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SPOILER Ranking Every Dungeon From Worst To Best (in My Opinion)

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Torpid, Jan 5, 2020.


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  1. Keeko100

    Keeko100 static VIP+

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    Aight dungeon review time, in order of level:

    Decrepit Sewers is a bad first introduction for a dungeon. There isn't anything fun about killing enemies in an enclosed space without anything dynamic happening. You just run around and wait for them to spawn and head back to the token thing to move on (this also completely breaks the idea that this is a dangerous dungeon - it makes it feel like a theme park). This is a problem for most dungeon combat sections too which absolutely sucks. Bossfight and parkour are fine. 4/10

    Infested Pit is pretty fun. There's not much token collecting, parkour is fun and interesting, and the boss is cool. Overall its a fine dungeon for the recommended level. 6/10

    Lost Sanctuary... ugh. At least you're collecting TNT, not tokens in this one. I really wish there was a better way to register specific enemy deaths rather than a slot for tokens. Shit would be way less tedious if there was just a counter for enemy deaths. Parkour and Garoth is fine. 3/10

    Underworld Crypt is very good. There's only one instance of token collecting and you only need 1 token! The feel of the dungeon is great, starting off with huge explosions and a dense horde of enemies. Charon is a great boss too, tho I wish that the balancing on the combat units was better. My biggest complaint is that the boat section is way too long. At least it's a really cool section. 8/10

    Sandswept Tomb is good. I have not done the dungeon in ages though and have never participated in a CSST party so I've mostly forgotten about it. All I remember was a wave section and the Hashr twist, which I both liked. I won't be giving this a rating cause I don't remember it.

    Ice Barrows is more token collecting. Yay. I do like the length of the dungeon, though - feels like you're truly conquering a fortress. I like the parkour and am a bit upset that it's been nerfed so much, but I see why. Puzzles are good, boss is ok. The amount of token collecting really brings this one down though. 4/10

    Undergrowth Ruins is yikes. Parkour is inconsistent and nausea inducing. I don't mind the escort section as much as others, its ok. Token collecting isn't too bad but its still just collecting gold/blue cubes. The boss is just another teleporty bro with tons of health. 2/10

    Galleon's Graveyard... I have not done this one in ages. I won't be talking about it, but from what others say it's apparently really good.

    Fallen Factory can go fuck itself. The amount of token collecting (even though its not actual tokens) is infuriating. There is no appeal to killing X number of enemies and depositing X number of tokens in a static room with static spawns and only a couple enemy types. It's flat out bad game design and I fail to understand why the team continues to make more of these sections. They're practically a staple of dungeons at this point and I hate it. These sorts of segments need to be replaced by minibosses, survival sections, gauntlets, waves, etc. etc. You could even make the arena interesting and not just a static, flat plane (there are some exceptions but pretty much all of these segments are just flat areas). Anyway - conveyor belt segment is boring at best. Parkour was cool before they made the parts not move but was too long. I'd prefer if they kept it as moving parkour and just reduced the length. 2/10

    Eldritch Outlook is by far my favorite dungeon, BUT there are a few things that bring it down, which I will get to. The beginning is just bad token collecting (the mirror doesn't make it any more interesting). The gauntlet section is really cool if you don't use a horse, and falling off is an actual dangerous threat. I love the parts where you go outside - it makes the dungeon actually feel like it connects to the world itself and isn't a set of square rooms with magical teleporty doors. I do wish there was more of it, though - maybe there could have been some parkour outside or a combat segment. Parkour is annoying and disorientating. Its ok, and I really wish there was a catch-up mechanic for it.
    I'll be giving a whole paragraph to the Eye itself because I love the fight so damn much. It is the only fight in Wynn where you have to constantly be thinking about your positioning, think about enemy spawns, always looking around for shit coming out you, etc etc. The boss almost requires a group to defeat it (though I would prefer if the health increasing mechanic wasn't so extreme as to encourage more group play) and it does really well as a group boss. You can divide the team onto either side of the laser and designate specific roles to people. It's like an actual MMO raid boss! The fight is so exhilarating too with projectiles and particles going off everywhere. The amount of stress that builds up inside you when you see that the wretches are approaching is great, and seeing everyone turn around and swarm around them to frantically protect their lives is just so awesome. If you're a melee character, charging in and out of the laser's path to deal DPS is really fun and has this great feeling to it like you barely escaped death. Intermission sections serve as good checkpoints, like you think to yourself "Alright, preparing myself for the next phase." The final fourth phase is a great moment of power - the boss that was knocking you all around the arena and forcing you to constantly move is now being shoved into a corner and demolished. 8/10, would be higher if the rest of the dungeon was of the same quality as the boss.
  2. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    as i said
    as i said
    yep, but why are you mad when fallen factory uses non gold cube tokens?
    i agree with all of it except the rating
    much lower because you can cheat the survival stages on 40% of classes and charon bugs out
    ok i guess but no gimmick
    nah this is the best dungeon in the game because supercomputer makes it interesting, conveyor stage is actually fun, tokens make sense, you can cheat the grindiest token room, parkour mechanics are nice, and final token room has boredom relief miniboss fights
    ok but fuck that last 1 block jump
    ok but convenient how you forgot to mention that FF does this too, along with Antikythera talking about you in relation to the world
    no wtf, the nerf made it way too easy, that's all the catch-up mechanic we need
    you can say it this way or just be honest and say you spammed arrow storm for 15 minutes straight to solo it and got carpal tunnel
    Iboju likes this.
  3. by2011

    by2011 category creator VIP+

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    i'm a bit lazy to quote individual parts like magnificent, so uh (not in any particular order)

    a. you mentioned how collecting TNT in the lost sanctuary makes it cool since it's not just a token. somehow, this apparently isn't the case with FF even though it has two different types of tokens, both of which fulfill a different niche within conquering the dungeon and also are both thematically and logically sound (and scrap is cooler than tnt, since tnt is basically just a glorified token [this applies to the cores too])

    b. you mentioned how the length of ice barrows is cool. but that's apparently not a positive on the fallen factory. i've never timed an ice barrows run properly, but they're usually pretty long.

