path, forcing you to surf in order to climb them. Whirlpools, symbolized by swirls of water particles, will frequent the path, dragging you towards them and slowing you down. Currents in the form of smoke particles will push your boat backwards a distance of two blocks, and stalactites, telegraphed by falling dirt particles, will sometimes drop from the ceilings. Being hit by a stalactite will reset your run.
    Eventually, regardless of method, you’ll make your way inside the town of Aldorei. Lari will be waiting at (coords here.)
    Stage 5: >>Talk to Lari at (coords here).
    Lari: Welcome to Aldorei, [playername.]

    Lari: It’s been so long since I’ve come here. My entire childhood was spent here…and yet it still feels so unfamiliar-a place with the same appearance but a different soul altogether.

    Lari: It’s strange, isn’t it? It’s the same place; the same council still rules, the same elves walk its streets. And yet, why does it seem so..foreign?

    Lari: I suppose that should not trouble you with these pointless things. Let us find the Elders, shall we?

    Lari: Meet me beside the city’s bank, at (coords here.) If I remember correctly, the Elders hold council in a room above.

    Stage 6: >>Meet Lari at (coords here.)

    (This dialogue segment is skippable.)

    Lari: If what the guard said about my presence being unwanted is true, then it should be best if we move discreetly.

    Lari: Let me just…

    Lari stares at the ground, muttering in High Gavellian.

    Lari (In High Gavellian) Feel the Light coursing through your roots! Take it and grow, reach for the skies with renewed vigor!

    A stalk of vines suddenly bursts from the ground, forming a short parkour leading into the council room.

    After climbing the vines, you’ll be able to enter the chamber from an open window. Lari will follow you in, making her way to the front of the room to confront the assembled Elders.

    Six Elders of Aldorei are amassed in the room, standing atop raised podiums of marble. You notice that the central podium, which stands tallest in the room, is abandoned.

    The Elders stand frozen in utter shock. Finally, Oak, the Elder to the right of the central podium, shakes his head and jumps down.

    Oak: You! How did you get in here? What is the meaning of this intrusion?

    Willow, the Elder to the left of the podium, jumps down as well.

    Willow: Leave our council room at once, Light-forsaken. You have no business here, do you hear me? And human-you know better than to meddle in affairs beyond your influence.

    The rightmost elder notices you, turning sharply around.

    Aspen: I see you carry a medallion of our people. Friend of Aldorei, I must ask you, why do you aid this outcast? I know you mean well, but this is no business for traveling humans to partake in.

    Elm: Let us speak of you, exile. You were forbidden expressly from returning, why must you do so now? What do you seek here that is this important to you?

    [1]: We’ve come here looking for the land’s memories.

    Oak: ….

    Oak: The land’s memories? Are you both mad? The memories are powerful, invaluable magical artifacts. They are not to be accessed unless in the most dire of situations-and this is far from it.

    [1] The Decay has consumed all of Kander and now is spreading into the Light Forest.

    Oak: Do you truly think the pestilence will reach our forest? So you truly are insane, are you not? The Decay has been kept at our borders for hundreds of years. It will stay that way for hundreds of years more.

    Willow: If this is why you’ve come here, then leave at once. We will not have the memories squandered on a traitor to our people!

    Lari suddenly shudders, her breath hissing sharply.

    Lari: ..What have you done to him? What have you done to my brother?

    [2]: We’ve come to seek forgiveness.

    Willow: Forgiveness? You believe that you can simply be pardoned for what you did? You are an even greater fool than I thought.

    Lari: I didn’t, you must understand! I could not control it!

    Willow: You-you and him both could have stopped it easily; and yet you did not. The blame is yours to bear, and there is nothing you can do to change it.

    Willow: At the very least, he had the decency to repent his actions. You, however, somehow managed to worsen the severity of the situation every further.

    Lari suddenly shudders, her breath hissing sharply. She looks around for a moment, turning frantically.

    Lari: …What have you done to him? What have you done to my brother?

    Oak: Do you truly not know? You have been living under a rock for the past few years, haven’t you?

    Elm: The High Elder resigned from his position two years ago, taking the laurel crown with him. Your brother is gone, and unless he returns, the position cannot be fulfilled.

    Lari steps back, shaking her head.

    Lari: No..he can’t have! This cannot be-Birch would never abandon his position! You must have done something-tell me now, what is it?

    Hickory: We speak the truth. If he still lives at all, it’s a life of utter isolation. We haven’t heard even a single word of his whereabouts.

    Lari: You-you have to be lying. My brother would not desert Aldorei; I refuse to believe it!

    Oak: Enough of this! You will leave at once, exile, before we call the guards on you!

    A vortex of Light begins to swirl around Lari.

    Lari: Where is he? Tell me at once!

    Willow: Guards! GUARDS!

    You pull Lari with you and escape the room.

    You emerge from the room at (coords here), where Lari awaits.

    Stage 7: >>Talk to Lari at (coords here.)

    Lari stands outside with her back turned to you, seemingly speaking to the air.

    Lari: Why, Orphion, must he be lost as well now? How many sacrifices will I have to make?

    As you draw near, she turns in surprise.

    Lari: Ah, I didn’t see you there, [playername].

    Lari: I’m truly sorry you had to do that. The blame here is mine to take.

    Lari: I do apologize if I’ve not been at my best. To say the least, this was quite…unexpected.

    Lari: I’ve always imagined Birch to be living contentedly as an Elder. To know that..this has happened is troubling news.

    Lari: But...let me move on. If the Elders were responsible, they must have banished him discreetly. I don’t believe the council to be capable of killing him-to do so is a terrible crime, and one only punishable by death.

    Lari: Even if it was by choice, I do not believe he would have left quietly. No-he was always too driven, too honorable to do that.

    Lari: Either way, we simply must bring him back. His status as an Elder of Aldorei grants him the ability to open the gates to the Vault of Memories alone.

    Lari: Let me see...if Birch left by foot or horse, then the watchmen of the Canyon would surely record that.

    Lari: The only place where such records would be stored would be…Cinfras. A city that our people aren’t allowed inside.

    Lari: If the Light truly demands it, then you must go to Cinfras alone. I’d advise you to seek the Archive Tower at (coords here.) If you can find a way inside, you should be able to find the records in no time.

