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Game Mechanics QOL Changes [Wackolo Megathread]

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Wackolo, Sep 10, 2022.


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  1. Wackolo

    Wackolo the converger CHAMPION

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    Hey there, just some QOL changes and additions to improve certain upgrades / mechanics.

    • Radiance Recolours Boiling Blood to Gold
    This would help inform the player when Radiance activates, improving informational clarity. Maybe have a gradient from gold > orange > red to include the blood design with a corrupt holy aesthetic.
    • Collide increases Flying Kick Damage
    Collide is a poor performing upgrade, where most people avoid it. Give it a minor boost to Flying Kick to incentivize Charge more in combat.
    • Improve Aerodynamic velocity to match base Charge.
    For some reason, Aerodynamics feels slightly slower than charge. Please increase the velocity a fraction.
    • Increase the upward mobility for Charge
    Please give charge a 0.5 block boost in going up. Warriors struggle with vertical mobility, where Whirlwind Strike is almost mandatory to span slopes.


    • Fix the Descriptor for Marked to say it only improves your attacks
    • Allow allies to deal a percentage bonus damage.
    Due to misleading information, I held the assumption marks increased the damage a mob took from all incoming sources, (when in fact it doesn't). Please change this to say whether it only increases yours, or allow allies to deal bonus damage with halved effectiveness (35% Increased Damage for Allies)
    • Give Synergy for Blade Fury with Backstab
    • Restrict Blade Fury if you have Backstab
    Blade Fury does not interact with Shadestepper at all, even though it is very accessible and can mislead people in picking it up. Maybe give it a brief stun, with the notion that 'Your attack is so fast it stuns the enemy, or straight up restrict Blade Fury if you have Backstab.
    • Death Magnet pulls when you enter Vanish
    Death Magnet is frankly a terrible upgrade, one of two direct downgrades (Flying Kick used to be the second). Death Magnet significantly increases risk for little to no rewards / utility. When you leave Vanish, it could change the trajectory for your backstabs, and lead you to an unwarranted grave.
    My suggestion is to pull Marked enemies at the start of Vanish, and make it so it either resets Mark duration, or adds 1 additional Mark to incentivize taking the upgrade, instead of avoiding it. Thank you


    • Improve Twain’s Arc Accessibility & Damage
    Twain's Arc is in a strange position. It singlehandedly captures my heart for Archer; however, the Sharpshooter archetype stands behind its sidelong counterparts - Boltslinger and Trapper - with the situational and low rewarding ability; Twain’s Arc.

    Sharpshooter diverges significantly from the original 1.20 Archer feel. You must take time to place your shots, and further yourself from the enemy to gain Focus, and obviously, to avoid getting hit.

    Wynn's foundational worldbuilding does not particularly strike as an 'open firing range'. The gameplay that of a Sniper has little to no precedence in Wynncraft historically and is therefore not really designed to fit in the world. It feels as if it fell under an obligatory cloud of 'ranged attacker' and were just plopped in the archer tree, with little understanding how a Sniper could systematically work.

    What exactly is an example scenario where you can effectively use Twain’s Arc?

    In my experience, it is best to have an ally to gain the attention of a Boss specifically, where the Sharpshooter has free reign on their destructive Arcs.
    ...so about 1% of the lifetime of the class.

    I feel as if it should be made more versatile in combat and be more of an iconic centrepiece in Sharpshooters kit.

    Let's first look at how Twain's Arc interacts.
    You must have 2 or more Focus to charge up a 64-block range beam when shifting.

    It is my belief that Twain’s Arc should be made more accessible and powerful. My idea is for Twain’s Arc to eclipse Arrow Shield and utilize a cooldown for its significant upgrade. Furthermore, it doesn't require you to be stationary to fire, where Twain's Arc replaces your main attack instead of being its own separate thing.

    Holding Shift for 2 seconds will Charge Twain’s Arc. Your next Main Attack is replaced with a destructive beam, reaching 64 blocks and dealing 600% Neutral Damage. (5s Shared Cooldown)
    Casting Arrow Shield will consume all charges to ready an empowered Twain’s Arc, each charge increasing its power by 80% (5s +0.5s/Charge Shared Cooldown)

    This allows Arrow Shield to not only benefit Twain’s Arc, but also be a way to activate it, increasing its accessibility, and providing much needed damage to its pitiful 200% Main Attack conversion. Seriously, 200% damage is not worth being a sitting duck.

    I'll be returning to this thread every now and again and make sure that QOL is given in 2.0. Thanks for reading, have a good day.
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2022
  2. Daktota

    Daktota Daktota The Rock Enthusiast HERO

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    Rocking thread
  3. Linnyflower

    Linnyflower ironman btw Item Team HICH Master CHAMPION

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    acrobat spins move you based on the direction you are strafing in..
  4. Wackolo

    Wackolo the converger CHAMPION

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    +bump 10char
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