    c. i fail to see how survival sections and whatnot are more fun. after all, yahya is one of the most fun bosses in legendary island, right? right? i agree that tokens are overused, but i dont think survival is the solution. i don't really have an opinion on gauntlets, but waves are iffy too. usually waves to me feel like a mishmash of survive and token collecting, but with waiting involved. there ARE mini bosses in the dungeon (siege engine in third room, and the A and B keyholders in the final rooms. they're technically also token mobs but i dont really consider them that way).

    d. the parkour is short. it takes under 1:30 to complete on any given class given adequate knowledge of the course. that isn't long. the parkour is rather open ended too, which is sort of cool (although the elevator isn't)

    e. "interesting" arenas are also a catalyst to cheese. yahya, once again, is an example of this. notice how the meteor (which is the closest to a static, flat plane) is the most interesting phase, contrary to the arena style?

    f. what's worth noting is that the first and second token rooms are short. really short. climbing up the tower takes longer than collecting the scrap in the first room (which was even shortened slightly for warrior and greatly for assassin due to some spell changes).

    you highlighted that FF only spawns a couple of enemy types. although fighting all the types plays out similarly due to the combat being generally easy, there are quite a few types of enemies.
    -2 destroyer types that drop cores. different spells, different weaknesses
    -2 weaker (scout and something else) types that drop scrap. they're a one shot, so are in my mind the same but i'm 99% certain there are multiple types. there might even be 3.
    -healer. rather annoying due to its tendency to hug the centries, but what can i say
    -something else in the conveyor belt that i run past
    -malfunctioning robot. this is pretty cool IMO, it drops both types of tokens, and is pleasant surprise whenever you see one, especially in the last room.
    -siege engine. it's a miniboss in the third token room, but it's sort of similar to the malfunctioning robot in the last room.
    -peons in the second rooms, and last 2 minibosses

    the first room has 3 enemies - 2 scrap enemies and malfunctioning
    the second room has 5(?) enemies - 2 destroyers, malfunctioning, and 2(?) types of peons
    the third room has 5(?) enemies - siege engine, 2 peons(?), malfunctioning, and healer
    the fourth room has 7(?) enemies - siege engine, 2 peons(?), 2 destroyers, healer, and malfunctioning. each miniboss has 2(?) enemies.

    there's also sentries but those... dont really do anything. like i said, these different types are sort of blurred together due to how quickly they die, but there are still multiple types

    h. you also completely glossed over the boss fight. it's not really hard, but it's imo pretty cool and is an interesting way to sort force you to kill the minions (would be nicer if the boss had higher hp tho)

    also one thing on the EO
    i actually find it the opposite - i can easily solo the boss but the addition of just one more person makes it a lot more stressful. the rate at which the lasers spam feels extremely oppressive to warrior and assassin (which are my current main classes) on the other hand, shaman can stand completely still during the fight and win
    one_ood likes this.
  4. Torpid

    Torpid Torpid Torpedo HERO

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    do most people agree that EO is good?
    one_ood and Iboju like this.
  5. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    Sewers definitely is a terrible first dungeon. There's nothing really "cool" about it, and when going through it with friends that were new to the game, they often felt lost and/or confused. And everyone else has already mentioned the high token reqs.
    one_ood likes this.
  6. Iboju

    Iboju swag guy CHAMPION

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    Thats true but I think its good that its simple. Imagine a dungeon with ice barrows or galleons graveyard level gimmicks. I think DS is good considering the simplicity limitations the CT had to keep in mind when making it.
  7. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    lmao imagine saying ice barrows has a gimmick
  8. Wommby

    Wommby 2 galleons 1 lootrun CHAMPION

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    What’s a gauntlet?
  9. Iboju

    Iboju swag guy CHAMPION

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    Maybe not gimmick but you have to admit that its more complicated than DS. Imagine trying to run ice barrows with a friend who is very new to wynncraft.
  10. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    yeah i know i fucking hate decrepit sewers, ice barrows, and infested pit though lmao
  11. erset

    erset Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    UR/CUR's parkour is definitely a bit difficult whenever you have the slightest bit of connection lag.
    It usually takes me about 50 mins per run.
    Druser likes this.
  12. Torpid

    Torpid Torpid Torpedo HERO

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    big oof to you
    i once took so long to do the parkour that by the time i reached the boss, everyone else had killed him and started the dungeon again, so i start soloing the boss, and when he's on half health, everbody teleports back in because completed the dungeon again.

    it was pretty funny because i had been struggling and then they all show up and kill the boss in 10 seconds
  13. Benjin

    Benjin Famous Adventurer

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    Wha... What!? I've never done corrupted but I can finish the NORMAL one pretty easily, if it takes ages then wtf is your ping? I'm in Egypt and use the EU IP/Servers and do the parkour very easily, most of the time I fail is because human error
  14. Iboju

    Iboju swag guy CHAMPION

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    The corrupted version has a more complicated and ping heavy version, which has you click a ton of boosters. For some this can also be a bit nauseating.
    one_ood and Druser like this.
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