    Lari: Me? Rest assured, I have no problem with this. If Orphion wants you to carry out this task, then I will ..not stand in your way.

    Stage 8: >>Find clues to Birch’s whereabouts at the Cinfras Archives at (coords here).

    In the next stage of the quest, you’ll have to travel to Cinfras and sneak into the Archive Tower by the Guild Hall.
    To get to the Tower, you’ll need to make your way through a short stealth minigame, where you’ll sneak past Tower Guardsmen by climbing onto ledges or hiding behind walls.
    If a guard sees you, the following dialogue will play and you’ll be sent to the beginning of the course.

    Tower Guard: Hey, what are you doing here? This place is off-limits to visitors!

    In the next stage of the minigame, you’ll make your way up a short rooftop parkour and climb a ladder into the tower.
    Eventually, you’ll enter an open window at the top of the tower and enter the archive room.

    Sitting on one shelf will be a scroll marked “Watchman’s Records, 998 AP.” Clicking it will allow you to read a few lines of dialogue.

    -11:00: A hunting party of five Jinko tribesmen are spotted near Mt. Ramshorn.

    -11:50: Jinko return with the carcass of what seems to be a mountain goat.

    -13:50: Six strange elves leave the Canyon exit at Aldorei. One of them seems to be unconscious, carried within a floating magical sphere. Investigate further.

    -14:20: Elves enter Fourcross Chasm.

    Note: Chasm is dangerous due to Colossus Spawn and geothermal activity. Keep a significant distance away.

    -15:10: Five elves, not including the sixth, return. On further inspection, they seem to be Elders of Aldorei.

    Note: Due to neutrality pact, do not engage. However, discreetly inform of elven activity to the Lord Captain.

    -16:00: Lone orc, possibly a Marathon of Bladetomb, spotted near Elphelk’s Crossing.

    Note: Orc activity is highly concerning, report to the Lord Captain at once.

    This should be enough information. You should return to Lari now.

    Stage 9: >> Return to Lari with your newfound information either by using the Juggler Merchant or walking to (coords here).

    Lari: Ah, you’re back. I guarantee that you succeeded?

    You tell Lari of what you found.

    Lari: So the other Elders did imprison him, after all. I suppose it’s a small relief that they didn’t simply execute him on the spot.

    Lari: Fourcross, hm? I’ve heard of it before, it’s a place of ill repute-primarily due to two factors. I’ll explain the first now.

    Lari: Supposedly, the chasm was never a fully natural place-it was built as a sort of temple-city by worshippers of an unusually large golem.

    Lari: Over time, as the golem eroded, its fragments were carved by the followers into stone constructs; similar to the Colossus Spawn that can be found deeper into the Canyon.

    Lari: The constructs served as protectors-to the people of the chasm, they were unstoppable, nigh-invincible soldiers. Under their guard, the civilization prospered.

    Lari: But all would be upended when the Canyon Colossus first malfunctioned. The constructs suddenly began to rampage mindlessly, laying waste to the city that had once prided itself on its creations.

    Lari: Those that survived fled across the Canyon, leaving their ruined city behind. Nature would once again reclaim the chasm, and the tale too would fade into oblivion.

    Lari: Even now, the constructs still reside within the chasm. If Birch is truly inside, you will need to destroy or render them incapacitated.

    Lari: I will try to aid you-but know that if the canyon separates us, you will have to move on yourself. When you’re ready, talk to me at (coords here.) We have little time to waste.

    Stage 10: >>Speak to Lari at the entrance to Fourcross Chasm in the Canyon of the Lost.

    Lari: You’ve certainly haven’t wasted time in coming here, [playername].

    Lari: Ahead is the entrance to the chasm. Do you remember what I said to you about the ravine’s two primary dangers? Since I’ve already informed you of the constructs, let me tell you now of the second challenge we’ll face inside.

    Lari: To remind you once more, the canyon moves on its own. Such activity is, for an inexplicable reason, far more common within the chasm’s walls, possibly due to its former status as a shrine to the earth. We may be separated-or worse, one of us forced out entirely. In such cases, the other must go on, regardless of what happens. Remember, my brother waits inside.

    Lari: Before we enter, though, take this. Birch is most likely quite distrustful after his time in exile, and I’m sure this will serve as a way to assuage his suspicions.

    Lari: Besides, this memento in particular has a rather…complicated history. I suppose, after so long, it’s best for me to let go of it at last.

    +1 Broken Sol Badge.

    Lari: Good luck, [playername]. I’ll see you soon.

    Your next challenge takes place within a modestly large canyon junction consisting of four distinct paths. Magma blocks will mark certain areas as Pressurized Geysers, which will erupt every ten seconds. Within the heart of the canyon is a magically sealed gate, which you’ll need to unlock in order to progress.
    To destroy the seal, you’ll need Four different Unstable Cores, which drop from the Stone Construct minibosses scattered around the ravine.
    As the Sentinels have relatively high defensive stats to be defeated easily at-level, players will have the option to either fight them directly or lure them into Pressurized Geyser eruptions, which each deal 35,000 damage to minibosses caught inside.

    Crumbling Construct

    HP: 120,000

    Damage: Air, Earth

    Defenses: Earth

    AI: Ranged

    Spells: Heavy Arrow Storm

    Drops: Granite Unstable Core

    Molten Construct:

    HP: 150,000

    Damages: Fire, Earth

    Defenses: Earth

    AI: Ranged

    Spells: Heavy Flamethrower

    Drops: Basalt Unstable Code

    Polished Construct:

    HP: 140,000

    Damages: Water, Earth

    Defenses: Earth

    AI: Melee

    Spells: Heavy Multihit

    Drops: Shale Unstable Core

    Magnetized Construct

    HP: 130,000

    Damages: Thunder, Earth

    Defenses: Earth

    AI: Melee

    Spells: Pull, Heavy Explosion

    Drops: Iron Unstable Core

    Right click the gate with all four cores to progress.

    You’ll find yourself in a small forested courtyard surrounded by towering canyon cliffs. Neatly trimmed apple trees line the edges of the clearing, and a waterfall cascades into a pool near the back. A small cabin stands beside it, directly facing you.
    As you step forwards, vines, similar to an archer’s Bryophyte roots, will burst from the ground, immobilizing you in place.

    ???: Stop right there!

