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Game Mechanics Raid Buffs Change Suggestions

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by EpsilonDown, Jun 30, 2021.


Raid buffs changes

  1. Yes we need it

    1 vote(s)
  2. We need it but not in this way

    4 vote(s)
  3. Current ones have no problem

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  1. EpsilonDown

    EpsilonDown Vibing to TNA theme HERO

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    Current major problem in raid buff is that it makes some builds noneexistant or too op. For example, water build is heavily favored and will always outdamage any others, and will also get better survivality (see monk I and ophanim). As a result, (crafted) spring is too dominant.

    In contrast Air/thunder builds get shit on, because things like Ophanim I,II/Seraphim III/Monk I adds tons of without that much cost.

    So my suggestion is: make each buff support more than two elements.

    Monk: Focused on EWA, since colossus is earth, batisu temple is air, and monk is water ?
    Monk I
    70->50 Agility
    40 intelligence
    100% reflection
    +30% air damage

    Monk II
    +4 mana regen
    +60 intelligence
    +75% water damage
    +50% earth damage

    Monk III
    +7 mana regen
    +100% spell damage
    +75% water damage
    +50% earth damage
    +50% air damage

    Stonewalker: just melee, looks fine for now.
    Giant: Helth
    Pestilent: it's only for poison builds so uh...

    Intrepid: I'm kinda doubtful about Intrepid because it's balanced quite strange. But I think It's focused on TFA.
    Intrepid I
    +40 dexterity
    Guardian->moved to intrepid III
    80% walk speed
    +50% thunder damage
    -12% 1st spell cost

    Intrepid II
    +75% spell damage
    +2 attack speed-> +50% melee damage
    +Saviour's Sacrifice major id

    Intrepid III
    +80 dexterity
    +50 agility
    +50% fire damage
    +100% thunder damage
    Heart of pack->Guardian major id

    Ophanim: Focused on WFA, protection.
    Ophanim I
    50 agility
    +50% water damage
    +30% air damage

    Ophanim II
    300% health regen
    +50 defense
    +75% water damage
    +50% fire damage

    Cherubim: pure, neutral health and strength.
    Cherubim II
    +3000 health
    +1000 life steal
    Since Original Cherubim II was sooooo bad.

    Seraphim: Powerful, magical energy of light, focused on Thunder and Water.
    Seraphim III
    +80 dexterity (according to upcoming change)
    +100% thunder damage
    +55% spell damage

    Throne: Harnessing pure magic, making spells available even with little initial intelligence.
    Throne I
    -1 1st spell cost
    -1 3rd spell cost
    +4/4s mana steal

    Anti: Contrasting to light's power. Focused on Earth and Fire.
    Anti III
    +80 defense
    +300% sprint
    +50% fire damage
    +50% earth damage
    +50% main attack damage
    That_Chudley likes this.
  2. 182 others

    182 others Well-Known Adventurer VIP Builder

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    For Monk, I'm ambivalent if it should be EWA. If it were left away as WA, there would be a lack of offensive Earth spell upgrades in TCC, and tri elemental themed upgrades just feel weird for raid upgrade design, and I'm not really sure if the Colossus was a Monk.

    Stonewalker is broken as hell rn and while I think the concept of it is fine, it definitely needs a nerf.

    Pesti concept is fine imo, maybe the 5 ms can go to something else that reduces chances of dying, like +HP or +Defense

    Giant is ok in concept

    I think Intrepid is meant to be a TA support designed upgrade (?) though with the Major IDs it ends up leaning toward TFA anyway, and I kinda feel like removing Guard from Intrepid 1 would kinda defeat the purpose of Intrepid, which is to be TA support. I would be more open to switching up the Major IDs though as Guardian kinda requires to be tankier knowing that it redirects damage to you. I like how the tiers were changed to main attack damage as tiers is kinda e in the context of raid buffs generally (with sfast melee on it's either like you get your build fricked or you gain massive power)

    I think Ophanim as a tank orientated upgrade would probably be best having it's damages replaced, for Oph 1 maybe like +3500 Health, and for Oph 2 like 75% Walk Speed.

    Cherubim honestly sounds like an all rounder themed upgrade for me personally, or maybe you can say somewhere between an offensive/defensive upgrade, I guess the concept of what it should be can be argued but I personally think it should be an all rounder upgrade/some upgrade that's between offensive/defensive.

    Seraphim's concept is fine, maybe a bit weak in terms of balance though that can also be argued.

    I'm not very much a fan of Throne's design due to how mana in raid upgrades is already not really a good thing, especially not mana batteries (Eg, you build under optimal mana and want to use Throne to get acceptable mana, but if you don't you're literally fricked), I personally think Throne could be cool as an Air spell option, as it kind of does sound like one already.

    Anti being EF could work, in terms of how offensive/defensive it should be can probably be argued, though I feel like it should be mainly defensive and very slightly offensive.

    Also on a semi-unrelated note, if we're going to talk about raid buff changes, I feel like it would be cool to have certain downsides on certain upgrades, as it would amplify the amount of concepts for raid buffs possible.

    Edit: Some stuff was discussed around Wynn discord, and we kind of agreed of Anti being offensive melee while Cherubim is the Semi Defensive/Semi Offensive of archetypes. Whether Throne was fine or not wasn't really fully resolved yet but I personally think its concept should get changed as mana batteries for raid upgrades will never leverage as much as the other raid upgrades, unless you build 0 mana, but you have the chance to get fucked in the ass so it's really dangerous to do that
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2021
    Bart (MC) likes this.
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