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Quest: Cult Of The Shrooms Lv.89 (updated)

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by blank1234567890, Dec 14, 2018.


Is this a good quest idea

  1. Yes

    2 vote(s)
  2. Maby

    6 vote(s)
  3. Fuck no ive had enough to do with that stoner

    6 vote(s)
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  1. blank1234567890

    blank1234567890 Lorekeeper

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    Green is npc text
    Red is coordinates/hints

    Cult Of The Shrooms
    Max level 89

    Go behind the house in Efilim at X: -1054 Z: -5012 and talk to "Sam'S'toner" and his friend

    [Sam]: Hey man, who are you, you should not be here....
    [Lexi]: Sam this is the guy who helped our supplier Yahya.
    [Lexi]:Don't worry man, he's peace and love dude!
    [Sam]:If he's all peace and love maby he can help us in our raid?
    [Lexi]:Ok, heres the deal man, we-
    [Sam]:Uhhh, you should not say...
    [Lexi]:Should we not tell him and never get our,
    [Lexi]:"Wynn Gold''
    [Sam]:Well you just told him the name of the shrooms idoit,
    [Sam]:Now hes in too deep!
    [Lexi]:Go to Yahyas house, hes our dealer man, just go into
    [Lexi]:His basement and all shall come into play

    Quest book has been updated:
    Go to Yahyas house in the NorthWest Navila forest and investigate his house

    Now you enter Yahyas house and go to his addict to find a peice of paper,

    When not doing quest:

    [Crinkled up note]: You cant read the messy wynnic

    When your doing the quest:

    [Yahyas Note]:Reminder: tell Corkus customer too mind his own busniess and feathers!

    Quest book has been updated:
    Go to the Avos village on Corkus island and investigate its northren area

    The exact house is this one here: https://map.wynncraft.com/#/-1669/64/-3465/max/Wynncraft - overworld/Wynncraft World

    Before talking doing quest talking to Avos:

    [Avos]:Hey kid want some shrooms and fun?, jump into my house!

    You get creeped out and consider leaving the area

    [While on Quest]

    [Avos]:Hey kid, why are you in here right before i snort this stuff!
    [Avos]:Ah, you found Yahyas not eh?
    [Avos]:Well, I will call him down too talk too you.
    [Avos]:Yahya!, GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!
    [Yahya]:Eh, what the hell is going on, oh its [Playername]...
    [Yahya]:Ugh, Ill explain, Im not a dumb old stoner who lives in
    [Yahya]:In the woods, I am part of somthing much greater...
    [Avos Stoner]:You sure you want too spoil whats happening to the kid?
    [Yahya]:Yes, ok [PlayerName] just go here and get us some somthing,
    [Yahya]:Find us [1x Wynn Gold Shroom] and meet us at the chained house!
    [Yahya]:Well what time are you wasting!, Go too the location in your book!
    [Yahya]:And then meet us at the chained house in the Canyon Of The Lost!

    Quest Book updated:

    Go too the windmill in the westren side of shelchar and grab [1x Wynn Gold Shroom]

    outside the widmill will be 2 guards you have too talk too

    Before starting quest:

    [Hero]:Nothing too see here, move along...
    [Win]:Come on move kid, this is Wynn provincial business

    Once you start the quest:

    [Hero]:Hey, Win, whos this person standing infront of us?
    [Win]:I don't know, but I kind of like the looks of him!
    [Hero]: We can't just let him go inside there!
    Win glares at Hero about his comment

    [Hero]:Ugh fine, it's a public building so you may pass, just,
    [Hero]:PLEASE do not touch anything!
    The guards surprisingly let you in

    At this point your supposed too jump down the well inside the widmill,
    it leads into a large cavern that just seems too go forever

    Halfway through the cave you would get these messages

    [Mysterious Voices]:All hail the holy lord above us,
    [Mysterious Voices]:May we contact the lord through the Gold
    Finally once your through the long section of the cave you would
    see 7 mobs, before turning hostile you get this message

    [Peppered Follower]:BroThErs-A-a-Un-BelIvEr-Grab-IT

    Heres the mobs for ya

    theres 6

    Peppered Cult Followers

    25000 hp

    300-500 Damage

    Air, Water, Earth, Thunder def

    And The Boss fight

    Selchar Cult Leader

    100000 hp

    1000-1500 damage

    Water, Earth, Thunder, Fire def

    Spells: Meteoright, Teleport, Arrow Storm

    Drops + 1x [Wynn Gold Shroom]

    After killing the Selchar Cult Leader and leaving the caves the quest book updates

    Quest Book updated:
    Go too x: 590 Z: -5297 and meet Yahya at the chained house

    Yahya takes the wynn gold shroom too make sure its you

    [Avos]:Hey look at whos here!
    [Yahya]:Well looks like [PlayerName] is here,
    [Yahya]:Welcome to the cult of Peppered, well at least our part of it...
    [Lexi]:Were a subgroup originating out of wynns Bovimest Church.
    [Sam]:We use the shrooms to communicate with the holy Peppered...
    [Yahya]:There, thats why we act so stupid all the time,
    [Yahya]:Its because were communicating with the holy one.
    [Yahya]:Now we will show you the truth!
    [Yahya] hands you a shroom and you black out-waking up infront of his house
    K-K-Id, Get OuT of My ShroOm LanD Or FAcE Me....

    Quest finished: +100,232 Exp, + 1x Wynn Gold Shroom, + 1x Peppered Shroom, + 1.5 LE

    Peppered Shroom


    Max level 89

    Agility Min:13
    Defence Min:23
    Delixerity Min:7
    Intelligence Min:3

    +666 Hp
    +5% Earth Damage
    +5% Air Damage
    +5% Thunder Damage
    +5% Water Damage

    -666% Fire Damage
    +50% Reflection
    +1/4 Mana Regeneration
    +Gives Nausea when worn

    The weird effects this mushroom shaped helmet gives you
    makes you wonder if its not a ancient artifact but instead a
    giant mushroom that makes you stoned.


    Wynn Gold Shroom


    Max level 89

    Agility Minimum 25

    +500 Hp
    +3/4 Mana Regen
    +50% Walkspeed
    +Gives Nausea when worn

    Unique Item

    The whole goal of this quest is to provide information about the Cult Of Peppered and too provide some information on Yahya and his entire drug circle of buyers. Now im unsure if the Cult Of Peppered is still
    cannon wynn lore, last time I asked it was but im unsure on if it got removed. Remember too leave feedback on how I can improve the quest!

    Update: Removed a bunch of the references due too them probably being inappropriate

    Last edited: Dec 15, 2018
  2. tortellini

    tortellini spoopy noodle VIP+

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    I like how you named him sam s toner, but it's in Elfihim and Yahya is in nivla like I know theres scrolls but no one wants to go through that
  3. Wynnooblet

    Wynnooblet Slayer of Useless Threads VIP+

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    Basically a fetch quest, how about there’s a fort or something nearby where you have to break in, and you can choose to either sneak in or go loud.
    euouae, H0Y, Twilo101 and 1 other person like this.
  4. blank1234567890

    blank1234567890 Lorekeeper

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    Ill definetly edit it so its better
  5. blank1234567890

    blank1234567890 Lorekeeper

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    bump to see if this stays alive
  6. Twilo101

    Twilo101 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Would be funny to see more about those mushrooms, but as of right now it just looks like a fetch quest. Also, while it has nothing to do with the quest itself, reading that broken English hurt
  7. H0Y

    H0Y H0Y HERO

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    Ouch my eyes
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