    ???: If I were you, I wouldn’t try to break free. These vines have been transplanted from the Dernel Jungle-they’re tipped with exceedingly venomous barbs. Move even an inch and you’ll be as good as dead.

    An elf clad in ragged robes will drop down from a hidden ledge above you, bearing a polished scepter in their hands.

    Birch: So tell me now, who are you and why have you come here?

    [1] I’ve come here looking for an Elder Birch of Aldorei. That would be you?

    Birch: Your assumption is- or rather was correct.

    [1] Your sister Lari sent me here. She needs your help.

    Birch: And you expect me to believe she sent a human in her place? Tell me now, why did the Elders send you to find me?

    [1] I have proof that she did so.

    -1 Broken Sol Badge

    Birch: …

    Birch: Is it truly..could it be? No..

    Birch: How…how did you get this? You took this from her, didn’t you?

    [1] She gave it to me, you have to trust me.

    Birch: You have to be lying. This is part of the Elders’ schemes, isn’t it? Unless..

    Birch shakes his head.

    Birch: Very well. You have my attention-if only for the moment. Tell me what she needs.

    [1] The Decay has begun to enter the Light Forest. We need to restore the memories of the land to the Guardian tree to drive it out.

    Birch: The Decay? Could it have spread that far? That can’t be possible..unless..

    Birch: By the Light, how long has it been? Go on, human. You have piqued my interest.

    [1] The Elders pretend you resigned purposefully.

    Birch: Do you expect me to follow you out of spite for them? I do not care about their petty schemes. In fact, this prison of theirs is quite a comfortable one, well-suited to my every need.

    That seemed to be the wrong move. Try again.

    [2] The Decay has consumed all of Kander and the upper forest.

    Birch: Even the eastern forest? Has it truly become this dire now?

    [1] Lari is struggling to keep it back. She needs the memories of the land to do so.

    Birch: Ah, dedicated as always. And you say she can no longer do so?

    [1] She came here to find you but couldn’t make it through the canyon.

    Birch: My sister came here in person, traveling so far simply to see me? I shall..consider this.

    Birch: ….Very well, human. Your points are strong ones. I will come with you.

    Birch: But know this. If you intend to deceive me, your fate will not be a pleasant one.

    You’ve done it-you’ve convinced Birch! Now all you need to do is open the gate to the Vault.

    [2] The Elders don’t want to give up the memories.

    Birch: Of course they don’t, cowards that they are. What is your point, human?
    You don’t seem to be getting anywhere. Try again.

    [2] Lari wants to repair your bond.

    Birch: Lari? Could she possibly believe that..

    Birch: No-if anyone were to do so, it would be me. Your lies do not deceive me, agent.

    Birch doesn’t seem willing to believe you. Try again.

    >>Talk to Birch at (coords here) in Aldorei.

    Birch: I see that you’re back, [playername]. I’d figured I’d take time to investigate the town before you arrived.

    Birch: My sister is not here-but do not worry. According to an elven watchman, she was spotted heading to the lower forests in a fit of rage. Evidently, she did not take being repulsed by the Canyon well.

    Birch: I suppose I was right to trust you. It is almost refreshing, hm, knowing that the Elders did not send you to further some greater plot of theirs for once?

    Birch: But before we enter the Vault, though, I need to speak to the Elders once more. There are certain matters that still seek to be resolved.

    Birch: Head to the Elders’ council chamber. I will be with you shortly.

    Stage 11: >>Confront Aldorei’s Elders at (coords here).

    (This dialogue segment is skippable.)

    Oak: You return? You certainly are bold, human, I’ll give you that.

    Willow: Guards! Take this intruder to the dungeons at once!

    ???: There shall be none of that.

    Birch: I am with them.

    The room seems to fall silent.

    Elder Oak: Birch..? How..? You left..

    Elder Willow: How dare you return! You jeopardize Aldorei’s stability simply by coming back!

    Birch: Enough, Willow. I do not have the time for your prattlings. Gavel does not have the time for this. It is time for us to inform them of the truth.

    Elder Aspen: The truth? I had hoped your years of exile had changed you for the better, but it seems they have done the opposite. You are as mad as ever.

    Birch: If I have changed at all during my time in the Canyon, it would have been for the wiser.

    Birch: Look at the world around you. Everything is changing, Aspen. We cannot even hope to survive this new future if we are unwilling to face our past.

    Birch: My sister has fought and struggled, fighting with every breath remaining in her lungs, to defend this plane from the Darkness. Will you give up solely for the sake of your pride alone?

    Elder Oak: The consequences of doing such a thing would be devastating. Aldorei itself would collapse, torn apart by infighting among our own kind. You must not do this, for the sake of your own people!

    Birch: If you are so craven you would doom the rest of Gavel for your own image, I will show the adventurer myself.

    Birch: You forget I am still High Elder. I bear the key to the land’s memories. The truth cannot be

    quenched, Oak. Either way, whether you desire or not, our past will come to light.

    Oak: If you insist, High Elder, take them to the memories. But I will have no part in this.

    Oak jumps down from his podium, followed by Aspen and later Willow. All three leave the room, leaving only Birch and the three remaining elders behind.

    Birch: Elders. If you have the courage to uphold the truth, then stay with me. If you do not, leave now. I will not tolerate false sympathizers.

    The remaining elders reluctantly stay on their podiums. Eventually, Elder Hickory steps off her podium.

    Hickory: What Oak said was true. If you are so intent on revealing the truth of our mistake, then you must be ready to face what comes next.

    Hickory: I do not oppose you. We have hidden away, unwilling to part with our secrets, for so long. It is only natural that the truth comes to light, unveiled in the pursuit of a greater good.

    Hickory: And yet, Birch, when the world hears of what we did, do not expect our sympathies. It may have been our mistake, but your actions now are your choice alone. It shall be up to you to take the blame for what follows.

    Birch: I accept it, Hickory, I promise you. If we are to be blamed, I will be condemned alone.

    Hickory: That is…acceptable. Very well. We will open the gate, but that will be the farthest we go. Keep true to your promises, High Elder.

    Birch turns to you.

    Birch: Judging from my sister’s message, we have little time to waste. Meet me below the roots of the cherry blossom tree at (coords here.) I will explain what we’ll do once we get there.

    Stage 12: >>Meet Birch beneath the Cherry Blossom Tree at (coords here.)

    Birch: There you are. You move at surprising speed, even despite that heavy armor of yours.

    Birch: Below this gate is the vault holding the land’s memories. It has been nearly seven hundred years since I last visited it, and time has buried it far beneath the surface with its tendrils of root and dirt and leaf.

    Birch: Spirits of earth and wind protect the memories. They have not seen the light of day in so long, and may become hostile and dangerous. Even our touch, once coveted, is foreign to them now.

    Birch: I will join you and offer whatever help I can. We used to enter the vault with at least five accompanying elders, but now..

    Birch: It doesn’t matter. I’m sure you’ll be able to defend yourself, with the power you have.

    One by one, the elders of Aldorei approach, forming a triangle around the tree. Birch steps back and joins them.

    The Elders of Aldorei: (In High Gavellian: Live and awaken, heart of Aldorei, soul of the forest! A pilgrim seeks passage, seeks truth! Make way, open your roots and withdraw your thorns. Return your memories to the land once more!)

    All four simultaneously cast beams of earth magic at the base of the tree, which opens the gate below.

    Birch: Now, [playername]! Enter the vault before it closes!

    When you’re ready, you’ll jump in afterwards.

    The Vault is effectively a sort of mini-dungeon composed of two major challenges, the Earth and Air Chambers. Within the first room, you’ll have to face the [Gaian Sentinel] miniboss in combat. The Sentinel, an earth spirit in the form of a stone statue overgrown with vines and moss, is a slow and heavy-hitting mob with melee AI. Besides its charge and multihit spells, the Sentinel has one custom spell, Uproot.

    Every fifteen seconds while in the bossfight, a green particle circle will appear on the floor. The Sentinel will fire a blast of earth magic at the circle, dealing sizable damage and summoning a [Wrathful Apparition] from the ground. The Wrathful Apparition, a smaller earth spirit similar in appearance to a summoner’s Crimson Effigy, will chase players rapidly and attempt to hit them, upon which it will explode and deal 20% of your health in true damage. If the Apparition does not hit the player in ten seconds, it’ll disappear.

    Gaian Sentinel:

    HP: 60,000

    Defenses: Earth

    Damage: Earth

    AI: Melee

    Spells: Charge, Multihit, Uproot

    Wrathful Apparition:

    HP: ???

    Damage: Air, Earth
    AI: Melee

    Spells: Heavy Explosion

    The Air Chamber will present a different challenge entirely. A turbulent underground river crosses through the cavern, fraught with rapids and sharp stalactites. To cross it, you must cross a brief segment parkour formed from pillars of fallen rubble. Spiritual winds frequent the cavern, which you’ll need to utilize or avoid in order to cross.

    While [Turbulent Gusts], traveling in horizontal paths, move from right-to-left, push you into the water below, [Uplifting Gusts], which move vertically, boost you upwards lightly. [Turbulent Gusts] blow every twelve seconds, and [Uplifting Gusts] every three. Like in the unreworked quest, each type of wind will be telegraphed by crumbling stone particles before their appearance.
    As some pillars will be too far apart to jump between normally, you'll have to wait for [Uplifting Gusts] to carry you upwards in order to cross those. You’ll be able to save your progress at two checkpoints, at one quarter and three-quarters of the way through, respectively.

    Eventually, you’ll make your way to the cavern at the heart of the vault, a radiant, half-submerged cave overgrown with towering light-blessed plant life. Birch will be waiting for you besides the huge stump at the center.

    Birch: I apologize for not being able to help you, [playername]. The spirits separated us after I arrived here.

    Birch: It does seem, however, that you were able to do quite well by yourself. Perhaps my help was not needed, hm?

    Birch: Do you feel the light’s presence here? It has imbued everything here with its influence; these plants, this stump, the water itself.

    Birch: That stump is where the land’s memories are contained. We’ll make our way there shortly, after I explain-

    All six Elders of Aldorei enter the room, stopping to a halt behind Birch. He turns to them, shocked.

    Oak makes his way towards Birch, facing him.

    Birch: You..Here to stop us now? You’re too late. We will access the memories, whether you want it or not.

    Oak: Peace, Birch. We are here to join you. You were right-it’s time we finally recognized our mistakes.

    Willow: You are not alone, Birch. I still remember that day, as vividly as any memory could be. It is true-we were never free of blame. Our mistake is ultimately still ours to fix.

    Hickory: I still hope you truly understand the repercussions of your actions. But.. I suppose I was wrong. This matter is yours to fix as much as it is mine. You will not bear the burden alone. We will stand together, united as a true council rather than a pack of squabbling rivals.

    Birch: I..Thank you. I am truly grateful for your presence here, all of you. To tell you the truth, I could not have done this alone.

    Elm: Then let us move on. The land decays, withering ever more away, and we have little time to waste. Reconciliation will have to come later, after this crisis has been averted.

    Birch: Very well. [Playername,] meet me by the stump at the end of the road. It is time we put an end to this.

    Stage 13: >>Meet Birch by the strange tree stump in the vault at (coords here.)

    (This dialogue segment is skippable.)

    Birch: Welcome to the heart of the vault, [playername.]

    Birch: It’s been..so long since I’ve been here, and yet nothing seems to have changed. It almost seems that this place has been frozen in time, a single moment captured in eternity by the Light.

    Birch: The land’s memories are just ahead of us, stored inside the stump. But before you head there, allow me to explain.

    Birch: What we seek here is no physical object, nor is it some sort of material power. The memories are memories, visions of the past imbued with realmic influence. Their power is far beyond our understanding to use, and cannot be contained by any vessel but the mind itself.

    Birch: Do you see what I mean? The memories need to be transmitted to a willing host, one who can bear them to be restored to the Guardian. In all other cases, I would do so-but I am needed here, whether I want to or not.

    Birch: And so, the task will be up to you alone. It will not be easy-you will want to forget, to bury the past and leave it behind. But you must keep going, for the sake of my people, for my sister, and for Gavel itself.

    Birch: Before you go, [playername,] remember that the most important truths are often the hardest to accept. What you do in those few trying moments will determine the fate of Gavel itself.

    Birch: Now, enter the stump. It is time you finally learned of the truth.

    A short cutscene plays, showing you entering the center of the stump. Light slowly begins to rise from the ground, forming a swirling, luminous cyclone that rapidly flows around you.

    Birch: It is time you learned of our deepest secret.

    Oak: It is time you learned of the end of the world.

    Willow: It is time you learned of the fall of our people.

    Hickory: It is time you learned of our greatest mistake.

    Your vision will fade to black.

    A single pinprick of light will appear on the screen, flickering and releasing pulses of brightness.

    Oak: The world was not always this way.

    Willow: Once, long ago, in a time before memory and before word, the Light was a foreign presence in a strange place.

    The vision changes to an image of three elves, led by a masked Priest of Entia standing beneath a stone statue of an unfamiliar god. Turbulent gusts of wind surge rapidly around them as they stride towards it.

    Hickory: The forces that ruled over the world of old were very different from those that hold domain today.

    The image changes to a statue resembling the Canyon Colossus. It stands with one of its arms outreached, forcefully grabbing a sculpture of a colossal dragon by the throat. A huge broadsword is poised to strike in its other hand.

    Elm: And when the Light first arrived, it was insignificant, a tiny, weak, ember overshadowed by presences so vast and powerful that it was forgotten to all peoples but one.

    The scene shifts once more to the pinprick of light. It slowly begins to dim, its pulses growing ever weaker.

    Elm: Us.

    The vision shifts to a secluded hollow. An elf, Cycad, gently holds a tiny spark of light in his hands.

    Elm: When all had forsaken it, we took in the Light, casting down our old yet familiar gods for this new, alien presence.

    The scene changes to the same three elves standing below the statue of Entia, now a crumbled ruin. Cycad, now High Elder, stands proudly in front of the wreckage, Light swirling around him.

    Aspen: From barely a single ember, the Light began to grow under our care.

    Once again, the pinprick of light appears on the black screen.

    Rowan: From an ember came a spark.

    The light begins to pulse, growing in size with each flash.

    Pine: From the spark came a flame.

    The light continues to pulse even more frantically, expanding rapidly. The black landscape begins to turn white, continuously growing until it nearly takes up half of the screen.

    Oak: And from the flame, a blazing beacon of blinding radiance, illuminating every corner of the world under its light. The Light shone brighter and ever brighter, outshining even the old gods in its brilliant glow.

    The light grows even more brilliant until the entire screen has become white.

    Willow: But the brightest lights cast the deepest shadows. And so our downfall began.

    The scene suddenly shifts to the town of Aldorei, overlooking the entrance to the city’s bank.

    Three elves, Elder Willow, Elder Oak, and High Elder Prometheus, stand beside the building, facing each other.

    Hickory: Our thirteenth High Elder was an elf named Prometheus. Today, Aldorei knows him as a hero, the blessed of Orphion, the first Elder to touch the Light.

    Elm: But we know him as the one that brought about our end.

    The vision changes, showing Prometheus standing besides a massive Guardian Tree. A small orb of light hovers nearby, pulsing softly periodically.

    Aspen: Nearly a thousand years ago, Prometheus was abruptly contacted by Orphion. He was told to do something unimaginable-to finally open Gavel to the Realms of Influence. To touch the Light.

    Once again, the scene shifts, changing to the councilroom of Aldorei. Prometheus sits at the end of a rectangular table. The remaining six elders slowly trickle into the room, taking seats in the chairs beside him.

    Hickory: The hour is quite late, High Elder. What is there that demands such urgent attention?

    Prometheus: I had another vision.

    Elm: What did you see this time?

    Prometheus: This one was different. I was…directly contacted.

    Hickory: He spoke to you? What did he say?

    Prometheus: He..he spoke of a leap in our progress. A massive one.

    Rowan: So what is it?

    Prometheus: He wants to touch this world. To order the creation of a gate to the other side.

    Hickory jumps back and Oak shakes his head.

    Oak: Are you sure of this, Prometheus? This is a… huge advancement forwards. Are we even ready for this? Will we ever be ready for this?

    Prometheus: If this is what he wants, then it has to be a good decision. We’re ready, I’m sure of it.

    Willow: How do we even do such a thing?

    Prometheus: He showed me a way. Our Guardian Trees act as seals, barriers separating his world from ours. If we destroy one seal, the entire barrier will fall as well, allowing the Light to enter.

    Aspen: Destroying the barrier? You think that would be safe?

    Prometheus: I’m sure of it. The barrier will only fall for a moment, and after the Light has set its roots in our world, the Guardians will be as strong as ever.

    Prometheus: Gather our druids and sorcerers. We meet by the Great Stump at first light tomorrow.

    The vision shifts to an overlook of the Great Stump.

    The Elders of Aldorei are gathered in front of the felled tree, led by Prometheus in ornate ceremonial robes. A beacon of Light radiates from the center of the stump, filing the sky with blinding radiance.

    Oak: Prometheus’ gambit succeeded. By cutting down the Guardian and creating a breach between the Realms, the Light was able to physically enter Gavel, exerting its influence on the land. It was a brilliant ploy, allowing Gavel to prosper under the Light while strengthening the barriers that protected the world from beyond.

    Prometheus: We have done it! We have DONE IT!


    Willow: A new age had truly begun. Gavel itself held its breath, waiting in tense anticipation as it watched what would follow next.

    Hickory: But it would not last long. In the days following the opening of the portal, Prometheus would accidentally come across a terrible new revelation. A discovery that would eventually lead to our fall.

    Prometheus now stands in the council room once more, flanked by the elders of Aldorei. He paces around the table frantically, seemingly agitated.

    Oak: This is treason! Unfounded blasphemy against our god! And you, Prometheus! You of all people should know much better than to engage in such heresies!

    Prometheus: You must understand, Oak. I am telling you the truth! I only spent a single moment inside the stump, and yet the feeling.. It was invigorating- revitalizing! Imagine if we could spend our lives bathed in that wondrous energy!

    Aspen: Do you truly realize the consequences of what you’re planning to do? The barrier will be destroyed. Gavel will be left unprotected.

    Hickory: What sort of god is the Light if his most faithful servants are kept away from what they deserve? The barrier was not broken when we opened the portal to his realm. I’m sure simply cutting down another won’t change much either.

    Prometheus: It is a gambit, yes, but simply imagine what would happen if it succeeds. Our town, bathed in light, our people constantly vigorous and unaging. Death and even age would be a foreign presence.

    Hickory: I say we act tomorrow. Cut down the tree in Aldorei and cure ourselves of death. Who stands with me?

    Hickory steps forwards, followed by Prometheus, Willow, and Pine.

    Oak: Damn you, Prometheus. Damn you all! Whatever happens next, we, the true protectors of Aldorei, will take no part in it! He turns and leaves the room, followed by Aspen and Rowan.

    The scene changes one last time to a grove in the Light Forest. As you watch, winter slowly falls, trees losing their leaves and flowers dying.

    Hickory: And such was our mistake. We foolishly believed we were shielded from all danger, choosing to sacrifice the safety of the province for our own benefit.

    Birch: We were manipulated, our mistake exploited by a force that, unbeknownst to us, had laid in wait for that exact moment. The Dark was able to enter the northern forest, and from there, it began to spread. As we hid in our city, protected by the magic of the stump, the rest of Gavel withered away and died.

    Oak: As for Prometheus, he began to grow irrational and mad. He would mutter incoherently, pace aimlessly in circles, and erupt into fits of senseless rage. In the weeks before his death, he told us of a searing, ravaging flame that would flay him in his dreams.

    He was found dead soon after, his body scorched with countless charred marks. It was clear that it was no accident. It was the Light’s punishment.

    The vision blurs and fades.

    Birch: Do you see now? Do you now know how grievous our mistake was?
    Oak: Even now, our memories are still pervaded by guilt. We orchestrated the downfall of our own people. Our greed, our lust for power, brought the Decay into Gavel.

    Hickory: We did not expect our predicament to ever change- we thought the Darkness would spread and spread ever further, advancing like the slow creep of time.

    Birch: But now, ever since you’ve arrived, we have cause to believe that hope still lives on.

    Pine: We may not have a chance to fix our mistakes ourselves, but we will nonetheless do whatever we can to make sure you do. It is the closest we will ever get to true redemption.

    Birch: But time is running out, [playername], and we do not have much longer to speak. You must return to my sister with the memories-you can do so by simply jumping into the water below.

    Birch: Good luck, human. I hope your endeavor will be successful.

    Stage 15: >>Return to Lari at (coords here).

    Lari: You return. I assume you were forced out as well? I truly apologize. It is not our fault that the Canyon chooses to remove us from within its walls, is it not? Why should we blame ourselves so?

    [1] I have the memories.

    Lari: You…did? Then why..why did I..

    Lari exhales again, her breath shaking.

    Lari: I assume you met him, then? What did he say? Did he forgive…?

    Lari: It’s of no consquence. If you are the host to the memories, then we shall return them now.

    Lari: Step up to the tree, [playername.] It is time.

    >>Transfer the land’s memories to the Guardian tree.

    (This dialogue segment is skippable.)

    As you step up towards the tree, glowing tendrils of natural energy envelop you, forming a translucent, emerald-green cocoon. With a sudden crunch, the tendrils pull you into the ground and the screen turns to black.

    The scene turns to one of Aldorei.

    Prometheus: Another golden badge, Birch? Very impressive, son. The way you’re winning these, you’ll be captain of the Sol Guard in no time.

    Fern: I’m so proud of you. To think that my little boy might protect Aldorei’s walls within a few years.

    Prometheus: If only Lari could do the same. Should we enroll her in Guard training again? What she’s currently doing, she can’t possibly intend to-

    Birch: Father, no! Lari wants to be a botanist! She hates fighting, don’t you know?
    Prometheus: Of course I do. Now, Birch, why don’t you join your friends and go fishing by the river? I’m sure you need some relaxation after all that hard work.

    Birch: Please, don’t do anything to Lari! She doesn’t deserve it.

    Prometheus: Of course. Rest assured, son.

    Birch runs off, leaving the room.

    Prometheus briefly nods to Fern. The scene changes once more.

    Lari, now a child, sits in an overgrown courtyard, resting under a large tree.

    A squirrel chitters at her, jumping up and down.She occasionally pets it gently.

    Lari turns when Prometheus enters the courtyard, followed by Fern.

    Prometheus: Your brother won another badge today. Shouldn’t you congratulate him?

    Lari: Good for him then.

    She continues to pet the squirrel, paying almost no attention to him.
    Prometheus: We were talking about having you train in the Sol Guard again. Wouldn’t you like that, being a warrior fighting for Aldorei, rising to great levels of fame and gaining riches? You could have Birch help you train, you know.

    Lari: Father, I don’t want to be in the Guard. Fighting is cruel and dangerous. I’ve told you-I just want to help Delorr raise plants.

    Prometheus: Are you sure that’s what you want? Truly? Are you really content to grow plants with that old wreck of a man, knowing that your friends are going to be heroes and heroines?
    Lari: I’ve told you, I really don’t want to. Father, please.

    The squirrel climbs into Lari’s hair.

    Prometheus: Damnable creature! Why do you have to be like this, Lari? Can’t you just be a normal child for once, not some recluse who would rather talk to animals then other elves?

    Prometheus fires a blast of Light at the squirrel, throwing Lari backwards and causing the animal to light up in a burst of flames.

    Fern: Prometheus, no! Don’t-

    Prometheus fires another pulse at Fern. A mask of Light clamps across her mouth, rendering her unable to speak.

    Prometheus: Shut your GODAMNED MOUTH, woman. This is MY FAMILY? Do you hear me? MINE. You have no control over what I do!

    He turns to Lari again.

    Prometheus: What is wrong with you? You are a disappointment to our house’s name!

    Lari, crying, runs out of the courtyard, disappearing from sight before Prometheus can respond. The vision shifts to an overlook of Aldorei’s waterfall, where Birch stands in front of Lari.

    Lari: They hate me, don’t they? They all hate me, just because I can’t be like you. Why, Birch, why can’t they let me be?

    Birch: What are you talking about, sister? This is utter nonsense. Nobody here does-we all love you. Even Father; he only says things like that because he cares about the family.

    Lari: I wish I could make him proud, Birch. I really do. I try-you have to believe me. I’ve gone to a dozen tryouts, always convinced I could face my fears.

    Lari: But then, every time I hold up a spear, I think of it going through someone’s chest, ending their life needlessly. And I just know that I can’t do it, no matter how hard I try.

    Birch: It’s alright-do you hear me? You’ve done well enough, and I’ll make sure Father knows that you try every time.

    Birch: And here, take this. You may not be in the Sol Guard, but you’re still a warrior at heart.

    Birch unpins his golden badge and hands it to Lari. She stares at it wistfully.

    Birch: Now go play in the forest. It’s best if we all forget about this.

    The setting changes once more to Lari, who has now made her way to the Light Portal.

    A tiny orb of Light pulses from beside the portal, and she turns in its direction with a surprised expression. She cautiously steps towards it.

    Lari: Who’s there? What is it?

    The orb pulses again, making its way further inside the portal. Lari begins to follow.

    ???: Lari spent most of her childhood alone, exploring the woods and talking to animals. Her family was often distant-even her brother Birch, who was forced to leave her when he became a captain of the Sol Guard. Most among them, however, was her father, who was callous and even abusive.

    ???: And so, she turned to us; the Light-as a friend, one that would always be at her side in times of need. As the years passed, Lari felt, for the first time in so long, truly happy.

    ???: But all good things come to an end eventually. And so, Prometheus, on the day before the cutting of the final guardian tree, driven to madness by the Light’s torments, would learn of his daughter’s actions.

    The scene changes once more.

    Lari, a teenager, cowers in fear in a corner of her home. Prometheus, advancing towards her with a drunken gait, wields a club in his hands.

    Lari: Father, please, I didn’t mean to! Forgive me, I beg you!

    Prometheus: What did I tell you? You are a stain upon our family-you have shamed us, deserted us, torn us apart!

    Prometheus: You are the bane of us all! You spend your life in the woods, run off with that tramp Dullahan, and then you scheme against me with him? You are no daughter of mine!

    Prometheus: You caused it, didn’t you? The voices in my head? The flames in my dreams? Do you know that I feel them even now, ripping off my skin and burning it all?

    Lari: You must listen to me, I didn’t do it! Please, hear me!

    Prometheus: Look into my eyes. What do you see? WHAT DO YOU SEE?

    Prometheus: I won’t let him get away. I know that he’s there, behind you, the puppeteer playing the strings. Release is right there, just beyond you! I must have it!

    He runs forwards, bearing his club, and the screen fades to black for a second.

    When it appears again, you find Prometheus’ body, bleeding and charred, on the floor. Lari, crying, huddles in the corner, radiating Light, which has formed into two glowing wings protruding from her back.

    Lari: I-I…k-killed him…

    Lari: No..no…NO..NO!

    Around her, the Light begins to swirl rapidly, forming a coursing vortex of power and energy.

    ???: My pulse, you are worthy!

    The scene shifts a final time to the glade where the Guardian tree now grows. It’s raining as Lari plants a single golden seed in the ground, dropping it into a pit and burying it.

    Lari: T-they won’t find you here, little one. G-grow and be nurtured, reach for the skies with all your vigor. I’ll see you again, someday, w-when all of this is over.

    The vision ends and you return to the tree, where Lari awaits. She’s visibly horrified as you make your way towards her to know what happened.

    Stage 16: >> Talk to Lari at (coords here) to find out what happened.

    Lari: Did you just...you can’t have…

    Lari: What did you see? … Do you know about…

    Lari: What am I even saying? Of course you do. Light above, why have you forsaken me so? Why must this human learn of my every mistake?

    Lari: What have I done to deserve this, Orphion? I have suffered far more than them, lost so much! Why must I be cast aside, shamed, my every thought and memory exposed for their ridiculement?

    Lari: I’ve paid your price. I served you faithfully, loyally, for hundreds of years on end! What has this human done, compared to me? I’ve given up everything I’ve ever loved for you!

    Lari: What am I to you? A tool, to be worn away, ground down into dust, and thrown away upon breaking? Lari: No! I refuse to be. I refuse to be controlled! I will let no one move me!


    Explosions rocket the ground as gilded letters cover the screen.

    Lari, Chosen of the Light

    For a moment, Chosen will obfuscate and become Forsaken.

    In this stage, you’ll have to fight and lower Lari’s health to 100,000 HP. While most of Lari’s attacks and mechanics are similar to those in the unreworked ROL 4, she’ll have two new dangerous attacks.

    Lari will spawn with three Ophanim orbs hovering behind her. Every 4 seconds, she’ll fire one of the orbs at you, which will home towards you and deal significant damage if it hits you before 2 seconds pass. She’ll regenerate one orb every 7 seconds.

    Every forty seconds or upon losing 33% of her HP, Lari will use the Prismatic Cannon spell. After casting this spell, she’ll become temporarily invincible and hover in the air. She’ll fire a long-ranged and heavy-hitting but slow beam of light at you, dealing 20% of your health in true damage every second. You’ll have to strafe in a clockwise direction for ten seconds to avoid the beam.

    Lari, Chosen/Forsaken of the Light

    HP: 250,000

    Defenses: Rainbow

    Damages: Rainbow

    AI: Melee

    Spells: Heavy Charge, Arrow Storm, Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, Ophanim, Prismatic Cannon

    Once Lari’s health falls to 100,000, you’ll be launched into the air, suspended by a whirlwind in front of the Guardian.


    Birch will appear from besides the Guardian. Upon seeing him, Lari will fall to the ground, as if suddenly drained of her will to fight.

    If you’ve completed the quest before, a nearby icon will allow you to skip this segment of dialogue.

    Birch: Let go of your weapon, [playername]. I seek to speak with my sister alone.

    Lari: ..Birch…I’m so…

    Lari: I..I can’t believe it. I nearly killed them there-Orphion’s own chosen. How? How could I let this happen? What is wrong with me?

    Birch: Hush. Do you remember what I told you, all those years ago?

    Birch: You were a warrior even then-you resisted and fought in the greatest of hardships, always unfazed.Now, you become one in truth. I only wish that I could have had the time to train you.

    Birch: I truly apologize, Lari. It is my greatest mistake, that I-that our family could not have spent more time with you, that your childhood was not a happy one. It is a mistake that haunts me every night and day, causing me to lie awake on many a sleepless night.

    Birch: I know it cannot be amended. I know no apology will suffice. But I will still try nonetheless, for every step I now take, I take in the right direction.

    Birch: Do not feel ashamed. You did no wrong-after all these years, who can fault you for this? For ten centuries, you have served the Light’s interest, unwavering in your faith. It is he that should be grateful for you-even more so now, that you have thrown off your bonds.

    Lari: If this is right, then why do I feel terrible? Why do I still see his blood on the floor, pooling around me?

    Birch: It is true-what you did may have been immoral. But to follow the moral choice would not have been the right one. The Light does not see the world as we do-there is no good, no evil, simply action. The Light seeks to preserve-and it does so through all means possible, regardless of what you believe to be moral.

    Birch: If a man, his family driven to poverty and starvation by a baron’s taxes, murders him in retribution, would it be moral? Some would say it to be fair-an eye for an eye, one life for another. Others would disagree. Morality is divisive, it is driven by what we believe to be right, always erratic and changing.

    Birch: But the law is not. You cannot bend justice to your own whims, it is constant, immovable, like the progress of time or cycles of day and night. Some may consider what you did to be immoral, yes, but you did the right thing. You served Orphion well.

    Birch: But now is not time to worry about the past. Rest, sister, and prepare, for this is not the end just yet. A greater challenge still awaits, and soon, action will need to be taken once more.

    Lari turns to you.

    Lari: [Playername]. For the final time, I’d like to…apologize for everything I’ve done. I don’t need any words of forgiveness from you; I know you probably hate me for all I’ve caused.

    Lari: I only need a single thing…a promise. When the time finally comes and I won’t be able to go forth alone, will you be there? Will you be able to do what I cannot?

    [1] I will.

    Lari nods solemnly and turns away from you. Birch looks after her as she disappears, fading into the distance.

    Birch: I am truly grateful for your patience, [playername.] You must understand my sister’s pain-over the last thousand years, she has lost nearly everything she knew.

    Birch: What she said before was true-she will need your help in the future. Whether you consider her a friend or not, you must leave your past grievances behind. Only together will you be able to weather the coming storm.

    Birch: To tell you the truth, I did not come here only to reconcile with her. After you left, every elf residing in Aldorei experienced a single, collective vision.

    Birch: For the first time in centuries, the Light contacted us directly. It delivered news of the most grievous kind: that the Darkness breached the Nexus of Light itself, Orphion’s very home.

    Birch: What I will tell you next may be difficult to comprehend-so let me show you a representation of the sheer scale of the threat. Step forwards and touch the Guardian’s roots once more.

    NOTE: As I consider the model of the Plane of Influence from the unreworked version of ROL 4 and the Guardian’s dialogue to be an accurate summary of the Plane and its Realms, it’s going to be unchanged.

    >> Stage 17: Step into the Gateway to Light at (coords here).

    ???: My pulse, your light is brilliant-far brighter than anything I have ever seen before.

    ???: It has shone upon Lari, upon Gavel, illuminating my realm in your radiance. But it will need to shine one final time more, in order to overcome the darkness that has begun to fall.

    ???: Step into the portal and prepare. It is time to muster your most brilliant light.

    Go through the tunnel to complete the quest.

    Secret Discovery: Pawns in the Great Game
    Quest Requirement: Realm of Light IV: Finding the Light
    +100000 EXP
    +Clearsight Spectacles

    Discovery Lore:

    To the Light’s dismay, its attempts to harm the traitor Prometheus were obstructed by a force that laid in opposition. Without the ability to act in truth, it resorted to threats instead.

    Return to the Guardian tree to find a [Gilded Seed] on the ground. Take a [Bucket of Growth] from Aldorei and plant the seed in a swathe of dirt near the Light Portal at (coords here).

    Click the seed with the bucket in order to instantaneously grow it. The seed will sprout and immediately become a sapling. Light will trickle from the Portal into the sapling until the plant is immersed by it, and your screen will soon fade to black.

    You find yourself in a dark room. Elder Prometheus stands in its center, emanating a faint glow in the midst of the surrounding blackness.

    Prometheus: I have done what you have asked. The second tree has been cut down.

    ???: You have done well. Salvation will soon come.

    Prometheus: If I can, may I voice a concern?

    ???: We will listen.

    Prometheus: My dreams are troubling. I hear voices, cursing me, damning me, threatening me with death and violence of the most gruesome forms. And then there’s a flame..a searing whip of pain and heat, lashing and flaying. The pain is great…it is beyond anything I have ever known.

    ???: Do not worry. We shield you from the other. No harm will come to you.

    Prometheus: I know it is above my place, but if it is possible, could I be.. freed of the pain? I fear my sanity will slip further away every night.

    ???: Release will come in time. Cut the final tree and set ablaze its roots.

    ???: We shall send the envoy soon. Allow it to take you as its host. You will be saved, we promise you.

    Prometheus: It will be done. T-thank you, great masters, I am truly grateful.

    ???: Salvation never came. The Darkness manipulated Prometheus into opening a gateway for the Dark Parasite to enter Gavel, tempting him with empty promises of power. When the High Elder finally realized his mistake, it was already far too late.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2023
    WithTheFish, CatFan105 and Da Homeboi like this.
  2. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    Cool ideas. I kinda skimmed over it but yeah it does seem to improve Lari's character and also fix some glaring issues in ASP2.

    However, the formatting makes this a bit tough to read. You should put the dialogue in a bullet list so it's not as confusing to read.
    Etherweaver likes this.
  3. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    Many guardian trees did not use to grow throughout the forests. Only 2 have been recorded, and the second seems to have appeared after the old one died.

    Darkness wouldn't realistically be able to communicate with Elder Prometheus in this fashion before the events of 0 AP, which he causes.

    I feel like picking this apart would be pedantic and I imagine you made this out of fun and less of something actually to be implemented, and I don't really want to trample on that
    Dr Zed likes this.
  4. Etherweaver

    Etherweaver Overseer of the Realm

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    1: These guardian trees are not supposed to be the sentient Guardians of the Forests that are in ROL IV, they’re just regular plants imbued with realmic connection. This definitely crosses the preexisting canon multiple times but again, I have no hope at all of editing the current lore in such a way so why not take liberties with it?
    2. This quest is meant to imply that the darkness portal opened (most likely by the Olm) before 0 AP. Again, doesn’t fit the canon at all so I’d figured I’d just make my own take on it.
    3. You could probably nitpick out half a hundred more things that are against the new lore but I didn’t intend it to be added to the game, just possibly taken as a suggestion on how to improve on some characters.
  5. Etherweaver

    Etherweaver Overseer of the Realm

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    Etherweaver Overseer of the Realm

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